Salary slip upgrade

Hi sapient,
pls look this requirment and help?
client want some additional information on sap standard pay slip,
Date of joining
leave and /leave with pay
Present days

Except Logo you can have all in Standard Payslip.
Date of Joining - from table P0041 (for this you need to maintain the Date of Joining in Infotype 0041)
Designation - Field PLANS (if Position) or PERSK (if ESG) from table P0001
Leave and Leave with Pay - from table AB/VAC (or you can have the leaves availed passed on to some WT in payroll processing, then you can display such WT in payslip directly)
Present days - No sure whether this can be displayed directly, however you can pass the present days in some WT in payroll processing and display such WT in payslip.
Hope this helps.

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  • Procedure to generate Salary slip in ECC 6.0

    Hi All
    How do we generate a Salary slip in ECC 6.0? what are the steps one needs to follow?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Mohammed1 on Nov 27, 2011 3:53 PM

    Creation of a pay slip is little bit tough for a beginner.Mostly line alignments u miss and it will be confusion better take help of Technical Consultant May be ABAP or ABAP Hr Help
    Still u can try using the following steps
    We can copy the Payslip from T-Code : PE51 and for each country there will be specific country payslip
    You  can copy it to the ZForm and select the radio button " Windows" add the earning wage types under W1 and deduction wage types Under W2
    Later select 'Cummulation Id's" and insert all earning wage types under earnings and Deduction wages under deductions and save the form and u can able to view ur wage types on the payslip
    Best Regards,

  • ALV report  for salary slip

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    Check tcode PC00_M99_CWTR (Wagetype reporter)

  • Dynamic change of wage type texts on salary slip

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    Maybe someone can help with a request.
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    We are using HRForms (PE51) for the salary slip.
    Does anybody have a solution or some tips how I can implement this?
    Thanks for your answers.

    Do not change the wage types , you have to delimit the wagetypes from a validity date as you have assigned minimum and maximum amounts for your wage types.
    Kapil Kaushal

  • Monthly Salary slip problem in PE51

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    i made a salary slip for employees using tcode PE51 for EXECUTIVE and WORKER and i m printing balanced leave like PL, CL, RH and SL, but problem is that it is showing correct for executive but in case of worker it is showing wrong leave balanced.
    actually i m using REST field for fetching balance leave.
    can anyone please tell me is it configurational problem or other problem?
    Balanced leave shud come = Leave quota - leave taken.
    Note : i have maintained leave quota using IT 2006. and i have maintained RH leave is 3 and leave taken is 0, then it must show Balance leave 3 but it is showing 0.
    please help me...

    in PE51
    single feild
    did u checked the Table which u are useing it for
    wht u have taken  ANZHL or something else
    and can u be clear wht is 3  and 2 here

  • Create Adobe PDF for salary slip

    Hi All,
    I searched on SDN but did not find any step by step procedure for creating PDF form for salary slip. Currently we have smart form and I would like to add company logo and make some changes on the salary slip.
    How to we link the newly created PDF form to ESS salary slip ?
    thanks for your inputs

    you should configure feature EDPDF for the PDF form you have created and replace it in below feature.
    1. HRFOR  - This feature decides whether to use HRFORMS or CEDT forms
    (configured in PE51) for the payslip. If HRFORMS, the name of HRFORM has
    to be mentioned here. If PE51 needs to be used then $CEDT$ should be
    2. EDTIN - This should hold the value of the variant to be executed in
    the CEDT program (payslip program). The variant should be proper with
    the with the correct CEDT (payslip) form name and other parameters.
    3. EDPDF - The name of the smartform (standard smartform
    HR_ESS_PAYSLIP_TO_PDF or customer specific form) used to show the output
    in the ESS.

  • Bank acc. no is not displaying in salary slip

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    Pls reply

    You can always use it using PE51 add single feilds use  PA0009-acc no. give proper lenght to the feild
    You need to check the employees should have IT0009 record present with the House bank and account no maintined
    Hemant V. Mahale

  • Pe51 salary slip

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    made my own form of salary slip ..from the standard salary slip in pe51
    now i wanna add few more contents in the salary slip
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    now when i GO TO pe51 and try to add lines in TEXT MODULES its not working in the correct manner....
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    thanx in advance.

    Change the Attributes of the Lines from 65 to 100 or as per your requirement and try to add the rows

  • Salary Slip hide

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    We are using ECC 6.0 and EP 7.0 with ESS services. As per our new requirement, I need to hide the salary slip for few users. How can I do it? The slip format has been created using PE51 (HR Form Editor).
    With regards
    Virender Sharma

    Hi Virendra,
    It can be done by creating two R/3 role groups and two Portal Roles.
    In Portal Roles specify for one role the particular service will be hidden and for the other it will be displayed.
    Assign both these roles to the R/3 Role Groups.
    Assign these Role Groups to the employees based on your requirement.
    Hope this helps.
    Sairam Maharaj S

  • Email salary slips

    I have generated a single PDF file from oracle reports containing salary slip of about 10,000 employees of our company. Salary slip for each employee is of one page(fixed) which means that if we have 10,000 employees then generated PDF file will be of 10,000 pages.
    I want to email each employee his salary slip. I have record for each employee with his details and email address in a database table. How can I work with page setup and how can I manage this during runtime that which page I have traveresed at current position.
    Farhan Ali

    If I understand you correct you have PDF file contiaining of 10.000 pages, each employees salary slip is already part of this huge pdf file.
    Furthermore I think you try to send the whole PDF to each employee whicht itself has only access to its particular page within the PDF file...
    To my limited knowledge this approach probably won´t work but Ia m no PDF expert... even if there is a way of allocating a particular page within the PDF file as a whole to a single employee this approach is probably not advisible ...
    Besides of probably existing security concernes it is probably better to sending 10.000 times a small PDF file (consisting only of a particular employee salary slip) rather than then sending 10.000 times a huge PDF document...
    Due to the huge amount of email sending requests I would recommend a database driven approach.
    In the first step create the report in that way that it receives the employees "account" number / unique id as a parameter.
    In that way you would create 10.000 "small" PDF file donsisting only of one page each (for each employee).
    Next, build a database procedure which is processing a certain loop to a table (for each employee....)
    By fetching through this table, call the oracle report with the employee id as a parameter from within the database using the SRW package and process it as an email...
    Even though this procedure will work I would recommend thinking about a different solution rather than oracle reports for such a huge amount of printing requests, due to the fact that it is hardly possible to recieve a feedback whether the email has been transferred or not. If there is no workaround I would create a dedicated Reports server instance on the application server for this purpose...
    Edited by: user434854 on Feb 24, 2009 3:57 AM
    Edited by: user434854 on Feb 24, 2009 4:00 AM

  • New Emp. Sub group conf. salary slip not showing HRA and Conv. Assumption

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    At the time of run it payroll in salary slip system not showing Conveyance and HRA assumption.
    table v_t7inc9 has maintained already.

    Go to LOG --> Final processing --> Sort results table --> find out put RT table
    you can find all WT which will be paid/deduct and also tech. WT

  • Regarding Salary Data

    Under MSS->Employee Info->Compensation Information->Salary Data Iview
    Salary Data is not getting displayed though it is there in the backend. Please advise.

    Hi Gaurav,
    Even if the data is exisiting there in the backend, if it is not visible in the portal.
    1. Check if the personal number in ECC has been assigned to the user in the portal.
    2. Check if the payroll has been run(till the date) when you want to view the salary slip.
    Hope this helps.
    Sandeep Tudumu

  • Award amount need to be adjusted through salary

    Hello guys,
    I have a scenario in which award amount need to deducted/adjusted through salary which is already paid in cash at the time of declaration. I have no clue as how to deduct award amount as shown in credit side of the salary slip.
                                                           SALARY SLIP
    Dr. Side                                                      Cr. Side
    Award (paid in cash is created)      200,000    Award (adjustment)  -200,000
                                                                       Withholding tax          10,000
    Thanks in advance

    How did you paid ?
    I mean did you enter the amount in It15 , offcycle?
    if you paid in offcycle then then it will be taken care.
    If u just paid cash without entering in SAP is also can be done just by entering the relevant wage type used for your company and enter the amount.
    <b>Reminder : Points should be given on answers.</b>

  • Multiple pdf attachments from server folder using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1

    I am trying to build a program able to send an email with multiple pdf attachments.
    The files are stored in a folder in SAP server.
    I am able to generate a pdf file from a spool and sucessfully attach it to the email using:
            bin_filesize           = v_bin_filesize
            otf                    = job_output_info-otfdata
            doctab_archive         = it_docs
            lines                  = it_lines
            err_conv_not_possible  = 1
            err_otf_mc_noendmarker = 2
            OTHERS                 = 3.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          LOOP AT it_lines.
            TRANSLATE it_lines USING ' ~'.
            CONCATENATE gd_buffer it_lines INTO gd_buffer.
          TRANSLATE gd_buffer USING '~ '.
            it_mess_att_aux = gd_buffer.
            APPEND it_mess_att_aux.
            SHIFT gd_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
            IF gd_buffer IS INITIAL.
    Internal table it_mess_att_aux is the parameter contents_bin of FM SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1.
    I have now 2 files on a server folder which I would like to include as well.
    I am reading the content of the pdf files in following way:
    DATA:   gd_buffer                 TYPE string,
          OPEN DATASET lv_fileserver FOR INPUT IN BINARY MODE.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE e257(zmsgsd) WITH lv_fileserver.
            CLEAR: it_mess_att_aux[], gd_buffer.
              READ DATASET lv_fileserver INTO gd_buffer.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              APPEND gd_buffer TO it_mess_att_aux.
            APPEND LINES OF it_mess_att_aux TO it_mess_att.
    I do not understand the purpose of the statement:
            TRANSLATE it_lines USING ' ~'.
    in this context. Could anyone explain it?
    All the files are attached to email with the desired name but corrupted and with the wrong size.
    Can anyone help me build the logic to attach a pdf file from server in a email?
    Thank you in advance,
    Kind Regards,
    João Cabrita

    hi , try this ,it is working fine  .
      DATA: i_objbin LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
              i_objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
              i_reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    *          wa_doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
              i_objtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    *         i_objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
           i_objhead LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE,
          i_record LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          wa_doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1,
          v_lines_txt TYPE i,
           l_lines TYPE I VALUE '20'.
          format        = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth = 132
          bin_filesize  = bin_filesize
          otf           = int_tab_otf_final
          lines         = int_pdf_tab.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *****************soc ranjan***************************
    *  IF full_path IS INITIAL.
    *    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog
    *      EXPORTING
    **    WINDOW_TITLE         =
    **           DEFAULT_EXTENSION    = 'PDF'
    **    DEFAULT_FILE_NAME    =
    *           file_filter          = 'Portable Document Format (.pdf)' " for restricting saving file only as pdf
    *      CHANGING
    *        filename             = file_name
    *        path                 = file_path
    *        fullpath             = full_path
    *    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    **            WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    *    ENDIF.
    *  ENDIF.
    ******************eoc ranjan*****************
      CONCATENATE full_path git_select_option-pernr INTO path SEPARATED BY '_'.
    **  **************************for downloading*********************************
    *    EXPORTING
    *      bin_filesize = bin_filesize
    *      filename     = path
    *      filetype     = 'BIN'
    *    IMPORTING
    *      filelength   = file_size
    *    TABLES
    *      data_tab     = int_pdf_tab.
    *  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    **         WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    *  ENDIF.
      CLEAR : lop , el , sl , cl .
    *  ******************addeddd later  by ranjan  21.04.2011
    DATA : desc TYPE char40 ,
          desc1 TYPE char100 .
    t_source_tab = int_pdf_tab
    t_target_tab = i_record
    convert_not_possible = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE : / 'Error in conversion of pdf lines'(015).
    APPEND LINES OF i_record TO i_objbin.
    *Creation of the entry for the compressed attachment
    DESCRIBE TABLE i_objbin LINES bin_filesize.
    i_objtxt = 'Hi'.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '                                     '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Pls  find  the attached  salary slip ' .
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '        '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '         '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = '  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Regards:  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    i_objtxt = 'Corporate HR  '.
    APPEND i_objtxt.
    wa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( L_LINES - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( i_objtxt ).
    *Creating the entry for the compressed document
    CLEAR i_objpack-transf_bin.
    i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    i_objpack-head_num = 0.
    i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    i_objpack-body_num = L_LINES.
    i_objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    APPEND i_objpack.
    ***CLEAR:  i_objpack .
    ***i_objpack-transf_bin = ' '.
    **i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    **i_objpack-head_num = 0.
    **i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    **i_objpack-body_num = L_LINES.
    **i_objpack-doc_type = 'TXT'.
    **i_objpack-obj_descr = desc1 .
    **APPEND i_objpack.
    *CLEAR: i_objhead .
    *i_objhead = DESC.
    *APPEND i_objhead.
    *break-point .
    i_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
    i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    i_objpack-head_num = 1.
    i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    i_objpack-body_num = bin_filesize.
    i_objpack-obj_name = 'Employee Payslip'.
    i_objpack-obj_descr = 'Employee Payslip'.
    i_objpack-doc_size = bin_filesize  * 255 .
    i_objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
    APPEND i_objpack.
    CONCATENATE 'Salary Slip of Month' p_month INTO desc SEPARATED BY ' ' .
    *DESCRIBE TABLE i_objtxt LINES v_lines_txt.
    *READ TABLE i_objtxt INDEX v_lines_txt.
    ****wa_doc_chng-doc_size = ( v_lines_txt - 1 ) * 375 + STRLEN( i_objtxt ).
    wa_doc_chng-obj_name = 'Payslip'.
    wa_doc_chng-expiry_dat = sy-datum + 10.
    wa_doc_chng-obj_descr = desc.
    wa_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
    wa_doc_chng-doc_size = v_lines_txt * 255.
    CLEAR i_objpack.
    DATA: l_usrid_long TYPE pa0105-usrid_long.
    DATA : emessage(70) TYPE c.
    CLEAR : l_usrid_long.
    SELECT SINGLE usrid_long
    FROM pa0105
    INTO l_usrid_long
    WHERE pernr = git_pa0001-pernr
    AND subty = '0010'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    i_reclist-receiver = l_usrid_long.                     
    i_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
    i_reclist-com_type = 'INT'.
    APPEND i_reclist.
    WRITE:/ 'No email id is maintained for this personnel number' , git_pa0001-pernr.
    IF NOT i_reclist[] IS INITIAL.
    ***************************************for senders id *************************************
        document_data                    = wa_doc_chng
      put_in_outbox = 'X'
       sender_address                   = 'xys'
       sender_address_type              = 'SMTP'
       commit_work                      = 'X'
    *   SENT_TO_ALL                      =
    *   NEW_OBJECT_ID                    =
    *   SENDER_ID                        =
    packing_list = i_objpack
    object_header = i_objhead
    contents_bin = i_objbin
    contents_txt = i_objtxt
    receivers = i_reclist
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    OTHERS = 8.          .
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  • Income Tax/Annual Perk Computation for rehired employee is incorrect

    Hi All,
               One of our employees retired on 30.9.11 was rehired on 30.11.2011 with the same employee number.  After rehiring we had delimited  IT 581 up to 30.9.11 and further a new entry was maintained from 1.12.2011. In the salary slip for Dec 11, in  the Income tax yearly computation six months Rent has been deducted from the Annual gross, which is not required.
               Kindly suggest how this issue can be rectified.

    Hi All,
        I raised an OSS for the issue. SAP support has provided me with a solution. The  steps are as follows:
         1. When rehiring period split for payroll accounting indicator in view V_T530_All  is to be set  for the action type and action reason which you use.
          2. Run the payroll for this person by doing force retro from 01.04.2011. With the force retro, /460(Income Tax for the month) will not change but the projection and all the other things will be changed.The pay slip will not change as pay slip checks the specified month data. But Form 16 will show the correct values (the total amount will be displayed in the Form 16).
          3. The following SAP Notes will have to applied for generating Form 16 correctly:

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