Satteliite C50 wont go to boot men/BIOS settings and directly goes to Windows.

Hello,i wanted to install Ubuntu on my Sattelite C50 but i cant change the boot priority settings because i cant go to boot menu or BIOS setup screen.
I tried holding F2 or F12 but both didnt work.
Any help?
Go to Solution.

I'm assuming your C50 is using Windows 8 or 8.1; you didn't say!  Hold down the shift key while clicking on Shutdown. Then, hold down the F2 key while pressing the Power button. This will get you into BIOS/UEFI.
Toshiba Sat. C75D-B7260 Win 8.1 64 Bit--Toshiba Sat. L775D-S7132 Win 7 HP SP1 64 Bit and Win 10 PRO Technical Preview--Toshiba Sat. L305-S5921 Win Vista SP2 32 Bit

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    After 2 hours of cursing, I found a solution though:
    - Remove battery from MB, keep it away till the power is completely drained. Shortcut the pins under the battery position for a faster drain.
    - Place the battery in the battery holder again, but do NOT push it down in it's place. Only make it have contact with the metal, to be able to power up the MB.
    - The power button on the MB will light up when you got connection. After you have powered up the MB, remove the battery IMMEDIATELY.
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    This have been a real struggle. One star less to MSI for this one.
    What you did was a thorough CMOS Clear.  That also means that when you did this:
    I've cleared the BIOS
    Something did not go as expected.  The whole point of a CMOS Clear is to make the system completely powerless.  Was your PSU connected to A/C power when you originally cleared CMOS?  It needs to be disconnected and the power-on button has to be pressed a couple of times (to drain capacitors) before the CMOS-Clear Button at the back panel should be pressed for a couple of seconds.  This procedure should always yield this:
    "Press F1 to enter setup"
    If that did not happen when you cleared CMOS before, then there was either still power in the circuits when you pressed the button, or the Clear CMOS Button is defective.

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    Thanks a lot for your help.

    I also had some sort of same problem (Bios A not booting, bios B OK)
    BUT remember one thing: that bios switch is not really hardware. To really switch between bioses you must unplug power cord, wait for capacitor to discharge and then flip the switch.
    So the sollution for you  (that worked for me twice) is: clear CMOS (search forum for detailed method). Switch to BIOS B, Make bootable USB with BIOS version 10.5 (A5) (because this version REALLY works with option to flash the other BIOS). Update (or just downgrade to BIOS 10.5) and then clear CMOS with powercord out and battery out. Boot from bios B and within bios flash BIOS A from BIOS B. You will have same version on both Bioses. After that switch to BIOS A (again after clear CMOS etc...) and now you just can upgrade to which bios version you want using the USB bootable stick.
    I now have BIOS A with version 10.11 (AB) and BIOS B with 10.5 (A5) just to restore BIOS A in case of failure.
    First time when I did this was because mobo failed to boot and can't save OC profiles. Second time was (probably) because of many OC testing.

  • No bios access, and now no nothing!

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    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a sweet set up and the only problem I had was running Crysis to the max settings and was going to overclock it a little later.
    Eclipse SLI
    i7 920 (stock)
    3x2 gb corsair XMS DDR3 6GB
    GTX 285 x 2 SLI
    1200 Thermaltake PSU
    WD v/raptor 300 for OS/ 2 WD 500 in Raid 1
    Antec 900/two
    HannsG 28"

    Thanks again for your quick responses!!!!
    I started it up OK with the other card but did not physically move the card itself. I just took off the power cord for the one that I tested the first time and ran just the second vga. Should I try to switch power cords to both of the vga's to rule out a power supply problem? If it works with that process, not sure what to do next. I did not build this system but bought it custom made from a dependable custom builder. He has tried to help me too via email but is also running out of possible solutions. However, this forum is a life saver!! Long story short, I am not a high tech trained guy with computers. But have a feeling I will learn from my mistakes! As much as possible, would not want to take apart or disassemble anything if I can try to sort it out. Although I am great at taking things apart. Not so great at putting it back!
    Thanks again

  • Bsod after bios update 1.4 - 1.5 + Windows automatic repair loops

    After i updated my bios with liveupdate5 my computer started acting up with endless automatic repairs for w8.1 and random bsods for w7. Changing bios settings and restoring defaults does not solve the issue :-/
    Is it possible to revert back to the 1.4 somehow?

    Quote from: RemusM on 07-March-14, 21:50:06
    v1.5 was released 3 months ago.
    Did you clear the CMOS (and reload the default settings) after the BIOS update?
    hm true, weird how they just now was displayed in the live update. No, I havent done any type of manual cmos clearing, but it would seem that the live update takes care of that as far as the instructions goes.
    Patching back to 1.4 without any light in the tunnel. The computer still does no longer boot futher than the windowslogo before bsod. Reinstalling windows does not help :-/

  • BIOS settings: please help

    You can see my specifications below.
    I have been busy for weeks with my graphic card to reduce it's crashing.
    Now I hope that someone, seeing my specifications below, might be so kind to help me
    with the system BIOS settings, who are still at "default values".
    I do video editing, burning etc. but no gaming.
    I don't intend extreme over clocking.
    I have removed the NB-fan as reducing noise is important to me.
    Could someone give me some system BIOS settings and values,
    for a good performance.

    Seems we do something similar. See my signature for details. For me, it
    worked out better to use 5:4 rate and to increase overclock the CPU only,
    because MPEG2 encoding seems still to be CPU bound and mem performance
    is not that big issue. The increase of speed is aproximately the increase of
    CPU performance.
    To enable 5:3, you have to set DRAM timing from AUTO to 333. Still a clock
    rate like 227 in my case is x15 fot the CPU but x4 /5 for the RAM, giving you
    some potential with DDR400 RAM. In my case, the Corsair allow me 2-3-2-5-8
    at the rate.
    For me, setting ram timings to SPD allows the MB to do a lot of nasty things.
    MSI is somewhat nasty anyhow. 200 MHz FSB is 203. To get something like 200,
    you have to set it to 201. I prefer manual settings. PAT is enabled and disabled
    just like the board wants. A lot of different behaviours for different settings
    and BIOS versions. I use 1.8. Here, PAT is alwasy disabled in 1:1 when you
    set RAM timings manually. When setting it SPD, it will be on in Fast and up.
    For me, PAT is switched on in 5:4 even in manual. Some say, in 5:4, PAT
    can never be enabled. But for encoding, I saw no difference. For cutting, also.
    Disable spectrum spread. Let PIC/AGP work at 33/66 fixed. To ackomplish this,
    you might have to enable SATA, even if you don't use it. It's a bug. If you
    anable Parallel only, you can set "keep yes fpr Serial" in IDE settings. Look for
    other hints in this forum. (Sorry, just saw in your sig that you have SATA).
    For the fan: I asked the question and a lot of people said it's no recomended to
    simply switch off the fan. So I decided to by a cheap manual fan control. I use
    it to reduce NB fan to minimum, so I nearly not hear it. I also have a case fan
    that is alread reduced and reduced further by this control. The Zalman Cu
    fan is also quite silent, I also reduce it. For cutting, no problems. CPU in idle
    is about 35-38c (case 33c), will not go beyond 40-42c when cutting. When I do
    encoding, it will raise. In this case I have to give aprox. half throttle (I normaly
    leave the room for some 12-15 hours of encoding 90 minutes CBR 6500 and
    switch them to full). Otherwise temps will raise to 60c (and crash). With a bit of
    fan, they will stay at around 50c, which is ok.
    If you have further questions, you can also email me.

  • When Booting Cisco 6500 its directly going to Rommon

    Hi All, When we reboot or Hrad boot the Cisco 6509 its directly going to rommon again to make the switch boot in IOS each and everytime we need to give the command boot, we have checked and found that flash is working fine and even the boot sequence is configured properly.
    what could cause this problem ?

    Check your boot statement , if this is a native box it should be "boot system flash sup-bootflash: or "boot system flash disk0: . Anything else will cause it to go to rommon if the config register is correct. It has to be pointed at the supervisor bootflash or disk0 and that is where the image should be located because that is where the initial boot starts , it boots the supervisor then hands it over to the mscf to be loaded.

  • K7n2 delta series: bios settings & FSB

    Hello! All
    Happy Easter holidays!
    Currently, I have my board fsb settings at 133 mhz and have an AMD 3000 Athlon, my question is: What settings should I have my FSB settings on? I would like to maximize my bios settings and I feel 133 mhz I am not maximizing system performance. Any help/direction would be appreciated.

    Your min FSB should be 166Mhz. Which flavor 3000+ do you have, since I think that one came in both 166Mhz (2.16GHz) and 200Mhz (2.1GHz) FSB's.
    Take Care,
    P.S. But with no specs on your comp and my Chrystal Ball in the shop for repairs, I can only take a spab in the dark.

  • 875P Neo FIS2R drive& bios settings help!!

    Greetings guys.
    Newbie here?
    Would someone be so kind as to help me set up the following, using W2K as OS on the 875P Neo FIS2R board with P4 3.06 processor 2x512mb ram with a radeon 9700 and onboard sound, all the drivers etc are installed from the CD but am still using bios V1.2, not flashed it yet.......
    I want my set up to be the following but I am having problems getting all my drives on the right chipsets.
    IDE1= 1x120gb WD drive and 1x60gb drive for storage
    IDE2= Sony DVDR
    ICH5R to be 2x37gb WD SATA individual drive not raided on ser 1&2
    Promise to be 2x37gb WD SATA as raid 0 for my OS
    but I cannot work out the Bios settings and how to acheive what I want, assuming it is possible to do it this way.
    Yes I know the quantity of drives is OTT but I did a good deal with a local shop in exchange for the 4x37gb SATA HDD's
    Please make it simple, it takes ages to sink into my head...

    make sure the "AS raid" option is enabled in BIOS under intergrated peripherals then on-chip conf.
    that should handel the promise controller.
    then you will need to read the manual to manually set each conf listed.
    pg 3-24
    these settings may do it:
    ATA config set to P-ATA+S-ATA
    S-ATA set to enable
    P-ATA set to yes
    P-ATA set to Both
    Combined mode depends on where you install OS: suggest SATA
    if that, then S-ATA 1st ch.
    S-ATA RAID set to no
    try this,let me know

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