Running unix scipt with DBMS_SCHEDULER

I am trying to test unix script with DBMS_SCHEDULER.
SCHEDULAR execute the script without any error messgae if my job_action is "/tmp/test.ksh".
But if I am providing command line argument to script in job_acrion (/tmp/test.ksh -F), it gives follwing error message.
ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: No such file or directory
job_name => 'test_unix_script',
job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
job_action => '/tmp/test.ksh',
job_class => 'DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS',
enabled => FALSE,
auto_drop => FALSE,
comments => 'test_unix_script.'
and my script test script is
echo SUCCESS > /tmp/test_out
while getopts :F opt
case $opt in
F) f_force=y ;;
?) echo Invalid option
return 1 ;;
if [[ $f_force = "n" ]] ; then
echo "Are you sure you want to continue (y/n) ? \c"
read x
if [[ `echo $x | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` != "y" ]] ; then
return 1
echo SUCCESS >> /tmp/test_out
I don't want use "dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value".
Please confirm if we can pass command line argument to job_acrion. If yes, How we can pass command line argument in DBMS_SCHEDULER?

The error the Scheduler is throwing is accurate. It is looking for a file called "/tmp/test.ksh -F" and not finding it.
What you want to do is leave the job action as "/tmp/test.ksh" and set number of arguments=>1
then call
and then enable the job.
This will correctly pass "-F" in as an argument and not part of the executable name (remember that executable names can have spaces in them).
Hope this helps,
PS Also note that the Scheduler has its own forum

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    Dear Friends,
    I have to execute the below unix command through java program.
    *ps -ewwo pid,args | grep -E "|xyz.jar" | gawk '{ print $1 }' | wc -l*
    My code to execute this command is,
    Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
    File workDir = new File("/root/sat");
    String psCmd = "ps -ewwo pid,args | grep -E \"|xyz.jar \" | gawk '{ print $1 }' | wc -l";
    Process process = run.exec(psCmd, null, workDir);
              String line;
              int i = process.waitFor() ;
              if(i == 0) {
              BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( process.getInputStream() ) ) ;
              while ( ( line = buf.readLine() ) != null )
                   System.out.println("Line - ["+line+"]") ;
              } else {
                   BufferedReader stdErr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()));
                   // read the output from the command
                   while ((line = stdErr.readLine()) != null) {
                   }When i execute this command, i'm getting output as,
    ERROR: Garbage option.
    When i analyse the above error, i found that, the PIPE ( | ) command is not supported through java.
    Could anyone please help me how to execute the above unix command (with | ) in java?
    Thanks in advance,

    The pipe has to be interpreted by a shell so you need
    String[] psCmd =
        "ps -ewwo pid,args | grep -E \"|xyz.jar \" | gawk '{ print $1 }' | wc -l"
    Process process = run.exec(psCmd, null, workDir);You should also read, re-read and then implement the recommendations in the 4 sections of .

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    Hope this makes sense!
    Many thanks!

    I'm running both applications as the same user. All other aspects of the application and code work perfectly - just running that script using the Runtime method.
    Basically, everything is exactly the same between to the two machines - only the difference in OS version.
    I'm guessing that it well may be a Linux problem, sorry if this is the wrong forum. I'm just at a complete loss with this!

  • Guide to External Jobs on 10g with dbms_scheduler e.g. scripts,batch files

    NOTE: Users using 11g should use the new method of specifying a credential which eliminates many of the issues mentioned in this note.
    This guide covers several common questions and problems encountered when using
    dbms_scheduler to run external jobs, either on Windows or on UNIX.
    What operating system (OS) user does the job run as ?
    External jobs which have a credential (available in 11g) run as the user
    specified in the credential. But for jobs without credentials including
    all jobs in 10gR1 and 10gR2 there are several cases.
    - On UNIX systems, in releases including and after there is a file $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora . All external jobs not in the SYS schema and with no credential run as the user and group specified in this file. This should be nobody:nobody by default.
    - On UNIX systems, in releases prior to there was no "externaljob.ora" file. In this case all external jobs not in the SYS schema and with no credential run as the owner and group of the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/extjob file which should be setuid and setgid. By default extjob is owned by nobody:nobody except for oracle-xe where it is owned by oracle:oraclegroup and is not setuid/setgid.
    - On Windows, external jobs not in the SYS schema and with no credential run as the user that the OracleJobScheduler Windows service runs as. This service must be started before these jobs can run.
    - In all releases on both Windows and UNIX systems, external jobs in the SYS schema without a credential run as the oracle user.
    What errors are reported in SCHEDULERJOB_RUN_DETAILS views ?
    If a job fails, the first place to look for diagnostic information is the SCHEDULERJOB_RUN_DETAILS set of views. In 10gR2 and up the first 200 characters of the standard error stream is included in the additional_info column.
    In all releases, the error number returned by the job is converted into a
    system error message (e.g. errno.h on UNIX or net helpmsg on Windows) and that
    system error message is recorded in the additional info column. If there is no
    corresponding message the number is displayed.
    In 11g and up the error number returned by the job is additionally recorded in
    the error# column. In earlier releases 27369 would always be recorded in the
    error# column.
    Generic Issues Applicable to UNIX and Windows
    - The job action (script or executable) must return 0 or the job run will be marked as failed.
    - Always use the full pathname to executables and scripts.
    - Do not count on environment variables being set in your job. Make sure that the script or executable that your jobs runs sets all required environment variables including ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, PATH etc.
    - It is not recommended to pass in a complete command line including arguments as the action. Instead it is recommended to pass in only the path to and name of the executable and to pass in arguments as job argument values.
    - Scripts with special characters in the execution path or script name may give problems.
    - Ensure that the OS user your job runs as has the required privileges/permissions to run your job. See above for how to tell who the job runs as.
    - External job actions cannot contain redirection operators e.g. > < >> | && ||
    - In general try getting a simple external job working first e.g. /bin/echo or ipconfig.exe on Windows. Also try running the job action directly from the commandline as the OS user that the job will run as.
    Windows-specific Issues
    - The OracleJobScheduler Windows service must be started before external jobs will run (except for jobs in the SYS schema and jobs with credentials).
    - The user that the OracleJobScheduler Windows service runs as must have the "Log on as batch job" Windows privilege.
    - A batch file (ending in .bat) cannot be called directly by the Scheduler. Instead cmd.exe must be used and the name of the batch file passed in as an argument. For example
       job_type=>'executable', enabled=>false);
    /- In 10gR1 external jobs that wrote to standard output or standard error streams would sometimes return errors. Redirect to files or suppress all output and error messages when using 10gR1 to run external jobs.
    UNIX-specific Issues
    - When running scripts, make sure that the executable bit is set.
    - When running scripts directly, make sure that the first line of the script in a valid shebang line - starting with "#!" and containing the interpreter for the script.
    - In release, jobs creating a large amount of standard error text may hang when running (this was fixed in the first patchset). If you are seeing this issue, redirect standard error to a file in your job. This issue has been seen when running the expdp utility which may produce large amounts of standard error text.
    - the user that the job runs as (see above section) must have execute access on $ORACLE_HOME/bin and all parent directories. If this is not the case the job may be reported as failed or hang in a running state. For example if your $ORACLE_HOME is /opt/oracle/db then you would have to make sure that
    chmod a+rx /opt
    chmod a+rx /opt/oracle
    chmod a+rx /opt/oracle/db
    chmod a+rx /opt/oracle/db/bin
    - On oracle-xe, the primary group of your oracle user (if it exists) must be dba before you install oracle-xe for external jobs to work. If you have an oracle user from a regular Oracle installation it may have the primary group set to oinstall.
    - On oracle-xe, the extjobo executable is missing so external jobs in the SYS schema will not work properly. This can be fixed by copying the extjob executable to extjobo in the same directory ($ORACLE_HOME/bin).
    - Check that correct permissions are set for external job files - extjob and externaljob.ora (see below)
    Correct permissions for extjob and externaljob.ora on UNIX
    There is some confusion as to what correct permissions are for external job related files.
    In 10gR1 and :
    - rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora should not exist
    - bin/extjob should be setuid and setgid 6550 (r-sr-s---). It should be owned by the user that jobs should run as and by the group that jobs should run as.
    - bin/extjobo should have normal 755 (rwxr-xr-x) permissions and be owned by oracle:oraclegroup
    In and higher
    - rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora file must must be owned by root:oraclegroup and be writable only by the owner i.e. 644 (rw-r--r--) It must contain at least two lines: one specifying the run-user and one specifying the run-group.
    - bin/extjob file must be also owned by root:oraclegroup but must be setuid i.e. 4750 (-rwsr-x---)
    - bin/extjobo should have normal 755 (rwxr-xr-x) permissions and be owned by oracle:oraclegroup
    In 11g and higher
    Same as but additionally bin/jssu should exist with root setuid
    permissions i.e. owned by root:oraclegroup with 4750 (-rwsr-x---)
    Internal Error numbers for UNIX on or or higher
    If you are not using a credential and are using version or higher or or higher you may come across an internal error number. Here are the meanings for the internal error numbers.
    274661 - can't get owner of or permissions of externaljob.ora file
    274662 - not running as root or externaljob.ora file is writable by group or other or externaljob.ora file not owned by root (can't switch user)
    274663 - setting the group or effective group failed
    274664 - setting the user or effective user failed
    274665 - a user or group id was not changed successfully
    274666 - cannot access or open externaljob.ora file
    274667 - invalid run_user specified in externaljob.ora file
    274668 - invalid run_group specified in externaljob.ora file
    274669 - error parsing externaljob.ora file
    274670 - extjobo is running as root user or group

    Hi Ravi,
    Can you help me...
    Hi All,
    I planned to create a job to do rman backup daily at 04:00 AM.
    1. I created a program as follows
    program_name => 'rman_backup_prg',
    program_action => '/u02/rmanback/',
    program_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
    comments => 'RMAN BACKUP');
    my rman script is
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
    export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin
    /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/exp rman/cat@catdb file=/u02/rmanback/rm
    an_220108.dmp log=/u02/rmanback/rman_220108.log owner=rman statistics=none comp
    ress=n buffer=400000
    compress *.dmp
    2. I created a schedule as follows
    schedule_name => 'rman_backup_schedule',
    start_date => SYSTIMESTAMP,
    end_date => '31-DEC-16 05.00.00 AM',
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY; BYHOUR=4',
    comments => 'Every day at 4 am');
    3. I created ajob as follows.
    job_name => 'rman_backup_job',
    program_name => 'rman_backup_prg',
    schedule_name => 'rman_backup_schedule',
    enabled=> true,
    auto_drop=> false
    While I am running the job I am getting the following error anybody help me.
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Not owner
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 150
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 441
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    If I removed "compress *.dmp" line in rman script it is working fine.
    /* additional Info from dba_scheduler_job_run_details as follows */
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: Not owner
    Export: Release - Production on Tue Jan 22 14:30:08 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Release - Production

  • Executing a shell script with DBMS_SCHEDULER

    when I execute a shell script with DBMS_SCHEDULER this doesn't works correctly
    job_name => 'job_AR',
    job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
    job_action => '/home/crm/crmdw/AR/',
    enabled => TRUE,
    start_date => systimestamp,
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15',
    comments => 'Test Job AR'
    END;Inside the shell script there is a code who call a Hierarchy of process,
    if I executed it manually or with a cron, it works perfectly
    but when I execute it with the job that I've described before it's executes
    all process at same time and it doesn't work.
    What can I do to fix the issue,
    any Ideas?
    Thanks in advanced...

    echo $1
    echo "I am in Unix"
    exit 0
    chmod 755 test_dbms_scheduler.ksh
    Create or replace procedure test_dbms_scheduler
    v_text varchar2(255) := 'Parameter passed from Oracle to Unix';
    dbms_output.put_line("I am in Procedure");
    start_date => SYSDATE,
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=SECONDLY; INTERVAL=1',
    auto_drop => TRUE,
    comments=> 'Run shell-script test_dbms_scheduler.ksh');
    dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name =>'test_dbms_scheduler', argument_position => 1, argument_value => v_text);
    dbms_output.put_line("I am back in Procedure");
    when others then
    set serveroutput on
    exec test_dbms_scheduler;

  • Creating backup Job with DBMS_SCHEDULER

    Can someone please help me out here:
    I'm using Oracle10g release 1 on windowsXP
    I'm trying to create a backup job with dbms_scheduler and it's not working.
    This is what I did:
    I created a job as follows:
    dbms_scheduler.create_job (
    job_name => 'RMAN_FULL',
    job_type => 'EXCUTABLE',
    job_action => 'E:\wkdir\rman_bkp',
    enabled => TRUE,
    start_date => '24-NOV-2007 2:10:00 PM',
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=WEEKLY',
    comments => 'Full Database Backup');
    While rman_bkp is an RMAN command but it wasn't working.
    Please where do I get it wrong?
    Kindly put me through the EXECUTABLE or should I use PL/SQL_BLOCK and how?

    There is a guide to running external jobs using the Scheduler here
    Guide to External Jobs on 10g with dbms_scheduler e.g. scripts,batch files
    You need to use the full path to a real Windows executable and the arguments to it e.g. for a batch script you would have to do something like
    c:\windows\cmd.exe /q /c c:\myscript.bat
    There is a forum dedicated to the Scheduler here
    Hope this helps,

  • Error while running UNIX SSH Scheduler in OIM11gR2

    I have installed Unix connector: GenericUnix- for SSH target reconciliation. When I run Unix full reconciliation, then I get below error in console:
    [2014-01-26T23:49:05.212-08:00] [oim_server1] [WARNING] [] [oracle.iam.scheduler.vo] [tid: OIMQuartzScheduler_Worker-5] [userId: oiminternal] [ecid: 0000KExsGEI2ZNK5qVCCyY1IsBm7000002,1:23348] [APP: oim#] IAM-1020021 Unable to execute job : UNIX Target Resource Full User Reconciliation with Job History Id:22276[[
    oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.exceptions.IntegrationException: Can't read from URL [file://app/oracle/product/iampoc/11.1.2/IAM/server/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/SSH/config/id_rsa]
            at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.service.oim9.OIM9Configuration$ConfigurationHandler$LoadFromURLTagHandler.handle(
            at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.service.oim9.OIM9Configuration$ConfigurationHandler.process(
            at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.service.oim9.OIM9Configuration.getConfiguration(
            at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.ResourceConfig.<init>(
            at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.service.oim9.OIM9Configuration.getResourceConfig(
            at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.service.oim11.OIM11Configuration.getResourceConfig(
            at oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.recon.AbstractReconTask.init(
            at com.thortech.xl.scheduler.tasks.SchedulerBaseTask.execute(
            at oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.TaskSupport.invokeExecute(
            at oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.TaskSupport.access$000(
            at oracle.iam.scheduler.vo.TaskSupport$1.processWithoutResult(
    Have anybody has encountered such error? OIm version is 11gR2, implementing SSH passwordless ssh connection.

    Similar kind of issue people have found in People Soft connectors.
    FYI :
    The solution in PSFT connector was "You must specify the appropriate path for PeopleSoftComponentInterfaces.xml file Lookup.PSFT.Configuration reference."
    In the similar way, please read the documentation present in Unix connector and see whether you have missed anything?

  • Button process with DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job

    I need to execute the DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job on click of a button .
    I tried creating a process (On submit) with DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job('JOBNAME')
    when i tried executing directly in db there is no problem, but when i create the process in apex i am running into the following error
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 19: PLS-00222: no function with name 'RUN_JOB' exists in this scope ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Anybody have tried this before?? is there a way around or am i getting this wrong?

    I had to specify the current session state while executing the scheduler job
    In my case i made it false
    -- Run job synchronously.
    DBMS_SCHEDULER.run_job (job_name => 'JobName',
    use_current_session => FALSE);

  • Running unix command using java shows error

    Hi All,
    I am trying to run UNIX move command using Java exec method but its throwing error, unable to rename. Here below is the code i am trying to run to move all files from one directory to another directory. source and destination directory exists.
    public class Demo
        public static void main(String args[])
                Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                Process proc = rt.exec("mv /home/demo1/* /home/demo2");
                int exitVal = proc.waitFor();
                System.out.println("Process exitValue: " + exitVal);
            } catch (Throwable t)
    }if i give "mv /home/demo1 /home/demo2" in exec method, its working, with * character its giving problem.
    Please help me in resolving the problem.
    Thank you

    Characters like *, >, &, |, etc. are interpreted by the command shell--that is by the bash, zsh, etc. programs. When you execute a command with ProcessBuilder or Runtime.exec, you're not going through one of those shells, so their interpretation of those characters is not available.
    In your code, the character * is being delivered directly to the mv command (which doesn't think * is anything special), as opposed to being turned into a list of files and directories as it would be when it's interpreted by the shell. The mv command doesn't know anything about the * character being special.
    If you want to have those shell interpretations, you need to execute the command through a shell. One example is like so, but a) you'll want to read up on the methods in exec() that take arrays of String, and b) you'll want to read up on ProcessBuilder, and c) you'll need to check your shell's man pages to see the exact syntax and arguments.
    runtime.exec("/bin/bash -c 'mv x/* y'");

  • Running Unix Command from WEB-APPLICATION

    Hi all,
    I want to run unix command from a java-based web application. the basic code part is this ---
    public class RunCommand
          public String runIt()
              String s = null, returnString = "";
              Process p=null;
                       Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                  p = rt.exec("sh testPOC.ksh");
                  BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new
                  BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new
                  // read the output from the command
                  returnString += "Here is the standard output of the command:<br>";
                  while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
                      returnString += s;
                  // read any errors from the attempted command
                  returnString += "Here is the standard error of the command (if any): <br>";
                  while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
                      returnString += s;
              catch (IOException e)
                  returnString += "exception happened - here's what I know: ";
                  returnString += "error-> " + e.getMessage();
              catch(Exception e)
                returnString += "exception happened - here's what I know: ";
                  returnString += "error-> " + e.getMessage();
              return returnString;
      }this class is kept as an inner class. The control comes to its outer class, from servlet, from which the runit() is called. but the exception is occuring at line of p=rt.exec(.....). it tells "<command name> : not found transaction completed" [got this using getMessage() method].
    i am unable to show(and see, too) the stacktrace, because i don't have access to that test environment and its log. i can't run this in local because its windows one.
    now can anyone tell me, where is the problem. is there any limitation in web application server/container? this was successful when i used command prompt writing a .java file. Please help me. Thanks in advance...

    Friends, i've got, where the problem is.
    when we run a class file directly from a command prompt, we get an environment with that shell window. but for a servlet application running these kind of commands from a class creates kind of child processes. each and every command is executed as a child process of jvm and don't get those environment. we have 'PATH' variable in the environment. when a command (say, 'dir' or 'sh' or 'ls', etc.) is executed, the shell first search for that executable file (i.e. dir / sh / ls) in the given paths in the variable 'PATH'. this is not available for the child commands of jvm. hence the basic commands are searched in the current directory of the jvm and they are failed.
    i solved the problem giving full path of the commands. like :
    p = rt.exec("/bin/sh runningScript.ksh")

  • Using Unix tools with Oracle on Windows

    I currently have an Oracle database installed on Windows, but would like to use Unix scripting tools and commands when connecting with my database.
    Can anyone advise a good way to configure my system so that I can connect to my database from a Unix-like system?
    Thanks in advance!

    If getting a unix like system installed is not feasible (or is not an option), use this:
    This is not exactly like running unix tools against the Oracle db, but allows you access to unix type shell for almost all of your unix shell scripting needs.
    Message was edited by:
    Kamal Kishore

  • How to run the job using DBMS_SCHEDULER

    How to run the job using DBMS_SCHEDULER
    pleas give some sample Iam very new to DBMS_SCHEDULER

    In Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package is replaced by the DBMS_SCHEDULER package. The DBMS_JOB package is now depricated and in Oracle 10g it's only provided for backward compatibility. From Oracle 10g the DBMS_JOB package should not be used any more, because is could not exist in a future version of Oracle.
    With DBMS_SCHEDULER Oracle procedures and functions can be executed. Also binary and shell-scripts can be scheduled.
    If you have DBA rights you can do all the scheduling. For administering job scheduling you need the privileges belonging to the SCHEDULER_ADMIN role. To create and run jobs in your own schedule you need the 'CREATE JOB' privilege.
    With DBMS_JOB you needed to set an initialization parameter to start a job coordinator background process. With Oracle 10g DBMS_SCHEDULER this is not needed any more.
    If you want to user resource plans and/or consumer groups you need to set a system parameter:
    Baisc Parts: Job
    A job instructs the scheduler to run a specific program at a specific time on a specific date.
    A program contains the code (or reference to the code ) that needs to be run to accomplish a task. It also contains parameters that should be passed to the program at runtime. And it?s an independent object that can referenced by many jobs
    A schedule contains a start date, an optional end date, and repeat interval with these elements; an execution schedule can be calculated.
    A window identifies a recurring block of time during which a specific resource plan should be enabled to govern resource allocation for the database.
    Job groups
    A job group is a logical method of classifying jobs with similar characteristics.
    Window groups
    A window groups is a logical method of grouping windows. They simplify the management of windows by allowing the members of the group to be manipulated as one object. Unlike job groups, window groups don?t set default characteristics for windows that belong to the group.
    Using Job Scheduler
    SQL> drop table emp;
    SQL> Create table emp (eno int, esal int);
    SQL > begin
    dbms_scheduler.create_job (
    job_name => 'test_abc',
    job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
    job_action => 'update emp set esal=esal*10 ;',
    start_date => SYSDATE,
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY; INTERVAL=10',
    comments => 'Iam tesing scheduler');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    To verify that job was created, the DBA | ALL | USER_SCHEDULER_JOBS view can be queried.
    SQL> select job_name,enabled,run_count from user_scheduler_jobs;
    TEST_abc FALSE 0
    Note :
    As you can see from the results, the job was indeed created, but is not enabled because the ENABLE attribute was not explicitly set in the CREATE_JOB procedure.
    Run your job
    SQL> begin
    2 dbms_scheduler.run_job('TEST_abc',TRUE);
    3* end;
    SQL> /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select job_name,enabled,run_count from user_scheduler_jobs;
    Copying Jobs
    SQL> begin
    2 dbms_scheduler.copy_job('TEST_ABC','NEW_TEST_ABC');
    3 END;
    4 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Hope it will help you upto some level..!!

  • How to protect an application running on IIS with OAM 11gR2

    Hello Gurus,
    I have a question regarding protecting an application running on IIS with OAM 11gR2. We have an OHS server running and all the requests from the users are coming to this OHS server webgate for them to login using the SSO login page. These is all solaris. I am protecting other applications like pplsoft moduels with this OHS instance and OAM server. There is another application that I need to protect which is itself running on IIS windows machine. I need guidance as to -
    1.) Do I need to install a windows version of webgate to protect this IIS based application?
    2.) Or I can still protect and proxy requests from this application to current OHS instance? How can I do this?
    3.) Or Do I need to proxy requests directly from IIS to OAM weblogic server?
    Please advise to the earliest as this is an urgent issue.
    Thanks !!

    From your description it is not clear how exactly architecture looks like
    We have an OHS server running and all the requests from the users are coming to this OHS server webgate for them to login using the SSO login page.
    is this OHS centralized login farm ? (Case 1)
    OR is this OHS server (with webgate) acting as virtual web server hosting multiple web sites so that request to any site passes through this OHS/webgate (Case 2)
    1.) Do I need to install a windows version of webgate to protect this IIS based application?
    If case 1 then you need to install 10g webgate on top of IIS server to protect this application
    If case 2 then you can just proxy request from OHS to IIS server. As every request passes through OHS user will be authenticated before request hits IIS
    Look at Product documentation for virtual web sites :
    It has steps to protect virtual web sites.
    Also you need to make sure no one hits IIIS web sites directly.
    Hope this helps

  • OCDM  - Sample Report Installation issue - Runs too longer with No progress

    As a part of OCDM environment setup for Practice we were successful installing following :
    * Supported Enterprise Linux
    * Oracle DB 11g R2 (OLAP & MINING option)
    * OWB was already installed as a part of Oracle DB 11gR2 - just unlocked the OWB accounts.
    * Installed OBIEE 11g R2 installation - Installation successful and able to open url's. (analytics and BI Publisher etc.) - Issue with login account.
    * Installation of Communication Data Model (First Installation type from OCDM Installer)
    When we try to install Sample Reports at same stage the screen remain open and runs too longer with No progress.
    The Installation process for OCDM Sample Reports is given in the attached doc with screenshot and the log file is also included in the attached document.
    Please let us know the following two issue:
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Amol Thite
    I think, I cant Attach the file here and character limit is 30K for the post here so putting below the few lines of Log File content:
    I can email the screen shots docs and complete log file on request if needed.
    It stuck in Configuration Assistance screen -
    After more than 1 hour the same screen – No progress – I tried 3 times but same issue. Log file also not growing and seems its waiting for some dependent thing that need to happen before it proceed.
    =====start few lines of Log File=======================================
    The file oraparam.ini could not be found at /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/bin/oraparam.ini
    Using paramFile: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/oraparam.ini
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 1027 MB Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 65536 Passed
    The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 689.
    The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 77.
    Using the umask value '022' available from oraparam.ini
    =====end few lines of Log File==================================
    INFO: Copying Aggr XML for: Oracle Communications Data Model
    INFO: The Top level Aggreage File = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/oracle.ocdm.11_2_3_0_0.xml
    INFO: deleted all the required instance files
    INFO: OUI_CAPlugIn is not found in XML
    INFO: cf session will be created for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TLAggr: oracle.ocdm instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: cf session for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TL Aggr: [oracle.ocdm] instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: aggr ref length : 2
    INFO: cf session hashcode: 22855989
    INFO: cf session saved with key: OraDb11g_home1 oracle.ocdm
    INFO: cf session is ok
    INFO: created and saved cf session for oh: OraDb11g_home1
    INFO: passing params to cf
    INFO: Handling the storing of variables for aggr name oracle.ocdm
    INFO: This variable sl_ASMSelectableDiskGroups is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_scratchPath is not added to the global context map
    INFO: exitonly tools to be excuted passed: 0
    INFO: Starting to execute configuration assistants
    INFO: Command = oracle.ocdm.OCDMCfgPlugIn /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/ ${s_dbSysPasswd}
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Starting OCDM configuration...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: OCDM configuration initialized, waiting for script response...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Receiving SYSTEM password...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Passing SYSTEM credentials to configuration script...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM credentials passed to configuration script.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM password received.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Initializing config parameteres...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Creating log folder...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: ocdm log folder exist
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Exporting config env...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Performing OWB check...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Installing OWB...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: WARNING: OWB OWNER already exists.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Archive: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/pdm/relational/sample_schema/
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: inflating: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/install_tmp/ocdm_sample.dmp
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: 2011_02_28_11_24_30 10 % complete
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Importing OCDM sample schema
    ==================end of log File ========================================

    Hi Please check my answers
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    The current OCDM version does not support BIEE 11g, so you need to install BIEE 10g. In next release(will be available soon), OCDM will support BIEE 11g.
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    The importing will take a long time, you can login database with ocdm_sample_sys/ocdm_sample_sys, and use "select count(*) from tabs;" to monitor the import process.

  • Unable to run code analysis with WDK 9926

    I am trying to run code analysis with WDK 9926 and seeing below issue? can anybody help me to resolve this ?
    C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd>msbuild.exe cht4vbd.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Windows 8.1 Debug" /P:Platform=x64 /P:RunCodeAnalysisOnce=True
    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 12.0.21005.1
    [Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.33440]
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Build started 4/7/2015 12:08:30 AM.
    Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" on node 1 (defaul
    t targets).
      Building 'cht4vbd' with toolset 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' and the 'Deskto
      p' target platform.
      Using KMDF 1.11.
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\".
      Creating directory "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\x64\Windows8.1Debug\c
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\".
      Creating "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "Always
      Create" was specified.
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\stampinf.exe -d "*" -a "amd64"
       -k "1.11" -f x64\Windows8.1Debug\chvbdx64.inf
      Copying "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\chvbdx64.inf" to "x64\Windows8.1
      Debug\chvbdx64.inf" for stamping
      Using version information from c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include
      Could not open version header file c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Inc
      lude\shared\\bldnump.h. (0x00000002)
      Could not determine version information.  Please specify using -v option.
      Updates common INF file directives
            stampinf -f filename [-s section] [-d <xx/yy/zzzz> | *]
                     -a architecture -n [-c catalogfile]
                                 [-v <w.x.y.z> | *]
                                 [-k nnnnn] [-u nnnnn]
                                 [-i path]
            -f  specifies the INF file to process
            -s  specifies the INF section to place the DriverVer= directive.  By
                default this directive is placed in the [Version] section.
            -d  specifies the date written in the DriverVer= directive.  Note that
                a '*' given for a date value means for stampinf to write the
                current date. If the date is not specified, the date is taken
                from the STAMPINF_DATE environment variable.
            -v  specifies the version written in the DriverVer= directive. Note
                that a '*' given for a version value means for stampinf to write
                the current time (  This is useful during development
                in order to get increasing version numbers. If the version is not
                specified, its value is taken from the STAMPINF_VERSION
                environment variable.
            -a  specifies the architecture string to replace the $ARCH$ keyword.
                The $ARCH$ keyword is used to tailor a TargetOSVersion decoration
                in a [Manufacturer] section, as well as its respective section
                name, to a specific platform. If no value is specified, stampinf
                takes its value from the _BuildArch environment variable.
            -c  specifies the value to be written in the CatalogFile= directive
                in the [Version] section. By default, this directive is not
            -k  specifies the version of KMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the KmdfLibraryVersion & KMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $KMDFVERSION$ and
                $KMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                As an example, supplying 1.5 as the version string will result in
                values of 1.5 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -u  specifies the version of UMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the UmdfLibraryVersion & UMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $UMDFVERSION$ and
                $UMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                (where service_version is generally zero)
                As an example, supplying 1.5.0 as the version string will result
                in values of 1.5.0 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -i  specifies the location of ntverp.h file.
                path represent the fully qualified
                location of the directory containing ntverp.h.
            -n  noisy mode shows verbose stampinf output
              -x  removes the coinstaller tag from the file and replaces the line w
      ith a ";"
            The environment variable PRIVATE_DRIVER_PACKAGE can be set to
            enable stampinf's 'developer mode' behavior. When this is
            set, the date and version used for DriverVer is set to the
            current date and time, regardless of the command line
            settings. Also, '' is written to the
            version section, unless a catalog was already specified
            with '-c'.
    c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355,5
    ): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\
    Done Building Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (de
    fault targets) -- FAILED.
    Build FAILED.
    "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (default target) (1) ->
    (StampInf target) ->
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355
    ,5): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Sr
        0 Warning(s)
        1 Error(s)
    Time Elapsed 00:00:04.07
    Thanks, Krishna

    I am trying to run code analysis with WDK 9926 and seeing below issue? can anybody help me to resolve this ?
    C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd>msbuild.exe cht4vbd.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Windows 8.1 Debug" /P:Platform=x64 /P:RunCodeAnalysisOnce=True
    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 12.0.21005.1
    [Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.33440]
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Build started 4/7/2015 12:08:30 AM.
    Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" on node 1 (defaul
    t targets).
      Building 'cht4vbd' with toolset 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' and the 'Deskto
      p' target platform.
      Using KMDF 1.11.
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\".
      Creating directory "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\x64\Windows8.1Debug\c
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\".
      Creating "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "Always
      Create" was specified.
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\stampinf.exe -d "*" -a "amd64"
       -k "1.11" -f x64\Windows8.1Debug\chvbdx64.inf
      Copying "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\chvbdx64.inf" to "x64\Windows8.1
      Debug\chvbdx64.inf" for stamping
      Using version information from c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include
      Could not open version header file c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Inc
      lude\shared\\bldnump.h. (0x00000002)
      Could not determine version information.  Please specify using -v option.
      Updates common INF file directives
            stampinf -f filename [-s section] [-d <xx/yy/zzzz> | *]
                     -a architecture -n [-c catalogfile]
                                 [-v <w.x.y.z> | *]
                                 [-k nnnnn] [-u nnnnn]
                                 [-i path]
            -f  specifies the INF file to process
            -s  specifies the INF section to place the DriverVer= directive.  By
                default this directive is placed in the [Version] section.
            -d  specifies the date written in the DriverVer= directive.  Note that
                a '*' given for a date value means for stampinf to write the
                current date. If the date is not specified, the date is taken
                from the STAMPINF_DATE environment variable.
            -v  specifies the version written in the DriverVer= directive. Note
                that a '*' given for a version value means for stampinf to write
                the current time (  This is useful during development
                in order to get increasing version numbers. If the version is not
                specified, its value is taken from the STAMPINF_VERSION
                environment variable.
            -a  specifies the architecture string to replace the $ARCH$ keyword.
                The $ARCH$ keyword is used to tailor a TargetOSVersion decoration
                in a [Manufacturer] section, as well as its respective section
                name, to a specific platform. If no value is specified, stampinf
                takes its value from the _BuildArch environment variable.
            -c  specifies the value to be written in the CatalogFile= directive
                in the [Version] section. By default, this directive is not
            -k  specifies the version of KMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the KmdfLibraryVersion & KMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $KMDFVERSION$ and
                $KMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                As an example, supplying 1.5 as the version string will result in
                values of 1.5 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -u  specifies the version of UMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the UmdfLibraryVersion & UMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $UMDFVERSION$ and
                $UMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                (where service_version is generally zero)
                As an example, supplying 1.5.0 as the version string will result
                in values of 1.5.0 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -i  specifies the location of ntverp.h file.
                path represent the fully qualified
                location of the directory containing ntverp.h.
            -n  noisy mode shows verbose stampinf output
              -x  removes the coinstaller tag from the file and replaces the line w
      ith a ";"
            The environment variable PRIVATE_DRIVER_PACKAGE can be set to
            enable stampinf's 'developer mode' behavior. When this is
            set, the date and version used for DriverVer is set to the
            current date and time, regardless of the command line
            settings. Also, '' is written to the
            version section, unless a catalog was already specified
            with '-c'.
    c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355,5
    ): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\
    Done Building Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (de
    fault targets) -- FAILED.
    Build FAILED.
    "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (default target) (1) ->
    (StampInf target) ->
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355
    ,5): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Sr
        0 Warning(s)
        1 Error(s)
    Time Elapsed 00:00:04.07
    Thanks, Krishna

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