Safari keychain

i wanted to disable keychains someone told me to delete files in system/library/ no site that requires secure login will open any hints how to restore i tried resintalling safari but not help...... camino works fine

Just a hint, usually removing any file or folder from the System folder is usually not a good idea... You can always go to the Keychain Access Utility in the Applications/Utilities folder and open the Keychain Access and reset it to defaults. At the worst you may need to enter in some passwords again once and then just choose to remember them in the keychain. An Archive and Install would most likely fix the issue. You can find steps for this in the following article:

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  • Safari Keychain Password

    My k0mp00ter skillz arent goodly.
    I'm migrating over from IE to Safari, and everytime I look up, there's a pop up, asking for my keychain password. Well, I have no clue WTH it is. I dont ever remember messing with Safari to make a password. As of right now, Safari is letting me do whatever I need, but that **** pop up is annoying.
    Is there a way to reset my Safari Keychain thingie, so I know for sure what my password is? Is there a way I can go digging in Macintosh HD to find the password. Should I shoot my Mac?

    Hi Oly
    did you do this, from the helper in keychainaccess
    2nd option for safari keychain autofill:
    ( Deleting a keychain
    If your keychain has become inaccessible for some reason (for example, if you've forgotten the password), you can delete it and manually create a new keychain.
    When you delete the keychain, you have two options:
    ▪ Delete References removes the keychain from the keychain list but does not remove the keychain file from your disk. If you remember your password later, you can recover the items stored in the keychain by choosing File > Add Keychain and opening this file.
    ➔ ▪ Delete References & Files removes the keychain from the keychain
    list and removes the file from your disk. You might choose this if the
    file is corrupted or damaged in some way and you don't want to recover it
    1) Open Keychain Access, located in Applications/Utilities.
    2) Click Show Keychains if the keychain drawer is closed, then select the keychain you want to delete.
    3) Choose File > Delete "keychain" (the command will show the name of the selected keychain).
    4) Click Delete References or Delete References & Files. )
    Also what happens if you Un-check "Autofill items in Safari preferences?
    i have it off on both 10.3.9 & Tiger 10.4.4 on power book.
    let us know, Eme

  • Restore Safari Keychain data after Remove All

    Restore Safari Keychain data after Remove All
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    From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the AutoFill tab.
    Select:  User names and passwords
    Visit a website. Enter the login data. You will be prompted tos save that data to a new keychain.
    Restore...  as I mentioned previously, Mozy is not compatible with Keychain Access. There is no way to restore with Mozy.
    In the future, you may want to use iCloud  Keycahin to store login data.
    Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

  • Safari keychain lock

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    Hello Sharri:
    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    This article may be of some help:

  • Tiger 10.4.7 Password reset issues related to Safari keychain updating

    Following a reset password for administrative updating my software,
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    Reference purposes for developers interests. yl61m9

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    hey Delmer
    welcome to the apple fourms
    one thing that would come to mind here would be what verison of the OS are you running? 10.3 or 10.4 i would guess one of those so i would try these
    your key chair in utilities you should not delete i find it strange that apple would just tell you to delete something like that what i would try doing is opening the keychan access in the utility folder where you can show your key chains there should be a certificate in the applications for safari which you can just delete off the list
    if that doesnt work then click on keychain access in the main menu bar and run keychain first aid as well as a disk utility verifiy the disk and repair the permissions for this

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    Probably someone entered a keychain password while they were logged into the Other Users account. I would delete the keychains in that account, either in the Keychain utility or just toss the files from the Keychain library.

  • Safari Keychain Error

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    Sounds like your Keychain preference files are corrupted. Locate this file: /Users/YourName/Library/Preferences. Drag that file from your Preferences folder to the Trash, empty the Trash and reboot.
    If that doesn't help...
    1) Quit Safari
    2) Open Keychain Access. (Applications/Utilities) Find the "Safari AutoFill" item. Delete it.
    3) Relaunch Safari. Next time it asks for authorization, click "Always Allow".

  • Safari Keychain issues

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    Any ideas on what can be done?

    I have the same problem, but it seems to have happened SINCE the keychain software update.
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    Open Keychain Access (Applications/Utilities) Select Passwords on the left. Delete your AppleID keychain. Relaunch Safari. Try logging in. If you still can't login to AD, delete the "Safari Forms Autofill" keychain. Relaunch Safari and try logging in again.

  • Safari "keychain" driving me INSANE

    ok heres the deal:
    when i got my computer about a month ago when i first open safari it asked for a keychain password. ??? how am i supposed to know what it is. its not my login password or anything and i cant get rid of the pop up box that appears everytime i load a page on the net. whats the deal? can somebody please help!!
    thanks, payne

    Hi Payne, not sure if I can help you with this. Have you tried opening keychain access from the utilities folder? If not do so and open Preferences - First Aid and check 'set login keychain as default'. Your password should be the same as your login password if you need to authorise. I presume you are using Tiger if not you need to post more detail of OS etc.,

  • My Safari Keychain Problem Solved

    I've been reading lots of posts about problems with the use of keychains from within Safari. I found a solution to my problem that, if it's been reported somewhere else, I have seen it.
    I did two things:
    1.) I reset my password in my Safari Forms Autofill key (if that's the right term). There was a seires of unrecognizable characters where the password should be (corruption you thinK?) I moved that key into the default keychain, my username. It was previously in login.
    2.) I found lots of duplicate keys between the login keychain and the username keychain. Why keychain repair didn't repair this, I have no idea. It should. I deleted all the duplicate webform passwords. Repaired keychain and disk permissions, just for the heck of it.
    Logged out, logged back in. Problem solved.
    Hope that helps.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Thanks for posting your fix. I'm sure it will help others having problems with log-ins etc.

  • Password autosaved by safari, keychain is not usable for typing in

    I have a 2013 27" iMac, an iPad, and an iPhone 5C, all running the latest systems (10.9.5 and iOS8.0.2). I need to find my actual password, the one I enter, when I use a particular banking site which will not accept a saved password, or even one I could type in on my keyboard like all other sites do, but makes me use their online keypad to enter my password.
    The password I can see saved in Keychain and Safari is not the password I created, but something called a webform password, and it is wrong. Is there a way to retrieve my actual password, that I created and entered the first time I used it, when it worked? I am always having to call this bank and get a new password - and no, they will not let me do it online - because even when I record the latest one and think I am entering it correctly, the system they use still fools me. And now Keychain has let me down!
    How can I retrieve my actual password from Keychain that I can read, and then type into the bank's online keypad?

    I applaud the bank for making a secure login for its customers.  I also understand your frustration with the whole situation.  But, you need to understand one key issue: The bank's own website is bypassing the keyboard on your Mac, so the Mac has no idea what the password is.
    This is not a problem with the Keychain in that Keychain still works correctly.  Keychain, though, has no way to know (nor does OS X by the way) what characters you are "typing" using the on-screen keyboard the bank insists you use.  The typing is simply activating a link on the webpage that tells their server what "key" you pressed.  Keychain does not know what the link means and has no idea that this is a password.
    This may be a frustration, but it is there to protect you from key-loggers if you are on an un-secure network or an un-secure public machine.  I just hope the bank is just as paranoid about protecting your account information they store on their own servers.

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