Save Excel as CSV

Is there any way using codes to Save an "Excel Sheet" as a
"CSV" file.

Try the
custom tag.

Similar Messages

  • Export to excel and csv

    I have table in a jsp and an export button. When user clicks on the export button the data in the table should be exported to either text, csv or excel depending on the option user chhoses. Can anyone help me with this? How to export to excel and csv format.

    Hi arthur_branham,
    I really liked the way you have replied. Can you pleae share the code with me at [email protected] below is my problem...
    I had data in XML.I have displayed the data in jsp. Now i need to provide a link "Export to Excel" in jsp which will invokea servlet prepare the excel report and open up directly through a servlet....
    I got some help from...
    This is my code in servlet...
    HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
    HSSFSheet spreadSheet = wb.createSheet("Users");
    spreadSheet.setColumnWidth((short) 0, (short) (256 * 25));
    spreadSheet.setColumnWidth((short) 1, (short) (256 * 25));
    // Creating Rows
    HSSFRow row = spreadSheet.createRow(0);
    HSSFCell cell = row.createCell((short) 1);
    cell.setCellValue("Year 2005");
    cell = row.createCell((short) 2);
    cell.setCellValue("Year 2004");
    HSSFRow row1 = spreadSheet.createRow(1);
    HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
    cell = row1.createCell((short) 0);
    cell.setCellValue("Revenue ($)");
    cell = row1.createCell((short) 1);
    cell = row1.createCell((short) 2);
    FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(new File("/tmp/Users.xls"));
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=Users.xls");
    ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
    forward = null;
    In firefox i get the download dialog box but not able to open in from there,i need to save it and then open. In IE i dont get the dialog box instead the excell open inside the browser......Please help me to open a excel sheet onclick on a link "Export to excel" in jsp......
    1)If possible help me with the above code.
    2)Or else plz sahre you code with me...
    Its urgent....
    Thanks in advance...

  • Parsing Excel's CSV file in PL/SQL

    Someone may need this...
    This procedure parses a line of Excel's CSV file into a PL/SQL table's elements.
    FUNCTION func_split_csv (p_string IN VARCHAR2)
    RETURN gt_tbltyp_strings
    * NAME: func_split_csv
    * PURPOSE: Split the passed Excel's CSV strings into tokens.
    * Returns PL/SQL table of strings.
    * Author Date Description
    * S.Stadnik 12/12/07 Initial
    * INPUT : p_string - String to be tokenized
    * OUTPUT : None.
    * RETURNS: PL/SQL table of strings.
    -- Local constants
    c_str_proc_nme CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := gc_str_package_nme||'.func_split_csv';
    -- Local Variables
    v_int_location PLS_INTEGER;
    v_tab_tokens gt_tbltyp_strings;
    v_str_token VARCHAR2(32000);
    v_str_char VARCHAR2(1);
    v_int_table_pos PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    v_int_idx PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    b_bln_open_quote BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- Flag, indicating that double-quote is opened
    v_int_location := 0;
    -- Is the string is empty, return an empty table
    IF p_string IS NULL THEN
    RETURN v_tab_tokens;
    END IF;
    -- If the string does not contain delimiters, return the whole string
    IF InStr(p_string, ',', 1) = 0 THEN
    v_tab_tokens(v_int_table_pos) := p_string;
    RETURN v_tab_tokens;
    END IF;
    -- Loop thru all the characters
    WHILE v_int_idx <= Length (p_string) LOOP
    v_str_char := SubStr(p_string, v_int_idx, 1);
    CASE v_str_char
    -- Double quote encoutered (special case)
    WHEN '"' THEN
    -- If no double-quote was opened, this is an opening quote
    IF b_bln_open_quote = FALSE THEN
    b_bln_open_quote := TRUE;
    -- '""' translates to '"'
    ELSIF SubStr(p_string, v_int_idx + 1, 1) = '"' THEN
    v_str_token := v_str_token || '"';
    v_int_idx := v_int_idx + 1;
    -- If double-quote was opened, this is a closing quote
    ELSIF b_bln_open_quote = TRUE THEN
    b_bln_open_quote := FALSE;
    END IF;
    -- Coma encoutered (special case)
    WHEN ',' THEN
    -- If double-quote was opened, this is part of the string
    IF b_bln_open_quote = TRUE THEN
    v_str_token := v_str_token || ',';
    -- If double-quote was not opened, this is a delimiter, save the string
    v_tab_tokens(v_int_table_pos) := v_str_token;
    v_str_token := '';
    v_int_table_pos := v_int_table_pos + 1;
    END IF;
    -- Any other character is passed into the string
    v_str_token := v_str_token || v_str_char;
    v_int_idx := v_int_idx + 1;
    -- If final token lenght is non-zero after we processed all the characters,
    -- OR if the last character of the source string is ','
    -- Add the final token into the table
    IF Length(v_str_token) != 0
    OR SubStr(p_string, -1, 1) = ',' THEN
    v_tab_tokens(v_int_table_pos) := v_str_token;
    END IF;
    RETURN v_tab_tokens;
    -- Put your favourite error handler in here
    END func_split_csv;

    Yes, I agree.
    That was written for a particular case:
    - When the CSV file is an Excel's file,
    - When it is impossible to put the file onto the DB server, so we couldn't use external tables, and the whole contents had to be passed as a CLOB parameter.

  • Problme saving a WebI as Excel or CSV

    I am trying to save a Web Intelligence report as Excel or CSV. After saving the report onto my local system or PC, when i try to open the excel, i get an error saying - Windows cannot locate this file, please make sure you have typed in the name correctly and try searching again.
    I have saved the report on my desktop but while opening it, i get this error.
    Another question was, while saving an WebI as CSV, the columns get re-arranged or re-structured automatically. Is there any remedy for this issue?
    Your inputs are valuable.
    Thank you.

    I don't want to beat a dead horse, but if you can stand one more observation and "how I would do it"...The order of objects in the Results Object panel of Edit Query mode dictates the order of the columns going to the spreadsheet when downloaded using CSV mode.  If you have any local variables doing manipulations, these will not be a part of the CSV download, which you most obviously have painfully experienced thus far.  So, the "solution" is to attack the matter from the universe perspective.  If the maniuplations via local variables in the report are beneficial to the whole project, then perhaps add these as columns of data (dimension objects) in the universe.  Though sometimes the dressing up we do on the database server side can bog things down, it becomes a judgment call on what to do about manipulating on the DB or on the report.  Another method would be to create a view on the database server and make that view available as objects in the universe (or a new univser entirely).  Then for this particular report /universe you can put those objects on the report in the Edit Query mode, save the report, and only give a certain group access to it for their purposes of CSV download.  Okay, I'm sure your ready to say "enough", so thanks for listening in for just a bit more.

  • Open and Save Excel Files

    Hi All,
    I need code of How to open and save excel file in local system in Oracle forms.
    With Regards,
    Chandra Shekhar

    Hello Chandra,
    Webutil can be used to achieve this functionality.
    1. Install and configure Webutil following instructions in the webutil manual
    and the readme file.
    2. Create a form with a block Eg. DEPT
    3. Create a button, and in that button put the following code -
    application Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    workbooks Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    workbook Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    worksheets Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    worksheet Client_OLE2.Obj_Type;
    args Client_OLE2.List_Type;
    cell ole2.Obj_Type;
    j INTEGER;
    k INTEGER;
    application := Client_OLE2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
    workbooks := Client_OLE2.Get_Obj_Property(application, 'Workbooks');
    workbook := Client_OLE2.Invoke_Obj(workbooks, 'Add');
    worksheets := Client_OLE2.Get_Obj_Property(workbook, 'Worksheets');
    worksheet := Client_OLE2.Invoke_Obj(worksheets, 'Add');
    while :system.last_record = 'FALSE'
    for k in 1..3 /* DEPT has 3 columns */
    If not name_in(:system.cursor_item) is NULL Then
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, j);
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, k);
    cell:=Client_OLE2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    Client_OLE2.set_property(cell, 'Value', name_in(:system.cursor_item));
    End If;
    end loop;
    end loop;
    /* For the last record */
    for k in 1..3
    If not name_in(:system.cursor_item) is NULL Then
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, j);
    Client_OLE2.add_arg(args, k);
    cell:=Client_OLE2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    Client_OLE2.set_property(cell, 'Value', name_in(:system.cursor_item));
    End If;
    end loop;
    /* Save the Excel file created */
    args := Client_OLE2.Create_Arglist;
    Client_OLE2.Invoke(workbook, 'SaveAs', args);
    /* release workbook */
    /* Release application */
    Client_OLE2.Invoke(application, 'Quit');
    4. Save the form and compile it.
    5. Run the form.
    6. Execute the query in the block.
    7. Click on the button.
    8. An excel file will be created in the d:\ directory by the name test.xls.
    Kind regards,
    If someone's answer is helpful or correct please mark it accordingly.

  • SQlldr Error while uploading "excel" or "csv" file.

    Hello to community,
    We are using Oracle AS(application Server) 10g as a "web Server" & "database Server"
    The Database Server is having an NFS Partition,which has mounted onto "Web Server"
    So, if any client tried to upload any excel OR csv file , the Web Server will redirect that file data onto "database" server" through NFS partition.
    By clicking "upload" button from client end, they are getting a strange error. By checking "ias_console" log file, I have found below latest logs,which belongs to the error. Kindly let me know where is the problem coming from.
    The Database Server Shared NFS partition name is "web_upload" & we have same "web_upload" partition on the "web server". The command of mounting NFS partition is given below.
    On AIX web Server :- mount <ip address>:/file_data/web_upload/ /web_upload/
    SYNTAX :- <ip add of db server>/mount point "web server mount point"
    The error is as given below.
    09/06/09 15:27:47 NumIdle: 2
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,764 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ private Connection getDBConnection() ] Exited
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,764 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ private Connection getDBConnection() ] Exited
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,766 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ private void initialize() ] After getDBConnection called,
      connection object is: org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnection@1048a893
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,767 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ public boolean insertFileDetails(ExcelDataBean databean,String
      strFname) ] strUniqueKey:select  web_uploaded_file_history_seq.nextval from dual
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,767 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ public ResultSet executeQuery(String strQuery) ] Entered
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,773 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ public ResultSet executeQuery(String strQuery) ] Exited
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,774 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ public boolean insertFileDetails(ExcelDataBean databean,String
      Returns/000000/0000000000/Form201/0000000000_0T201BO0109_009062009152747.csv',replace(decode('T201B','T201M', 'T201','T201B'),'T','VAT-Form'),(select
      RPAD(sys_context('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS'),15,' ') AS client_ipaddress from dual),'Y',SYSDATE,'WEB','O','0','3317063')
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,791 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ public void closeDBConnection() ] Entered
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,791 [DEBUG] - finalDate:01-JAN-2009
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,792 [DEBUG] - finalDate:31-JAN-2009
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,806 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ static Object getValue(String propertyName, String propertyFileName)
      ] Entered
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,806 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ static Object getValue(String propertyName, String propertyFileName)
      ] Entered
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,806 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ static Object getValue(String propertyName, String propertyFileName)
      ] Entered
    09 Jun 2009 15:27:47,806 [DEBUG] - [ ] [ public ActionForward submit(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
      form,HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) ] Executing: sqlldr parfile=parafile.par silent=feedback direct=Y at location:
      /web_upload/090609/VAT Returns/000000/0000000000/Form201/SQLLdr
    It seems that this problem is due to "Sqlldr" then how to troubleshoot this problem?
    Waiting for your favorable response,
    Advanced Thanks,
    Nishith Vyas.

    Flat File was in error.

  • Help me in creating a Device Collection - i have a list of machine name (in a excel or CSV file)

    Hello Guys,
    I have created a Device collection for UK region (2000+ machines)
    Now i have been given a list of 1000 machines to which i need to deploy an application.
    I have to create a device collection for this 1000+ machines. as an input i have a excel or CSV file with a list of machine names.
    Please suggest me how can i create a device collection with CSV file as input. Is my CSV file should be in particular format.
    Or is there any other way i can create a collection for this 1000 specific machines.
    Please suggest.

    My previous post was for sccm 2012.
    here its for 2007
    In the Operating System Deployment section of SCCM right click on Computer Association and choose
    Import Computer Information
    when the wizard appears select Import Computers using a file
    The file itself must contain the information we need in this (CSV) format
    (sample below)
    if we look at the last line, I've marked the computer name in Red, the GUID in BLUE and the MAC address in GREEN, separate these values with commas as above.
    the file can be a standard TEXT file that you create in notepad, and you can rename it to CSV for easier importing into our wizard...
    so, click on Browse and browse to where you've got your CSV file
    on the Choose Mapping screen, you can select columns and define what to do with that mapping, eg: you could tell it to ignore the GUID value (we won't however)
    on the next screen you'll see a Data Preview, and this is useful as it will highlight any errors it finds with a red exclamation mark, in the example below a typo meant that it correctly flagged the MAC address as invalid
    so edit your CSV file again and fix the error, click previous (back) and try again
    Next choose the target collection where you want these computers to end up in
    review the summary
    in SCCM collections, we can now see the computers we've just imported from File,

  • Ssrs 2008 export to excel and csv file

    In a ssrs 2008 report, the user will export data to PDF, excel, and CSV files. When the report is exported to excel or csv file, the user wants me to hide some tablixes. Thus can you show me code on how to export the reports to csv or excel file without
    and be able to hide a few tablixes?

    Hi jazz_dog,
    According to your description, you want to set the visibility for some tablixes based on the exporting file type. Right?
    In Reporting Services 2008, we don't have any parameter to get type of exporting file. So we can only create a parameter and select a type before exporting to a file. Then use conditional expression to control the visibility. It's definitely not a good workaround,
    so your goal can't be achieved in Reporting Services 2008. However, for Reporting Service 2008R2 or later version, we have a build-in parameter called Render Format Name, this parameter will display the type of exporting file automatically. So we can make
    the judgment in expression based on the value of this parameter.
    Built-in Globals and Users References (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • How to save files (example:csv) from the different subVI to the same folder of main VI?

    I would like to save files (example:csv) from the subVI to the same folder of main VI? Please help! Thanks.

    CP_AT wrote:
    I would like to save files (example:csv) from the subVI to the same folder of main VI? Please help! Thanks.
    I don't understand the problem. You write in the program where to save files, and it saves them there. Do you mean something else?
    To err is human, but to really foul it up requires a computer.
    The optimist believes we are in the best of all possible worlds - the pessimist fears this is true.
    Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.
    An expert is someone who has made all the possible mistakes.
    To learn something about LabVIEW at no extra cost, work the online LabVIEW tutorial(s):
    LabVIEW Unit 1 - Getting Started
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  • How To Split Large Excel or CSV Files into Smaller Files

    Does anyone know how to split a large Excel or CSV file into multiple smaller files?  Or, is there an app that will work with Mac to do that?

    split [-a suffix_length] [-b byte_count[k|m]] [-l line_count] [-p pattern] [file [name]]
    is a native Terminal command. Read up more on man1/split.1.html
    I prefer to use gSplit which is gnu coreutils.
    You can install gnu coreutils using homebrew.

  • How to Read excel or .csv files in java

    I am writing a program which takes input as excel or .csv file.
    How to read these files.
    Any API's are existed or need to use the third party jar.
    Please suggest me.
    Thanks & Regards

    Did you search in google? Did you search here? There are so many excel related questions here, including answers about third party libraries.
    I have the impression that you didn't research at all.
    _[How to ask questions|]_ It's the same here.

  • How to import data from excel or csv files to Oracle table

    hello everybody,
    I am new here and new in Oracle. I would like to know the steps how to import data from excel or csv files to Oracle table.
    Let say I already have table inside the Oracle. Then my user give me the sets of data inside the Excel Worksheet.
    So, how can I import the excel data into Oracle table.
    Thank you in advance.

    Even easier. Download JDeveloper 11G from this site.
    Set up the database connection, right click on the table, select Import->Excel and specify your file to load it. On the import pop-up, you must view and update each tab indicating Columns, Data Types, and DML.
    Columns -- move the selected columns that you want to load to the box on the right
    Data Types -- select column name from second column to which the data for each column of the import file should load
    DML -- click this tab to generate the INSERT SQL
    Once done click 'Insert'

  • Export to Excel and CSV rounding differ

    Hi All,
    I was able to export data from report to excel and csv formats.However the excel format shows the downloaded values with decimal roundings, whereas CSV format is not showing the decimal roundings.
    For example
    Overall result is 253,333.39
    Excell download will show it as 253,333.39
    Assume that i have a scalling factor of 1000
    CSV download will show is as 253.
    How to download report with decimal roundings to CSV format.

    Hi Anil,
    Thanks for Reply, For example i have a Keyfigure as XXX with scaling factor as 1000.
    The overall result for XXX is 253*1000 = 253,333.359
    The overall result displayed in a BW web report is 253.
    When we download the data to Excel it shows the value as
    253,333.359.Which is correct.
    The same function when we download to CSV format we can only see the total as 253*1000.
    Hope this explains.

  • In Oracle Forms 10g, what is the best approach in read an excel file (csv)?

    Hi All!
    Could someone please advise me on what is the best way for an oracle form reading and extracting data from an excel spreadsheet (csv) that is located in the local drive directory.
    Someone had already advised me to use TEXT_IO function or use a javabean through the Implementation Class property.
    I'd really appreciate it if someone can give me insights.
    Thanks! beeals

    Other approach to load a CSV file, you can use EXTERNAL TABLES. SQL Reference manual has examples.
    [url] simple example of external tables loading data into oracle
    or here
    Message was edited by:
    Rosario Vigilante

  • Load prompt values from Excel or CSV files?

    Hello all,
    We have report and users want to upload filters to prompts on the reports from excel or csv files. They cannot enter one by one because they some times have hundereds of values (customer numbers) to filter. Is there a way to do that? If it is then how is it possible?
    Thanks a lot.

    Hello Zahid,
    It is currently possible to create a relational multi-source universe with one data provider to an Excel document.
    for this to work for Web Intelligence the 62 bit drivers must be installed on the Webi Server for Excel.
    Here is a link to the kbase
    Also here is a link to the Information Design Tool Guide for how to create a multi-source universe:
    One of the new features in BI 4.0 is creating a list of values on a Table or custom SQL.
    also, here is the link to the available tutorials:
    Official Product Tutorials – SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x
    Scroll down to the information design tool.
    Hope this helps!

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