Same cert for dev and ad hoc?

I have one cert created in the dev program portal. All of my provisions are tied to it. The dev and app store provisions work fine. But the ad hoc fails verification when I tried to put the signed .app file on the device. These all use the same cert. Any suggestions on why the ad hoc keeps failing?

In the program portal under Provisioning->Distribution there is a Status field which tells how long the profile is valid.
Do you know if your app was signed successfully? If you select the .app and do a *Show Package contents* you should see a filed called embedded.mobileprovision. You can open this and see if it contains your device UUID.

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    Good morning, Jonathan (my day time : -)
    If you mean that big issue where you threaten (and locally actually already did) to remove all the niceties of auto-magic column binding via setting property names - yeah, I've read it, partly unhappily. But that's another story.
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         R getRowValue();
         C getOldValue();
         C getNewValue();
    // used in
    // for row edits
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       <S> getEditValue();

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    Olek wrote:
    No - but who said that this is complete sensless?If it made sense then there would be no need to create a SecretKey object for a particular algorithm. AES requires a 128 bit or 192 bit or 256 bit key so how can a 56 bit DES key be used with AES? Simple logic.
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