Save changes in alvgrid

Hi all,
In my alvgrid I have few columns which are editable, i edit cells, insert  a  new row and modify row and delete.
All these changes should be stored in internal table. I should save automaticaly when i invoke display button.
I use this code but i need the modification without tranporting the fields how do i do?
      PERFORM changed_data.
      PERFORM filter_condpri.
    WHEN 'SAVE'.
      PERFORM save_data.
ENDMODULE.                    "pai_100 INPUT
*&      Module  exit_0100  INPUT
MODULE exit_0100 INPUT.
  CASE ok_code.
    WHEN 'EXIT'.
ENDMODULE.                 " pai_100  INPUT
*&      Form  changed_data
FORM changed_data.
  LOOP AT gt_zflp_ttcualcond
  INTO gs_zflp_stcualcond
  WHERE chflg = 'M'.
    MODIFY gt_zflp_ttcualcondpri
    FROM gs_zflp_stcualcond
    TRANSPORTING delkzr_1 delkzr_2
                 delkzd_1 delkzd_2
                 matnr_1  matnr_2
                 maktx_1  maktx_2
    WHERE profil = gs_zflp_stcualcond-profil
    AND alcat    = gs_zflp_stcualcond-alcat
    AND indcopr  = gs_zflp_stcualcond-indcopr
    AND norule   = gs_zflp_stcualcond-norule.
  LOOP AT gt_zflp_ttcualpri
  INTO gs_zflp_stcualpri
  WHERE chflg = 'M'.
    MODIFY gt_zflp_ttcualcondpri
    FROM gs_zflp_stcualpri
    TRANSPORTING delkzr_1 delkzr_2
                 delkzd_1 delkzd_2
                 matnr_1  matnr_2
                 maktx_1  maktx_2
    WHERE profil = gs_zflp_stcualpri-profil
    AND alcat    = gs_zflp_stcualpri-alcat
    AND indcopr  = gs_zflp_stcualpri-indcopr
    AND norule   = gs_zflp_stcualpri-norule.
ENDFORM.                    "changed_data
Looking forward.
Sap team

Check the sample code:
*-- Display Report
CALL METHOD o_alvgrid->set_table_for_first_display
i_save = c_a
is_layout = p_layout
it_toolbar_excluding = i_excl_func
it_outtab = p_output[]
it_fieldcatalog = p_fieldcat[]
invalid_parameter_combination = 1
program_error = 2
too_many_lines = 3
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-029. " Error in Displaying
<b>* Register events
CALL METHOD o_alvgrid->register_edit_event
i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_enter.
CALL METHOD o_alvgrid->register_edit_event
i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_modified.</b>
This registering event will make the data changes to be automatically update to the internal table.
Then write the code in the data changed event to modify the global internal table.
*-- ALV Grid data declaration
CLASS v_lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION.
handle_data_changed FOR EVENT data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid
IMPORTING er_data_changed,
ENDCLASS. "o_lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
METHOD handle_data_changed.
PERFORM handle_data_changed USING er_data_changed.
ENDMETHOD. "handle_data_changed
ENDCLASS. "lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
*& Form f2200_handle_data_changed
Handle Data Changed in the ALV grid
FORM handle_data_changed USING ir_data_changed
DATA : ls_mod_cell TYPE lvc_s_modi,
lv_value TYPE lvc_value,
lws_date TYPE scal-date.
DATA: lws_contrlife LIKE zspa_es_contlife-zzcontrlife,
lwa_contrlife TYPE zspa_es_contlife,
lws_mod_eff_code TYPE zspa_es_mod_code-zzmod_eff_code,
lwa_mod_eff_code TYPE zspa_es_mod_code.
SORT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells BY row_id .
LOOP AT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells
INTO ls_mod_cell
WHERE fieldname = text-025 "ZZCONTRLIFE
OR fieldname = text-026 "ZZMOD_EFF_CODE
OR fieldname = text-027 "DATE
OR fieldname = text-028. "CLIENT_AGGR.
READ TABLE i_final INTO wa_final
INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-025. "ZZCONTRLIFE
lws_contrlife = ls_mod_cell-value.
SELECT SINGLE * FROM zspa_es_contlife
INTO lwa_contrlife WHERE zzcontrlife = lws_contrlife.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-025
i_value = ''.
MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-035.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-025
i_value = lws_contrlife.
wa_final-zzcontrlife = lws_contrlife.
MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-026. "ZZMOD_EFF_CODE
lws_mod_eff_code = ls_mod_cell-value.
SELECT SINGLE * FROM zspa_es_mod_code
INTO lwa_mod_eff_code
WHERE zzmod_eff_code = lws_mod_eff_code.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-026
i_value = ''.
MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-036.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-026
i_value = lws_mod_eff_code.
wa_final-zzmod_eff_code = lws_mod_eff_code.
IF wa_final-zzmod_eff_code = 1 OR
wa_final-zzmod_eff_code = 2.
wa_final-date = ''.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-027
i_value = ''.
MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
**-- No Edit control for Date when mode eff code = '1', '2'.
PERFORM no_edit_for_date TABLES i_final.
*This perform Refresh's the ALV list and Set's the Focus to
*Current Cell and keep the Scroll bar in the same place.
PERFORM alv_refresh.
IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-027. "DATE
CONCATENATE ls_mod_cell-value+6(4)
ls_mod_cell-value+0(2) INTO lws_date.
IF lws_date NE ''.
IF lws_date > sy-datum.
wa_final-date = lws_date.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-027
i_value = lws_date.
MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-027
i_value = ''.
MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-037.
IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-028. "CLIENT_AGGR
IF ls_mod_cell-value EQ c_s OR ls_mod_cell-value EQ c_n.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-028
i_value = ls_mod_cell-value.
wa_final-client_aggr = ls_mod_cell-value.
MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
i_row_id = ls_mod_cell-row_id
i_fieldname = text-028
i_value = ''.
MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-039.
ENDFORM. " handle_data_changed

Similar Messages

  • Save changes automatically in alvgrid

    Hello all,
    How do i save changes automatically in alvgrid. I display data with fields which can be editable & some which are not.
    The fields which are editable should be saved automatically. These fields should be saved in global internal table.
    I have save button, but I invoke only when the changed data is saved in database table via global internal table.
    Looking forward for your reply.

    Check the sample code:
    *-- Display Report
      CALL METHOD o_alvgrid->set_table_for_first_display
          i_save                        = c_a
          is_layout                     = p_layout
          it_toolbar_excluding          = i_excl_func
          it_outtab                     = p_output[]
          it_fieldcatalog               = p_fieldcat[]
          invalid_parameter_combination = 1
          program_error                 = 2
          too_many_lines                = 3
          OTHERS                        = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-029.    " Error in Displaying
    <b>* Register events
        CALL METHOD o_alvgrid->register_edit_event
            i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_enter.
        CALL METHOD o_alvgrid->register_edit_event
            i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_modified.
    This registering event will make the data changes to be automatically update to the internal table.
    Then write the code in the data changed event to modify the global internal table.
    *-- ALV Grid data declaration
          CLASS v_lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION.
        handle_data_changed      FOR EVENT data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid
                                 IMPORTING er_data_changed,
    ENDCLASS.                    "o_lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_data_changed.
          PERFORM handle_data_changed USING er_data_changed.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_data_changed
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
    *&      Form  f2200_handle_data_changed
          Handle Data Changed in the ALV grid
    FORM handle_data_changed  USING    ir_data_changed
                                             TYPE REF TO
      DATA : ls_mod_cell TYPE lvc_s_modi,
            lv_value TYPE lvc_value,
             lws_date TYPE scal-date.
      DATA: lws_contrlife LIKE zspa_es_contlife-zzcontrlife,
            lwa_contrlife TYPE zspa_es_contlife,
            lws_mod_eff_code TYPE zspa_es_mod_code-zzmod_eff_code,
            lwa_mod_eff_code TYPE zspa_es_mod_code.
      SORT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells BY row_id .
      LOOP AT ir_data_changed->mt_mod_cells
                         INTO ls_mod_cell
                         WHERE fieldname = text-025   "ZZCONTRLIFE
                         OR    fieldname = text-026   "ZZMOD_EFF_CODE
                         OR    fieldname = text-027   "DATE
                         OR    fieldname = text-028.  "CLIENT_AGGR.
        READ TABLE i_final INTO wa_final
                           INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-025.     "ZZCONTRLIFE
            lws_contrlife = ls_mod_cell-value.
            SELECT SINGLE * FROM zspa_es_contlife
                   INTO lwa_contrlife WHERE zzcontrlife = lws_contrlife.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                  i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                  i_fieldname = text-025
                  i_value     = ''.
              MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-035.
              CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                  i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                  i_fieldname = text-025
                  i_value     = lws_contrlife.
              wa_final-zzcontrlife = lws_contrlife.
              MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
          IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-026.     "ZZMOD_EFF_CODE
            lws_mod_eff_code = ls_mod_cell-value.
            SELECT SINGLE * FROM zspa_es_mod_code
                   INTO lwa_mod_eff_code
                   WHERE zzmod_eff_code = lws_mod_eff_code.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                  i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                  i_fieldname = text-026
                  i_value     = ''.
              MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-036.
              CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                  i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                  i_fieldname = text-026
                  i_value     = lws_mod_eff_code.
              wa_final-zzmod_eff_code = lws_mod_eff_code.
              IF wa_final-zzmod_eff_code = 1 OR
                 wa_final-zzmod_eff_code = 2.
                wa_final-date = ''.
                CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                    i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                    i_fieldname = text-027
                    i_value     = ''.
              MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
    **-- No Edit control for Date when mode eff code = '1', '2'.
              PERFORM no_edit_for_date TABLES i_final.
    *This perform Refresh's the ALV list and Set's the Focus to
    *Current Cell and keep the Scroll bar in the same place.
              PERFORM alv_refresh.
          IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-027.     "DATE
            CONCATENATE ls_mod_cell-value+6(4)
                        ls_mod_cell-value+0(2) INTO lws_date.
            IF lws_date NE ''.
              IF lws_date > sy-datum.
                wa_final-date = lws_date.
                CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                    i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                    i_fieldname = text-027
                    i_value     = lws_date.
                MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
                CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                    i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                    i_fieldname = text-027
                    i_value     = ''.
                MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-037.
          IF ls_mod_cell-fieldname = text-028.     "CLIENT_AGGR
            TRANSLATE ls_mod_cell-value TO UPPER CASE.        "#EC SYNTCHAR
            IF ls_mod_cell-value EQ c_s OR ls_mod_cell-value EQ c_n.
              CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                  i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                  i_fieldname = text-028
                  i_value     = ls_mod_cell-value.
              wa_final-client_aggr = ls_mod_cell-value.
              MODIFY i_final FROM wa_final INDEX ls_mod_cell-row_id.
              CALL METHOD ir_data_changed->modify_cell
                  i_row_id    = ls_mod_cell-row_id
                  i_fieldname = text-028
                  i_value     = ''.
              MESSAGE s001(zesspa) WITH text-039.
    ENDFORM.                    " handle_data_changed

  • ALV Grid: how to save changes made in an editable Grid

    How to save changes made bu the user in any of the editable cells in a ALV Grid?

    If you are using the FM look at the following example code...
    LC_GLAY-EDT_CLL_CB = 'X'.<<<<<------
    gt_layout-zebra = 'X'.
    gt_layout-detail_popup = 'X'.
    gt_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
    i_callback_program = i_repid
    i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND1'
    it_fieldcat = header
    is_layout = gt_layout
    i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE1'
    i_grid_title = text-h17
    it_sort = gt_sort[]
    i_default = 'X'
    i_save = 'U'
    is_variant = gt_variant
    it_events = gt_events
    I_GRID_SETTINGS = LC_GLAY<<<<<<------
    t_outtab = itab.
    clear itab.
    FORM USER_COMMAND1 USING u_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
    us_selfield TYPE slis_selfield."#EC CALLED
    case u_ucomm.
    when '&DATA_SAVE'.<<<<<<<<----
    This will come after the data was EDITTED and when SAVE was clicked by user in output scren.
    Here now in the final internal table(ITAB) you can find the data changed in EDIT mode.
    After this you can do manipulation what ever you want.
    If this helps you reward with points.

  • I am being asked to upgrade to iCloud Drive but indications are that I will not be able to access up to date details on any of my documents on my Mac without going into iCloud first.  Have I got this interpretation right or can I save changes to acce

    I am being asked to upgrade to iCloud Drive but indications are that I will not be able to access up to date details on any of my documents on my Mac without going into iCloud first.  Have I got this interpretation right or can I save changes to access the new versions on my iMac?

    That is Apple's statement:
    Using iWork with iCloud Drive - Apple Support
    Options for iWork customers
    You can upgrade to iCloud Drive today if you want to keep your documents up to date in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, and you want to use the iWork web apps on and the Share via iCloud feature.
    You can upgrade to iCloud Drive later if you want to keep your documents up to date with your apps on iOS 7 or earlier and OS X Mavericks or earlier.
    Upgrade to iCloud Drive today
    To access the most recent versions of your documents from a Mac with OS X Mavericks or earlier, you’ll need to go to and access Pages, Numbers, and Keynote from there. On a PC, you can install iCloud for Windows and set up iCloud Drive.
    If you upgrade to iCloud Drive now:
    Your documents will keep up to date across devices with iOS 8, Macs with OS X Yosemite, PCs with iCloud for Windows, and
    Your documents will no longer keep up to date on devices with iOS 7 and Macs with OS X Mavericks or earlier.
    You’ll be able to use the iWork web apps on
    You’ll be able to use the Share via iCloud feature with iOS 8, OS X Yosemite, and
    Documents you previously shared via iCloud will be accessible to collaborators.
    Upgrade to iCloud Drive later
    Note that until you upgrade your iCloud account to iCloud Drive, you won’t be able to use the iWork web apps on or the Share via iCloud feature.     If you don’t upgrade to iCloud Drive at this time:
    Your documents will keep up to date across devices with iOS 8 and across devices with iOS 7 and Macs with OS X Mavericks or earlier.
    You won’t be able to use the iWork web apps on
    You won’t be able to use the Share via iCloud feature.
    Documents you previously shared via iCloud won’t be accessible to collaborators until you upgrade to iCloud Drive.

  • How do I save changes to a PDF with AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF?

    I am using C# and have created a regular Windows form. I have used COM and registered AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF. Here is my code;
    This works fine. But, just like the browser, I cannot save changes to the PDF. I have the full version of Adobe Acrobat installed, Standard 8.0. I also have the Pro. version 7.1.0 on another PC. When I click save I just get prompted to save it locally, just like I was in the browser.
    If I edit these normally, just via Adobe Acrobat Standard, I can save my changes. I cannot do it via the AxAcroPDFLib library.
    How do I save changes to my adobe acrobat pdf file in my program? Thank you for any help. please.

    I did this after I wrote this. I have looked at the documentation but I can't find what I am looking for. Is there another way to open a file for viewing that has the full capabilities or using the normal that uses something besides AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF. The sample that did have a view used AxAcroPDFLib.AxAcroPDF so it wasn't helpful. All I need is normal program functionality of adobe standard or profession within the application. The users have a full version installed on their PC.
    Thanks again.

  • Error message: iMovie cannot save changes to the library!?!

    iMovie crashed my computer and now I can't creat a new movie.
    Here's the full error message:
    iMovie cannot save changes to the library.
    The hard disk where your library is located may be full or unavailable or permissions may have changed. To avoid losing your work, quit iMovie.
    What's up with this? I tried trashing the preferences, but got the same message. I have a 27-inch late 2013 iMac running Mavericks with 445.55 GB free space.
    Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

    You've already tried trashing iMovie preferences (By the way think in Mavericks you have to reboot as well after this for the new preferences to take effect) .  One other thing to try is creating a new user account, logging in and seeing if you can create a new project in iMovie (of course you won't see your exisitng projects).  If you can then iMovie itself is OK.  If not  then the only other thing I can think of is re-installing iMovie  (see p-Store.htm)
    Is everthing else working OK after your computer crash?  Maybe you should also run Verify disk in Disk Utility.
    Maybe someone-else has some other suggestions (I have not heard of this problem before)?

  • How to switch off 'Would you like to save changes?' message

    I am developing AddOn that has form of control type. This means some parameters can be specified (so editing mode must be on) but the data in database are never changed.
    So standard message that SAP B1 displays ( 'Would you like to save changes?' ) when closing form is useless.
    Please tell me how can I switch off this message.
    Best regards,

    Hi Pawel,
    As A. Kerremans pointed out this is not possible, however if the item is not used to change the database you can set the AffectsFormMode property to false. This means that any change to the item will not change the form and B1 will not present you with message about saving the data (as it cannot detect that changes were made).
    Good luck.
    Best regards,
    Pedro Magueija

  • When closing the Form "Do you want to save changes" window

    I have a Master-Detail form where in my POST-QUERY trigger i am changing the LOV non-database item field to some value. When I just select Master record(NOT in query mode) my detail records pop up in the detail block. This is done by EXECUTE_QUERY in WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger in Detail Block. But when i close the form it asks me to save changes even though i haven't changed anything. I have this statement in POST-QUERY Trigger
    I tried both Set_Item_Property('BLOCK.CODE',ITEM_IS_VALID,PROPERTY_TRUE); this property in the POST_QUERY and Set_Item_Property('item_name',VALIDATE_FROM_LIST,PROPERTY_TRUE); in QUERY-MASTER-DETAILS trigger but it didn't work.
    please help

    I think, beause the message "Do you want to save the changes ..." has no error number,
    you will not get to catch it on a form level on-message-trigger.
    Better find out, why the record status changed.
    - Look to a post-query trigger that fills or changes a database item
    - change the Validate From List item Property to No
    - check for a when-validate-item or post-change trigger on items with a lov that has the Validate From List item Property set to Yes

  • How to save changes in a Table?

    Hi Experts,
    I have included my own component into an SAP component as an assigment block. My component shows a table (Table Context Node). I have made some columns editable. However, when I try to make changes in this table, after pushing the Enter Button, the chaged values is being replaced by the old value.
    I have set
    rv_disabled = 'FALSE'.
    in my GET_I_<attribute name> method. I guess there are other things to do..?
    How can I make and save changes in my table?
    Thanks, Johannes

    I just saw that in Method IF_BOL_BO_PROPERTY_ACCESS~SET_PROPERTY , the condition:
    is skipped (coding in IF statement is skipped)..
    I think the IS_CHANGEABLE( ) thing is "true", but
    is set..
    Where/ how can I set/ reset this? I have had a look around and did not find anything..
    Thanks, Johannes

  • Can't save changes to forms in access 2010 db format 2007

    Access 2010 - file format Access 2007 cannot save design changes
    On a previously designed form which works, I went back to change a check box from enabled "Yes" to "No" - I am then prompted to save changes and I click "Yes" but the form will not save or close. To close the form I must select "No" to the changes and they
    are lost.  If I return to form view the changes are also lost when I close.
    I have exclusive access to the DB and per some other suggestions I have checked the box to open in exclusive and uncheck the box  "Track name AutoCorrrect Info". I have also used compact and repair, which is also done on a regular basis.
    I have found that it is beginning to occur on other forms as well for no apparent reason.
    This was originally an Access 97 database that had been upgrade, all forms, reports, etc., had been imported into a new Access 2007 database. It has been running fine for the past month and we have been making design changes with no issues up to this point.
    The database is running on MS Server 2008r2 Terminal Services

    Hi Iasun:
    I have exactly the same problem that you had and have not been able to solve it. As you say, forms can be modified but no be saved; you can´t either change it´s name or delete it. Many forms in a large application  that I developed have
    the same problem and it seems that with time more forms are becoming "damaged"
    What I have done is to open the "damaged" form in design view and copied all controls to a new Form, leaving the old form unused. This is not a real solution but it´s the only way that I have found to change the original form.
    Your comment is more than a year old, have you already found a good solution?
    My application was originally developed in Access2007 and still running under it so it is not a problem related to 2010.

  • Cannot save changes to an Indesign document

    I have documents from a client that were created in an earlier version of Indesign (I'm not sure if it was CS3 or CS4). I use Indesign CS5.5. I can open the documents OK and work in them without problem. (I have all the fonts being used, but some of the image links are missing)  I'm adding pages and formatting text as I go. Then around 30 pages into the job, I find that I'm unable to undo or save any changes to the document. I've tried exporting to an IDML file and reopened it as an Indesing document and I still can't save changes.
    Can anyone help me? Short of rebuilding the document from scratch, I don't know what to do.

    I'm using InDesign CS5.5
    I am having exactly the same problem, all previous discusions are the same for me...
    I also use a font manager (suitcase fusion), no other plugins.
    And this counts for all files i try to save in indesign right now..
    and i noticed my links panel seems to be failing, it's open but it doesn't show any content or knobs or sliders.. "blank panel"
    Any thoughts, I seriously need to get this out the way.. work needs to be done!

  • HT201363 I keep trying to delete r edit my apple account and after I delete my info I click save and try to go to another page and this keeps popping up and whatever u click on it resets the page.Save changes? You've made changes to your Apple ID, but hav

    Save changes?
    You’ve made changes to your Apple ID, but have not saved them. Would you like to save your changes before proceeding?
    Discard Changes
    Save Changesit resets brings the inf back

    You are trying to delete it or edit it?

  • Unable to rename or save changes to Access Reports Access 2010

    Unable to rename or save changes to access reports in Access 2010
    This just started
    Tried changing report name, rename is allowed but does not save
    If change made to report does not save
    If trying to save as new report name error given saying name conflicts
    Queries and tables work fine
    Database file resides on server and this happens on all PCs, tried local copy to local machine and that has same problem, compact and repair completes but still same problem
    Any help welcomed

    Is the setup 1 Back end on the server, and 1 each Front end on each PC?
    peter n roth -, Maybe some useful stuff

  • InDesign CC 2014.2 has stopped asking me if I want to save changes when I close a file. It's automatically saving, but I don't always want to save changes.

    InDesign CC 2014.2 has stopped asking me if I want to save changes when I close a file. It's automatically saving, but I don't always want to save changes. Can anyone help?

    See: Replace Your Preferences

  • How do I save changes to about:config?

    I change the keyword url in about:config but don't know how to save this change. If just close the tab or the browser, the old settings reappear.
    How do I save changes to about:config?

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    See also:

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