SAP FICO Important Tables

Hi Gurus,
    can anyone give me the answer of my question? As a FICO Consultant what r the tables we have to known important and why we have to known about that for the development and enhancement purpose?

Pls go thru following links:
[FICO Tables|]
Following is a pdf document.
[SAP Tables with flow|]

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    I want to download the fico master tables to excell sheet.
    somebody told me to SE16N and system-list-save-local file-(spread sheet)
    while doing the same procedure i am struggling in localfile when i am clicking in same after that local file that time local file is showing properly, local file is there that is not allowing to pointout, therefore please explain me how to do and get the FICO master tables to excell sheet.
    waiting your reply soon.

    Transaction code SE16N enables to enter a specific table and get the contents or records in the table. Which table name you have entered for getting the Master Data tables?
    Some of the Master data tables in FICO are as under:
    SKA1               GL Accounts CoA data
    SKB1                                        GL Accounts CC Data
    BNKA                   Bank master record
    KNA1               Customer master
    KNB1               Customer / company
    KNVV               Customer sales data
    KNBK               Bank details
    KNVH               Customer hierarchy
    KNVP               Customer partners
    KNVS               Shipment data for customer
    KNVK               Contact persons
    KNVI               Customer master tax indicator
    LFA1               Vendor master
    LFB1               Vendor per company code
    LFB5               Vendor dunning data
    LFM1               Purchasing organization data
    LFM2               Purchasing data
    LFBK               Bank details
    KNMT               Customer material info record
    BNKA               Master bank data
    CSKS               Cost Center Master Data
    CSKT               Cost center texts
    CRCO               Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center

  • JDBC Lookup - Import table data from a different schema in same DB

    Hi XI Experts,
    We are facing an issue while importing a Database table into the external definition in PI 7.1.
    The details are as below:
    I have configured user 'A' in PI communication channel to access the database. But the table that I want to access is present in schema "B". Due to this, I am unable to view the table that I have to import in the list available.
    In other words, I am trying to access a table present in a different schema in the same database. Please note that my user has been given all the required permissions to access different schema. Even then, I am unable to access the table in different schema.
    Kindly provide your valuable suggestions as to how I can import table which is present in another schema but in the same Database.

    If you are using PI 7.1, then you can do JDBC Lookup to import JDBC meta data (table structures from DB). Configure a jdbc receiver communication channel where you specify username and password which has permission to access schema A and Schema B of database. Specify database name in the connection string. Then you might have access to import both schema.
    Please refer these links
    SAP PI 7.1 Mapping Enhancements Series: Graphical Support for JDBC and RFC Lookups
    How to use JDBC Lookup in PI 7.1 ?

  • Insert into sap r/3 table

    this is the insert the data into sap r/3 table
    but record is not inserting....any commit i have to write in my program?
    Created on Feb 20, 2007
    TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    package comm;
    @author sapusr006
    TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    Property of SAP AG, Walldorf
    (c) Copyright SAP AG, Walldorf, 2000-2005.
    All rights reserved.
    //import java.sql.Connection;
    //import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    @version 1.0
    @author  SAP AG, Walldorf
    public class Fm {
      // The system we gonna be using
         static final String SID = "R3";
    // static String query="insert into BAPI_COMPANYCODE_GETLIST values(?,?)";
      // The repository we will be using
      IRepository repository;
                                 //ESTABLISHING A CONNECTION TO SAP
      public Fm()
        try {
          JCO.addClientPool( SID,            // Alias for this pool
                             10,             // Max. number of connections
                             "800",          // SAP client
                             "RFCTEST",      // userid
                             "welcome",      // password
                             "EN",           // language
                             "", // host name
                             "01" );
           //   Create a new repository
          //    The repository caches the function and structure definitions
          //    to be used for all calls to the system SID. The creation of
          //    redundant instances cause performance and memory waste.
            repository = JCO.createRepository("MYRepository", SID);
        catch (JCO.Exception ex) {
          System.out.println("Caught an exception: \n" + ex);
                               // RETRIEVES AND DISPLAY A  ZHR INFOTYPE OPERATION
      public void salesOrders()
        JCO.Client client = null;
        try {
          // Get a function template from the repository
             //System.out.println("goes to sales order");
          IFunctionTemplate ftemplate = repository.getFunctionTemplate("ZHR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION");
               if(ftemplate != null) {
            // Create a function from the template
           JCO.Function function = ftemplate.getFunction();
           JCO.ParameterList paralist=function.getImportParameterList();
              System.out.println("SETTING VALUES");
            // Get a client from the pool
              client = JCO.getClient(SID);
              System.out.println("goes to sales order");
                //EXECUTING THE FUNCTION
              System.out.println("after exeucting the function");
                 // NO OF IMPORT PARAMS IT DISPLAY
                              JCO.Structure returnStructure =
                              String structure=returnStructure.toString();
                                                                                    JCO.Table sales_orders = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("PROPOSED_VALUES");
                             System.out.println("after function");
                                                                                    /*for (int i = 0; i <sales_orders.getNumRows(); i++) {
                     JCO.Table sales_orders1 = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("MODIFIED_KEYS");
                                                                                    for (int i = 0; i <sales_orders1.getNumRows(); i++) {
                                                                                    System.out.println("NO OF ROWS ARE:---"+ sales_orders.getNumRows());
               String fieldName[]=new String[sales_orders.getFieldCount()];
               System.out.println("THE COLUMNS IN THE TABLE ARE:--"+sales_orders.getFieldCount());
               // sales_orders.firstRow();
               //COLUMNS NAMES
               for (int iCtrst = 0;iCtrst < sales_orders1.getFieldCount();iCtrst++) {
                        fieldName[iCtrst] = sales_orders1.getName(iCtrst);
            if (sales_orders.getNumRows() > 0) {
              // Loop over all rows
               do {
                     //int r=1;
                // Loop over all columns in the current row
                for (JCO.FieldIterator e = sales_orders.fields(); e.hasMoreElements();)
                       JCO.Field field = e.nextField();
                       String compcode=field.getString();
                       System.out.println(field.getName() + ":\t" + field.getString());
                      // r++;
                    // i=pst.executeUpdate();
                } while(sales_orders.nextRow());
            else {
              System.out.println("No results found");
            if (sales_orders1.getNumRows() > 0) {
                // Loop over all rows
                 do {
                       //int r=1;
                  // Loop over all columns in the current row
                  for (JCO.FieldIterator e = sales_orders1.fields(); e.hasMoreElements();)
                             JCO.Field field1 = e.nextField();
                         //String compcode=field1.getString();
                         System.out.println(field1.getName() + ":\t" + field1.getString());
                        // r++;
                      // i=pst.executeUpdate();
                  } while(sales_orders1.nextRow());
              else {
                System.out.println("No results found");
           /* if(i>=1)
                 System.out.println("\t\t\tUpdated ORACLE successfully");
          else {
            System.out.println("FUNCTION MODULE not found in backend system.");
        catch (JCO.AbapException ex) {
          System.out.println("Caught an exception: \n" + ex);
        }catch(Exception en){en.printStackTrace();}
        finally {
      protected void cleanUp() {
      public static void main(String[] argv)
        Fm e=new Fm();
       // e.systemInfo();
    IMPORT         ACTIO
    IMPORT         BEGDA
    IMPORT         ENDDA
    IMPORT         LUW_MODE
    IMPORT         MASSN
    IMPORT         OBJPS
    IMPORT         PERNR
    IMPORT         PERSG
    IMPORT         PERSK
    IMPORT         PLANS
    IMPORT         SEQNR
    IMPORT         SPRPS
    IMPORT         SUBTY
    IMPORT         TCLAS
    IMPORT         WERKS
    EXPORT          HR_RETURN
    EXPORT          RETURN
    EXPORT          RETURN1
    NO OF ROWS ARE:---3
    INFTY:     0582
    FNAME:     P0582-AMTEX
    FVAL:     200.00
    SEQNR:     00
    INFTY:     0582
    FNAME:     P0582-JBGDT
    FVAL:     20061215
    SEQNR:     00
    INFTY:     0582
    FNAME:     P0582-JENDT
    FVAL:     20061215
    SEQNR:     00
    PERNR:     00000011
    INFTY:     0582
    SUBTY:     LTA
    OBJPS:     1
    ENDDA:     2006-12-15
    BEGDA:     2006-12-15
    SEQNR:     000

    hi jagadesh,
    ur code is very length to see.
    see the following code ,
    JCO.Function objFunction =
              objFunction.getImportParameterList().setValue(strPlant, "PLANT");
              objFunction.getImportParameterList().setValue(strMaterial, "MATERIAL");
              objFunction.getImportParameterList().setValue(strQuantity, "UNIT");
              JCO.Structure ret =
              String strRetMsg = ret.getString("MESSAGE");
    System.out.println(strRetMsg);  // it will tell whether record is inserted or not
    /*JCO.Function objFunction1 =
    give me points if it is useful
    Message was edited by:
            Guruvulu Bojja
    Message was edited by:
            Guruvulu Bojja
    Message was edited by:
            Guruvulu Bojja

  • Need help in transferring data from flatfiles to SAP R/3 tables

    I need to *transfer data in the flatfiles (NON SAP SYSTEM) to SAP R/3 tables*. Can we do it with a help of program ?
    Please help me out
    Thanks and regards,
    Shiva shekar k

    Hi Shiva,
        This code will be helpful to you.
    *Code used to create BDC
    *& Report  ZBDC                                               *
    *& Example BDC program, which updates net price of item 00010 of a     *
    *& particular Purchase order(EBELN).                                   *
                          LINE-SIZE 132.
    Data declaration
    TABLES: ekko, ekpo.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko,
        ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln,
        waers TYPE ekko-waers,
        netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr,
        err_msg(73) TYPE c,
    END OF t_ekko.
          wa_ekko  TYPE t_ekko,
          it_error TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0,
          wa_error TYPE t_ekko,
          it_success TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0,
          wa_success TYPE t_ekko.
    DATA: w_textout            LIKE t100-text.
    DATA: gd_update TYPE i,
          gd_lines TYPE i.
    *Used to store BDC data
    DATA: BEGIN OF bdc_tab OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE bdcdata.
    DATA: END OF bdc_tab.
    *Used to stores error information from CALL TRANSACTION Function Module
    DATA: BEGIN OF messtab OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE bdcmsgcoll.
    DATA: END OF messtab.
    *Screen declaration
                                        TITLE text-001. "Purchase order Num
    SELECT-OPTIONS: so_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln OBLIGATORY.
                                        TITLE text-002. "New NETPR value
    PARAMETERS:  p_newpr(14)   TYPE c obligatory.  "LIKE ekpo-netpr.
    Retrieve data from Purchase order table(EKKO)
      SELECT ekkoebeln ekkowaers ekpo~netpr
        INTO TABLE it_ekko
        FROM ekko AS ekko INNER JOIN ekpo AS ekpo
          ON ekpoebeln EQ ekkoebeln
       WHERE ekko~ebeln IN so_ebeln AND
             ekpo~ebelp EQ '10'.
    Check data has been retrieved ready for processing
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_ekko LINES gd_lines.
      IF gd_lines LE 0.
      Display message if no data has been retrieved
        MESSAGE i003(zp) WITH 'No Records Found'(001).
        LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
      Update Customer master data (instalment text)
        LOOP AT it_ekko INTO wa_ekko.
          PERFORM bdc_update.
      Display message confirming number of records updated
        IF gd_update GT 1.
          MESSAGE i003(zp) WITH gd_update 'Records updated'(002).
          MESSAGE i003(zp) WITH gd_update 'Record updated'(003).
    Display Success Report
      Check Success table
        DESCRIBE TABLE it_success LINES gd_lines.
        IF gd_lines GT 0.
        Display result report column headings
          PERFORM display_column_headings.
        Display result report
          PERFORM display_report.
    Display Error Report
      Check errors table
        DESCRIBE TABLE it_error LINES gd_lines.
      If errors exist then display errors report
        IF gd_lines GT 0.
        Display errors report
          PERFORM display_error_headings.
          PERFORM display_error_report.
          Display column headings
    FORM display_column_headings.
      WRITE:2 ' Success Report '(014) COLOR COL_POSITIVE.
      WRITE:2 'The following records updated successfully:'(013).
      WRITE:/ sy-uline(42).
      WRITE:/      sy-vline,
              (10) 'Purchase Order'(004), sy-vline,
              (11) 'Old Netpr'(005), sy-vline,
              (11) 'New Netpr'(006), sy-vline.
      WRITE:/ sy-uline(42).
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_COLUMN_HEADINGS
    *&      Form  BDC_UPDATE
          Populate BDC table and call transaction ME22
    FORM bdc_update.
      PERFORM dynpro USING:
          'X'   'SAPMM06E'        '0105',
          ' '   'BDC_CURSOR'      'RM06E-BSTNR',
          ' '   'RM06E-BSTNR'     wa_ekko-ebeln,
          ' '   'BDC_OKCODE'      '/00',                      "OK code
          'X'   'SAPMM06E'        '0120',
          ' '   'BDC_CURSOR'      'EKPO-NETPR(01)',
          ' '   'EKPO-NETPR(01)'  p_newpr,
          ' '   'BDC_OKCODE'      '=BU'.                      "OK code
    Call transaction to update customer instalment text
             MESSAGES INTO messtab.
    Check if update was succesful
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        ADD 1 TO gd_update.
        APPEND wa_ekko TO it_success.
      Retrieve error messages displayed during BDC update
        LOOP AT messtab WHERE msgtyp = 'E'.
        Builds actual message based on info returned from Call transaction
                    msgid               = messtab-msgid
                    msgnr               = messtab-msgnr
                    msgv1               = messtab-msgv1
                    msgv2               = messtab-msgv2
                    msgv3               = messtab-msgv3
                    msgv4               = messtab-msgv4
                    message_text_output = w_textout.
      Build error table ready for output
        wa_error = wa_ekko.
        wa_error-err_msg = w_textout.
        APPEND wa_error TO it_error.
        CLEAR: wa_error.
    Clear bdc date table
      CLEAR: bdc_tab.
      REFRESH: bdc_tab.
    ENDFORM.                    " BDC_UPDATE
          FORM DYNPRO                                                   *
          stores values to bdc table                                    *
    -->  DYNBEGIN                                                      *
    -->  NAME                                                          *
    -->  VALUE                                                         *
    FORM dynpro USING    dynbegin name value.
      IF dynbegin = 'X'.
        CLEAR bdc_tab.
        MOVE:  name TO bdc_tab-program,
               value TO bdc_tab-dynpro,
               'X'  TO bdc_tab-dynbegin.
        APPEND bdc_tab.
        CLEAR bdc_tab.
        MOVE:  name TO bdc_tab-fnam,
               value TO bdc_tab-fval.
        APPEND bdc_tab.
    ENDFORM.                               " DYNPRO
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_REPORT
          Display Report
    FORM display_report.
    Loop at data table
      LOOP AT it_success INTO wa_success.
        WRITE:/      sy-vline,
                (10) wa_success-ebeln, sy-vline,
                (11) wa_success-netpr CURRENCY wa_success-waers, sy-vline,
                (11) p_newpr, sy-vline.
        CLEAR: wa_success.
      WRITE:/ sy-uline(42).
      REFRESH: it_success.
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_REPORT
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_ERROR_REPORT
          Display error report data
    FORM display_error_report.
      LOOP AT it_error INTO wa_error.
        WRITE:/      sy-vline,
                (10) wa_error-ebeln, sy-vline,
                (11) wa_error-netpr CURRENCY wa_error-waers, sy-vline,
                (73) wa_error-err_msg, sy-vline.
      WRITE:/ sy-uline(104).
      REFRESH: it_error.
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_ERROR_REPORT
          Display error report headings
    FORM display_error_headings.
      WRITE:2 ' Error Report '(007) COLOR COL_NEGATIVE.
      WRITE:2 'The following records failed during update:'(008).
      WRITE:/ sy-uline(104).
      WRITE:/      sy-vline,
              (10) 'Purchase Order'(009), sy-vline,
              (11) 'Netpr'(010), sy-vline,
              (73) 'Error Message'(012), sy-vline.
      WRITE:/ sy-uline(104).
    ENDFORM.                    " DISPLAY_ERROR_HEADINGS

  • BODI-1112339 - Unable to import table in BW datasource QA Environment

    I'm using BusinessObjects Data Services XI 12.2.2. I am trying to import table to BW datastores QA environment but unfortunately it's failing. Can someone help me? Below is the error message that I get:
    RFC CallReceive error <Function RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN: . SAP System has status 'not modifiable'. The problem may go away if you change the SAP datastore property to Execute in background(batch)>.
    I already set the Execute in background(batch) to Yes but it also failed to import.
    Please advice.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Henry,
    I am also getting similar error for my SAP BW data store. The exact message is as under
    Error: Cannot import the metadata table <name=DR3_600),
    Import transfer structure failed:
    Infosource <ZASSET_ATTR_TEXT> for source system <DR3+600>, (BODI-1112339)
    Did you manage to fix this? Provide the hints if you manage to fix it.

  • FI document flow and important tables

    I am new to FI module, can any one explain me the document folw of FI and some important tables of FI and also any tables in FI have related with SD & MM tables ?.
    Thanks & Regards.
    Mahesh Kumar

    Hi Mahesh,

  • Export single table in maxdb 7.4 and import table into maxdb 7.7

    Hello Guru
    Need your help as follows
    how to export single table from 32 Bit MAXDB 7.4 and import same table into another MAXDB 7.7 X64 bit.
    Thanks and Regards
    A P Rao

    the Database Studio Loader features are only available for MaxDB version > 7.5.
    Please have a look at the Loader documentation "Export table" and "Import table" command.
    Best Regards

  • Explore SAP CL cluster table folder using Crystal Integration Kit

    Dear All,
    I am a SAP FICO consultant and have just installed the SAP integration kit and CRYSTAL 2008 with a Business Object consultant. We planned to access the SAP cluster tables and replace some ABAP reports with CRYSTAL and Business Objects Reports.
    We have encountered the below two key problems, which I am hoping you can help with:
    - I am only able to view the three folders stated (CL, DD & FN) after giving the CRYSTAL User ID full SAP_ALL access and not with the limited access in the installation guide, profile CRYSTAL_ENTITLEMENT.
    - I can not see any cluster tables within the CL (Cluster) folder as expected and only see data in the FN (Function) & DD (Data dictionary), even after giving the CRYSTAL ID the SAP_ALL access.
    Please can you assist from your experience of implementing the Integration kit with SAP ERP?
    Products used: SAP ECC6, CRYSTAL 2008 SP2 and current Integration Kit.
    Kind Regards,
    Edited by: Mo Habib on Nov 6, 2009 2:26 PM

    Thanks for you replies and I also had a look at Ingo's blog "BusinessObjects and SAP Part 4". The blog indicates that the CL folder is not for the standard cluster tables but specifically for ABAP clusters. Hence why I can not see any tables within this folder as they have to be mapped and setup in SAP if required.
    My installation must therefore be correct and I should just use the DD folder for accessing SAP cluster tables? Many thanks for your help and if you can confirm my above assumption then I will mark question as answered.


    We can Import/export tables using hdbsql CLI.
    But Is there any way by which we can export/import Views(attribute,analytic,calculation) using hdbsql CLI.
    I raised above question some days back
    Also while checking on internet I found another link for the same issue:
    And from experts answers, I came to conclusion that Import/Export Views(Attribute/Analytic/Calculation views)in SAP HANA is not possible through hdbsql CLI/ SQL commands.Now Is there a way where I can confirm this from SAP HANA program management guys?

    Thanks for the explanation.
    What I am trying to achieve is to create an automate script which should export all tables and views for a schema and again import tables and views in a different schema.
    table part is done, But stuck in view part.
    I tried the below command and was able to export the calculation view which I created in Content and exists as
    _SYS_BIC-->Package(same name as schema where all the tables are stored) --> View Name.
    Command used was:
    EXPORT  "<Schema_Name>"."<Package_Name>/<View_Name>"  INTO '<path>'
    Now I have 2 ques :
    1) I am not sure how to import this exported view. I tried below command but it failed:
    IMPORT  "<Schema_Name>"."<Package_Name>/<View_Name>"  FROM '<path>'
    2) Not sure how to export and import all the views.
    I did IMPORT SCAN of the path as well and found below entries for the exported view in the mentioned path:
    "_SYS_BIC", "<Packagename>/CalculationViewName>", "VIEW", 1
    "_SYS_BIC", "<Packagename>/AnalyticViewName>", "VIEW", 1
    "_SYS_BIC", "<Packagename>/CalculationViewName>/olap", "VIEW", 1
    "_SYS_BIC", "vwTile1ALLData", "VIEW", 1
    Any Inputs would definitely help. Thanks.

  • SYSTEM Copy with Data ( SAP Export/Import way)

    Hello ,
    There is requirement at my client site to build SAP system copy from Production System  without copying Data but
    should have Programs/ Structures / Repository/ Tables & views etc.
    Though We have thought of building SAP system with Export/ Import way and then deleting the Client from copied system
    after that running Remote client copy from Source to Target system with SAP_CUST profile
    But I have heard with SAP Export/Import way , We can have SAP data copy skipped and only structure to copy. If there is any way
    of such kind then Please help me in letting know the same
    Deepak Gosain    

    Hi Deepak
    Kindly refer the SCN link difference between the Client copy Export / import & Remote copy method
    Difference between remote client copy and client Import/Export- Remote client copy steps

  • Important tables in MM and PP

      Hi could any one tell me the MM and PP flow,important tables ,fields,and the linkage between them.

    Hi Charumathi,
    Here is the MM Flow,
    A.)MM Process Flow
    The typical procurement cycle for a service or material consists of the following phases:
    1. Determination of Requirements
    Materials requirements are identified either in the user departments or via materials planning and control. (This can cover both MRP proper and the demand-based approach to inventory control. The regular checking of stock levels of materials defined by master records, use of the order-point method, and forecasting on the basis of past usage are important aspects of the latter.) You can enter purchase requisitions yourself, or they can be generated automatically by the materials planning and control system.
    2. Source Determination
    The Purchasing component helps you identify potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements. This speeds the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors electronically via SAP EDI, if desired.
    3. Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations
    The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing you to compare a number of different quotations. Rejection letters can be sent automatically.
    4. Purchase Order Processing
    The Purchasing system adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help you create a purchase order. As with purchase requisitions, you can generate Pos yourself or have the system generate them automatically. Vendor scheduling agreements and contracts (in the SAP System, types of longer-term purchase agreement) are also supported.
    5. Purchase Order Follow-Up
    The system checks the reminder periods you have specified and - if necessary - automatically prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals. It also provides you with an up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations, and purchase orders.
    6. Goods Receiving and Inventory Management
    Goods Receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the Po number. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over- and under deliveries of ordered goods.
    7. Invoice Verification
    The system supports the checking and matching of invoices. The accounts payable clerk is notified of quantity and price variances because the system has access to PO and goods receipt data. This speeds the process of auditing and clearing invoices for payment
    MM flow is processing between business organisation and Vendor:
    1...Purchase Requisition --- T.code ---ME51
    2...Source List -
    3...Request for Quation (RFQ)-T.codeME21N (To Vendor)
    4...Purchase Order -
    T.code -
    ME21N (To Vendor)
    5...Goods Receipt-------T.code....MIGO
    (Tables: MKPF, MSEG)
    6...Invoice Verification----T.code...MIRO
    (Tables: BKPF , BSEG)
    7...Vendor Payment----T.code...FB60 (FI - Account Payable)
    B.) And the Important tables in MM module as as follows
    EINA Purchasing Info Record- General Data
    EINE Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data
    MAKT Material Descriptions
    MARA General Material Data
    MARC Plant Data for Material
    MARD Storage Location Data for Material
    MAST Material to BOM Link
    MBEW Material Valuation
    MKPF Header- Material Document
    MSEG Document Segment- Material
    MVER Material Consumption
    MVKE Sales Data for materials
    RKPF Document Header- Reservation
    T023 Mat. groups
    T024 Purchasing Groups
    T156 Movement Type
    T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
    MOFF Lists what views have not been created
    A501 Plant/Material
    EBAN Purchase Requisition
    EBKN Purchase Requisition Account Assignment
    EKAB Release Documentation
    EKBE History per Purchasing Document
    EKET Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
    EKKN Account Assignment in Purchasing Document
    EKKO Purchasing Document Header
    EKPO Purchasing Document Item
    IKPF Header- Physical Inventory Document
    ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
    LFA1 Vendor Master (General section)
    LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)
    NRIV Number range intervals
    RESB Reservation/dependent requirements
    T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types
    C.) and about the fields it depends on transactions
    D.) PP Process Flow
    The PP flow consists of planning and execution as described. 
    Here is the flow of PP in simple language:
    First of all demand is generated for the product to be produced through demand management. It calculated the quantities to produce and the time for the final assembly. 
    The data from demand management is transferred to MRP.   The data from demand mgt can come from Customer Sales Order (firm) or Planned Order (forecast).
    The MRP checks for the availability of material at various stages of BOM. In case material is not available MRP generated planned order and Purchase requisition for production of components in house and procurement from vendor respectively.   
    The planned orders are converted into production order by the planner and the purchase requisition are converted into purchase order by the purchaser.
    Production in charge converts the planned order to production order and carries out the production activities once the order is released for production. Production is carried out as per the operation steps provided in the routing. Work centers are also mentioned with each operation in the routings where these operations are to be carried out. 
    Once the production is completed production confirmation is done and goods movement (delivery created) takes place. 
    Capacity planning is yet another part of PP which planes the capacities for various work centers. MPS is another tool which is used to plan out the master products. If MPS is to be run the inputs are provided from demand management to MPS. And the out put from MPS is then feed into MRP.
    E.) PP Module important Tables
    Demand Management
    PBED          Independent Requirements Data
    PBIM          Independent Requirements by Material
    Repetitive Manufacturing
    SAFK         RS Header Master Data
    S025           LIS -- Run Schedule Quantities
    S026           LIS -- Material Usage
    S028           LIS -- Reporting Point Statistics
    CEZP          Reporting Point Document Logs
    CPZP          Reporting Points - Periodic Totals
    MRP Records
    MDKP        MRP Document Header Data
    MDTB         MRP Table Structure (no data)
    PLSC          Planning Scenario (Long-term Planning)
    MDFD        MRP Firming Dates
    MDVM       Planning File Entries
    S094           LIS -- Stock/Requirements Analysis
    RESB          Reservations/Dependent Requirements
    Planned Orders
    PLAF          Planned Orders
    Discrete Production
    AFKO         Order Header
    AFPO          Order Item Detail
    AFVC          Order Operations Detail
    AFFL           Order Sequence Details
    AFFH          Order PRT Assignment
    AFBP          Order Batch Print Requests
    AFRU          Order Completion Confirmations
    AFFW         Confirmations -- Goods Movements with Errors
    AFRC          Confirmations -- Incorrect Cost Calculations
    AFRD          Confirmations -- Defaults for Collective Confirmation
    AFRH          Confirmations -- Header Info for Confirmation Pool
    AFRV          Confirmation Pool
    AFWI          Confirmations -- Subsequently Posted Goods Movements
    KLAH          Class Detail
    CABN          Characteristic Detail
    AUSP          Characteristic Values
    CAWN          Characteristic Values
    CAWNT         Characteristic Value Texts
    KSML          Characteristic Allocation to Class
    KSSK          Material Allocation to Class

  • How I can Export and Import tables using BRTOOL ?

    Dear All,
    Since we upgrade the oracle from 9.0.2 to 10.2.2 we not using SAPDBA any more.
    please help me if you now how to export and import tables in sapr3 using brtools?
    thanks and Best regards,

    Dear Chrisna,
    first of all you should get the recent version of the BRTOOLS (currently it's BRTOOLS 7.00 (<b>26</b>)). The developers are working hard on making these tools more reliable and usable so you should not deny the improvements to yourself.
    Now to your problem:
    Try this call:
    brspace -f tbexport -o SAPR3 -t SSF_PSE_D,SSF_PSE_H,HTTPURLLOC
    You don't need to specify a tablespace; it's just a additional option to select what tables you like to export.
    You may also want to check these notes for further "enlightment"
    <a href="">#976435     Support for Oracle Data Pump in BRSPACE</a>
    <a href="">#713497 - New BRSPACE options for "Reorg", "Rebuild" and "Tablespace"</a>
    <a href="">#647697 - BRSPACE - New tool for Oracle database administration</a>
    <a href="">#646681 - Reorganizing tables with BRSPACE</a>
    <a href="">#12741 - Current versions of BR*Tools and SAPDBA</a>
    <a href="">#651812 - FAQ: BR*TOOLS and SAPDBA</a>
    KR Lars


    Hello X'perts:
    I want to know ...........What are important Tables in HR and do I need to remember each of them????

    Master Data
    PA10 - Personnel file
    PA20 - Display HR Master Data
    PA30 - Maintain HR Master Data
    PA40 - Personnel Events
    PA41 - Change Hiring Data
    PA42 - Fast Data Entry for Events
    PRMD - Maintain HR Master Data
    PRMF - Travel Expenses : Feature TRVFD
    PRML - Set Country Grouping via Popup
    PRMM - Personnel Events
    PRMO - Travel Expenses : Feature TRVCO
    PRMP - Travel Expenses : Feature TRVPA
    PRMS - Display HR Master Data
    PRMT - Update Match code
    PS03 - Info type Overview
    PS04 - Individual Maintenance of Info types Time Management
    PA51 - Display Time Data
    PA53 - Display Time Data
    PA61 - Maintain Time Data
    PA62 - List Entry of Additional Data
    PA63 - Maintain Time Data
    PA64 - Calendar Entry
    PA70 - Fast Data Entry
    PA71 - Fast Entry of Time Data
    PBAB - Maintain Vacancy assignments
    PT01 - Create Work Schedule
    PT02 - Change Work Schedule
    PT03 - Display Work Schedule
    PC00 - Run Payroll
    PC10 - Payroll menu USA
    PE00 - Starts Transactions PE01 PE02 PE03
    PE01 - Schemas
    PE02 - Calculation Rules
    PE03 - Features
    PE04 - Create functions and Operations
    PE51 - HR form editor
    PRCA - Payroll Calendar
    PRCT - Current Settings
    PRCU - Printing checks USA
    PRD1 - Create DME
    SM31 - Maintain Table
    SM12 - Locked Secessions
    TSTC - Table Look up
    SPRO - IMG
    SE16 - Data Browser (Table Reports)
    PP03 - PD Tables
    PPOM - Change Org Unit
    PO13 - Maintain Positions
    PO03 - Maintain Jobs Benefits
    PA85 - Benefits - Call RPLBEN11
    PA86 - Benefits - Call RPLBEN07
    PA87 - Benefits - Call RPLBEN09
    PA89 - COBRA Administration
    PA90 - Benefits Enrollment
    PA91 - Benefits - Forms
    PA92 - Benefits Tables - Maintain
    PA93 - Benefits Tables - Display
    PA94 - Benefits - Access Reporting Tree
    PA95 - Benefits IMG - Jump to Views
    PA96 - Benefits reporting
    PA97 - Salary Administration - Matrix
    PA98 - Salary Administration
    PA99 - Compensation Admin - rel. Changes
    PACP - HR-CH : Pension fund, interface
    General Reporting
    PM00 - Menu for HR Reports
    PM01 - Dialogs in HR - Create Custom info types
    PRFO - Standard Form
    PSVT - Dynamic Tools Menu
    PAR1 - Flexible Employee Data
    PAR2 - Employee List Organizational Management
    PPOM - Change org Unit
    PO03 - Maintain Jobs
    P013 - Maintain Position
    PO10 - Maintain Organizational Unit
    PP01 - Maintain Plan Data (menu-guided)
    PP02 - Maintain Plan Data (Open)
    PP03 - Maintain Plan Data (Event-guided)
    PP05 - Number Ranges
    PP06 - Number Ranges Maintenance HR Data
    PP07 - Tasks/Descriptions
    PP69 - Choose Text for Organizational Unit
    PP90 - Setup Organization
    PP01 - Change Cost Center Assignment
    PP02 - Display Cost Center Assignment
    PP03 - Change Reporting Structure
    PP04 - Display Reporting Structure
    PP05 - Change Object indicators (O/S)
    PP06 - Change Object indicators OS
    PPOA - Display Menu Interface (with dyn.)
    PPOC - Create Organizational Unit
    PPOM - Maintain Organizational Plan
    PPOS - Display Organizational Plan
    PQ01 - Events for Work Center
    PQ02 - Events for Training Program
    PQ03 - Events for Job
    PQ04 - Events for Business Event Type
    PQ06 - Local Events
    PQ07 - Resource Events
    PQ08 - Events for External Person
    PQ09 - Events for Business Event Group
    PQ10 - Events for Organizational Unit
    PQ11 - Events for Qualification
    PQ12 - Resource Type Events
    PQ13 - Events for Position
    PQ14 - Events for Task
    PQ15 - Events for Company
    PSO5 - PD : Administration Tool
    PSOA - Work Center Reporting
    PSOC - Job Reporting
    PSOG - Org Mgmt General Reporting
    PSO1 - Tools Integration PA-PD
    PSOO - Organizational Unit Reporting
    PSOS - Position Reporting
    PSOT - Task Reporting
    PB10 - Initial Entry of applicant master data
    PB20 - Display applicant master data
    PB30 - Maintain applicant master data
    PB40 - Applicant events
    PB50 - Display applicant actions
    PB60 - Maintain Applicant Actions
    PB80 - Evaluate Vacancies
    PBA0 - Evaluate Advertisements
    PBA1 - Applicant Index
    PBA2 - List of applications
    PBA3 - Applicant vacancy assignment list
    PBA4 - Receipt of application
    for infotype 2001/2002.
    The rest of the HR Tables are as follows:
    DD01L Domains
    DD02L SAP tables
    DD03L Table Fields
    DD03T DD: Texts for fields (language dependent)
    DD04L Data elements
    DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts
    DD05S Foreign key fields
    DD06L Pool/cluster structures
    DD20L Matchcode Ids
    DD24S Fields of a matchcode ID
    T000 Clients
    T001 Company Codes
    T001E Company code-dependent address data
    T001P Personnel Areas/Subareas
    T012 House banks
    T012K House bank accounts
    T012T House bank account names
    T500L Personnel Country Grouping
    T500P Personnel Areas
    T500T Personnel Country Groupings
    T501 Employee Group
    T501T Employee Group Names
    T502T Marital Status Designators
    T503 Employee Groups / Subgroups
    T503K Employee subgroup
    T503T Employee Subgroup Names
    T504A Benefits - Default Values (NA)
    T504B Benefit Option Texts (North America)
    T504C Benefit Type (NA)
    T504D Benefit Credit Group Amount
    T504E Benefit Amount
    T504F Benefit Costs
    T508A Work Schedule Rules
    T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules
    T510 Pay Scale Groups
    T510A Pay Scale Types
    T510F Assign Pay Scale > Time Unit, Currency
    T510G Pay Scale Areas
    T510H Payroll Constants with Regard to Time Unit
    T510I Standard Working Hours
    T510J Constant Valuations
    T510L Levels
    T510M Valuation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date
    T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA)
    T510S Time Wage Type Selection Rule
    T510U Pay Scale Groups
    T510Y Special Rules for Wage Type Generation
    T511 Wage Types
    T512R Cumulation Wage Types in Forms
    T512S Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms
    T512T Wage Type Texts
    T512W Wage Type Valuation
    T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype
    T513 Jobs
    T514S Table Name Texts
    T514T Field Name Texts
    T51D2 Wage Type Classes
    T51D3 Reduction Rules
    T51D4 Cumulation Rules
    T527X Organizational Units
    T528B Positions - Work Centers
    T528C Wage Type Catalog
    T528T Position Texts
    T529A Personnel Event
    T529F Fast Data Entry for Events
    T529T Personnel Event Texts
    T52BT Texts For HR Objects
    Edited by: Sikindar on Oct 13, 2008 7:04 AM


    Dear Friends
    Can u pls suggest some books on SAP FI/CO.
    thanks in advance

    Try this one out :
    Book Summary : SAP FICO Black Book Covers SAP ECC 6.0
    This book, SAP FICO Black Book, brings to you a simple to the point non technical jargon free discussion on SAP FICO along with comprehensive real life examples based on authors real life implementations. One of the first FICO books which cover business cycles rather than plain technical configuration. Targeting intermediate and advanced-level readers, this book discusses Implementation Tools; Enterprise Structure; New GL Configuration; Online Document Splitting; AR; AP; AA; Bank accounting; Integration of FI with Other Modules; Business Processes; Controlling; Cost Center Accounting; Product Costing; Material Ledger Configuration and Profit Center Accounting.
    The author has spent the last 10 years of his career acquiring this knowledge through the trial and error method. It covers the end user as well as technical configuration perspective. It can serve as a starting point for the people who want to comprehend how the financial and managerial accounting functions in an ERP. Most of the FICO text deals with technical configuration and throws little light on its functional implementation. This book is authoru2019s humble attempt to bridge the gap by providing real life scenarios along with technical details.
    Table of Content (TOC)
    (1) Introduction
    (2) Basic Concepts of SAP System
    (3) Implementationl Tools
    (4) Introduction to SAP Finance and Controlling Modules
    (5) Enterprise Stucture
    (6) SAP FI GL
    (7) New FL
    (8) SAP AR, AP & Bank Accounting
    (9) Integration
    (10) Business Processes
    (11) Asset Accounting
    (12) Controlling AKA Management Accounting
    (13) SAP Cost Center Accounting
    (14) SAP Product Costing & Material Ledger Configuration
    (15) SAP Profit Center Accounting
    (16) In Action
    Appendix A: Useful Configuration TCodes
    Appendix B: Real Life SAP FICO Project Plan
    Appendix C: Real Life SAP FICO Blueprint Document
    Appendix D: FICO Interview Questions
    other details at:
    [ ]

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