Sanyo Xacti VPC-E1 compatablility

I'm looking at buying the VPC-E1 as I like it's waterproof capability more than I care to have HD capability (I don't even have and HD tv yet). It uses the AVC/H.264 encoding, but in standard def. Final Cut Express says that an Intel processor is required for AVCHD processing on the Apple website, but I don't see anything about AVC/H.264.
Can I use Final Cut Express for AVC/H.264 on my 12" PowerBook G4?
"As its name implies, AVCHD uses an MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) video codec. AVC's better compression (compared to the older MPEG-2 codec of HDV) lets it record video of the same quality of MPEG-2 but in less space"
As you can see AVCHD uses H.264 so you really need intel processor. you can always convert the mpeg4 videos from your camera to another format like DV using another program (and for that you dont need intel, PPC is fine). mpeg streamclip is a program used by lots of people here for converting video. it's freeware and it's quite good.

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    Buy something else... Buy something that records a format that FCP can edit. H.264 and MPEG-4 is a DELIVERY format. USB drives won't be fast enough either... FW 800 or better yet, eSATA is the way to go...

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    Message was edited by: Lorna from Hawaii
    Message was edited by: Lorna from Hawaii

    Thank you ever again. I just now downloaded the manual for my Sanyo VPC-HD2000A camcorder. It will be so much easier to look for information.
    As for the other items: (1) getting a still out of a clip, and (2) stopping the action right at a certain point, Zyfert, the other day it was slightly breathtaking to see the different explanations and suggestions and then to realize that some of it was going about a foot over my brains.
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    2. Plug the camera into the factory USB base with the LCD display open
    3. With the Infra-red remote press the Menu button
    4. Select the 3rd option down - "PC Camera"
    (using the down arrow button on the remote, and the set button once the "PC Camera" is highlighted)
    5. The LED on top of the unit will go steady Green
    6. Open up iChat AV
    7. Select the "Video" pull down menu and pick "Select Video Source"
    8. Choose the Sanyo Camera; you only need to do this once
    A couple of notes:
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    Second, if you only see the "Audio" pull down menu in iChat AV, it means that it did not connect up with the camera. You need to close the application and repeat steps 2 through 6.
    I use a iMic with a inexpensive LabTec microphone and it works well. Feel free to ask questions if you need help.

    Hi Too Many Apples,
    Welcome to the Apple Discussion Pages.
    Nice info.
    Do you need to take the tape out to avoid the tape Anti-Stretch feature ?
    This is a common problem with other DV Cam-Corders.
    What other options does this cam usaully have ?
    (Stills, memory Stick, any Demo modes that can get in the way)
    That should make it a round ten items.

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    Any one come across this, I did read some where that there may be a compatibility issue and I need to convert it first.
    Any tips appreciated

    They haven't moved, per se, but they are far different in CS5 as they were even in CS4. The quickest way to access the Playback Settings it to click the Output button in the toolbar of the Program Monitor; it's the one with three circles that kind of looks like a Venn diagram:
    When you click it, you'll get a menu with options for Playback Resolution and Paused Resolution; Playback is probably set at 1/2, and Paused is probably set at Full. Setting Playback Resolution to Full should eliminate the shimmering, but note that your system must really be up to snuff to play AVCHD and similar footage at full resolution.
    The help docs have a decent explanation of all this: Source Monitor and Program Monitor overview. Amongst the information on that page are the caveats associated with playback of temporally-compressed video like AVCHD.

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    If you are able to stream for even 5 seconds, the problem shouldn't be related to format. FMLE will not allow to stream if the format is not supported. Please elaborate more on 'how you are able to work this camcorder as a webcam'. Did you also try using the camera with a fire wire card?

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    "The apple store suggested that possibly you cannot capture the video into FCE, "
    Not possibly, it won't. That camera uses an SD Memory Card for stills and video. There is only a USB socket for transfers.
    Probably not what you wanted to hear and I don't like being the bearer of bad news, but at least you won't be tearing your hair out trying to get it to go.
    Try using the USB port to get the video clips into Mac and store them somewhere handy like the Desktop.
    Do you know the file type? I recall them to be Mpeg 2 or 4.
    If they are then de-muxing will apply.
    At the end of the day the Sanyo is really not the right tool for the job. But after some hoop jumping it will be possible.

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    Any suggestions?

    Hi Michael,
    Yes, it is connected and powered on. There is a green light on the cradle.
    I just realized I omitted a step. Forgot to choose the "Card reader" setting.
    Thank you for your reply

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    The Sanyo Xacti (mine is VPC-CG21EX) H.264/MP4 footage  will play in Quicktime 10.0 and 7.6.6. It will play natively and rather jerkily in the FCE Viewer, and after a quick render will play perfectly in the FCE 4 Timeline. It is unrecognized however by FCP X (though the audio plays fine). How can that be? Surely the FCP X codec set should be at least the same as the Quicktime set.
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    So Apple, what about a full set of Codecs for FCP X? (I have the latest Codec updates).


    i have decided to return my new Sony TG5V handycam since discovering that it does not have an external mic jack for interviews that I plan on doing. The return will not be a problem, but my new question is this:
    I did some preliminary research last night and found that the Sanyo Xacti HD1010 is very similar to the Sony TG5V, and it/the Xacti HD1010 does indeed have an external mic jack, so that solves the microphone requirement.
    Reviews have said, however, that the Sanyo HA1010 has poor IS (Image Stabilization) and that in fact, the Sony TG5V has a much better IS. I even saw some comparisons, and it is obvious that the Sony stabilizes better.
    HOWEVER: *Since I am going to edit with iMovie '09, which has a fine Image Stabilizer/Non Shake feature, would that make up for the bad shake in the raw footage?* More precisely: Would the same footage I shoot come out just as smooth with the Sanyo Xacti HD1010 with poor IS as it would come out with my Sonya TG5V and the iMovie '09 Image Stabiizer, working double time, so to speak?
    And also: I am still looking for a small, lightweight videocam that I can carry in my purse. I do not need or want a larger one. I have a larger Sony that I never use. I welcome any suggestions.
    Thank you.

    I just bought an Xacti HD2000, convinced by what now seems to be pure "hype" about much more rapid transfer and editing in iMovie but don't see any improvement over my Canon HG20 which ricords in AVCHD. In any case, iFrame is 30fps. Sanyo made a big pitch about Xacti, iFrame and the Mac but turns out all the software and the manuals are about Windows. My requests for assistance of Sanyo got zero results, after the automated response. If you want I'll sell you my Xacti.

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    My iMac 20"/Intel C2D 2.4 Doesn't Detect my *_+Sanyo Xacti FH1A+_* (1920x1080 60p/60i/MPEG-4 AVC/H.264) Camcorder.
    I followed exactly my Xacti manual, but nothing happens.
    From Mini USB (Xacti Camcoder) to USB (iMac)...nothing!
    After connecting the USB, In my Camcoder's screen, it says, *"Hard disk is not Connected."* & *"Disconnect USB converter cable if not using XACTI Library."*
    Is this an Apple issue or a Sanyo issue?
    Frank S.
    Message was edited by: SHOCKPROOF

    Hi, first thing I would do is try connecting the Sanyo to another Mac.
    On your Mac try going the SMC route:- c.html
    Try another connecting cable - Look on the FAQ (Sanyo Site)->
    Message was edited by: elmac

  • Quicktime 7.5.5 SANYO Xacti MP4 movie file Audio Sync Bug..

    Hello. I am awkward in English.
    NEW Ver. Quicktime 7.5.5 SANYO Xacti MPEG-4 movie file..
    Audio Codec AAC, Sound Sync Bug
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    KMPlayer MPEG-4 movie file Problem without Play..
    Quicktime MPEG-4 Sound Sync Bug, Wants a solution
    Thank you for any help you can provide..

    Codec : icod
    I generally defer to folks like QuickTimeKirk on these sorts of matters, but I think that's the source of the problem. That's the Apple Intermediate Codec, an editing codec used on Macs:
    ... and it won't display on a PC:
    Can the provider of the file re-export it using a different video codec for you?

  • Quicktime SANYO Xacti MP4 movie file Audio Sync Bug..

    Hello. I am awkward in English.
    Quicktime SANYO Xacti MP4 movie file..
    Audio Codec AAC, Sound Sync Bug
    audio and video files they are not in sync.
    KMPlayer Problem without Play..
    Thank you for any help you can provide..

    Open the movie in the QuickTime Player and Select Export -> Sound to AIFF.
    Drop the exported AIFF file into iTunes.
    Make sure the iTunes CD Import Settings in Prefs is set to the MP3 encoder.
    Right-Click on the AIFF file in the iTunes Library display and select Create MP3 Version.

  • Sanyo XACTI HD1000 MP4 and Final Cut Express HD

    Hi there,
    I hope that somebody can help me. I am completely new to video and just purchased the Sanyo XACTO HD1000 Full HD camera which is not AVCHD but H.264 with file extension MP4.
    As I do have some footage with FullHD 1920*1080 I'm getting somewhat frustrated about not being successful to get anything done in FCE HD:
    The Log/Transfer option doesn't work as FCE complains about either unsupported format and/or invalid directory structure.
    Dragging and dropping a mp4 to the upper right shows a green screen. When playing then I do hear sound but video stays "green".
    I tried MPEG streamclip to convert in any other format but still the screen is green...
    Does anybody have an idea how to overcome this issue, whether Apple does have any plans to provide an update etc.? It's kind of funny that H.264 seems to be a more and more adopted standard (one of the reasons I chose the Sanyo camcorder) but a such powerful software like FCE can't handle it.
    Quicktime also cant play the video files...
    Any help is more than appreciated in order to get a planned Christmas gift (=DVD) done in time...

    I am also using a Sanyo Xacti HD 100 camcorder and although I am not sadistic, I really am excited to find finally someone who has also bought this marvellous thing and experiences the same problems as I have.
    Reading your topic makes me already a lot wiser noticing that the format of the Xacti is AVC/H.264 ( being different than the AVCHD-format ) probably is the reason why imcompatiblity occurs with Apple. As I can conclude we only can wait till Apple makes an update to solve this problem, and till then use the lower quality.
    The software which surely wil do the things we want is Ulead ( Corel - Windows software ) which seems to be bundled with the HD100.
    Earlier today I launched folowing topic, now I know the problem probably is the AVC/H.264 - format.
    +My experience in using the Apple video software is that there are no problems as long as I don't try the full HD quality.+
    +First of all, just simply trying to view the HD files with Quick Time - after having copied them on the harddisk- does'nt work. The only thing I see is a green screen while I do hear the audio part, so I presume QuickTime & Full HD aren't compatible.+
    +When I try to import full HD video's using *iMovie 7*, iMovie crashes, so I presume iMovie & Full HD aren't compatible.+
    +Then I tried *iMovieHD 6*, while is seemed that this earlier version does handle the full HD - format, the importing succeeded but ... once again trying to view the files doesn't work, as the generated miniatures look like, also the screen only shows a full green screen with sound !!+
    +So I presume iMovieHD 6 & Full HD aren't compatible.+
    +The only thing that is left is trying to use *Final Cut Pro*, which I still have to buy.+
    +As full HD is represented as the standard for optimal quality, practical use seems upto now to be quite complicated and simply not working although a lot of features claim to do.+
    +Do you think Final Cut Pro will handle with FULL HD, or what else can be the reason the incompatibility of Full HD with Apple software.+

  • Sanyo Xacti HD1010 - FCP - Apple TV - COMPATIBLE????

    I want to buy a Sanyo Xacti HD1010 camcorder. It seems to be the only camcorder out there that I can take the files and play directly in iTunes due to its H.264 encoding and the iTunes-friendly MP4 format. I have three Apple TVs on three different 46" LCD TVs in my home, hence my need for iTunes compatibility.
    I'd like to know for sure if FCP can edit footage from this Sanyo Xacti HD1010 camcorder. I have read in places that it can't. But others say it can.
    Can anyone shed some light on this topic for me?

    Thanks for the info. So correct me if I'm wrong, I can import the files from the Xacti, convert them, edit them, and then save them back in an Apple TV-friendly format?
    I pulled a sample file from Sanyo. It's a MP4 with the H264 codec. When I bring it into FCP, I can browse the file fine, set in and out points, etc. then add it to my timeline. But when it lands in the timeline, it has a red bar on top. I render it, then all seems fine. Is that what you mean? I guess when I'm done editing the footage, I have to convert it to H264 MP4 format, right?
    What would you suggest in the way of a camcorder? I want HD, editing capabilities, AppleTV friendly, etc. I love the size of the Sanyo Xacti HD1010. Any ideas?

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