SAP MII PCo in 14.0

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to get the tags values for the desired datetime from historian , i tried to pass datetime dynamically in all the parameters of PCo (starttime, endtime,SelectedTagstime etc) but all the times i am getting the tags values for current time.
Can anyone suggest that in which parameter i should pass the desired datetime so that i can get the values of tag at that particular datetime from historians.
Thanks in advance.

Make sure you are using the right parameter names...the ones in the above are not properly defined.  For example starttime should really be StartDate.
Parameters supported by the Query template interface are listed here:

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    Dear All,
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    But I got an Error when I tested index.html page !!
    Problem Description:
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    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 
    <script src="/sapui5/resources/sap-ui-core.js" 
                          id="sap-ui-bootstrap“  type="text/javascript" 
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      alert("2");   // this comes
    //instantiate the view
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       //add the view to the div 
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    Folder Structure in Workbench is as follows:  /XMII/CM/547555/SAPUI5/kpidashboard/webcontent
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    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)
    Timestamp: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:32:30 UTC
    Message: Unterminated string constant
    Line: 13
    Char: 260
    Code: 0
    URI: http://inpuneme01:50200/XMII/CM/547555/SAPUI5/kpidashboard/webcontent/index.html?JSESSIONID=G59R-clhqrId7QDW_a_VBOSXQqyvRAEC2ZsB_SAPqh1fgxWruoAQAKceTGLKZ-6J
    Message: failed to load 'kpidashboard.PlantView.view' from /XMII/CM/547555/SAPUI5/kpidashboard/webcontent/PlantView.view.js: SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant
    Line: 41
    Char: 11332
    Code: 0
    URI: http://inpuneme01:50200/sapui5/resources/sap-ui-core.js
    Thanks and Regards,
    Anshul Arora

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    Hi chris,
    I have to do via SAP MII and their is no other option.
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    Hi Eswaraiah,
       To access the PLC data in MII, you would need couple of things more.
    1. OPC Server where the PLC stores the data.
    2. PCo (SAP Plant Connectivity) that can read the data from OPC Server and send the data to MII for manipulation.
    From PCo MII can read the data and you can then perform your business logic. Also, PCo has built-in notification settings which can trigger MII's transactions based upon some conditions.
    So I believe, your landscape would look like
    Siemens HMI --> OPC Server  -> PCo --> MII
    Check these out...
    PLC Integration with SAP MII
    Connecting MII to PLC devices
    Communicating with PLC
    Tufale Ashai

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      - MFG-MII-CORE (MII Core Development)
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    Edited by: Diana Hoppe on Dec 16, 2008 11:01 AM

    The SAP MII component hierachy in the SAP Customer Support System has been changed.  MII components will be listed under MFG (SAP Manufacturing) on November 22, 2008, instead of the previous XAP-MII component. 
    As of this date, all NEW messages can only be recorded under the new component identifiers.
    The new component hierarchy is as follows:
    - MFG-MII   (SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence)
      - MFG-MII-CON  (MII Content)
      - MFG-MII-CORE (MII Core Development)
          MFG-MII-CORE-BSC  (Business Suite Connectivity)
          MFG-MII-CORE-DTE  (MII Design Time Environment)
          MFG-MII-CORE-RTE  (MII Runtime Environment)
      - MFG-MII-SFC  (Shop Floor Connectivity)
          MFG-MII-SFC-PCO  (MII Manufacturing Data Services
          MFG-MII-SFC-UDS   (Universal Data Services)
    Edited by: Diana Hoppe on Dec 16, 2008 11:01 AM

  • IND780 Intergration with SAP MII

    Hi Experts,
    previously,I have done integration with MES system but i have a new requirement to Integrate Mettler Toledo IND 780 with Ethernet/IP communication.
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    Please guide me
    Appreciate your help

    Hi Goutham,
    According to the documentation available from Mettler Toldedo, the option to implement Ethernet/IP also includes the option to implement Modbus TCP.  You can use Modbus TCP with an OPC Server that provides a Modbus TCP driver (Kepware or MatrikonOPC both have this).   SAP Plant Connectivity (PCo), and SAP MII are the SAP components needed to integrate the scale and the OPC Server to SAP MES or ERP systems.
    Another option would be to implement the communications via the scale Serial Port if present. This would require an external Hardware Serial-Ethernet server to put the serial port on the plant network, and then PCo and MII for the SAP integration components.  there is an internal Ethernet port on the IND780 main board, but I did not investigate whether you can communicate with the scale using the same protocols as the serial port, If this is possible, then the Hardware Serial-Ethernet server is not required.
    Either solution will require detailed knowledge of the communication protocols to determine the OPC Server,  PCo and MII configuration, and MII transaction requirements, to implement the interface.
    I would recommend against trying to directly attach to the SQL CE database on the scale.
    Regards, Steve

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    I'm developing a custom xApp with a context root of /mycustomapp
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    Is it possible at all?
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns:xsi=""
      xmlns="" xmlns:web=""
      id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
      <display-name>Authentication of Users</display-name>
      <web-resource-name>My Resource Name</web-resource-name>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-j2ee-engine xmlns:xsi=""
    Besides having the role My_User_Role my user also has the SAP_XMII_User role (and the corresponding developer roles).
    Tobias My_User_Role

  • To Retrive Folder List in SAP MII 12.0

    Is there any option available in SAP MII 12.0 to retrieve List of Folders Available same as like Folder List Query in 11.5.

    try an XML Query with the following URL:
    Filter the result by its "ParentPath" column to get a list of folders inside a provided parent folder. Make sure that you have increased the default query row count of 100 to get all folders on your system.
    Hope this helps - good luck!
    Edited by: Michael Appleby on Jan 5, 2011 2:38 PM

  • Error in /LogoPage.html  after deploying SAP MII 14.0 SP5

    Hi Experts,
    I am using SAP EHP1 for NW 7.3 SP07. Recently I upgraded from SAP MII 14.0 SP04 patch 5 to SP05 patch 2.
    After Upgrading I am getting many issues as below:
    1. When opening "http://hostname:port/XMII/" as file "/LogoPage.html" does not exist. When I checked the file its not exist in the server.
    2. When opening web pages I am getting java alert as "The application contains both signed and unsigned code"like that.
    I am using JRE v 1.6.0_21.
    Is that problem with the Patch that I deployed or any other issue.
    Please let me know?

    Hi Experts,
    I tried deploying with SUM,JSPM and telnet but no use. The file is not deployed properly. I guess this is the patch issue.
    I copied the Logopage and other file missing. Now the issue "1" is fixed but I am getting the below
    2. When opening web pages I am getting java alert as "The application contains both signed and unsigned code"like that.
    I am using JRE v 1.6.0_21.
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  • SAP MII 14.0 unable to open workbench

    Hello Experts,
    I am facing issue while opening workbench .
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    " Found unsigned entry in resource: http://[sever]:[port]/XMII/CMSLogicEditor/xalan.jar"
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    Please help on this issue.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Neha Kshirsagar

    Hi Swaroop ,
    We are currently using jre 1.6.31 or versions of 1.7.45.We have already tried few workarounds regarding this with enabling certain Java settings ,but nothing has worked till now.What I feel that this could be some java setting on server system issue or netweaver cache isn't cleared .
    Please fnd below screenshots as your request
    Thanks & Regards,
    Neha Kshirsagar

  • SAP MII 14.0 - Calling Transactions using SOAP Runner fails

    Hello All,
    We are calling transactions in SAP MII 14.0 from external apps using SOAP Runner and we are passing the login info in the payload. But we are getting the following error.
    We are passing the following in the payload.
    We are getting 401 unauthorized as the user name and password is not propagated to the MII.
    It works if we supply the info explicitly when we invoke the URL.

    Hello Rajesh,
    I don't think that will be allowed. We usually pass the credentials in the payload and it has always worked for us in MII 12.1. But in MII 14.0 it does not seem to be working.

  • Reading File from a Desktop/ShareFolder in SAP MII 14.0

    Dear Experts,
    I have a situation where I want to read a CSV file from a source different than SAP MII server. Basic intention is to read a file from a desktop or some shared folder.
    My first doubt is- Is it really possible in SAP MII 14.0 version?
    But still I tried doing the same. Used Get File Text Loader action and text loader and provided file path from desktop which gives me an error. Here's the syntax I tried with mask as .csv:
    Error I get is as follows:
    [ERROR] [Get_File_List_0]GetFileList: Access to the file path /C://Users/XXX/Desktop is not allowed
    Please advise, if it is really possible in MII 14.0 . If yes, Am I missing any steps?

    Hi Kirti
    To read/load a file from your desktop you will need to execute some form of client side program like HTML or JS or applets. MII Transactions run on the MII server and would point to the Server's C:/ if the server has such a folder. Usually users do not have access to C drive of servers. Hence you see the error.
    You will need to write some program that executes on your desktop and pulls the file from your system and then posts to the server.

  • Unable to Pass Parameters to I5Grid in SAP MII 14.0 SP05

    Hi Experts,
    There was a bug in SAP MII 14.0 SP04  where we were unable to pass parameters to I5Grid dynamically. I understand that this bug has been fixed in SP05 , so we applied following patches:
    Patches installed :
    a)      XMII05P_4-10008694.SCA
    b)      XMII05_0-10008694.SCA
    Note details mentioning this issue :
    2016927 - I5Grid does not take into account overridden parameters when updateGrid(true) is called
    But even after applying these patches, I am still not able to pass parameters to I5Grid dynamically from irpt page.  Does anyone have any insight to it? Is it working for any one of you?

    Hi Chirstian,
    I see this change working. I was doing a mistake while passing parameter to I5grid.
    What I was doing-
    Grid.getQueryObject().setParameter(1, linename);
    Correct Way:
    Grid.getQueryObject().setParameter("Param.1", linename);
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Generic Sort filter in SAP MII 14.0.5

    I am trying to use Generic Sort filter in SAP MII 14.0.5 and all i need to achieve is sort the XML nodes based on values. i am trying to give input as below XML and sort based on Value. but i am getting error. Input to Generic sort filter is mentioned below. i don't see much documentation for this block. any inputs will be greatly appreciated.
    "[Generic_Sort_Filter_0] Unknown property: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Address>
    Input to Generic Sort Filter:-
    Filter Colum1:- Local.OutputXML{/Address/value}

    I could be wrong but I seem to recall that Action only supported the MII xml document structure: /Rowsets/Rowset/Row etc.

  • SAP MII function issue in SAP MII 14.0

    Currently I was working on some content up gradation work in SAP MII 14.0 , but while working, I have got a strange think regarding SAP MII Functions. We have developed the same code in SAP MII 12.2 and faced the issue while migrating to 14.0. The issue is as follows,
    The function we have used in 12.2 is getvalue(name) as in the below screenshot,
    but while we have migrated to 14.0, then we saw the function has updated into getvalue(map, key) in 14.0
    I have no idea why parameter of the existing function got updated, but the problem is if someone want to migrate the existing code from 12.2 to 14.0 using such of function then he/she can get a "Conversion Exception" and at that time it will become bit hectic to identify the issue and change the logic to handle this in all the places.

    Hello Suman,
       I guess it is a bug in MII 14.0. The help doc has the getValue(name) still. However, the newer function is not present in the same. I guess it was not documented. I guess, the getValue(map, name) is a newer function which somehow replaced the older one.
    I would suggest you to raise a support ticket. According to me, the getValue(name) and getValue(map, name), both should exist.
    Tufale Ashai.

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