Safari bug report

I have the following Javascript alert in a Web page:
alert(typeof document.responseApplet.getMol('mrv'));
When Firefox displays the page, the alert says, "string". When Safari displays the page, the alert says, "object". Safari is failing to acquire the correct type of the object from the applet. Clearly the applet is typing the object correctly, or Firefox would not display the type correctly, so the bug must be in Safari.
There is a simple workaround -- enclose the returned object in String() -- but it shouldn't be necessary.
I'm using Safari 5.0.4.

Apple does not usually post or work these forums, you have to use the feedback option in Safari to report bug.
BUT, at least if others are having that issue, posting here also will let us know.
Thanks for pointing out.

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    It might be worth registering (for free) as an Apple Developer:
    ... and then you can use the Bug Reporter to submit trackable bug reports:

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    Could anyone in the core dev team take a look at this? The number of sites making use of 8192 bit large certs is growing, and Safari is the only browser out there that can't handle it.
    It might be worth registering (for free) as an Apple Developer:
    ... and then you can use the Bug Reporter to submit trackable bug reports:

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    Hi Kristoffer,
    To report a Safari bug, you can do it right in the Safari Application. All you need to do is go to the Safari menu (must open application) and under About Safari you should see Report Bugs to Apple...
    I hope that helps,

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    Post here:

  • I'd use Safari's bug report function instead of posting here, but... crashes Safari. lol.
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    - Bookmarks... seems like this topic has been covered well enough. I actually had no problems importing them from Firefox, but adding new ones crashes the program.
    - And as mentioned, the bug report function crashes the program.
    Bugs aside, I love it. Looking forward to future releases.
    Homegrown PC, P4 1.8GHz.   Windows XP Pro crashes Safari. lol.
    Haha! It's so Windows-alike!

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      Windows XP Pro  

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    I don't see it in the drop down menu, but you can always go to, and for "Feedback Type," select Bug Report.

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    or use the Safari button with the bug symbol. There you could easily add a screenshot, sourcecode and problem type of your bug on a html page.

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    Any suggestions are welcome.

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    You need to ask this question in the Developer's forum, which as a registered developer you have access to. If you're not a registered developer, then you have no business messing with iOS Beta software, & discussing such, even bug reporting, is PROHIBITED in this public forum.
    But, as a registered developer, you already knew that, correct?

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    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    You'd be surprised.
    With pleasure!
    Try it with Need to be a registered ADC Member, but that frees. Be sure to pick a bug that is reproducible with a simple step by step recipe on the most current software.
    So what is this bug you have been talking about?
    Recurring complaint of mine:
    March 2006 [If the RSS feeds contained pubDate and author that would be great!|]
    April 2008 [better rss feeds without jf namespace prefix|]
    The RSS feeds are almost useful. They actually include the author and create date information, but do so in a format that neither safari or any other garden variety RSS reader handles.
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    It seems the jf: prefixed tags aren't meant to be pushed out to the RSS clients. I certainly haven't found a RSS reader that deals with them correctly or lets you workaround them. So although the feeds have a creation date, modification date, author, and reply count, none of that information can be seen in a garden variety RSS reader. This is particularly a problem for the create date, since the create date of each article is replaced with the pub date of the feed. The pub date of the feed is the time when you pull it down, and that changes each time the feed is refreshed.
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  • Submitting bug reports

    MacLoyal, that is my moniker! I am in a state of identity crisis because iPhoto is about to force me to break ranks and seek a place of sanity with a non-Apple photo system. I had to lose the iLife integration with dot mac. I do not want to take such a drastic measure and I truly cannot afford the added expense. I already have thousands of dollars sunk into Apple and all their goodies. My investment in time is something I dare not even try to calculate.
    I regret every time I had a "do you want to submit a report" box pop up and cancelled it rather than submitting each and every one with frantic demands for help to correct the mess that iPhoto 5 has caused in my life.
    I dare not edit any of the photos in my library. I don't even want to rotate them. Indeed, I dread opening the program! It hangs my laptop computer up indefinitely. The only way I have found to interrupt the hang time, because I cannot even get force quit to work, is to shut the lid and put it to sleep. Amazingly, when I open it again I am not in a suspended state. However, as I stated, I'm reluctant to actually do anything with the program besides, perhaps run the slide show, once I have the program open.
    So my question is: How do I send a bug report when I haven't actually gotten to the point that the computer generates the bug message? That seems only to happen with an unexpected quit.
    I've noticed that the Safari pull down menu always has a "Submit bug report" message listed, but iPhoto does not have that in the its menu panel. Can I submit a report on any topic on the Safari form or is that only going to make it to the Safari team at Apple? If I can use that form, is there a limit to how many complaints I can inundate them with? I am at my wits end. . .

    Of all the programs I've used of OSX IPhoto is the lamest. I really thought it should be better and every time I opened it up and used it I just couldn't get over how poorly it worked. I finally stopped using it altogether and just started using photoshops browser. Now photoshop has the bridge which seems like it would be great (haven't upgraded yet). Even with out the bugs the program just doesn't meet my simplest needs for photos. Good luck finding something that fits your needs and works well on your computer.

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    Hi ..
    If you are using Safari to try and login to the bug reporter ...
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Privacy tab.
    Click Details. Type Apple in the search field then remove all results.
    Now empty the Safari cache. Press Command + Option + E
    Quit and relaunch Safari and try logging in.

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    Hi. Thanks for the reply. It's ok now. I just logged in again. Reporting OS X and iOS X bugs and suggesting product feedbacks to Apple should be a little easier if they put it built-in in OS X and iOS.

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