Dear all,
We are in EHP4
I have activated business function FI_Travel_1 and able to create travel request with abap web dynpro.
Updated the uwl configuration xml file with the zip file . sap note 1076144.
The Travel request is created and it is send successfully for the approval. The superior user has received this his uwl.
Issue :
I am getting a errror Function is obsolete (successor: SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE)
and the approval process is not happening.

a'pply note 1133821 and 1471380
1. Assigning the role "SAP_BC_UWL_SERVICE" to the service_user.
2. Create a new destination for Generic Connector as per the SAP Note#
3. Regenerate the sap role.
4. Restart portal.

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    Remark: the result may NOT be a calculation of absolute values! Instead it has to be a normal calculation (sum) and at the end, the minus sign of the negative values should be removed.
    A:          2000
    <u>B:         -3500</u>
    R:     1500
    Thank you in advance!

    Try this.
    Create a Formula for your key figure.
    Create an If condition and implement the logic
    Use the boolean funtion LEAF() - which returns 1 for individual values and 0 for results.
    (leaf(KF)=0)((KF<0)(-1)(KF)+ (KF>=0)* KF) + (leaf(KF)=1)* KF

  • Absolute/Relative Path for elements in xml to rtf template.

    Hi all,
    I have a small doubt, can anyone help me come out of this issue.
    I developed a BI Publisher Report using RTF Template and I am addressing XML elements which are out of the group in the XML file inside the for loop in the RTF template. I am able to get the body of the table but with all blank values on the output.
    I thought to give the full path ie., Absolute path instead only the element name, can anyone suggest me how to address an element outside the group in XML file from a for loop in the RTF template. Is it possible to address like that.?
    Thanks In advance.

    Hi Tim,
    I am using BIP I am able to access system variable CURRENT_SERVER URL.
    <xsl:value-of select="$ CURRENT_SERVER_URL"/>
    CURRENT_SERVER_URL is getting printed in BI Publisher. Value displayed is
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    We have hardcoded the path for XSL in RTF. The path is <?import:>
    As we want to set dynamic path we changed hardcoded xsl path to <?import: {$CURRENT_SERVER_URL}/../aaa.xsl?> but it is not working. Sometimes BIP is taking local path of MyDocuments folder and sometimes Desktop path. If I put that XSL file in MyDocuments folder or Desktop, it is working fine. But ideally it should refer [BIP_Installation_Directory\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\default-web-app] path...
    Amit D

  • Absolutely the WORST customer service!!! Customer disservice is more Absolutely the WORST customer service!!! Customer disservice is more appropriate! Bring back support to the U.S.!! Bring back support to the U.S.!

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    Hi richmc. I will only deal with the last part of your message.
    You say that you want to use Outlook 2007 to collect your mail. That is not a problem, it is just an email client. BT do not supply this email client. Microsoft do.
    You cannot expect BT to be able to assist customers with all the different email clients available to use. You can get the server details etc to set it up yourself.
    Most ISP's are the same on support issues for things that they do not supply.
    BT do have a paid support service if you did want to use it but for things like email setup it should not be needed.
    You also say that you have your own domain names. These NEED to be hosted somewhere to be able to use them for email.
    I don't believe that BT do hosting anymore(Could be wrong). So you would need to get in touch with a hosting company, someone like Nethosting, 1&1, GoDaddy etc to set up an email hosting account and then set up your email client to your hosting companies email servers.

  • Text entry box not funtioning

    Does anyone know if project a project size affects the functionality of text box entry.
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    when we break the project down to smaller pieces, the functionality is restored.
    is there some type of size limit for project/ text box funtionality?

    Hi there
    Project size affects lots of things. You should consider yourself lucky that you haven't seen corruption and loss of data with that many slides!
    Captivate 5 should change this limit, but versions 4 and earlier should adhere to a typical guideline of 50-65 slides. Sometimes you can get away with as many as 100-150, but it depends on many factors such as number of objects, how much audio is present, project resolution, etc.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
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  • Issue with container divs, and absolute/fixed positioning

    Hello everyone, I have an issue getting my divs to function properly. I have a container div and I want the table div to float inside (and move with page resize). Right now it doesnt move with the page (see photo).
    However, when I change the position to relative of that div, it moves under the container div and locks itself there.(Second photo)
    Any help would be great! Thanks!
    Picture one:
    Picture two
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>davide marchetti architetto</title>
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    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="ttp://" rel="stylesheet">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    color: #000;
    background-image: url();
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    /* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
    ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
    margin-top: 0; /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
    padding-right: 15px;
    padding-left: 15px; /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
    a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
    border: none;
    /* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
    a:link {
    text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
    a:visited {
    color: #4E5869;
    text-decoration: underline;
    a:hover, a:active, a:focus { /* this group of selectors will give a keyboard navigator the same hover experience as the person using a mouse. */
    text-decoration: none;
    /* ~~ this container surrounds all other divs giving them their percentage-based width ~~ */
    .container {
    width: 80%;
    max-width: 1260px;/* a max-width may be desirable to keep this layout from getting too wide on a large monitor. This keeps line length more readable. IE6 does not respect this declaration. */
    min-width: 780px;
    margin: 0 auto; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout. It is not needed if you set the .container's width to 100%. */
    /* ~~ This is the layout information. ~~
    1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
    .content {
    padding: 10px 0;
    font-size: x-small;
    /* ~~ This grouped selector gives the lists in the .content area space ~~ */
    .content ul, .content ol {
    padding: 0 15px 15px 40px; /* this padding mirrors the right padding in the headings and paragraph rule above. Padding was placed on the bottom for space between other elements on the lists and on the left to create the indention. These may be adjusted as you wish. */
    /* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
    .fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
    float: right;
    margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
    float: left;
    margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the overflow:hidden on the .container is removed */
    font-size: 1px;
    line-height: 0px;
    body,td,th {
              font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
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    table.tableizer-table {
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    #apDiv3 {
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    <div class="container">
      <div class="container"><img src="../images/Davide.png" width="800" height="600" usemap="#Map" border="0" />
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          <map name="Map" id="Map">
            <area shape="rect" coords="48,416,125,435" href="../news.html" />
            <area shape="rect" coords="262,416,304,436" href="../studio.html" />
            <area shape="rect" coords="490,416,545,435" href="../projects.html" />
            <area shape="rect" coords="702,415,751,436" href="../contact.html" />
          <table id="myTable" class="tableizer-table">
              <tr class="tableizer-firstrow">
                <th>YEAR </th>
                <td>EXPO 2015 - Italian Pavilion</td>
                <td>Milan - Italy</td>
                <td>Requalification of "Almerici", "Bufalini" and "Fabbri" Squares</td>
                <td>Cesena - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Re-thinking Shanghai: sustainable intervention along the Suzhou Creek</td>
                <td>Shanghai - China</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>VCC Flat</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Interior design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td>London 2012 Olympic Games Information Pavilion</td>
                <td>London - UK</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Enhancement project for the sacred area of the sanctuary of Hercules Victor</td>
                <td>Tivoli - Italy</td>
                <td>VTL Flat </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Interior design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>BNC Flat</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Interior design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Expansion of the "Farnesina" High School</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / Selected Project</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Neanderthal Art Center</td>
                <td>Pilo�a - Spain</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New pedestrian & cycling footpath in the site of the "San Leopoldo II" old bridge</td>
                <td>Poggio a Caiano - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Proposition 2065 - St. Leonards site</td>
                <td>Sidney - Australia</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>MEIS - National Museum of Italian Judaism and Shoah </td>
                <td>Ferrara - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 3rd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>36 The Calls Design Competition</td>
                <td>Leeds - UK</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Europan 10: masterplan for an harbour area</td>
                <td>Rudk�bing - Denmark</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>"Scuola in Piazza a Levante" - Kindergarten and public areas</td>
                <td>Bisceglie - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>CIBAF - City of Kids </td>
                <td>Frattamaggiore - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Designing in Teheran</td>
                <td>Teheran - Iran</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / Selected Project</td>
                <td>DawnTown 2008: Waterworks</td>
                <td>Miami - USA</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Venice Biennale New Australian Pavillion</td>
                <td>Venice - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New pedestrian and cycling bridge</td>
                <td>Civita di Bagnoregio - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renovation of "San Ciro" Square</td>
                <td>Portici - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd phase selected / 3rd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renovation of "Umberto I�" Square</td>
                <td>San Ferdinando di Puglia - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Historic Renovation of the "Corsie Sistine" Hospital Wards </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build)</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office table and lighting system</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New City Library</td>
                <td>Legnano - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office table</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Volleyball Arena, Hotel and Commercial Spaces</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td>New Provincial Archaeological Museum in the Santa Scolastica Monastery</td>
                <td>Bari - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 5th Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>The City of Water and Health</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Parkway Iconic Bridge</td>
                <td>Sheffield - UK</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renovation of "Loveno 84" Sport Center</td>
                <td>Menaggio - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Guardia di Finanza" Corp Main Headquarters</td>
                <td>Catanzaro - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Lega Lombarda" Real Estate Complex Urban Development</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build) </td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Jewellery design</td>
                <td>Prototype </td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Moon putter</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Product design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Aleale Coffee Table</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td>"1st October" Public Square</td>
                <td>Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Attilio Pecile" New Square and Sustainable Mixed Use Building</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renewal of the "Porta Nuova" Old Tower</td>
                <td>Venice - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Meno e pi� 4": Civic Center and Pre-school Building</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / Mention</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Urban Renewal of Historic Building and Public Squares</td>
                <td>Conversano - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New Seafront and Beach Accesses</td>
                <td>Fregene - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / Mention</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Requalification of Main Streets and Squares of the Old City Centre</td>
                <td>Bari - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Gyeonggi-do Jeongok Prehistory Museum</td>
                <td>Jeongok-ri - South Korea</td>
                <td>Competition / Honourable Mention</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Low-income housing development</td>
                <td>Guadalajara/Ceuta - Spain</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Shop extension</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Temporary Concert Hall</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office Space Interior Design - New Seat of the Lombardy Regional Government </td>
                <td>Milan - Italy</td>
                <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build)</td>
                <td>Europan 8 - Urban Requalification</td>
                <td>Istanbul - Turkey</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Natural Park Visitor Center, Kindergarten and Primary School</td>
                <td>Funes - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Coastal Area Development</td>
                <td>Latina - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Requalification of Three Squares</td>
                <td>Benevento - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office and Data Center New Building in the Ministry of Defense headquarters</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td>JCD Floating Pearl Store</td>
                <td>Tokio - Japan</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd phase selected </td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Requalifications of Rome�s Beachfront and Coastal Areas</td>
                <td>Ostia - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>40 Apartments Building and Sport Center</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>nMBA New Beaux-Art Museum</td>
                <td>Lausanne - Switzerland</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>The Dubai Residence and Hotel Towers</td>
                <td>Dubai - UAE</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Shoes and Accessories Shop</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
                <td>Pedestrian and cycling Bridge </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Temporary Pavillion for a Car Show</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Belvedere Tower</td>
                <td>Castellammare di Stabia - Italy</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
    <!-- end .container --></div>

    #apDiv2 {
        position: absolute;
        width: 698px;
        height: 299px;
        z-index: 1;
        top: 117px;
        overflow: scroll;
    Don't forget to fix your code errors.  You're still missing a <body> tag in your markup. 
    Nancy O.

  • First off, i think it's sad that i have to use my non apple device to post this question... Why has my iPad become absolutely useless after updating to iOS 8.1? I am unable to use my mini because it crashes, slow performance, major battery drain.

    First off, i think it's sad that i have to use my non apple device to post this question... Why has my iPad become absolutely useless after updating to iOS 8.1? I am unable to use my mini because it crashes, slow performance, major battery drain.

    Restore iPad to Factory Default; do not restore from backup. It may be the cause of the problem.
    Settings>General>Reset>Erase all content and settings

  • Sky Sports 1 and 2 and BT in general - Absolutely ...

    I would like to start by stating this will be a bit of an essay but I hope anyone who opens this thread up takes the time and consideration to read and takes it on-board, I am particurlarly aiming that at prospective BT customers who may be here to consider taking up a contract with BT, I strongly urge you to NOT DO THIS and to use my experience as the leading reason why.
    We have been BT customers since we moved into our current property back in 2003, we have the current full package on offer, BT Infinity, with the Sky Sports and ESPN upgrades and the full On Demand and Broadband services. We have experienced numerous problems over the past three to four years with connectivity issues. The broadband drops in and out all the time, it's hard to put a level of consistency on this but on some days it can drop out 25-30 times, it can happen a lot at the weekend some weeks or weekdays on the others or both, the timing varies, it doesn't appear to be reflective of particurlar weather conditions, not that this should really matter anyway but we've been investigating all possible lines of enquiry as to why the problems keep happening, by my calculation we've had 18 engineers out to visit the property, I myself, and this does not include the other numerous phone calls made by fellow family members, have called and reported the problem to BT at least 50 times in this time period, I've taken days off work to wait for engineers, I've unplugged and reset my hub more times than I care to remember, we've had the hub itself replaced four times, the Vision box replaced twice, the lines re-routed through our house twice and more e-mails and letters than I reckon President Barack Obama sends in one year in office!
    And so far, to date, and I am talking about in the last five days, the problem still exists! The only way to get the connection back is to turn the hub off and back on again, or use the reset button, which we all know disrupts the hub and often results in further faults down the line, I would love to not have to do this but given we're paying for 24/7 internet access I should not have to sit around waiting, in most cases, up to 3-4 hours for the signal to return to the hub by itself (I know, I've timed it, something else I've wated much of my own time doing). The lights don't flash or change colour on the hub either when this problem occurs (the hub should register lack of connection, with the lights going from blue to either flashing blue or, in most cases, red, just for the record they stay blue but we have used various devices in this house ranging from state-of-the-art, brand-new laptops to tablets to i-phones to desktops and the problem occurs the same for everyone so before I get one of the many excuses I've already had from BT that it's a potential "device problem" you can forget that one, been there, done that!).
    I have urged, and urged, and urged the engineers, the people I speak to one the phone, the personal advisors our case has been passed on too, to look at potential problems outside our property i.e. the exchange. This has been rebuffed time and time again. "It's not the problem sir, the problem is here sir, the problem is not our fault sir" etc. etc. etc. Well, guess what....
    We've just received a phone call informing us that, from June 10th in our area, due to issues with the exchange being able to hold the signal, Sky Sports 1 and Sky Sports 2 will no longer be avaliable on our BT package. As huge cricket fans, from a personal perspective, first off, this is infuriating. The person we spoke too also claimed Sky have "pulled the plug" on the package so, also, I'm a little confused as too which is the actual issue here resulting in the loss of Sky Sports? That you've known all along that there has been problem in my local area with the exchange and the signal it can hold, or that Sky have pulled the rights to their sports package? Or perhaps that you spent £757 million recently on a new TV rights package for Premiership football for two new BT Sports channels (those ones you see currently advertised, on, of all channels, Sky Sports 1 and 2!) and actually are just quite happy to cut customers out who have lined your pockets with substantial monthly fees for programming you knew full well didn't work when you first signed contracts with Sky to pick it up, and then distributed to customers? Are you seriously telling me after, by my calculation, three years, you didn't know Sky Sports 1 and 2 didn't work in my local area, yet carried on debiting bank accounts, advertising the channels, supplying them and then, now, with less than a month's notice, you've pulled the plug? That takes me right back to the title of my message - absolutely disgraceful.
    I should make it clear at this point we have experienced problems with BT Vision too, albeit not lately, thank God, although that is not to say the problems wouldn't return. Signal dropping in and out, screen crackling and dropping out, black screens frequently on SS1, SS2 and ESPN etc. As for the On Demand service, that is obviously effected by the hub signal dropping in and out, the Vision box also does not appear to correlate with the hub when the signal returns and remains offline for a further amount of time, even when it is disconnected and then reconnected. It is constantly buffering too when the signal is low. Also, one other, far more minor point, you've been advertising 'red button coming soon' now for about three months!? I don't know what your definition of 'coming soon' is, but it's not the same as mine I can assure you, and I'm willing to bet quite a few others too!
    Can you give me a good reason why I shouldn't report you too Trading Standards for misleading and false advertising? For 3 years you've been selling us a Sky Sports package you know full well won't work properly in our local area, I don't blame you for Sky's monpoly on sport, but perhaps you can explain to me why you've given two answers that completely contradict each other to the future dealings with Sky Sports in our local area? Why have you not addressed the issues with the exchange for our connectivity problems, despite the fact your now claiming it is what is probably attributed to causing our issues with the two sports channels? Also, I have worked in customer service jobs and I know people wind the heck out of you on some days, but a significant portion of your "customer advisors" are rude and ignorant. You ring the freephone number, your on hold for half-a-century, you get put through to the call-centre in Bombay and you are treated with contempt, I actually feel sorry for the people who work out there, they are clearly reading from a script and lack in clear English Language skills, which is not their fault, it's yours. As for anyone who takes dispute with that, go and ask them a question next time like "how is your day?" They won't answer, they can't, it's not on their call sheet. The few I have dealt with who have clear use of the language are, as I said, rude and ignorant, often accusing me, quite clearly, of lying and of having not reported the problem, for me then to find out a later date when I speak to the technical deparment and to BT Openreach (and yes, I know they are two seperate companies) that date is not transferred correctly between the two which is why whoever you speak too in the call-centre usually only has a last referral point for you from some years ago, it's also quite clearly a deflection manouvre to keep you away from actually getting your problem resolved, paying Openreach to dispatch engineers if required and so you don't clog up the minimal amount of contactable phone numbers for the average customer that are based in the UK.
    Failure to receive a suitable and acceptable answer to my queries will result in me having no other option but to consider taking the matter further, I am also inclined now to make it my work between now and the date of June 10th to persuade everyone I know and they know to stay as far away from your company as possible and the "services" you claim to provide.
    Also, as huge cricket, and for that matter, NFL fans, maybe you should consider that many sports-viewers in this country aren't just about football. Yes I know that's where the money lies but there is profit to be made from other sports ventures too, I don't think you realize just how many fans you are leaving out in the cold over this move, the whole reason we, and we are just one example, subscribed to the Sky Sports package was for the cricket, and for the NFL. Two sports that are entirely monopolized by Sky, yes I realize, as I state earlier, that's not your fault, but why don't you show a bit of interest in them then? Why don't you be slightly different, you have over £700 million to spend on Premiership football but little else? If you want to attract more customers and build larger profit margins, you have to be more diverse and explore new options and directions to do this.
    I'm sure some will say, "why not get Sky?" Well unfortunately we can't due to our location but at least Sky were up-front and honest enough to tell us this when they first came to do a consultation, one, that by the way, we had as a secondary option to BT due to the attractions of the On Demand package, that then wasn't offered by Sky. How sad it's come too this and what an awful way to treat loyal customers who have upgraded to the packages you have offered in all innocence to obtain a better and more fruitful service? Customers who have never been late with payments either and used the likes of the Box office service for both movies and music (when the latter was chargable) as well, the money you have had off us, and that is what we've received in return and yet, perhaps, the poorest reflection on us, is we have stuck it for so long, but we are at the end of our tethers now and utterly furious at the decisions we've learned today that I am going to ensure we get to the bottom of this.
    Thank you for taking the time to read, what I appreciate, is a lengthy message. I didn't want to have to write this but it was the only way of making our problems and feelings clear, and I wanted to include everything so as not too mislead anyone myself.

    Sadly as this is customer to customer forum you are only talking to fellow customers.
    Perhaps it would be better to contact the Mods who are the only BT employees here,
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  • Problem with Absolute Navigation (External Window) and Light Framework Page

    Hi All,
    We are using Light Framework page for the portal devolopment. We have an application including two webdynpro iviews where absolute navigation is used to traverse from first iview to second iview (When user clicks a button on first iview). We are showing the second iview in external window (SHOW_EXTERNAL). When ever i clicks the button to traverse to second iview, i am getting an exception.
    When we are showing it in same window (SHOW_INPLACE), it is working fine. But the iview is appeared in half of the page with scrollbars. It is working fine with default framework page (with both options SHOW_INPLACE and SHOW_EXTERNAL) and dispalyed in original size as mentioned in iview properties.
    Could you please suggest us whether there is any work around for this.

    Hi Kathiresan
    I couldn't see the address bar of the window (In which second iview is getting displayed). But i can observe no parameters that i passed from first iview is visible in the view source of the second iview (When SHOW_EXTERNAL is used in absolute navigation). I could see all the parameters in the view source (when SHOW_INPLACE is used for absolute navigation). But i am using the same url for both the options (for SHOW_INPLACE and SHOW_EXTERNAL).
    I doubt about the url being passed when SHOW_EXTERNAL option is used. But when we checked in debug, The correct url is being triggered (Atleast from first iview). Is there any way that could display the second window with address bar. What is making difference  between SHOW_INPLACE and SHOW_EXTERNAL with absolute navigation and light framework page.
    Could someone please suggest.

  • Cash Discount in absolute value, not in %

    Hello Friends,
    I have a scenario with respect to terms of payment, where the customer is entitled for a cash discount of Rs.100 per unit if the invoice is cleared within 7 days from the date of invoice, Rs.75 per unit within 14 days & Rs.50 per unit within 21 days with total credit period of 45 days.
    The problem I'm facing is that in the Terms of Payment configuration (transaction code OBB8), I'm able to store the cash discount in % and not in absolute value (field "percentage" under the "Payment Terms" heading in tcode OBB8).
    Request your suggestion at the earliest.
    Thnx & Rgds,

    The CASH DISCOUNT will be given based on the Payment terms  with the CONDITION TYPE.
    In the Standard the CASH DISCOUNT condition types are SKTO & SKTV.
    If you are using the same condition types, change the CALCULATION TYPE  for these condition types in V/06  to B ( which is fixed amount)  and try.
    Hope it will solve your requirement.

  • Absolute condition value in contract and release order

    We are creating quantity contract. When a absolute condition (value) is entered this value is considered for release qty in the contract for calculating the unit price.But when a release order is created for this contract, the same absolute value is for the PO quantity due to which there is a difference in unit price between contract and PO.
    Please advice.

    Verify you steps, find link below:

  • Excel 2010 changes relative link paths to absolute in files synced with Offline Files in Windows 7

    Hello! I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this problem: I have a large number of Excel 2010 and 2003 files in a folder on my file server. This whole folder is also synced to my computer using Offline Files in Windows 7. I have a lot of references between
    cells in different Excel files, and all referenced workbooks are physically in the same folder. This all works nicely when I create these files at work - all file paths referenced in the cells are created as relative paths and the documents open correctly.
    This is, I understand, the expected and default behavior when Excel creates links. When I edit these files at home, nothing seems odd until I get back to work and sync these files back to the file server. At this point, I discovered that Excel 2010 has, when
    I saved the files while away from the corporate network, changed /all/ the cell references in any offline-edited Excel files to point at absolute paths, and that these absolute paths point to somewhere in my %APPDATA% structure. So whenever I come to work
    and I try to open an Excel file that I have recently worked with offline, I get a bunch of error messages about referenced files that are missing, although clearly they exist in the same folder as the file I've opened, and I must edit all the file references
    again, whereupon they are again created correctly as relative paths (since all files exist in the same folder), which are promptly mangled into absolute C:\....\Offline Files\.....\..... paths whenever I save them at home (and since that works too, I don't
    notice it again until I come back to work and the offline files are synced back to the real network location). This seems to be a case of Windows 7's Offline Files not being able to fool Excel 2010 into believing it is working on a file server - apparently
    Excel 2010 can see through the fakery and decides on it's own to "fix" the problem (which obviously isn't a problem since the paths are relative to begin with) by saving the paths as absolute paths instead. Yes, really clever, Excel. The exepected behavior
    according to MSKB is that links are created as relative paths, so why does it change to absolute whenever Offline Files are involved? I know Offline Files only syncs, it doesn't actually change the files, so I can conclude that Excel is the program at fault
    here. Is there a fix for this, or a known workaround? Because frankly, this bug makes it impossible for me to work in any advanced manner with linked Excel files. The sad thing is that this worked perfectly fine with Office 2003 and Windows XP. Is there a
    patch for this problem that I might have missed (I am running the latest Service Pack and I get Office updates from Microsoft Update). If not, is there a workaround I can use to prevent Excel from corrupting my links when I edit the files offline?

    Hello danceswithwindows,
    Thank you for your post.
    This is a quick note to let you know that we are performing research on this issue.
    Rex Zhang
    Rex Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Spry Menu Bar disappears absolute position

    Hello all this is my first time posting on this site so bear with me. I have a semi-transperant spry menu bar that i inserted into the header div, over an image. I moved the menu bar -38px, when the position is set to relative the menu bar is visible, however the old position of the menu bar has a blank white space there. I think this is due to the relative position property. When i change it to absolute the whole menu bar disappears? (the position is back to relative to show the menu bar and also background for header is blue to show the space) 
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - version 0.6 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
    width: 100%;
    margin: auto;
    position: relative;
    top: -38px;
    font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
    opacity: 0.7;
    filter: alpha(opacity=60); /* For IE8 and earlier */
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-left: auto;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: */
    z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 100%;
    position: relative;
    text-align: left;
    cursor: pointer;
    width: 20%;
    float: left;
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style-type: none;
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 70%;
    z-index: 1020;
    cursor: default;
    width: 50em;
    position: absolute;
    left: -1000em;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    left: auto;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
    width: 50em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
    position: absolute;
    margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
    left: auto;
    top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
    border: 1px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
    display: block;
    cursor: pointer;
    background-color: #EEE;
    padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
    color: #C0C0C0;
    text-decoration: none;
    background: rgba(98, 135, 167, .4)
    background: #45484d; /* Old browsers */
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #45484d 0%, #000000 50%); /* FF3.6+ */
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#45484d), color-stop(100%,#000000)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #45484d 0%,#000000 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #45484d 0%,#000000 50%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #45484d 0%,#000000 50%); /* IE10+ */
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #45484d 0%,#000000 50%); /* W3C */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#45484d', endColorstr='#000000',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
    background-color: #33C;
    color: #FFF;
    background: #7d7e7d; /* Old browsers */
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #7d7e7d 0%, #0e0e0e 50%); /* FF3.6+ */
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#7d7e7d), color-stop(100%,#0e0e0e)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #7d7e7d 0%,#0e0e0e 50%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #7d7e7d 0%,#0e0e0e 50%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #7d7e7d 0%,#0e0e0e 50%); /* IE10+ */
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #7d7e7d 0%,#0e0e0e 50%); /* W3C */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#7d7e7d', endColorstr='#0e0e0e',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
      display: inline;
      f\loat: left;
      background: #FFF;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Bright Like The Sun -- San Antonio, TX</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background-color: #000000;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    color: #000;
    background-image: url(background.jpg);
    /* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
    ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
    margin-top: 0;  /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
    padding-right: 15px;
    padding-left: 5px; /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
    font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
    color: #000;
    a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
    border: none;
    /* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
    a:link {
    text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
    a:visited {
    color: #4E5869;
    text-decoration: underline;
    a:hover, a:active, a:focus { /* this group of selectors will give a keyboard navigator the same hover experience as the person using a mouse. */
    text-decoration: none;
    /* ~~ this container surrounds all other divs giving them their percentage-based width ~~ */
    .container {
    width: 80%;
    max-width: 1260px;/* a max-width may be desirable to keep this layout from getting too wide on a large monitor. This keeps line length more readable. IE6 does not respect this declaration. */
    min-width: 780px;/* a min-width may be desirable to keep this layout from getting too narrow. This keeps line length more readable in the side columns. IE6 does not respect this declaration. */
    background-color: #FFF;
    margin: 0 auto; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout. It is not needed if you set the .container's width to 100%. */
    /* ~~ the header is not given a width. It will extend the full width of your layout. It contains an image placeholder that should be replaced with your own linked logo ~~ */
    .header {
    /* ~~ These are the columns for the layout. ~~
    1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the divs. The elements within these divs have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
    2) No margin has been given to the columns since they are all floated. If you must add margin, avoid placing it on the side you're floating toward (for example: a right margin on a div set to float right). Many times, padding can be used instead. For divs where this rule must be broken, you should add a "display:inline" declaration to the div's rule to tame a bug where some versions of Internet Explorer double the margin.
    3) Since classes can be used multiple times in a document (and an element can also have multiple classes applied), the columns have been assigned class names instead of IDs. For example, two sidebar divs could be stacked if necessary. These can very easily be changed to IDs if that's your preference, as long as you'll only be using them once per document.
    4) If you prefer your nav on the right instead of the left, simply float these columns the opposite direction (all right instead of all left) and they'll render in reverse order. There's no need to move the divs around in the HTML source.
    .sidebar1 {
    float: left;
    width: 20%;
    padding-bottom: 0px;
    background: #f1da36; /* Old browsers */
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #f1da36 0%, #fefcea 100%); /* FF3.6+ */
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%,#f1da36), color-stop(100%,#fefcea)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #f1da36 0%,#fefcea 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
    background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #f1da36 0%,#fefcea 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #f1da36 0%,#fefcea 100%); /* IE10+ */
    background: linear-gradient(to right, #f1da36 0%,#fefcea 100%); /* W3C */
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#f1da36', endColorstr='#fefcea',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 */
    .content {
    padding: 0px 0;
    width: 80%;
    float: left;
    /* ~~ This grouped selector gives the lists in the .content area space ~~ */
    .content ul, .content ol {
    padding: 0 15px 15px 40px; /* this padding mirrors the right padding in the headings and paragraph rule above. Padding was placed on the bottom for space between other elements on the lists and on the left to create the indention. These may be adjusted as you wish. */
    /* ~~ The footer ~~ */
    .footer {
    padding: 10px 0;
    background-color: #000000;
    position: relative;/* this gives IE6 hasLayout to properly clear */
    clear: both; /* this clear property forces the .container to understand where the columns end and contain them */
    font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;
    /* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
    .fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
    float: right;
    margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
    float: left;
    margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the #footer is removed or taken out of the #container */
    font-size: 1px;
    line-height: 0px;
    #menurules {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <!--[if lte IE 7]>
    .content { margin-right: -1px; } /* this 1px negative margin can be placed on any of the columns in this layout with the same corrective effect. */
    ul.nav a { zoom: 1; }  /* the zoom property gives IE the hasLayout trigger it needs to correct extra whiltespace between the links */
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <div class="container">
      <div class="header"><a href="#"><img src="BLTS1.jpg" alt="BLTS" name="BLTS" width="100%" height="100%" id="BLTS" style="display: block;" /></a>
       <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
         <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#"><center>Home</center></a></li>
         <li><a href="#"><center>Shows</center></a>
             <li><a href="#"><u>Upcoming shows</u><br />
    <br />
    May 4th 2013 @<img src="502.jpg" width="5%" height="5%"><br />
    Bright Like The Sun along with Little Science<br />
    8pm 21+
         <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#"><center>Merch</center></a>
             <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#"><u>Album</u><br /><img src="coda fin cover.jpg" width="15%" height="15%"><font size="4">Coda Fin</font><br />
    Purchase Here or Itunes</a>
             <li><a href="#">Shirts--Coming Soon!</a></li>
             <li><a href="#">Various--Coming Soon!</a></li>
         <li><a href="#"><center>Bio</center></a></li>
    <li><a href="#"><center>Contact</center></a></li>
    </ul><!-- end .header --></div>
    <div class="sidebar1">
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      <div class="content"><p align="right"><a href=""><img src="FB.jpg" width="30" height="31" alt="Facebook" /></a><img src="twitter-icon.png" width="30" height="31" /></p>
        <p align="left"><img src="weare.jpg" width="185" height="72" /></p><p align="right"><iframe style="border:none" src="" width="340" height="54" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" ></iframe></p>
        <p><img src="BLTS2.jpg" alt="BLTS" width="411" height="297" align="left" /><img src="BLTS font.jpg" width="340" /> is a Post-Rock band from San Antonio. They were born in early 2012 from the collective desire to make beautiful, thought provoking, and at times, chaotic music. Much like fellow Texan bands like Explosions in the Sky and This Will Destroy You, they are entirely instrumental, and known for creating progressively intricate waves of ambiance that grow with intensity and an unabashed wash of emotion. Attuned to their affinity for dynamics, seeing them live takes the listener from deafening walls of orchestrated sound, to melodies so subtle that one finds themselves acutely aware of their own breathing. <br />
          Bright Like The Sun&rsquo;s debut album, Coda Fin, was engineered/mixed by Alex Bhore (of This Will Destroy You), and mastered by TW Walsh (of Pedro The Lion). The record, which was self released, was made available on April 12, 2013.<br /><br /><img src="BLTS3.jpg" width="330" height="245" align="right" /></p>
    <br />
    <br />
        <h4>Bright Like The Sun Consists of:</h4>
        <p>Rob Mochen - Guitar <br />
        Chris Etheredge - Guitar/Keys <br />
        Christian Miranda - Bass <br />
        Steven Barrera - Drums    </p>
        <p><br />
        <h4><u>Coda Fin</u> Release Date April 12th 2013    </h4>
        <h4><img src="coda fin cover.jpg" width="250" height="238" align="left" /><img src="venues.jpg" width="171" height="65" align="right" /><br />
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        <br />
           <a href=""><img src="502.jpg" width="150" height="112" align="right" /></a><a href=""><img src="gypsylounge.jpg" / width="150" height="112" align="right"></a></h4>
        <p align="right"> </p>
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        <p><font face="verdana" font size="2" font color="#FFFFFF">&#169;2013 Bright Like The Sun All Rights Reserved</font></p>
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

    What I see:
    You need a width on the ul.MenuBarVertical style. Make it the same width as the ul.MenuBarVertical li selector.
    Remove the float: none; from this style:
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li
         width: 12em;
         float: none;
    No such measurement as a half a pixel:
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
         border: .5px solid #CCC;
    If you want a border, 1px is repeat this incorrect half-pixel in several places.
    Running your page through the W3C Validator returned this: ct+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
    Your initial errors are not declaring a DOCTYPE, which among other things, does not provide the browser with any information regarding how you want the code interpreted for your viewer. Some browsers guess well, some do not (IE).
    is insufficient.
    Apply this in its place, and run through the validator again.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">

  • Error 1430 occurred at Open/Create/Replace File in NI_Fuzzy_Logic_API.lvlib:FL Load Fuzzy Untitled 3 Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: The path is empty or relative. You must use an absolute path. Not A Path how can i copy it in new vi plz help

    when i am copy the vi that is in find example>fuzzy>fuzzyEx with pi control the follwing error occuring 
    'error 1430 occured at open/create/replacefile in NI Fuzzy logic API.LVLIB FL LOAD FUZZY
    untitel 3 possible reason the pat is empty or relative you must se use an absolute patth <not apath>
    plz help me i only want that i can copy this vi in new vi but when i do so the above error occur and fuzzy logic cotroller is highlited 

    Hello Nofil,
    This is probably happening because you have made a copy of the VI without changing the name/ location on the disc. I have saved a copy of the VI for you, it is in LabVIEW 2010 SP1, please ask if you want this in a previous version.
    Andrew George @ NI UK
    Fuzzy Tanks with ‏31 KB

  • New page on click of absolute url

    I need IE to open new page of the absolute url when user click the url on initial page, but as result the new page always replace the inital page but not open a new session, I also refer to the threads in the forum like adding "sap-sessioncmd=open" or "syscmd=nocookie" but still does not work, can anyone give me any suggestion?following is my coding:
    Layout of the page1.htm:
    <htmlb:link id = "link1"
                text = "google with new session"
                reference = ""
                target    = "_BLANK"
                onClick   = "LinkClick">
      if event_id = cl_htmlb_manager=>event_id. " HTMLB event?
        data: lr_htmlb_event type ref to cl_htmlb_event.
        lr_htmlb_event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( request ).
        if lr_htmlb_event is not initial.
          if lr_htmlb_event->server_event = 'LinkClick'.
            call method navigation->use_absolute_url.
            call method navigation->goto_page
                url = ''
    *          url = ''
                session = 'NEW'.
    Message was edited by: Patrick Yan

    now i got a few minutes to work on this.
    here is a sample code.
    in the layout of the flow logic:
    i am using button for example,
    1) <htmlb:button id = 'CONTINUE'
          text          = "Continue"
          onClick       = "OnInputProcessing(continue)" />
    2) create a page attribute called index and also link the 'continue' page to the same page in the BSP
    3)in the layout
    <% IF INDEX = '1'.(use the dynamic link)
    l_url = ''. %>
        <script type="text/javascript">
      <!--"<%=l_url%>","ErrorLog","width=400,height=250,left=250,top=200 dependent=yes resizable=yes");
    4) in the oninput processing of this page
    assign event
      l_event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
      IF l_event->id = 'CONTINUE'.
      l_index = '1'.
           navigation->set_parameter( name  = 'INDEX'
                                 value =  l_index ).
        navigation->NEXT_page( 'CONTINUE' ).
    so when you click on the button you should get the google page in a popup.
    this is working for me. let me know if you are still having problms.

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