Safari has become one big queston mark?

For some reason Safari  in my Dock is now a ? mark and will not open.  What's wrong?
21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo   3.33GHz
4GB-DDR3    v10.6.8

Sometimes computers lose their link between the Alias (shortcut) in the Dock and the actual App. It can sometimes occur after an update, but is not normally a common issue. It can also occur if the original App it is linked to is moved to another location on the computer than where it is meant to be by default.
Cheers and Happy Computing.

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    Safari has been my favorite browser for a long time. Nothing against the others but I have found it faster and better. Now I can really no longer use it. This has been going on and getting worse for atr least  few weeks. Anyone know why?

    From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences ▹ Extensions
    If any extensions are installed, disable them and test.

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      Power off the router. Wait awhile. Power it back on. Wait until all the lights are lit up  properly.
      It will take a while.
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    In fact, I am runing some plug-ins:  ClickToPlugin (Flash blocker), Collusion and Disconnect.
    There is quite a history of new versions of Safari breaking third-party plug-ins/extensions becasue the plug developer did not have an updated version available by the time the new Safari version dropped. What you report--worked fne before but won't now--is exactly what history says happens in such a case.
    First, turn off all third-party stuff and see if Safari smooths out. Alternatively, create a new user account and, from there, test Safari in its native state with nothing added. That is a good diagnostic to see if the issue is a plug or extension.
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    Launch the Console application and look in "User Diagnostic Reports" for crash logs related to Safari. Select the most recent one and post the contents -- the text, please, not a screenshot.

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    Hi Andy...
    safari, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
    10.6.2 / 4.0.3...
    Whether you are running Mac OS X 10.6.2 or 10.6.3 your system software is completely outdated.
    Click your Apple menu icon top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click Software Update.
    Your Mac OS X needs to be at v10.6.8 / Safari should be 5.1.7
    And make sure there's enough free space on the startup disk to install software updates.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon on your Desktop.
    Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure there's a minimum of 15% free disk space.
    edited by:  cs

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    with your cc apps you should try to use the sync feature.  that's never worked consistently for me, but when it does work, it's helpful.
    there are preference folders and presets and settings that you could copy but you're better off installing fresh because a common problem for people with adobe program issues is a settings issue.

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    The following is from user RandomName42, who provides lots of ideas.
    The font size doesn't affect the font size of the icons, which the new folder layout makes even harder to read than it is against a regular background.
    I deal with migraines and avoid bright light where I can, so figuring out how to work around Apple's design on this one is going to be huge. I'm encountering (and working on finding a way to avoid) huge unbroken bright spaces in the OS. I've known for a while that, at work, my monitors will eventually give me headaches but my iPad wouldn't. I'd been using the iPad as a break from monitor glare to stop them from kicking in full-blast. I didn't realize until yesterday that it was because so much of my iPad screen is darker - deeper greys, for example, in the settings menu, than the blue of my menus in Outlook. I had the new iOS for about 10 minutes before the first migraine started. I love Apple's attention to aesthetics and design mentality, but goodness they use migraine triggers a lot in this design.
    Potentially useful ideas:
    General -> Accessibility -> Bold Text to ON. You may still have to squint a bit but letters will be ~much~ easier on the eyes.
    General -> Accessibility -> Increase Contrast to ON. This takes away the bright fuzzy backgrounds when you open folders and makes them less fuzzy grey ones. It also darkens the bright fuzzy bar across the bottom of the screen to be a darker grey. It does not darken the bright fuzzy folders icons on the app pages or make Notes, Reminders or new Safari pages (or existing ones while you type a new address) much better, but is a huge step forward. It definitely makes mail and Messages much less pain-inducing, though they could stand to go darker.
    General -> Accessibility -> Reduce Motion to ON. This seems to cost me the pretty effects with app icons, but with all of the fuzziness they've added to folders and the your-apps bar, it helps avoid ~shifting~ fuzziness. Which turns out to cause problems for me. Who knew?
    General -> Accessitiliby -> Invert Colors to ON. ******* ONLY while in the Settings menu or Apple's screens like Safari, Reminders and Mail. I've been told I might be able to assign it to a triple tap, which should make switching easier. Haven't figured out how yet.
    App Switcher - Either don't use it or kill all Apple screens you aren't actively using. This cuts down on the large light squares that fill the screen in the app switcher now. Not using it would be a hassle, but would also cut down on the heightened visibility of everything I have open when switching between apps I use at work. I'm undecided which I'll end up going with.
    Use new screen pages instead of folders. I love the new folder design. My migraine-ridden brain doesn't, though. /-: With the old folder design, you knew an app in a folder was on screen if the folder was open and could let your gaze sweep over it multiple times to identify the icon. Now it may not be on the screen, so you have to focus specifically on smaller icons against a fuzzy-ish background. Focusing on something meant to be fuzzy is apparently one of my headache triggers. If the folders were darker or I could show the same number of icons, this would be much less a problem, but for now... I'm not sure that having a page for each folder is doable or worth the hassle, though. Might just end up moving the apps I use less often into a set of folders on a last page I don't have to visit often or just deleting them to minimize folders.
    Remember your brightness setting needs to be lower than it looks. This one seems obvious but surprised me with the frustration it causes. When you open the lower dock that has the brightness control, it darkens the rest of the screen. If you set your brightness so that what you want to look at seems right, it will brighten further after you close the menu and go back to it. I don't have a feel yet for how much lower I need to set the brightness, but I assume that will come with time. Also: Setting brightness higher makes the menu itself brighter to look at, so judge headache likeliness with that in mind.
    Settings -> Wallpapers & Brightness -> Auto-Brightness to OFF. This OS is super on-the-ball about adjusting brightness automatically. Which is awesome sometimes, but less so when you manually set the brightness, go back to the screen and watch it change from what you just set it to. You may end up with darker screens than you want until you adjust the setting, but you won't end up with brighter screens than you want.
    We'll probably just have to deal with the big fuzzy bar across the bottom of the screen and having to look more carefully at the big fuzzy squares behind folders now. It helps to think of them as Monet menus.

  • My safari has become slow

    Can I do something to my safari to make it quicker its very slow and I know its not internet connection problems its safari

    Please answer as many of the following questions as you can. You may already have answered some of them. In that case, there's no need to repeat the answers.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Have you restarted your router and your broadband device (if they're separate) since you first noticed the problem? If not, do that now and see whether there's any change.
    If your browser is Safari, then from the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. If the Downloads button (with the icon of a downward-pointing arrow) is showing in the toolbar, click it and then click Clear in the box that appears. The download history will be removed. Any change?
    If you're running OS X 10.9 or later, select the Advanced tab in the Preferences window and uncheck the box marked
              Stop plug-ins to save power
    Any change?
    Quit and relaunch the browser. Any change?
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your documents or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this behavior; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Are any other web browsers installed, and are they the same? What about other Internet applications, such as iTunes and the App Store?
    If other browsers and Internet applications are also affected, follow these instructions and test. Any change?
    If Parental Controls is active for any user, please turn it off and test. Any change?
    If only Safari is affected, launch the Activity Monitor application and enter "web" (without the quotes) in the search box. If a process named "Safari Web Content" is shown in red or is using more than about 5% of a CPU, select it and force it to quit by clicking the X or Quit Process button in the toolbar of the window. There may be more than one such process. Any improvement?
    Follow the instructions in this support article. Any change?
    Open the iCloud preference pane and uncheck the boxes marked Safari and Photos, if they're checked. Any change?
    Are there any other devices on the same network that can browse the Web, and are they affected?
    If you can test Safari on another network, is it the same there?
    If you connect to your router with Wi-Fi and you can also connect with Ethernet, do that and turn off Wi-Fi. Any difference?

  • Safari has become very slow the last few days, only on a few programs - google, youtube, wikipedia.  Also mail is slow to send and receive.

    Safari and mail have become slow only the last few days.  Mail is slow to send and receive, but e-mails do come through.  Safari is very slow to load on only a few web sites - google, wikipedia, youtube.  But fine on others.
    OS X  10.6.2
    Safari  4.0.3
    Mail   4.2

    Hi Andy...
    safari, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
    10.6.2 / 4.0.3...
    Whether you are running Mac OS X 10.6.2 or 10.6.3 your system software is completely outdated.
    Click your Apple menu icon top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click Software Update.
    Your Mac OS X needs to be at v10.6.8 / Safari should be 5.1.7
    And make sure there's enough free space on the startup disk to install software updates.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon on your Desktop.
    Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure there's a minimum of 15% free disk space.
    edited by:  cs

  • Has anyone else noticed how buggy and unreliable Safari has become?

    I could barely even submit this question from within Safari, without reopening the page in  a fresh tab. What is going on there? It seems Apple is starting to abandon it's high standards for this Web Browser.
    I should add, that I have two completely different Apple Computers, and this poor experience is exhibited across both of them.

    Complaining without seeking a solution is not really going to get you anywhere.
    But to answer your question, no problems with Safari and I have never had.

  • Safari has become slow

    Coinciding with the latest OS install on my iMac I have had safari problems. On opening Safari it sometimes  just sits dormant waiting upto perhaps 30 sec before beginning to download the page also it can be very slow when navigating the web. I know this can be do to heavy traffic but nothing happens for a variable ammount of time before page download begins. Anyone else had this problem?

    I set up aguest account, and though I only tried it for a few minutes, Safari loaded  navigated the web at a great speed! came back to my own account and back to snail pace. Come to think of it I think I got a temporary improvement after repairing permissons in the disk utility.
    Don't know if thats relevant

  • HT6058 My i Phone 4 having problem. The screen font has become so big that i can't slide the bar, can't open the lock.Pls help.

    How can I reduce the font. Can't slide?

    You probably have figured this out already - but just in case -
    Take 3 fingers and, all at the same time, double tap the screen. This will reset the size back to normal. I had the same problem a few weeks ago, Good Luck, Ron

  • How do i import XML-project from imovie with the clips being apart? And not imported as one big clip...

    I have a problem with my final cut express. I want to import my project from iMovie (multiple clips in one project) without the clips together as one big clip.
    Important: XML-from imovie
    This had worked before but one day a note showed up at the screen saying:
    If i choose yes the project becomes one big clip and if i choose no this error shows up:
    and the project wont be imported.
    Help me please! This has never been a problem before.
    Sorry for the bad english, i am from sweden.
    Thanks!   //Karl Ekdahl

    I have a problem with my final cut express. I want to import my project from iMovie (multiple clips in one project) without the clips together as one big clip.
    Important: XML-from imovie
    This had worked before but one day a note showed up at the screen saying:
    If i choose yes the project becomes one big clip and if i choose no this error shows up:
    and the project wont be imported.
    Help me please! This has never been a problem before.
    Sorry for the bad english, i am from sweden.
    Thanks!   //Karl Ekdahl

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