Sap qm first article process?

We are trying to implement the first article process, does anybody know the process in sap to flag(identify first article) for the parts newly received into sap?  Is there any t-code or existing process in sap?

Hello Nehal,
Thanks very much for your kind response, I feel very lucky to know someone has implemented similar First Article process before.
I have some questions to clarify:
1).   How to deal with scenario  of receiving material from different suppliers? Our first article inspection should be the combination of material and supplier(e.g. supplier A's first article got accepted does not mean for the same part we do not do FA from vendor 2, vendor 2 still requires first article)
2).  I treid the exact steps you suggested, but could not get vendor populated in inspection lot, we do not need to do the level of characteristics for inspection, simply a sampling procedure will work for us, but I am missing the vendor info, this will defeat the whole purpose.  Can you please explain more in detail how can we link vendor info for material to show in inspection lot, inspection plan is at material master level(mm02), but we want supplier/vendor combination.
3).  We also need to meet the requirement for buyer/quality people to manually update/change the FAIR, any suggestion on this?
<<Personal information removed>>
Thanks a lot!!
Edited by: Matt on Apr 23, 2009 7:50 AM - please do not put personal information such as email addresses on these forums.  You can maintain an email address through which people can contact you, on your business card.

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    Inspection lot is creating for the production process
    Because you set up the inspection type '04' in the material master, an inspection lot is created when you make GR for production order.
    but not for the first article
    SAP does not support any inspection type for the first article of production order.
    The inspection type '0101' is relevant to purchasing process only, not production.
    it is directly receiving in to unrestricted type
    Check the inspection set up in material master and select check box of 'Post to inspection stock' for inspection type '04'.

  • First Article Inspection(FAI)

    Hi all,
             I've been hearing about FAI.Does anyone know what is First Article Inspection?Which Industries use FAI?Is it something like a Source Inspection?

    First article inspection as I understand it means that you set up an agreement with a vendor to produce a specific part.  You have such trust in the vendors ability to perform that you only inspect the first shipment of the material.  If the material meets all requirements of the contract, you are assuming that all future shipments will be similar and you do no more inspections.
    I think the standard SAP process for this would be Dynamic modification where you up the rule to inspect once and then have like 9999 skip lots.  Some places set it up with a time limit, like 365 days.  So that you inspect at least one shipment a year.

  • ERROR MESSAGE sap system manager:work process restarted, session terminated

    i am a beginer in SAP administration, users are getting this error message and i have done all my research and not able to resolve this issue. Here are the details
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    Database :Oracle
    OS : windows 2003
    Module user is working on MM
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    Below are the details of the error message from ST22 :
    name of the runtime error : system_core_dumped
    below are the details of the error message and its resoltion as suggested by sap help :
    Runtime Errors         SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED           
           Occurred on     01.02.2008 at 07:52:19
    Process terminated by signal " ".                                             
    What happened?
    The current ABAP program had to be terminated because the                     
    ABAP processor detected an internal system error.                             
    The current ABAP program "SAPLCLSC" had to be terminated because the ABAP     
    processor discovered an invalid system state.                                 
    What can you do?
                                                                                    Make a note of the actions and input which caused the error.                                                                               
    To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.                                                                               
    You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer      
    termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion           
    Error analysis
    An SAP System process was terminated by an operating system signal.           
                                                                                    Possible reasons for this are:                                                
    1. Internal SAP System error.                                                 
    2. Process was terminated externally (by the system administrator).           
               Last error logged in SAP kernel                                    
                                                                                    Component............ "Taskhandler"                                           
    Place................ "SAP-Server server1_DEV_00 on host server1 (wp 1)"      
    Version.............. 1                                                       
    Error code........... 11                                                      
    Error text........... "ThSigHandler: signal"                                  
    Description.......... " "                                                     
    System call.......... " "                                                     
    Module............... "thxxhead.c"                                            
    Line................. 9555                                                                               
    How to correct the error
    The SAP System work directory (e.g. /usr/sap/c11/D00/work ) often             
    contains a file called 'core'.                                                                               
    Save this file under another name.                                                                               
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the                     
    following documents to SAP:                                                                               
    1. A hard copy print describing the problem.                                  
       To obtain this, select the "Print" function on the current screen.         
                                                                                    2. A suitable hardcopy prinout of the system log.                             
       To obtain this, call the system log with Transaction SM21                  
       and select the "Print" function to print out the relevant                  
    3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,            
       supply the source code.                                                    
       To do this, you can either use the "PRINT" command in the editor or        
       print the programs using the report RSINCL00.                                                                               
    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred            
       or which actions and input led to the error.                                                                               
    System environment
    SAP Release.............. " "                                                                               
    Application server....... " "                                                 
    Network address.......... " "                                                 
    Operating system......... " "                                                 
    Release.................. " "                                                 
    Hardware type............ " "                                                 
    Character length......... " " Bits                                            
    Pointer length........... " " Bits                                            
    Work process number...... " "                                                 
    Short dump setting....... " "                                                                               
    Database server.......... " "                                                 
    Database type............ " "                                                 
    Database name............ " "                                                 
    Database owner........... " "                                                                               
    Character set............ " "                                                                               
    SAP kernel............... " "                                                 
    Created on............... " "                                                 
    Created in............... " "                                                 
    Database version......... " "                                                                               
    Patch level.............. " "                                                 
    Patch text............... " "                                                                               
    Supported environment....                                                     
    Database................. " "                                                 
    SAP database version..... " "                                                 
    Operating system......... " "                                                 
    User, transaction...
    Client.............. " "                                                      
    User................ " "                                                      
    Language key........ " "                                                      
    Transaction......... "ME41 "                                                  
    Program............. "SAPLCLSC"                                               
    Screen.............. "SAPMM06E 0320"                                          
    Screen line......... 71                                                       
    Information on where termination occurred
    The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLCLSC" in "EXECUTE_SELECT".  
    The main program was "SAPMM06E ".                                                                               
    The termination occurred in line 131 of the source code of the (Include)      
    program "LCLSCF2G"                                                           
    of the source code of program "LCLSCF2G" (when calling the editor 1310).      
    i even tried increasing the dialog processes but with no use.The same error occurs.
    I appreciate every one of help i can get, i am working on a deadline which is tomorrow evening to resovle this issue, any kind of help is highly appreciated.

       follow correction method suggested in this dump,
    " The SAP System work directory (e.g. /usr/sap/c11/D00/work ) often
    contains a file called 'core'.  Save this file under another name."
    have you done this?
    with regards,
    <i>pls, award points</i>

  • Quality managment - First Article Inspection

    In SAP is there any standard functionality for First Article Inspection. It is
    better to have all the transaction and inspection reports in
    SAP. It is easy to maintenance, easy to access and able to
    monitor/evaluate the supplier with rejection and acceptance

    Hi Kaushik,
    First Article Inspection is similar to first part appoval that is inspection of new part which is first time received from supplier. Can we record the result of this inspection ? Is there any standard functinality. I understand we maintain Q info record. But then we can not enter inspection results for first part and not even track rejections and approvals.
    Please revert back for any other information.
    Thank you for your time.

  • First article inspection

        Has anyone successfully implemented first artlicle inspection during manufacturing ?
    Also during purchase order receipt we can have first article inspection via the Q info record. This workss fine to have the 0101 inspection type for teh first article. However if the first article inspection lot is not dispositioned, the system does not allow me to receive subsequent lots.It says "No inspection lot can be opened for vendor and material".  Is it possible to allow the system to allow subsequent receipts to take place though the first article is open ?

    Hi GS,
    What do you mean by first article inspection during manufacturing ?
    You create first production order for a material (SFG/FG) and completes the production order make the GR..stock goes in to quality with inspection lot generation..Now till the time this first inspection lot is cleared system should not allow create/release the second production order for the same material..
    is this the requirement ????..
    if yes... then it is not possible in standard need to go for some enhancement...
    if no...elaborate your requirement in detail...

  • Flag for First Article Inspection report

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    Historic data is coming from SAP Complex assembly  manufacturing  solution ( CAMS) and can be extracted using BODS and data is coming from  SAP ECC  too.
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    Please advise me how I should go ahead for this requirement .

    Hi GS,
    What do you mean by first article inspection during manufacturing ?
    You create first production order for a material (SFG/FG) and completes the production order make the GR..stock goes in to quality with inspection lot generation..Now till the time this first inspection lot is cleared system should not allow create/release the second production order for the same material..
    is this the requirement ????..
    if yes... then it is not possible in standard need to go for some enhancement...
    if no...elaborate your requirement in detail...

  • AD - 'Change First Name' process task is rejected by default - OIM 11.1.2

    Hi All,
    I wanted modification to be auto provisioned to AD account when user attribute is changed.
    For this created 'Change First Name' process task and made entry in "Lookup.USR_PROCESS_TRIGGERS" lookup def.
    I followed the link Enabling update for provisioned user in OIM11g
    When I changed first name of a user from identity console, 'Change First Name' process task is assigned to XELSYSADM. But the status of the process task is Rejected. Also, the changed 'First Name' value is not updated in the process form of the user. Hence the change is not reflected into AD.
    Please tell me why the status is Rejected and changes are not reflecting.
    Also, Please provide the solution to auto provision the modifications into AD.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Thanks much kevin,
    One more query.....
    In my case when 'city' attribute is changed its invoking 'Change city' which inturn invokes 'City updated' process. Now when city is updated I need to updated 'Organization Name' in AD process form and make it reflect in AD.
    For this, I created 'Change Org Unit' process task which will populate 'Organization Name' field in process form, so inturn it will invoke 'Organization name updated' process task.
    I made 'Change Org Unit' process task as dependent task for 'Change city', so once the 'Change City' process task status is 'C', it will invoke 'Change Org unit' process task.
    But, 'Change Org unit' process task is not being invoked.
    Could you pls provide me solution.
    Thanks in advance...

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    I ran the R3trans -d, i got the below error
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = ORACLE -
    oracle_sid= 'DEV;ECC'"
    R3trans finished (0012).
    tans.log fiel
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  New connection 0 created                              30  0.006959
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                              34  0.006993
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)                         19  0.007012
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  find_con_by_name found the following connection for reuse:
    4 ETW000                                                                              23  0.007035
    4 ETW000  [dev trc     ,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    4 ETW000                                                                              31  0.007066
    4 ETW000  [dbsloci.    ,00000]  *** ERROR => Cannot connect: dbs/ora/tnsname in profile missing
    4 ETW000                                                                              90  0.007156
    2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = ORACLE                           --- ORACLE_SID = 'DEV;ECC'"
    Fatal NI connect error 12518, connecting to:
         TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
         Windows NT TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
      Time: 11-DEC-2009 22:14:28
      Tracing not turned on.
      Tns error struct:
        ns main err code: 12564
        TNS-12564: TNS:connection refused
        ns secondary err code: 0
        nt main err code: 0
        nt secondary err code: 0
        nt OS err code: 0
    please help me to resolve the issue.

    >      Windows NT TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    Your Oracle version is unsupported and contains serious bugs.
    Read the installation guide, it tells you to
    - install the Oracle software delivered on the DVD (
    - install the latest patchset
    - install the latest interim patches
    and then start the installation.
    Download now the patches for and the interim patches and install them.
    Note 839187 - Oracle 10.2.0: Applying patch set/patches/patch collection

  • Does SAP support open tender process for Vendor selection

    Hi all,
    Does SAP Support Open tendering process for Vendor Selection.
    I men in my clients scenario. For vendor selection process for any material starts with advertisement of tender  in newspaper. Vendor replies back with his quotation. After receiving technical and commercial quotation, the organization go for technical bidding and those who qualify in technical bidding they contest for commercial bidding. After commercial bidding, comparative statement is prepared and then purchase committee approves the vendor. The problem is that any no. of vendors from any where can give their reply to the tender as it is a government organization. So, how to map this process in SAP as we are not directly sending RFQ to the vendor, instead he reply back with quotation directly once he sees the advertisement in newspaper.
    I want you all to suggest me whether to keep this process in SAP or out of SAP. waiting for your response.

    Hi Ravi,
    Thanks for your response. My problem is that the organization advertise its tender in newspaper of all india circulation and seeing that tender vendor reply back with quotation. They don't identify who all are the vendors to whom RFQ is send. only when reply of vendor comes with quotation client comes to know about the vendors submitting quotation. Normally one vendor is selected for one material and 20 to 25 vendors give their quotation. Is it feasible to bring those 25 vendors in SAP if only one will be selected. Because in any way, for any processing we need to create vendor in SAP. So do we need to create 25 vendors, though we know we require only one finally. Can you please clarify this issue. If you want I can mail you the whole process map.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Intigrating SAP and Non-SAP system for recruitment process

    Hi All,
    Our Client has a requirement which is related to Recruitment.The requirement is that the employee resumes ,photos and credentils are stored in legacy system.The shortlisted resumes sud be transferred into SAP and the hiring process sud be done in SAP.After the hiring process , the status of the applicants sud be triggered in the legacy system and not in the SAP system.
    Is there any Standard BAPI's for this requirement. Any Workflow is involved in this requirement.
    As a HR Abaper i need to give the complete technical details for this requirement. Pls advice me on this .This is very urjent.
    Points will be awarded.
    Many Thanks,
    Chakradhar Maddina

    what is this 3rd party application?
    if anyways they are using SAP for masterdata, why dont they use the same for applicant data?
    ok for whatever the reason they have decided that..only way looks like is to do it manually,
    create a bdc/lsmw for the hiring process and let them use it regularly for hiring all the selected applicants in a single go.
    as for updating their system with the updated status, again i think they should do it manually.or maybe if their legacy system allows mass data update/chages.
    becoz you do the creation of BDC/LSMW only once not everytime you want to hire.. i think its an easir process. also wait for other experts to give their feed back you may get some valuable info.
    hope it helps

  • SAP AII for production process

    I'm an ABAP programmer but I have to find some information (integration scenario example) about using RFID for managing a production process with SAP.
    I found only for SCM:
    Is it posible to manage a production process with SAP's  AII <-> XI <-> ERP like it can be done for SCM?

    Hi Mustata,
       Yes it is very much possible to RFID enable the SAP R/3 Production process.
       AII 4.0 supported out of the box execution of Outbound delivery process and Inbound Delivery process.
       The configuration guide for same are available at this link
        you can get the config guide in detailed information of RFID under SCM.
       Now answer to your question SAP AII for production process.
       AII 5.1 supports creation on new document in AII. Also the documents from backend system SAP R/3 sent to AII via XI with the help of standard document interface.
      The documents related to production process can be then executed in AII with the help of RFID and after document execution in AII, if required, the document data can be sent to SAP R/3 for completion of the document in backend system.
    Hope this answers your query. Do read the configuration guides.
    If same process needs to be done in AII 4.0 then customisation will be need to implement the production process integration.
    Thanks and regards,
    Amit Deshpande

  • When opening a published folio, how can I always default to launching the first article

    Currently, when our app is launched or open from the iPad, it opens on the last article I was on. I would like the app to always open from the "first" article in the folio. Is this possible?

    There's no way to do this automatically. You can add a button or hyperlink on your pages that navigates to navto://relative/reset and that will return the content to the first page, first article, but it isn't automatic.

  • Error OGG-01517  Position of first record processed

    INFO OGG-01517 Position of first record processed LSN: 0x00000008:00000038:0004, Jul 10, 2012 1:45:47 PM.
    TABLEWildcard resolved (entry DBO.*):
    table DBO.NEW TABLE;
    Source Context :
    SourceModule : [er.main]
    SourceID : [er/rep.c]
    SourceFunction : [get_map_entry]
    SourceLine : [8661]
    2012-07-10 13:55:37 ERROR OGG-00212 Invalid option for MAP: TABLE.
    2012-07-10 13:55:37 INFO OGG-00178 VAM Client Report <Last LSN Read: 00000008:0000003d:0002
    Open Transactions
    0000:0000025e (2012/07/10 13:55:35.943) @ 00000008:0000003d:0001: Upd(Comp) = 0(0), Row(comp) = 1(0)
    .2012-07-10 13:55:37 INFO OGG-00178 VAM Client Report <Sanity checking is not enabled.
    .I try edit error in file but failed.
    table dbo."New Table"; but No records extracted.

    Bug 13458343 is fixed in version 11.2.1.
    Please try it ... change the version 11.1 for 11.2 and post your results

  • Sap script real time process

    hai this is siva ,
    i want sap-script real time process.

    hai this is siva ,
    i want sap-script real time process.

Maybe you are looking for