Samples testing

During recieving insp, we issue samples for mechanical testing and we use tensile machine to test amples. please advise how to capture the sample material cost as well as operator cost of the tensile machine.

sample material cost :
In receving Inspection during UD & stock posting put the mechanical testing and tensile testing  sample in the field "sample"
In SPRO at plant level>QM>basic setting>Plant level settings-> maintain the cost center on which you want debit the cost.
So you can see the cost in T code KSBB.
This will give you material cost.
operator cost of the tensile machine
For this you have to either
1.Do manually agaist cost center through KB21n.This can be done once in a month for a machin or operator by using logic of mass upload.
2.You can maintain a task list .In task list maintain Work center.In work cemter maintain the Man & machin hrs.
when you are taking UD system will prompt you to enter the man & machin hrs.
Also maintain Cost Center in Costing view of the Work center.
I hope this will add some value

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    Hi Matthias
    Check this knowledgebase:
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    Here are some checklist
    Field Names
    Font Size acorss the report should be consistent
    columns should wrap up in a readable format
    decimal places for % fields.
    Decimal places for quantity fields.
    Reports should have grid lines, this will be helpful from a readability standpoint
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    No column headers should be underlined
    Backend filters at the top on the right
    Download to PDF and Excel and Print HTML
    "Check 1. Prompts sequence
    2. datatype of prompts - drop down or multiselect
    3. default values and
    4. report results returned after selecting any prompt"
    "Run the report with some filter values and see if filters are working.
    Access the Report and try to Modify the report request by selecting the modify link, include new fields and remove some default fields
    Save the report
    Validate the calculations on calculated fields.

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    First, thanks for the quick and great answer! It looks exactly what I'm looking for. How could I forget to look at Tom's site for such a script. ;-)
    ...unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. :-( And since I'm not so experienced in PL/SQL until now (looking forward to a course end of year...) I don't know what the error is. Is it not meant to use within 10g ??
    So, here is what i do:
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    2. Then I try to execute the procedure by using "exec gen_data('mytesttable',500);"
    Then I get the following error output:
    SQL*plus> exec gen_data( 'mytable', 50 );
    BEGIN gen_data( 'mytable', 50 ); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.GEN_DATA", line 34
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    And here is the code that I have used:
    01 create or replace procedure gen_data( p_tname in varchar2, p_records in number )
    02 authid current_user
    03 as
    04 l_insert long;
    05 l_rows number default 0;
    06 begin
    08 dbms_application_info.set_client_info( 'gen_data ' || p_tname );
    09 l_insert := 'insert /*+ append */ into ' || p_tname ||
    10 ' select ';
    12 for x in ( select data_type, data_length,
    13 nvl(rpad( '9',data_precision,'9')/power(10,data_scale),9999999999) maxval
    14 from user_tab_columns
    15 where table_name = upper(p_tname)
    16 order by column_id )
    17 loop
    18 if ( x.data_type in ('NUMBER', 'FLOAT' ))
    19 then
    20 l_insert := l_insert || 'dbms_random.value(1,' || x.maxval || '),';
    21 elsif ( x.data_type = 'DATE' )
    22 then
    23 l_insert := l_insert ||
    24 'sysdate+dbms_random.value+dbms_random.value(1,1000),';
    25 else
    26 l_insert := l_insert || 'dbms_random.string(''A'',' ||
    27 x.data_length || '),';
    28 end if;
    29 end loop;
    30 l_insert := rtrim(l_insert,',') ||
    31 ' from all_objects where rownum <= :n';
    33 loop
    34 execute immediate l_insert using p_records - l_rows;
    35 l_rows := l_rows + sql%rowcount;
    36 commit;
    37 dbms_application_info.set_module
    38 ( l_rows || ' rows of ' || p_records, '' );
    39 exit when ( l_rows >= p_records );
    40 end loop;
    41 end;
    42 /
    Does anybody know what my error i have in here?
    Thanks again for you help in advance!
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