Samsung ML1651N printers and Netware 6.5

Using Samsung ML1651N printers with my 6.5 server, works great until a
support pack comes out, after installing and rebooting the Server the
ML1651 refuses to print from the Server based queue. I can print from the
Samsung software a test page no problem, i can ping the IP of the printer
but the printer and its in built print server seem to stop communicating
with the Novell Server. I have other network printers Brother HL1670N,
they are not affected. I contacted Samsung UK and they havent got a clue.
I remember a while ago a forum mentioning a possible problem with
iManager which after i uninstalled last time cured the problem, not this

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    You may have the screen refresh rate set higher than the TV is generally able to track reliably. It may be able to get there most times, but occasionally loses sync because it is out of its nominal range.
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    The easiest way to accomplish this would be to get MobileMe which will keep everything synced and allow you to access Back to My Mac to screen share your iMac at home. This would allow you to view the hard disk, assuming it is connected to the home network. As of yet, I do not believe you can back up your mac from a different network. To print from anywhere in the world you need to go to AirPort Utility and click on printers. Check share printers over ethernet port and check advertise printers globally using Bonjour. After you have done that, head over to System Preferences. Click on Print & Fax. Complete the steps necessary to set up your printer over Bonjour. (Sorry don't know the exact steps, never done it.)

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    Have you repaired permissions and restarted your computer after installing ML?  Checked your printer settings in System Preferences?
    If Software Update does not list any updated drivers for your model printer, you should go to the printer's manufacturer website and download the drivers from there and/or contact their tech support to determine if your printer is compatible w/ML.
    Read the various Knowledge Base ML printing articles.  Here are a few to get you started: 
    OS X Mountain Lion: If the software for your printer can’t be found
    OS X Mountain Lion: Troubleshoot a USB printer
    OS X Mountain Lion: Troubleshoot an AirPort printer
    If none of the above work, post back w/the model of your printer and how it's connected to your computer.  USB?  Wireless?

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    What ipad,  which model samsung?  Are you attempting HDMI, VGA, or an RGB connection.  Ipad 2 supports mirroring into an HDMI at an output of 1080.  Ipad 1 is limited to only a few apps capable of the output, such as Youtube.
    page64,65 of the latest ipad manual has more details.
    Samsungs are good and should switch with the input - but sometimes you will have to select from the menu manually.
    If in doubt, contact the customer support at samsung UK.
    Also check - Settings/Video, that you have it enabled for Home Sharing.  Apple Id  which will be your  email plus your apple ID password.  I am not too sure about  this as I cannot remember the exact order I set things up in - but page 89 of the manual references Home Sharing for sharing ipad/itunes content on a home pc/mac - so I would think it applies to content relayed to a tv or monitor too.

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    After the most recent update (Sept 25) of 10.9.5, I'm getting a message "the disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" when connecting by USB printer cable.  Yes, have rebooted, restarted, cleared printers etc.  Now in Printers and Scanners my printer is not even printer available.  HELP!

    I haven't experienced that, but I recommend you start with the usual maintenance procedures:
    First, startup using Safe Boot, which does some repairs while starting. Just restart normally after that finishes. (And try adding a printer after that):
    OS X: What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode?
    If that hasn't helped, try Resetting the Printing System:
    OS X Mavericks: Reset the printing system
    Then try adding the printer.

  • Adobe PDF 9.0 shows up under Printers and Scanners (Mac OS) after re-installing Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.0

    - recently re-installed Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.0 on my new Mac (OSX version 10.9.3)
    - after re-installing Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.0 an icon called Adobe PDF 9.0 shows up under Printers and Scanners
    - every single time I want to scan, my printer/scanner Brother automatically chooses Adobe PDF 9.0 as printer/scanner, although my printer/scanner Brother is set as standard printer/scanner
    - did bring the issue under attention of Customer Service who directed me to this website

    Hi Pieter,
    Acrobat 9 has not been tested and is unsupported Mac Mavericks.
    You might face compatibility issues with it.

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    I upgraded to Mavericks on my late 2011 MacBook Pro, and my printers and scanners preference pane stopped working. Sometimes it comes back as an error and wont open, other times it opens but the list of printers is obscured and not really showing, and it does not react normally. I tried reinstalling from System Restore with the onlie version, but that just took 6 hours but did not really help. I am going a little crazy as I cant get my Canon MX330 scanner installed and recognized. Does anyone have any ideas for me please??

    I'm assuming that you're referring to the Printers & Scanners in System Preferences (not a preference pane, which is a different animal).
    While I haven't experienced your issue, one thing that users find helpful is to go to System Preferences/Printers & Scanners/, and delete the printers listed by tapping on - (minus). Then, reenter the information when it's required later.

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    I have just bought a New Ipod Classic 120gb and connected it to my Samsung LCD TV and Home cinema systems. The Ipod connects fine but the order of the music on the tv is all mixed up. Is there anyway to sort out the order so it displays in album or even artist order?

    Yes, I bought the dock so I could hook it up to my tv. Then I had to buy the cable, I didn't get the cable from Apple. at the time the cable was $50, I went to ebay & found the same cable for about $20. Just like you, I could not find an answer about why the dumb thing wouldn't work, so I just had do my own experiments. Good luck getting Apple to do anything. They don't seem to want to give anything away or replace merchandise.
    Take care!!

  • Samsung tv LE32R86BD and mac mini: No Signal

    Hello dear mac users!
    Today i received my new mac mini (the new model) from the official Apple distributor here in Greece
    with all the adaptors needed to connect it to my Samsung LE32R86BD tv
    and that is a mini display port to HDMI adaptor and an HDMI 1,5m cable.
    Well, i unpacked the mac mini, pluged the cables in to my LE32R86BD tv which had the notification "check the cables" on screen for the HDMI source.
    Once i switched on the mac mini, with the familiar check sound, the notification on tv changed to "No signal" and remained that way.
    After a minute i heard a voice saying "English".
    So im guessing that mac mini boots fine but why no signal on HDMI?
    I tried the HDMI cable of my apple tv and still no signal!
    How can i solve this?

    There are at least a few possibilities for what went wrong. One thing could be that the adapter you have is defective. Unless it is confirmed to be working with another TV or monitor, there is no way to know.
    A second possibility is, when the mini first starts, it may output a low resolution that is compatible with most/all computer monitors but perhaps not with your TV. So it may that a computer monitor will have to be used at least for the initial set up and thereafter the TV can work as the monitor.
    Also, is the mini connected to HDMI2? The user manual for that TV says that only HDMI2 is compatible with computer connections.

Maybe you are looking for