Sample plugin

I am totally new to Adobe Indesign, having got the task to write Indesign plugins.
So I installed IndesignCS4-SDK and tried to start with sample plugins.
In the SDK there is a batchfile buildAllSamples.bat which I started.
For every every sample project there was created a folder [project].sdk.Resources but all thes folders are empty (?).
Furthermore for every project there was created a '.pln' and a '.pdb.file'
I guess, there is something missing, the so created plugins are not recognized by Indesign.
Compiling one single project in Visual Studio I get the warning:
SDK\build\win\debug\SDK\(WFP.sdk Resources)\*.idrc could not be found.
so what's wrong here?
any help would be appreciated.

My administrator installed Visual Studio 2005.
Compiling a sample project, I get the same result as before.
the complete build protocol:
Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000148007940.bat" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
@echo off
odfrc "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\source\sdksamples\basicdialog\" -o ".\..\objd\BasicDialog\BscDlg.fres" -d DEBUG  -i ..\..\..\source\sdksamples\basicdialog @SDKODFRCOptions.rsp
if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError
goto VCEnd
echo Project : error PRJ0019: Ein Tool hat einen Fehlercode aus folgender Quelle zurückgegeben: "Ein benutzerdefinierter Buildschritt wird ausgeführt."
exit 1
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile """c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000148007940.bat"""Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000248007940.rsp" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
/Od /Ob1 /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "DEBUG" /D "STRICT" /D "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /D "_SECURE_SCL=0" /D "_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0" /D "_WINDLL" /FD /EHsc /MDd /GS- /Yu"VCPlugInHeaders.h" /Fp".\..\objd\BasicDialog\BasicDialog.pch" /Fo".\..\objd\BasicDialog\\" /Fd".\..\objd\BasicDialog\vc90.pdb" /W3 /WX /c /Zi /TP  /vmg @"SDKCPPOptions.rsp"   /MP
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile "cl.exe @"c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000248007940.rsp" /nologo /errorReport:prompt"Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000348007940.rsp" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
/Od /Ob1 /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "DEBUG" /D "STRICT" /D "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /D "_SECURE_SCL=0" /D "_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0" /D "_WINDLL" /FD /EHsc /MDd /GS- /Yc"VCPlugInHeaders.h" /Fp".\..\objd\BasicDialog\BasicDialog.pch" /Fo".\..\objd\BasicDialog\\" /Fd".\..\objd\BasicDialog\vc90.pdb" /W3 /WX /c /Zi /TP  /vmg @"SDKCPPOptions.rsp"   /MP
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile "cl.exe @"c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000348007940.rsp" /nologo /errorReport:prompt"Erstellen der Befehlszeile "rc.exe /d "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /d "DEBUG" /l 0x809 /I "..\..\..\source\sdksamples\basicdialog" /I "..\..\..\source\sdksamples\common" /I "..\..\..\source\precomp\msvc" /I "..\..\..\source\public\includes" /fo".\..\objd\BasicDialog/BscDlg.res" "..\..\..\source\sdksamples\basicdialog\BscDlg.rc""Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000448007940.bat" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
@echo off
merge_res.cmd ".\..\objd\BasicDialog"  BscDlg & echo Deleting old resources... & del /f /s "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\debug\SDK\(BasicDialog.sdk Resources)\"*.idrc > .\..\objd\BasicDialog\prevDeletedResources.txt & xcopy /Q /E ".\..\objd\BasicDialog\"*.idrc "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\debug\SDK\(BasicDialog.sdk Resources)\" /Y
if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError
goto VCEnd
echo Project : error PRJ0019: Ein Tool hat einen Fehlercode aus folgender Quelle zurückgegeben: "Prälinkereignis wird ausgeführt..."
exit 1
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile """c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000448007940.bat"""Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000548007940.rsp" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
/OUT:"..\debug\SDK\BasicDialog.sdk.pln" /INCREMENTAL:NO /DLL /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:".\..\objd\BasicDialog\BasicDialog.sdk.pln.intermediate.manifest" /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /DEBUG /PDB:"..\debug\SDK\BasicDialog.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /OPT:REF /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:"..\..\..\build\win\objD\BasicDialog/BasicDialog.lib" /MACHINE:X86 ..\..\..\build\win\objd\PMRuntime.lib ..\..\..\build\win\objd\Public.lib ..\..\..\build\win\objd\WidgetBin.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile "link.exe @"c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000548007940.rsp" /NOLOGO /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT"Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000648007940.rsp" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
/outputresource:"..\debug\SDK\BasicDialog.sdk.pln;#2" /manifest
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile "mt.exe @"c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\RSP00000648007940.rsp" /nologo"Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000748007940.bat" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
@echo, die Manifestressource wurde zuletzt um %TIME% am %DATE% aktualisiert > "..\objd\BasicDialog\mt.dep"
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile """c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000748007940.bat"""Die temporäre Datei "c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000848007940.bat" wird erstellt. Inhalt:
@echo off
restore_res.cmd ".\..\objd\BasicDialog"  BscDlg
if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError
goto VCEnd
echo Project : error PRJ0019: Ein Tool hat einen Fehlercode aus folgender Quelle zurückgegeben: "Postbuildereignis wird ausgeführt..."
exit 1
]Erstellen der Befehlszeile """c:\Users\Helmut.Blass\Documents\Entwicklung\iMatchClientPlugins\IndesignCS5-SDK\SDK\build\win\objd\BasicDialog\BAT00000848007940.bat"""

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    Joe, Unfortunately your symptoms are slightly different than the original posters. Bunny's issue is odd because the plug-in loads on some machines and not others. I'm afraid I'm stumped there.  But Joe, I think we could help you if we had some more information about the process you went through to get your samples loaded. It really could be a lot of things at this point. And it would help to know if you're developing on a windows or mac OS, etc. Did you follow the procedures in the "Getting Started Guide" in the docs folder of the SDK?

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    If you right click on your .r file and compile, does it compile correctly? If yes, and you right click on your .rc file does it compile correctly?
    My guess is that your PiPL resource is not getting into the plug-in. The configuration for it is tricky.
    Right click on your .r file. Select Properties. Select Command Line (should look something like this):
    cl /I..\..\..\Common\Includes /I..\..\..\..\PhotoshopAPI\Photoshop /I..\..\..\..\PhotoshopAPI\PICA_SP /I..\..\..\Common\Resources /EP /DMSWindows=1 /DWIN32=1 /Tc"%(FullPath)" > "$(IntDir)%(Filename).rr"
    ..\..\..\resources\cnvtpipl.exe "$(IntDir)%(Filename).rr" "$(IntDir)%(Filename).pipl"
    del "$(IntDir)%(Filename).rr"

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    Start by fixing the Xhtml coding errors: utomatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
    And CSS errors: ing=1&profile=css21&usermedium=all
    Your 50% site stats probably include Mozilla/Firefox users.
    --Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    "pawpour" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fbghtk$o3s$[email protected]..
    > Hello everybody
    > My site is up at I used
    Dreamweaver CS3, with CSS,
    on a
    > Mac.
    > It seems to work fine in IE 6 & 7, Firefox and
    Safari. When doing a
    > compatibility check, I get one error: "Double float
    margin bug", which it
    > affects IE 6. I don't think this is causing a problem.
    > However in Netscape (I've only tried version 7) the site
    looks terrible -
    > right hand link in the navbar drops down to the second
    > Also, there are two DIVS, one floated left and one
    floating right, and in
    > Netscape the right one drops underneath the other. I
    know that there can
    > problems with IE 5, in its dealing with margins but I
    havent heard
    > about Netscape being a problem? Also I thought that the
    IE box model bug
    > just make the DIVS narrower, not make one drop below the
    > Dreamweaver isn't throwing up any browser errors for
    > I thought that hardly anyone would use Netscape, but the
    stats for my
    site say
    > that around 50% of users are using Netscape (which i
    find hard to
    > Any ideas what I've done wrong or how to fix this for

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    Under the "InDesign" menu, there's a menu item called "Config Plug-Ins..."
    try to see if your plugin is listed there...
    there's always the fprintf(stderr, "hello world") that you can sprinkle in your code. :-) They will show up in

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    Illustrator Version: CC 2014
    Illustrator SDK Version: CC 2014.1
    Looks like your SDK version is newer than your Illustrator version. The Plugin::ReloadPlugin function in common/source/Plugin.cpp will return an error if it is trying to load newer versions of the suites. Run it under the debugger or put a printf statement before the return error; line.

  • Building /deploying sample plugin in WLI 2.1 and WLS 6.1

    I'm running WLI 2.1 (service pack 1) and WLS 6.1. I'm trying to build and deploy
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    Specifically, though there are no errors and the WLS admin console tells me the
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    WLI Studio and am told that the plugin is not loaded when I open the template
    I've even resorted to deploying the version of the plugin bundled in WLI_HOME\lib\sampleplugin-ejb.jar
    i.e. one I didn't build myself but again, although there are no errors, the plugin
    does not seem to be correctly loaded.
    In order to get this far I've had to include the plugin jar file in the server
    CLASSPATH. Otherwise I get an 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/bea/wlpi/common/plugin/PluginObject'
    error. I know I shouldn't have to include the EJB in the CLASSPATH but it seems
    to resolve this error. Perhaps this is contributing to the other problem ????
    Any help gratefully appreciated. Has anyone successfully built and deployed the
    sample plugin to WLI 2.1/ WLS 6.1 ?

    I found WLI sp2.
    "Sangeetha.R" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Thanks Chris.
    But, I couldn't find this in the support downloads too.
    Could you let me know, from where can I download this?
    "Chris Stead" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    WLI 2.1 SP2 will go live tomorrow (7/31) and is compatible with WLS 6.1SP3.
    Sangeetha.R wrote:
    Is there a service pack for WLI 2.1 that is compatible with WLS 6.1
    Thanks in advance.

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    In your resource file you have a resource for the rows you put into the tree:<br /><br />>resource WLBCmpNodeWidget (kWLBCmpListElementRsrcID + index_enUS)<br />>{<br />>>     __FILE__, __LINE__,<br />><     kWLBCmpListParentWidgetId, kPMRsrcID_None,     // WidgetId, RsrcId<br />>>     kBindLeft | kBindRight,               // Frame binding<br /><br />Place a frame (GenericPanelWidget) inside the this to contain the dynamic widgets.<br /><br />Now create resource type in the resource file for each type of widget you need in the line. At runtime you instantiate a widget for each field: <br /><br />>InterfacePtr<IControlView> iControlView ((IControlView*)::CreateObject(::GetDataBase(this), RsrcSpec(LocaleSetting::GetLocale(), kYourPluginID, kViewRsrcType, kYourWidgetRsrcID), IID_ICONTROLVIEW));<br /><br />>iControlView->SetFrame(frame);  // The frame is the place you want it inside the content panel<br /><br />>iControlView-> SetWidgetID();  // you need to calculate this also, as you don't know how many you will have<br /><br />>yourContentFrame->AddWidget(iControlView);  // of type IPanelControlData which you can get in you TreeViewWidgetMgr<br /><br />If you dont want to use the resource files you can create it dynamically and set all the parameter through function calls:<br />>IControlView* iControlView = (IControlView*)::CreateObject(kYourWidgetBoss,IID_ICONTROLVIEW);<br /><br />You can also use the  kWLBCmpListParentWidgetId as a content frame for the widgets, but you then need to remember to take into account other "static" widgets you might have in the line.

  • NoClassDefFoundError exception deplying sample plugin

    I'm running WLI 2.1 SP1 and WLS 6.1 SP2.
    I've been trying to build and deploy the sample plugin provided by BEA. My thinking
    was that 'tweaking' the sample plugin would be an easy way to understand plugin
    development. Boy was I wrong !
    Unfortunately, I can't get the version of the SamplePlugin that I build to successfully
    deploy. I'm trying to deploy to the wlidomain i.e. to a domain where the sampleplugin
    is not pre-deployed.
    I've deployed using the following command line;
    java weblogic.deploy -port 7001 -host witless -component SAMPLE:myserver deploy
    security SAMPLE k:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib\sampleplugin-ejb.jar
    Unfortunately I get an exception.
    The error is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/bea/wlpi/common/plugin/PluginObject
    The detailed exception is in the attached logfile.
    I've tried including the sampleplugin-ejb.jar file in the classpath of the WLI
    server but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
    Anyone got any ideas ?

    You have to hand edit the config.xml for the domain and add the EJBComponent
    element to the WLI application definition.
    "Tom" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I'm running WLI 2.1 SP1 and WLS 6.1 SP2.
    I've been trying to build and deploy the sample plugin provided by BEA. Mythinking
    was that 'tweaking' the sample plugin would be an easy way to understandplugin
    development. Boy was I wrong !
    Unfortunately, I can't get the version of the SamplePlugin that I build tosuccessfully
    deploy. I'm trying to deploy to the wlidomain i.e. to a domain where thesampleplugin
    is not pre-deployed.
    I've deployed using the following command line;
    java weblogic.deploy -port 7001 -host witless -component SAMPLE:myserverdeploy
    security SAMPLE k:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib\sampleplugin-ejb.jar
    Unfortunately I get an exception.
    The error is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:com/bea/wlpi/common/plugin/PluginObject
    The detailed exception is in the attached logfile.
    I've tried including the sampleplugin-ejb.jar file in the classpath of theWLI
    server but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
    Anyone got any ideas ?

  • Updating sample plugin in samples domain

    I'm running WLI 2.1 SP1 and WLS 6.1 SP2.
    I've been trying to make some code changes to the sample plugin and deploy it
    to the samples domain.
    The sampleplugin-ejb.jar file is pre-deployed to this domain as part of the WLI
    deployment unit. The plugin is available after I first install the server.
    I made some changes to the plugin and recompiled using the supplied build.cmd.
    I then copied the Jar file to the c:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib directory and updated
    the WLI deployment unit using
    java weblogic.deploy -port 7001 -host witless update security WLI c:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib\sampleplugin-ejb.jar
    This creates a WLI.jar file in the .wlstaging directory that contains the files
    from my modified version of the sample plugin.
    When I start the studio and attempt to load the template definition I get an error
    telling me the plugin is not loaded.
    If I restart the server this error goes away and I can use the plugin actions
    etc. from the studio console. Unfortunately it's NOT my modified version of the
    plugin, its the version of the plugin that was deployed when the server was installed.
    Can anyone tell me the correct steps to follow to change the sample plugin and
    deploy the new version in the samples domain.
    Thanks !

    I have had similar problems using weblogic.Deploy for ejbs. Remove the
    WLI.jar in the .wlstaging directory. Make sure there isn't anything under
    the applications subdirectory related to this either. Since you've already
    copied the new jar file to the lib subdirectory just restart the server.
    Make sure the EJB deploys during startup.
    Generally speaking, stop the server, replaces the jar in the lib
    subdirectory and restart the server.
    "Tom" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3cbd5cbf$[email protected]..
    I'm running WLI 2.1 SP1 and WLS 6.1 SP2.
    I've been trying to make some code changes to the sample plugin and deployit
    to the samples domain.
    The sampleplugin-ejb.jar file is pre-deployed to this domain as part ofthe WLI
    deployment unit. The plugin is available after I first install the server.
    I made some changes to the plugin and recompiled using the suppliedbuild.cmd.
    I then copied the Jar file to the c:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib directoryand updated
    the WLI deployment unit using
    java weblogic.deploy -port 7001 -host witless update security WLIc:\bea\wlintegration2.1\lib\sampleplugin-ejb.jar
    This creates a WLI.jar file in the .wlstaging directory that contains thefiles
    from my modified version of the sample plugin.
    When I start the studio and attempt to load the template definition I getan error
    telling me the plugin is not loaded.
    If I restart the server this error goes away and I can use the pluginactions
    etc. from the studio console. Unfortunately it's NOT my modified versionof the
    plugin, its the version of the plugin that was deployed when the serverwas installed.
    Can anyone tell me the correct steps to follow to change the sample pluginand
    deploy the new version in the samples domain.
    Thanks !

  • [svn:osmf:] 13604: Update build-config files for sample plugins.

    Revision: 13604
    Revision: 13604
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-01-18 17:09:32 -0800 (Mon, 18 Jan 2010)
    Log Message:
    Update build-config files for sample plugins.
    Modified Paths:

    Thanks Brian. I would certainly appreciate the maintenance and documentation of some of these. The one that most comes to mind is the OSMFTest suite. This would be valuable if only so that developers have some idea of the coverage that's going on under the hood. It would also help for diagnosing what's going on when behavior is not as expected. I was pleased that when I figured out how to compile this directory, I could see that there were 1109 tests, all of which passed except for one that failed due to not being on my local security whitelist.

  • How to deploy the sample plugins

       I am new to Oracle Enterprise Manager. I have got the setup running. Now, I want to deploy the plugins available under the samples. Can someone tell me the process to do the same. Although there is a readme.txt which has some instructions, I find that that instructions themselves are probably incomplete, it talks about emcli which I had to download and install. Can someone help me build and deploy the plugins in the OEM and see how they work or point me to the right documentation.

    Finally I was successfully able to create the plugin archive:
    Here are the steps I followed:
    Login as oracle user
    Download the EDK from setup -> Extensibility -> Development Kit and unpack the zip archive under the same user credentials
    If it happens to be any other user you will end up with the same issues as above (and you will have no clue over the error similar as me ).
    set the JAVA_HOME to the JDK
    Follow the steps of files to copy as given in the README for the sample for which you are going to run create_plugin on
    Now go into the bin directory of the edk and execute the command
    ./empdk create_plugin -stage_dir <EDK_INSTALL_HOME>/samples/plugins/HostSample/demo_hostsample/stage/ -conn_desc <ORACLE_DB_HOST>:1521:<ORACLE_SID> -repos_user sysman -repos_pwd <your password> -out_dir build
    And the OPAR archive gets created. Hope this helps for those who encounter similar issues.

  • I am not able to open, compile and build sample plugin projects from Indesign CS4 SDK

    I am new to Indesign plugin development.
    I have downloaded Indesign CS4 SDK Products version for Windows.
    I have downloaded Adobe Indesign CS4 trial version.
    I have Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 . I want to build sample SDK examples given
    in SDK. But when I open them from visual c++ /prj folder the project is not
    getting opened.
    I want to load Dollyxs and build it and using that develop some projects.
    Also want to build and run the SDK examples .
    So can anybody help about what software I need n which version of visul c++
    is needed for this.And how to Install
    Thanks n Regards,
    Ravi Sharma

    Thank u very much for your response.
    Now I am getting error as :Error spawning cmd.exe. while I am building project (Indesign cs4-Windows).
    I have set properties for .fr and .rc files .Am I missing any other setting to be made.
    Can u help me?
    Ravi Sharma

  • Getting error as error spawning cmd.exe  while building a sample plugin by Dollyxs (Windows)

    I am still new to indesign plugin development. I am not able to build a
    sample project created using Dollyxs on windows for Indesign CS4.
    I am getting error as Error spawning cmd.exe .
    Am I missing some settings to be made for the project. Can anybody help me
    about this problem.B'z I am not able to build plugin and I am new to
    Indesign plugin development.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Ravi Sharma

    Path of ant lib is incorrect. Ant resides in - $mw_home\modules\org.apache.ant_1.7.1\lib
    Make sure you have set the ant home correctly.

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