SAP Netwevaer - Sample questions

Hello team,
I am planning to take my Netweaver - oracle consultant exam in March.
Can anyone send sample questions to gain my confidence ?
Please send it to [email protected]
Thanks in Advance !

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    If can answer most of these then you will have no problem with the cert exam: Security interview questions - some fun to tickle your brain.

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    Hi Deepak,
    I did not attend any MI certifications but can suggest you a few.
    As people working on MI are very few,we need to wait and see untill the TechEd completes.
    Any how from my exp working on MI for 1 year, i can suggest few things from MIddleware and backend.
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    Hi Judy,
    You can check the following links. May be it will help u.

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    Chek out the following links on portal.
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    For sample questions chek out will find a whole bunch of questions there.
    P.S:Reward Points if helpful.

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    Hi Nikhil ,
    Look at this thread and you may also refer to these links
    Getting Started
    eLearning sessions
    KMC blogs
    KMC developer area.

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    Hi Ian,
    I'd e-mailed you the zip file yesterday, let me know if you've haven't received it yet.

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    Thank you Ravi for the advise.
    Pardon me for my curiosity but certified consultants in a community forum like this is something that to be certified aspirants will naturally look forward to for guidance, tips and experiences and some tough questions as challenges from seniors. The same as we do in schools all over the world incl, third world countries. if this is not the purpose of this forum then I wonder what else is. Other information is available on sap wesbites.
    I appreciate the fact that I cant pass exams with sample questions. There are enough bogus lords outsides trying to sell their SAP wares on the platter. but I dont need them to pass the test. If that were so in the past I would not have cared to registered here
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    I will see how can I help myself.

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    Tuhin is right
    everyone who will post a "real sample questions" will be breaking
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    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

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    Hi Wolfgang,
    Refer the following links:,295582,sid21_gci1149410,00.html,295582,sid21_gci1108668,00.html
    This book has everything regarding certifications in SAP CRM
    <b>Reward points if it helps.</b>

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    Hi Preeti,
    the test is not that easy, I found that I really had to read the questions carefully & the multiple-choice answers even more carefully. Some of the answers initially looked as if they were saying the same thing & I needed to look twice to discern the tiny difference. It's these tiny differences that made it difficult, in my opinion.
    Generally, I thought it touched on most aspects of 2007, with particular emphasis on the enhancements from lower versions. But if you have a good understanding of the product, look at all the e-learning & also, very important, at the available ETS & documentation, you should do well.I found the e-learning a bit limited & definitely benefited from the other materials available on the SMP.
    Good Luck!
    All the best,

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    u can gothrough all these links....
    Check this link for examination schedules and center in USA
    Check this link for process & policy for examination

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    Hello Gayatri,
    I hope the below link may help you
    Please also check this below thread
    Certification in SCM
    For SCM EWM
    Thanks and Regards,

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