Safari Fonts - Broken?

Greetings all,
I recently ran "software updates" and updated every on my mac that was not current. After that, I noticed that safari seems to have problems with displaying its fonts correctly on some pages. Such pages include Google.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks for your help!

Two articles that should help you, in addition to Barry's great advice:
From Kurt Lang:
Read "Reinstalling your fonts" which will get you back to the default set.
Here's another good article on undoing Font Book:
Another thing you could do is take the Home Folder>Users>Your Account>Library>Fonts
folder to the desktop. Are these where most of your freebies are stored? If so, take this folder to the desktop, or even better, to the Trash. Do NOT empty it. Restart Safari. Is the junk gone?
Just a few thoughts.

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    Phil --
    Without a uploaded photo of the garbled font,
    I would suggest looking for Helvetica Fractions if
    the garbled font has some numbers in it.
    You may have duplicates of Helvetica, or Helvetica Neue
    or Arial. The font you're talking about seems to be a sans serif,
    so I would start carefully look at Helvetica and Arial (all subsets, too)
    in Font Book.

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