Samsung 250GB ATA Disks for W1100z

I have a W1100z and would like to buy 2 Samsung SP250 IDE Drives.
Will the BIOS detect them correctly and just use them ? Has someone used bigger IDE drives already ?
Sould be easy, plug in new IDE Drives, install Solaris10 and go.
Or am I wrong and did SUN code their Disks ?
Thank you
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strange behaviour on the w1100z:
- using Seagate ST3320620a (320 GB) drive on the IDE controller, the following happens:
-1-> netBSD 'dragonfly' installs on the system and disc combination and runs without problems;
-2-> Solaris 10 6/06 does not install on the 320 GB disc
-3-> could install, boot, run Solaris 10 on an 18 GB SCSI disc, the format command from the running Solaris does not recognize the 320 GB disc (not even the vendor type string) ...
From point one, it can be concluded, that the hardware (IDE controller) is capable, to deal with the 320 GB disc (lba48 bit addressing ...
The Solaris 10 man page claims, that the ATA driver is compliant to ATA / ATAPI-7 specification, so it should support the 320 GB disc.
Never created or used the maintenance partition - as is recommended in the installation handbook, so this might be a reason for the problem - on the other hand, it seems very unlikely, that stuff in a separate (fdisk) partition influences the Solaris system in a different fdisk partition.
I have a W1100z and would like to buy 2 Samsung SP250
IDE Drives.
Will the BIOS detect them correctly and just use them
? Has someone used bigger IDE drives already ?
Sould be easy, plug in new IDE Drives, install
Solaris10 and go.
Or am I wrong and did SUN code their Disks ?
Thank you
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    You can get rid of the preinstalled software, but what I recommend you to do is to download the LaCie Firmware Updater to update the external drive firmware to the most recent version >
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    +*Big Drives in My Digital Audio - Am I Crazy?*+
    +From Dylan Ruark:+
    +Hello Dan,+
    +First, thank you for providing such a valuable resource. Yours is the go-to site for Mac info and links, in my opinion.+
    +Now to my problem. It's not really a problem; it's just a mystery. I have a Digital Audio G4, upgraded with a dual G4 from PowerLogix, the 7448 at 1.8 GHz. I also had a SATA controller in this machine to get around the drive size limitation, a SIIG 4-port bought from OWC. After playing around with Leopard (which installed without complaint, by the way), I decided to revert to Tiger as it just seemed to run better, plus I rather like my iSub.+
    +During all of this messing around with booting and rebooting, I kept getting hitches and gray screens and freezes, so I decided to figure out just what it was, which meant pulling everything I'd added, when possible, to try to find the culprit. Unfortunately, I no longer have any small PATA drives, so I put in a 180 GB drive, knowing that it would register as only 128 GB, but that's fine; I just wanted to eliminate the SATA card as the problem. This drive was connected to the stock IDE controller.+
    +After formatting it with Drive Utility, lo and behold, it shows 172 GB available. What? So, I installed Tiger on that disk and rebooted from it, thinking I must be imagining things, but sure enough, it's still there. In fact, I have two 180 GB drives hooked up to that controller, and they're both showing their full capacity. What's going on?+
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    +If you like, I can send screen shots; I don't want to presume by sending large files...+
    +Thanks for any insight,+
    +I don't have an answer for you, but I can speculate. I know that several Power Macs support large drives on a second IDE bus, but according to everything I've read, they can't see more than 128 GB on the "hard drive" bus without special drivers. My guess is that either a firmware update added big drive support or Apple has revised Disk Utility to add that capability. I've received one other email from a Leopard user who had no problem mounting his big drive even though the third-party driver he had isn't compatible with Leopard.+
    +Kudos to the engineers at Apple if they've come up with a fix for this, as it will be one more reason to consider running Leopard on older Macs.+
    +Thanks for the response. Glad to hear I'm not alone. I hadn't considered the possibility that it might have something to do with installing Leopard. Just to be clear, I am now running 10.4.10 on this machine; Leopard was a bit slow on this machine (lightning fast on the Core2 Duo iMac), and I don't want to give up the iSub just yet. But it's definitely nice to be able to use all the space.+
    +Thanks again,+

  • New Hard Disk for Powerbook 12" 133 MHz

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    as this model takes a 60 GB Ultra ATA/100 hard drive
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    Your computer will support a 2.5" (P)ATA/IDE drive as BGreg posted.
    could I put a Western Digital 250GB 2.5" PATA drive in?
    Yes. You can.
    are these newer drives ahh..... backwards compatible?
    Yes, then are.
    And will the computer be able to use this drive?
    Your computer will run the drive very well.
    What about a Samsung 250GB 5400rpm 2.5" Serial ATA ?
    Here is a list of HDDs your computer will support. You can screen for capacity and manufacturer on the sidebar. When you find a drive in which you are interested click on Compare Prices to find the best buy.
    Good luck.

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    Are you sure you're talking about the XServe RAID?
    1 disk is Samsung SATA disk with 250 gigs and 7200 rpm
    The XServe RAID doesn't support SATA.
    Assuming it is, indeed, a standard ATA drive your array will work but won't work optimally - due to differences in things like cache, latency, etc. the Samsung disk won't be in sync with the Hitachi drives, therefore there may be some level of stalling while the RAID is waiting for this disk to be in sync with with the others.
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    I would really appreciate help with the following:
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    - checked the mainboard for any suspicious-looking condensators etcetera: none.
    To me this seems like a faulty s-ata controller or some other motherboard-related hardware fault. Do you agree?
    Do you think I've skipped any steps or is there anything left to try?
    And if necessary, is an out of warranty repair possible, and how much would this cost, approximately?
    Thank you very much in advance for your time and expertise,
    Kind Regards,
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Thank you for the advice!
    The serial number starts with W844, which makes it indeed eligible for the extended repair program. But I wonder, isn't this program meant for iMacs with symptoms like scrambled or distorted video, no video or no power?
    This mac has a problem with detecting its harddrive and other media, and only if a s-ata disk is built in. When taken out, it boots nicely from external FW media or dvd.
    The Apple Hardware Test oddly enough does not find any problem whatsoever. I think this might be because all it does to test the harddrive is directly interrogate the disks SMART-chip, which (correctly) reports no problems with the disk itself. The test does not attempt any reading/writing as far as I can tell. Neither does a program like Disk Warrior.
    Do you think this is an early symptom of the display issue? Well, I suppose the machine needs repairing anyway, so we might as well try for the program. If it's another issue, there will probably a hefty bill, right?
    Kind regards,
    iMac G5 Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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    I have the same laptop - a mid 2010 i5 MBP. For additional storage I removed my superdrive that rarely got used and installed a 2nd HDD in a caddy designed to replace the optical drive. I now have a SSD for my boot drive and a HDD for file storage - and the superdrive is now in a usb external case for the rare times I need it. I love this setup becasue I get the best of both worlds.

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    Hi filmowka,
    Welcome to the Community!
    Go to and choose Master collection CS4 from the list.
    Follow the Very Important Section else the download will not start.

  • How can I make a bootable disk for Mountain Lion?

    How can I make a bootable disk for Mountain Lion?

    Make Your Own Mountain/Lion Installer
    1. After downloading Mountain/Lion you must first save the Install Mac OS X Mountain/Lion application. After Mountain/Lion downloads DO NOT click on the Install button. Go to your Applications folder and make a copy of the Mountain/Lion installer. Move the copy into your Downloads folder. Now you can click on the Install button. You must do this because the installer deletes itself automatically when it finishes installing.
    2. Get a USB flash drive that is at least 8 GBs. Prep this flash drive as follows:
    Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    After DU loads select your flash drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to an hour depending upon the flash drive size.
    3. Locate the saved Mountain/Lion installer in your Downloads folder. CTRL- or RIGHT-click on the installer and select Show Package Contents from the contextual menu. Double-click on the Contents folder to open it. Double-click on the SharedSupport folder. In this folder you will see a disc image named InstallESD.dmg.
    4. Plug in your freshly prepared USB flash drive. You are going to clone the content of the InstallESD.dmg disc image to the flash drive as follows:
    Double-click on the InstallESD.dmg file to mount it on your Desktop.
    Open Disk Utility.
    Select the USB flash drive from the left side list.
    Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    Select the USB flash drive volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    Drag the mounted disc icon from the Desktop into the Source entry field.
    Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    When the clone is completed you have a fully bootable installer that you can use without having to re-download Mountain/Lion.
    Note: The term Mountain/Lion used above means Lion or Mountain Lion.

  • I have several disks with many comedy routines;I want to select a few from each disk and combine them to one disk for my personal use.How?

    I have several disks with many comedy routines;I want to select a few from each disk to make one single disk for my personal use.How?

    Copy the routines into a new folder on your hard drive. Then burn the folder to a new blank disc using Disk Utility.

  • Can two macs use same disk for Time Machine backup with Airport Extreme?

    I use a Western Digital disk as a wireless Time Machine backup connected to the USB port on my Airport Extreme and it works great. My question is: can my girlfriend use that same disk for Time Machine backup from HER computer too? (I don't mind formatting the disk if needed.)
    If she can't, is it then possible to connect a USB hub and have two disks hooked up to the Airport Extreme?
    Thanks for helping. I am constantly in awe of all the help people like you give people like me. Thanks!!!

    I've gone through the manual setup and the assisted setup and can't seem to get my MacBook to use the Time Machine. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.
    Well, as the Jolly Giant points out....+this type of configuration is not supported by Apple+, so it's difficult, if not impossible, to provide a fix for something that Apple says that you cannot do. Reference these Apple Support documents regarding this topic:
    Your situation is not unlike other users who try this and find that one computer may backup...(usually for a limited time before corruption issues start to creep in)...but another computer cannot backup. Count me as one of those users who thought that because things seemed to work that I had somehow "beat the system".
    I started getting the corruption error messages after 4-5 weeks of successful backups, so I figured that it did not make sense to continue to try to get a second computer to backup (yes, I too could not setup a second Mac to backup).
    Sorry, I could not get a second machine to backup, so can't tell you how to accomplish that goal. If you want to continue to try backing up this way, you might want to also think about a second backup strategy...just in case backups become corrupted on the WD drive.
    Maybe if Apple says you cannot do this, they just may be right?
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Simple question:  I want to use iCloud as a back up disk for my documents folder.  How can I do this?  If I cannot do this, why am I paying for access to "the cloud?"

    Simple question:  I want to use iCloud as a back up disk for my documents folder.  How can I do this?  If I cannot do this, why am I paying for access to "the cloud?"

    iCloud does not provide general file storage or backup, so you cannot back up your Documents folder using it. You will need to find a third-party alternative - this page examines some options (some are free):
    iCloud at basic level, with 5GB is storage, is free: you only pay anything if you want to increase the storage space.

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      in case of failure HD etc
    no disks came with it

    No disk-version of Lion, but a Lion Thumb Drive
    For the downloaded OSX Lion form the Mac App Store you can use this to make yourself a disk.
    And have a read here on how-to get/make a machine-specific OSX Lion installer disk.

  • How can I create a start up disk for a old intel core duo running 10.5.8.. Computer works fine, but can't find install disk.

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    Try calling 1-800-676-2775.  Give the serial number and thy *may* still burn you new install disks designed just for the hrdware in your system (for a fee, something like $160 per disk).  *May* is only because they may not burn disks for Leopard anymore.
    If they do not burn them for you, you can buy Leopard disks off Amazon or eBay for about $200.
    Have you considered Snow Leopard?.  Those disks only cost $19 (single user) or $29 (5-user license) through Apple by calling 1-800-MY-APPLE.

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