Saving a copy of a pages document

I am not quite sure of the proper order to do this. I have a big document with graphics and most of it is in colour. I have it saved as a .pages document. I need to make a copy of it in grayscale. I know how to change the colour photos to grayscale, but how do I save it so that I dont overwrite my original colour document? I need to have one of each!
If I go ahead and change the colour pix to grayscale and then do a Save As and give it another name, will that preserve the original one? I really dont want to mess this up!

It may help to read the Pages09_UserGuise.pdf downloadable from under the Help menu, but these are really system issues, not specific to Pages.
You may also get some benefit from a system introduction:

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    Since it's obviously not a Pages plist issue, I think more drastic measures are called for.
    The simplest would be to run the Mountain Lion 10.8.3 combo updater. In systems past, running the combo updater, even if it had been used before, can clear up some system odditites. It may work, but I think the problem is with Pages. Again, the simplest approach would be to delete Pages & reinstall it and run Software Update. I know you should get the most recent version from the Mac App Store, but this has helped others in the past.  The files to delete are the iWork ’09 folder from the main HD > Applications; the iWork ’09 folder in HD > Library > Application Support & the individual iWork application plist files found in HD > Users > (your account) > Library > Preferences for each user. The easist way to delete iWork '09 is to use Yvan Koenig's AppleScript that removes the files. You can find it on his account in for_iWork'09 > other_iWork'09 items > uninstall iWork '

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    And there are those who don't like me repeating the same message over and over again in this forum!
    Apple has removed over 90 features from Pages 5. 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.
    Archive/trash Pages 5, after Exporting your files to Pages '09, and rate/review it in the App Store, then get back to work.

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    How could I go about solving this problem, as it's really quite irritating as nothing has changed other than me copying the folder to the desktop.
    Thank you in advance

    I use an other scheme.
    I store the document and the media files in a disk image so, I may move the complete set as I want.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 28 septembre 2010 22:03:33

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    See title Bloch for my question

    When you open a Word document in Pages it is converted to a new .pages document and you will be prompted to save it when you close it. That will save it to a .pages file which will then contain all the automatically saved versions from then on.
    You export to a .pdf file, this retains the .pages version but creates a.pdf copy of it.
    I don't know what you mean by "red X'ing" the document unless you mean you are closing it by clicking on the red button at the top left of the window.
    I assume you are using Mac OSX 10.8, not Windows XP, which will auto save for you when you close the document.

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    Hi Ellen,
    Copying from web pages can include some weird formatting. Instead of Paste, use Paste and Match Style (Edit Menu).

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    Thanks for your help!

    You will only be able to save and read Pages documents from the cloud using Pages. Word will not open them from the Cloud.
    Hold down Option while clicking the File menu and scrolling to Save and you should see Save As... which will let you save the document in another location. You will have to repeat each time you save.
    Further questions would probably better be answered in the Pages forum.

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    Hello everyone,
    I'm currently having a problem saving a Pages document as another format, such as a Word document or PDF file.  I've never had this problem before with Pages.  Please help me!  I need to have this completed a.s.a.p.

    To save as a PDF, you do that from Print
    To save as Wrod format, you export

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    Hi. I suspect your flash drive is formatted with an NTFS file system (this is the default for Windows drives) and as such is read-only on a Mac. Try re-formatting on the either the Windows or Mac computer with a FAT32 file system. Be aware though that you will lose all data on your flash drive so back up first. Also maximum file size is limited to 2GB, is this a problem?

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    Working with a Retina Macbook Pro and current software
    These are newly created documents

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