"Save As" from browser

Basically, I'm trying to duplicate the functionality of this HTTP header:
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; Content-Disposition: attachment;
Except it has to be using pure client side technology.
Example: I have this link
<a href="file.txt>Save File As</a>
It needs to take file.txt and open the Save As dialog even though the Content-Type is text.  I am thinking of calling a tiny Java file that takes the txt file name as an argument, then opens the Save As dialog.
The HTTP headers are not an option because this will be used offline.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

I don't recall any tiny web servers in particular, but I've often stumbled across them and I'm sure if you Google or poke around on sourceforge you'll find a bunch. I'll bet you can find either free or cheap ones for major platforms, including Java. So maybe you could make/get one in Java, write wrappers that invoke it for Windows and OS X when the disk is inserted or clicked, plus a README file that just tells the user to double click the jar file, for other platforms. I'm sure that you'll find at least a skeleton for major languages (Python has one in its standard library, for example), and several complete servers as well. Apache would be overkill for this; but I'll bet you can find many tiny lightweight ones.
And web servers are pretty easy to write if you cut out 90% of the stuff that deals with high volume, security, the more obscure methods, etc. -- issues which wouldn't be relevant to a mini server that only has a single client. HTTP is well-documented and clean. I wrote a simple implementation of a server that just did GET (which is pretty much all you'd need) in Python in like a dozen lines of code (the one in the library, I couldn't use). Granted, Python is a terse language, but still... All you'd really need for this would be to support GET and the download headers. You'd probably want to support various caching headers so that you never read stuff off the CD twice (e.g., Last-Modified, If-Modified-Since). But really you'd almost certainly not have to bother with writing one; I'm sure you'll find an existing one that'll fit your needs.

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      In the pre-save event:
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    Thanks to Bernd and Allan
    "Save as" from within the browser is ok. However it is not the most convenient method.
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    - fonduekid "Adobe Reader X - Firefox integration Problem", first posted on November 23, 2010, dito
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  • Problem while invoking Bpel Process from Browser

    server WSDL
          <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" >
            <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/db/getOpenInvoicesService" schemaLocation="getOpenInvoicesService.xsd" />
        <message name="getOpenInvoicesServiceInput_msg">
            <part name="getOpenInvoicesServiceInput_msg" element="db:getOpenInvoicesServiceInput"/>
        <message name="getOpenInvoicesServiceOutputCollection_msg">
            <part name="getOpenInvoicesServiceOutputCollection" element="db:getOpenInvoicesServiceOutputCollection"/>
        <portType name="getOpenInvoicesService_ptt">
            <operation name="getOpenInvoicesService">
                <input message="tns:getOpenInvoicesServiceInput_msg"/>
                <output message="tns:getOpenInvoicesServiceOutputCollection_msg"/>
        <binding name="getOpenInvoicesService_binding" type="tns:getOpenInvoicesService_ptt">
        <jca:binding  />
            <operation name="getOpenInvoicesService">
              SqlString=" SELECT distinct aps.trx_number TrxNumber,       ra.purchase_order PurchaseOrder,       rl.sales_order OrderNumber,       ra.interface_header_attribute2 OrderType,       hc.account_number CustomerNumber,        rt.name TrxType,       aps.acctd_amount_due_remaining AmmountDue,       aps.trx_date TrxDate,        aps.due_date TrxDueDate    FROM ra_customer_trx_all ra     ,   ra_customer_trx_lines_all rl     ,   ar_payment_schedules_all aps     ,   ra_cust_trx_types_all rt         ,   hz_cust_accounts hc              ,   hz_parties hp                    ,   hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa_bill,   hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua_bill ,   hz_party_sites hps_bill          ,   ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all rct   WHERE 1                        = 1 AND ra.customer_trx_id           = rl.customer_trx_id AND ra.customer_trx_id           = aps.customer_trx_id AND ra.org_id                    = aps.org_id AND rct.customer_trx_id          = aps.customer_trx_id AND rct.customer_trx_id          = ra.customer_trx_id AND rct.customer_trx_id          = rl.customer_trx_id AND rct.customer_trx_line_id     = rl.customer_trx_line_id AND ra.complete_flag             = &apos;Y&apos; AND rl.line_type                IN (&apos;FREIGHT&apos;, &apos;LINE&apos;) AND ra.cust_trx_type_id          = rt.cust_trx_type_id AND ra.bill_to_customer_id       = hc.cust_account_id AND hc.status                    = &apos;A&apos; AND hp.party_id                  = hc.party_id AND hcasa_bill.cust_account_id   = ra.bill_to_customer_id AND hcasa_bill.cust_acct_site_id = hcsua_bill.cust_acct_site_id AND hcsua_bill.site_use_code     = &apos;BILL_TO&apos; AND hcsua_bill.site_use_id       = ra.bill_to_site_use_id AND hps_bill.party_site_id       = hcasa_bill.party_site_id AND hcasa_bill.status            = &apos;A&apos; AND hcsua_bill.status            = &apos;A&apos; AND aps.amount_due_remaining    &lt;&gt; 0 AND aps.status                   = &apos;OP&apos; AND hc.account_number= ?"
              InteractionSpec="oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBPureSQLInteractionSpec" >
        <service name="getOpenInvoicesService">
            <port name="getOpenInvoicesService_pt" binding="tns:getOpenInvoicesService_binding">
    <!--Your runtime connection is declared in
    These mcf properties here are from your design time connection and
    save you from having to edit that file and restart the application server
    if eis/DB/sfh is missing.
    These mcf properties are safe to remove.-->
          <jca:address location="eis/DB/sfh" UIConnectionName="sfh"
              mcf.Password="53CB0F044A0D3DD2C063679F18F89870" />
      <plt:partnerLinkType name="getOpenInvoicesService_plt" >
        <plt:role name="getOpenInvoicesService_role" >
          <plt:portType name="tns:getOpenInvoicesService_ptt" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/getOpenInvoices" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
            <element name="getOpenInvoicesProcessResponse">
            <element name="result" type="string"/>
            <element name="getOpenInvoicesProcessRequest">
            <element name="accountNumber" type="string"/>
        <message name="getOpenInvoicesRequestMessage">
            <part name="payload" element="client:getOpenInvoicesProcessRequest"/>
        <message name="getOpenInvoicesResponseMessage">
            <part name="payload" element="client:getOpenInvoicesProcessResponse"/>
        <portType name="getOpenInvoices">
            <operation name="OpenInvoices">
                <input message="client:getOpenInvoicesRequestMessage"/>
                <output message="client:getOpenInvoicesResponseMessage"/>
        <binding name="OpenInvoicebindings" type="client:getOpenInvoices">
        <http:binding verb="GET"/>
        <operation name="OpenInvoices">
        <http:operation location="/OpenInvoices"/>
        <mime:mimeXml part="Body"/>
        <service name="OpenInvoiceService">
        <port binding="client:OpenInvoicebindings" name="OpenInvoicesport">
        <http:address location="http://sys0004:8889/httpbinding/default/getOpenInvoices"/>
        <plnk:partnerLinkType name="getOpenInvoices">
            <plnk:role name="getOpenInvoicesProvider">
                <plnk:portType name="client:getOpenInvoices"/>
    bpel process
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
      Oracle JDeveloper BPEL Designer
      Created: Tue Jul 13 11:05:51 IST 2010
      Purpose: Synchronous BPEL Process
    <process name="getOpenInvoices"
          List of services participating in this BPEL process              
          The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
          used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
          with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
        <partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="client:getOpenInvoices"
        <partnerLink name="getOpenInvoicesService"
          List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process
        <!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation -->
        <variable name="inputVariable"
        <!-- Reference to the message that will be returned to the requester-->
        <variable name="outputVariable"
        <variable name="Invoke_1_getOpenInvoicesService_InputVariable"
        <variable name="Invoke_1_getOpenInvoicesService_OutputVariable"
         ORCHESTRATION LOGIC                                              
         Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the   
         services integrated within this business process                 
      <sequence name="main">
        <!-- Receive input from requestor. (Note: This maps to operation defined in getOpenInvoices.wsdl) -->
        <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
                 portType="client:getOpenInvoices" operation="OpenInvoices"
                 variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>
        <!-- Generate reply to synchronous request -->
        <assign name="Assign_1">
            <from variable="inputVariable" part="payload"/>
            <to variable="Invoke_1_getOpenInvoicesService_InputVariable"
        <invoke name="Invoke_1" partnerLink="getOpenInvoicesService"
        <assign name="Assign_2">
            <from variable="Invoke_1_getOpenInvoicesService_OutputVariable"
            <to variable="outputVariable" part="payload"/>
        <reply name="replyOutput" partnerLink="client"
               portType="client:getOpenInvoices" operation="OpenInvoices"
    </process>the above is the server and client wsdls and Bpel process. i have created the wsdl so as to call from HTTP calling, means process is been called from Browser .... but i can't see the result ...
    above is the link called from browser
    output in the browser ::: <getOpenInvoicesProcessResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/getOpenInvoices" />
    actually it has to fetch data from DB and show in xml format can anyone assist me where i am going wrong

    Hi Rajesh,
    Please refer \bpel\samples\tutorials\102.InvokingProcesses\jsp.
    BPEL Tutorial 7: Invoking BPEL Processes through SOAP and Java : Reference: 2004/06/14/orabpel/d5/1.0
    Hope this helps!
    Anirudh Pucha

  • Save document from word into sharepoint library does not work !

    I'm trying to resolve a problem that i have with word and my sharepoint website.
    Some of my users have to open and RDP session on a windows 2008 server and work from there. They open their session with their credential and they do everything they do in local on sharepoint using IE.
    BUT, we have always and ever had an issue on this server as they c'ant save a document (Word or Excel) from office. They have to upload it from sharepoint uising IE. In example, i want to save my document from word into the sharepoint document library I  have
    this error message :
    "Windows doesn't find (http://intranet.sharepoint.com/DocumentLibrary/). Check and retry".
    If I open my sharepoint site and i upload the document it works perfectly. Also if I open and edit an existing document from any library it will work with word. The problem seems to happen when i want to browse sharepoint from word for saving files...
    As this server is a windows 2008, IE version is 9 and the office version is the same as on all computers (Office 2010 SP2 32Bit)
    Any help would by appreciated

    I understand you encountered the issue when save document from Office client application to SharePoint 2010 site.
    Is there any Proxy settings in networking side? Please bring up IE > Internet options > Connections > Lan settings. If so, please uncheck options in Proxy server and test the issue again.
    If you have deploy GPO to add SharePoint site into Trusted sites, please check if there is any other GP associated with trusted sites that might affect the issue. You could also remove it from Trusted sites via IE options and test the issue again.
    In addition, please provide more error message to help narrow down the issue, you could locate error information in Event log at least.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do you save photos from import or Photo Stream to an album?

    How do you save photos from import or photo stream to an album?  I have a MacBook Air (which keeps telling me my start-up disk is full) and I am trying to organize photos so there aren't duplicates and triples.  I have photos in events, last import, photos and albums....I feel like they are all taking up space.  If I move a photo from photo stream to an album, then delete the photo from photo steam its deleted from the album.  That doesn't make sense to me.  There should be a way to clean up photo stream, and events, and last import by putting photos into albums.  Even more bizarre; I imported photos from my 4S, and only a fraction of them transferred over. 
    I am completely lost.  Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you!

    and I am trying to organize photos so there aren't duplicates and triples.  I have photos in events, last import, photos and albums....I feel like they are all taking up space.
    Only the photos you are seeing in the events and the Photo Stream will take up space. iPhoto stores each photo only one. After you import it, it will be assigned to one event.
    Then you can use it in many albums and projects. Using the photo this way will only reference the one single copy of the photo in the event. The albums don't store the photos and do not require additional space. If you delete a photo from an event, it will be removed from all albums that have been using the this photos.
    What you are seing are not actually duplicate photos but different ways to access the same photos.
    The "Last event" is the same event as the last one you imported. It is there for a quick access to your recently imported photos.  Photos is a quick access to all photos in your library as an endless stream of photos. These are also no duplicates.
    So if you want to save space and delete photos, do that by browsing your events. Deleting a photo from an event will delete the original image file and remove the photo from all albums, books, and other products. You have only duplicate photos, if you are seing the same photo twice in an event.
    Even more bizarre; I imported photos from my 4S, and only a fraction of them transferred over.
    That is a different problem, but it may be related to to fact that you need to free space.
    If you get a warning, that the system needs space, don't do anything but update the backup of your mac and move files to an external disk to free space.
    It is not save to keep working, when the system is running out of space.
    How much free space do you have? Anything below 15GB free space is really critical.
    -- Léonie

  • HT5026 how to get pictures from browser to keynote

    how do i get pictures from browser to keynote

    right click the image > save image
    in finder,  drag the file to the slide


    TEL. 0092418782792-93
    CELL. 00923008651424

    which version should i use ,, i mean suitable for my E61i,,, the opera mini or the opera mobile????
    is opera mini can save the images as well???
    25-Aug-200702:43 PM
    iantaylor27 wrote:
    If you use opera mobile, it aloows saving of images to memory card etc
    TEL. 0092418782792-93
    CELL. 00923008651424

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    CAnt save image from goggle to ipad any more keeps saying save image failed what am I doing wrong pls

    If by "goggle" you mean the Google Chrome browser, then make sure its allowed to use the Camera Roll under Settings->Privacy->Photos, and make sure Chrome is turned on there.
    If that's not it perhaps explaining in a bit more detail what you are doing, and what happens when you try to save a picture?

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    hi mate if there are no options within the Facebook app, the only other thing you can try is visiting the mobile version of the Facebook website thru the phone browser itself, and seeing if there is a save picture option in there..

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    An alternative to middle clicking all the image links is just to use the [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/201/ DownThemAll] extension with its [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/12577/ anti-container] companion to choose the images you want to download from the original page of random photos.

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    Right now i am using filereferce class for saving purpose but i could
    not able to set filter. We can easily do it for browse.

    You can try to delete [http://kb.mozillazine.org/mimeTypes.rdf mimeTypes.rdf] in the [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox Profile Folder]
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/File_types_and_download_actions#Resetting_download_actions
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    * [https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Basic+Troubleshooting#w_8-make-a-new-profile Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile]
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins" in case there are still problems.
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Transferring_data_to_a_new_profile_-_Firefox

  • Return to app from browser

    My app loads an rss feed and returns links to news items, when a news item is clicked its description appears with 2 buttons: visit the full page on the website, share news item via email.
    In the Android version the application stays open so user can return from email client or browser and app is still running. With iPhone version the email client or browser loads but then the app is closed and the user needs to re-launch app, wait for it to load etc. I know I can use shared object to save application state and return user to that state on re-launch though its not user-friendly to have to close the browser and re-lauch the app again and again.
    Is there anyway to not exit application and return from browser to the app?
    Any thoughts?
    (The share via email I can build into the app calling a php script on my server so no worries there but the view via browser functionality is key to the app.)

    Ok i thought this post was close to me situation. I see the issue trying to go to browser and back as an issue me for as well.  This
    question piggybacks of this,
    Why does the app terminate when the Home button is clicked?  I use the Event.DEACTIVATE to do pause the game, this works fine in andriod. But
    the app when you double click shows up as running, but when you click back on the app in the task manager it starts the app all over. It appears
    the app is not resuming.. but starting over.
    any thoughts?

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