Safari for iPhone switching to homepage

iPhone 4, software up-to-date, no jailbreak.
To date I have had no problem with Safari, but today whenever I launch it and try to enter either an address or a search line, it returns me to my home screen.  I thought it was crashing, but the app obviously stays active in the background.
With any other app I would delete and re-install, but i can't seem to do this with Safari.
Is anybody else suffering the same problem?  Not having a browser is a major issue.
Thanks in advance,

Safari may be in the Full Screen mode.
Scroll or flip upwards to bring back the share and tabs icons.

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    You cannot install Safari on iPhone, it came pre-installed with the IOS.
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    Maybe you have hid the icon.
    In settings you can restore the default icons.
    From the manual Page 149
    Resetting iPhone
    Reset all settings:   Choose General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information, such as your contacts and calendars, and media, such as your songs and videos, aren’t deleted.
    Erase all content and settings: Connect iPhone to your computer or a power adapter. Choose General > Reset and tap “Erase All Content and Settings.”
    This resets all settings to their defaults and erases all your information and media:
    • On iPhone 3GS: by removing the encryption key to the data (which is encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption)
    • On iPhone and iPhone 3G: by overwriting the data
    Important:  You can’t use iPhone while data is being overwritten. This can take up to two hours or more, depending on the model and storage capacity of your iPhone.
    (On iPhone 3GS, the removal of the encryption key is immediate.)
    Reset network settings: Choose General > Reset and tap Reset Network Settings.
    When you reset network settings, your list of previously used networks and VPN settings not installed by a configuration profile are removed. Wi-Fi is turned off and then back on, disconnecting you from any network you’re on. The Wi-Fi and “Ask to Join Networks” settings are left turned on.
    To remove VPN settings installed by a configuration profile, choose Settings > General > Profile, then select the profile and tap Remove.
    Reset the keyboard dictionary: Choose General > Reset and tap Reset Keyboard Dictionary.
    You add words to the keyboard dictionary by rejecting words iPhone suggests as you type. Tap a word to reject the correction and add the word to the keyboard dictionary. Resetting the keyboard dictionary erases all words you’ve added.
    Reset the Home screen layout: Choose General > Reset and tap Reset Home Screen Layout.
    Reset the location warnings: Choose General > Reset and tap Reset Location Warnings.
    Or you can search the phone for Safari and see if it shows up.
    From the manual Page 37
    You can search many applications on iPhone, including Mail, Calendar, iPod, Notes, and Contacts. You can search an individual application, or search all the applications at once using Spotlight.
    Go to Spotlight:   From the main page of the Home screen, flick left to right.
    If you’re on the main Home screen page, you can press the Home button to go to Spotlight. From the Spotlight page, press the Home button to return to the main Home screen page. You can also set iPhone to go to Spotlight when you double-click the Home button. See “Home” on page 147.
    Search iPhone: On the Spotlight page, enter text in the Search field. Search results appear automatically as you type. Tap Search to dismiss the keyboard and see more of the results.
    Icons to the left of the search results let you know which application the results are from. Tap an item in the results list to open it.
    What’s searched
    First, last, and company names
    To, From, and Subject fields of all accounts (the text of messages isn’t searched)
    Event titles, invitees, and locations (notes aren’t searched)
    Music (names of songs, artists, and albums) and the titles of podcasts, video, and audiobooks
    Text of notes
    Spotlight also searches the names of the native and installed applications on iPhone, so if you have a lot of applications you may want to use Spotlight as a way to locate and open applications.
    Open applications from Spotlight: Enter the application name, then tap to open the application directly from the search results.
    Use the Search Results settings to choose which applications are searched and the order in which they’re searched. See “Home” on page 147.
    I do not think you can delete the programs that come from the factory.

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    If anyone knows a solution, it would be much appreciated.  Thanks.
    Here is my test page:
    Here are my media query tags (the first set of rules does not have the media query tag and becomes the default):
    @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) and (orientation : landscape) {
    @media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {
    @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {
    Here is most of my media query CSS:
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* Simple fluid media
       Note: Fluid media requires that you remove the media's height and width attributes from the HTML
    img, object, embed, video {
              max-width: 100%;
    /* IE 6 does not support max-width so default to width 100% */
    .ie6 img {
    /* Mobile Layout: 480px and below.(smartphone portrait) */
    .gridContainer {
              width: 95.4184%;
              padding-left: 0.5907%;
              padding-right: 0.5907%;
    #header {
              clear: both;
              float: left;
              display: block;
              margin-left: 0%;
              width: 72%;
              max-height: 0%;
              display: -moz-box; /* Firefox */
              display: -webkit-box; /* Safari and Chrome */
              display: box;
              border: none;
              top: auto;
              padding-top: 0.25em;
    #menuHorizontal {
              clear: both;
              float: left;
              width: 118%;
              margin-left: auto;
              display: block;
    #slides {
              clear: both;
              float: left;
              margin-left: 0.1em;
              width: 119%;
              position: relative;
              top: -1em;
              display: block;
                        /*Slides container: Important: Use position:relative; with top:-1em; together to position div.
                                  Set the width of your slides container
                                  Set to    display: none     to prevent content flash*/
    .slides_container {
              clear: both;
              width: 100%;
              display: block;
                        /*Each slide: Important:
                                  Set the width of your slides
                                  If height not specified height will be set by the slide content
                                  Set to     display: block     for original setting
                                  slide_container is container size
                                  slides_container div set the size of the image inside--adjust to fit image in it so it is not cropped*/
    .slides_container div {
              clear: both;
              width: 69%;
              display: block;
              /* Mobile Layout: 480px. (smartphone landscape)
                                  Inherits styles from Mobile Layout 480px.
                                  Set to clear:none; to allow div to shift up
                                  Or set to clear:both; to take a whole row of the screen*/
    @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) and (orientation : landscape) {
    .gridContainer {
              width: 95.4184%;
              padding-left: 0.7907%;
              padding-right: 0.7907%;
    #header {
              float: left;
              display: block;
              margin-left: auto;
              display: -moz-box; /* Firefox */
              display: -webkit-box; /* Safari and Chrome */
              display: box;
              border: none;
    #menuHorizontal {
              float: left;
              width: 110%;
              display: block;
    #slides {
              float: left;
              margin-left: 0%;
              width: 68%;
              display: block;
                        /*Slides container: Important:
                                  Set the width of your slides container
                                  Set to    display: none     to prevent content flash*/
    .slides_container {
              float: left;
              width: 100%;
              display: block;
                        /*Each slide: Important:
                                  Set the width of your slides
                                  If height not specified height will be set by the slide content
                                  Set to     display: block     for original setting*/
    .slides_container div {
              display: block;
                        /* Tablet Layout: 481px to 768px. Inherits styles from: Mobile Layout.
                                  Set to clear:none; to allow div to shift up
                                  Or set to clear:both; to take a whole row of the screen*/
    @media only screen and (min-width: 481px) {
    .gridContainer {
              width: 95.9456%;
              padding-left: 0.5271%;
              padding-right: 0.5271%;
    #header {
              float: left;
              display: block;
              margin-left: auto;
              width: 100%;
              display: -moz-box; /* Firefox */
              display: -webkit-box; /* Safari and Chrome */
              display: box;
              border: none;
    #menuHorizontal {
              float: left;
              display: block;
    #slides {
              float: left;
              margin-left: 0%;
              width: 70%;
              display: block;
                        /*Slides container: Important:
                                  Set the width of your slides container
                                  Set to    display: none     to prevent content flash*/
    .slides_container {
              float: left;
              width: 100%;
              display: block;
                        /*Each slide: Important:
                                  Set the width of your slides
                                  If height not specified height will be set by the slide content
                                  Set to     display: block     for original setting*/
    .slides_container div {
              width: 100%;
              display: block;

    I found the problem.  There is a bug in Safari for iPhone 4.  Use code to fix found at

  • Accessory is not made for iphone

    For Christmas my daughter received a ipod speaker player. One of those speaker systems that you plug you ipod into and you can hear it... external speaker style for your bedroom. Well I plugged my iphone into it to play my music and got an error message.
    now I get this message even thou I'm not plugged into that box anymore. How can I get this message to stop showing up.

    I have an original iphone with all update sw/fw, etc. I have never had any problems with my phone. Mine just started giving me this random message as well. It began after plugging my phone into a third party wall charger that was "made for iphone". Now I get that accessory message constantly throughout the day.
    Does anyone know how to resolve this yet? Will it help to wipe the phone and reload everything?
    Here is what I've tried so far:
    -plugged the phone into the original iphone dock and left it there overnight. Restarted the phone in the dock as well.
    -plugged the phone in a car charger that works perfectly in the past with no issues.
    -restarted the phone numerous times.
    -Plugged the phone into computer and synced it several times.
    -'blew' out the connector with one of the computer dust removal aerosol cans.
    Thanks for any info. This is driving me nuts.

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    And have your phone set to require a passcode before it can be accessed.

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    With the home page on display, in the menus select View, then Zoom and then Reset
    For details on the zoom features see [[page zoom]] and [[text zoom]]

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