Sales Order Printout - SMARTFORM

Dear Guru's ,
Can we change the script for the sales order to smartform ?
The sales order printout some changes are to be done , but it is a SAP Script . Can I make chages like can I change it to a smart form ?
What changes I'll have to do ?
Or I'll have to changes in the SAP Script ?
Please guide me .
Archana W

Hi Archana,
Migrating a script to a smartform will not be a very good option. You can edit the script driver in such a way that it calls a smartfrom. Then create a custom smartform from the scratch..
Do this if you have many changes to the existing standard layout.
If the changes are very minimal then use the script std program and then create a subroutine where u write your extra logic. For layout copy the std script and make changes to it.
If you try to migrate it will not create a smartform exactly like the script .. It will require many additional changes..So better not to do that..

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    Instead of pulling ORDR.GroupNum in the PLD, pull the OCTG.PymntGroup in the PLD.
    This will solve the problem

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    thanks  & regards

      Driver Program is the program which is used to link the form and the ABAP program.
    U have to use the FM 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' to give the form name.
    Here 'Z_TRNG_SMART_MUL_PURCH_T012' is the form name.
    sf_formname = 'Z_TRNG_SMART_MUL_PURCH_T012'.
          formname           = sf_formname
          fm_name            = sf_fm_name
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      CALL FUNCTION sf_fm_name
      ARCHIVE_INDEX              =
      ARCHIVE_INDEX_TAB          =
      ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS         =
      CONTROL_PARAMETERS         =
      MAIL_APPL_OBJ              =
      MAIL_RECIPIENT             =
      MAIL_SENDER                =
      OUTPUT_OPTIONS             =
      USER_SETTINGS              = 'X'
          v_ekpo                     = v_ekpo
         v_adrnr              =  v_adrnr
      JOB_OUTPUT_INFO            =
      JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS         =
          it_ekko                    = it_ekko
          it_ekpo                    =  it_ekpo
      FORMATTING_ERROR           = 1
      INTERNAL_ERROR             = 2
      SEND_ERROR                 = 3
      USER_CANCELED              = 4
      OTHERS                     = 5
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Roja Velagapudi.

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    Hi Geethika
    While creating Sales Orders orders for 3 rd party you can see Preview but you cannot take print out
    Once you save the Order then you take printout out.
    once you save system automatically creates  PR . but not required That PR----Should convert to PO
    Edited by: Raga on Apr 9, 2010 2:10 PM
    Edited by: Raga on Apr 9, 2010 2:11 PM
    Edited by: Raga on Apr 9, 2010 2:12 PM

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    Hi Dave
    Check out in se71
    FORM : RVORDER01 Order confirmation

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    Hi Madhuri,
    Call open form write form and close form in loop so that till sales order remains in the loop the form will continue to print. In this way all sales order in internal table will print in the same spool.
    Hope this will help you.

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    Hi Rao,
    In standard SAP systems a , represents a . and the . represents a ,
    don't get confused.
    If you want to change this, talk to your ABAPer and debug and try to make changes for only the international customers.
    Hope this clears.
    Reward if it helps.

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    for better response post this in SD forum
    chekc follwoing thread if helpful [Release for SO|]

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    Kind Regards,

    Dear Raghu,
    I have checked it. And the entry is present in that table. But this error is coming only when I am giving Smartform. But system is not giving any error when I am giving script form.
    So the problem is only for SmartForm.

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    have a look at table <b>TNAPR</b> to check the print program assigned to your smartform/sapscript.
    Best regards.

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    I had the same problem recently and I have found the solution in different event - during exiting sales order processing:
    Purpose of this userexit is to refresh data before the next document will be processed.
    Best regards,

  • Printout of sales order

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    I want to know how to put conditions in vv11 so that i can take printout of sales order.
    Thanks Regards,

    Provide Sales Organization, Customer Function, Partner, Transmission Medium, Time, and Language and save the record.
    Please refer to SAP online help link:
    Declare the condition records in the application (often under Messages) or enter the transaction NACE (expert mode), select your application and choose Condition records.
    Choose your requested output type.
    Choose from the condition tables offered the one which has the requested condition key. Select Execute.
    Enter your condition records and then save them.
    You maintain condition records via the SD system menu. In SD, condition records used for message determination are declared as message master data. Other applications treat condition records as administration or Customizing data. The diagram in the above link shows the message condition for the output type BA00 in Sales organization 0001. When CUSTOMER1 places an order, they receive an order confirmation via transmission medium EDI (6) immediately when the order is posted (time 4).

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    [email protected]
    Thanks in Advance,

    thanks for the reply. Actually i dont have the preconfigured smartform and I dont have the time to do a new one from scratch.
    So, I am requesting anyone who has it to send it to my mail which i mentioned in my previous threads.
    I hope i was clear.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    Thanks in advance

    the driver program for sales order is RVADOR01.
    Reward points if useful.

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