Saving result from query into CSV file

Hi folks,
in our application we're generating pages source using general packages (like htp, owa_util, ...). and in this part I'm a really beginner.
I want to modify source one of our page, I want to add functionality to enable save result from query (cursor) into CSV file, to enable user choose place where generated file will be created and also change file name.
I searched this forum and I found procedure, that could be useful:
procedure p_getcsv is
cursor cur is
       select 'a1' col1, 'b1' col2, 'c1' col3 from dual
   union  select 'a2' col1, 'b2' col2, 'c2' col3 from dual
   union  select 'a3' col1, 'b3' col2, 'c3' col3 from dual;
        -- Set the MIME type
        owa_util.mime_header( 'application/octet', FALSE );
        -- Set the name of the file
        htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.csv"');
        -- Close the HTTP Header
        -- Loop through all rows in EMP
        for x in cur
            -- Print out a portion of a row,
            -- separated by commas and ended by a CR
             htp.prn(x.col1||','|| x.col2||','||x.col3|| chr(13));
        end loop;        
   end;What peace of code should I add to procedure that is generating web page to enable calling this procedure and whole saving process?
Can anybody help me with this?
Many thanks,
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Hi Marc,
thanks for reply, problem is that I'm not using APEX application, I'm just generating web page code straight using oracle general packages.
But I found this solution (maybe some tunning will be good):
In page where I want to display Download i have
         htp.anchor2 (
                       curl  =>  ... .p_getcsv'||'?term=2005&crn=123,
                       ctext => 'Download Class List';
      end; I'm calling p_getcsv procedure:
  procedure p_getcsv( term  IN stvterm.stvterm_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
                       crn   IN sirasgn.sirasgn_crn%TYPE DEFAULT NULL) is
   v_length      NUMBER;
   v_file_name   VARCHAR2 (2000);
   temp_blob  blob;
   line RAW(32767);
         FOR i IN 1..6  LOOP
            line := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(i||','||term||','||crn||',AAA,BBB,CCC'||chr(10));
            DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(temp_blob, LENGTH(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(line)), line);
         END LOOP;
          v_file_name := 'ClassList.csv';
          v_length  := DBMS_LOB.getlength (temp_blob);
          -- set up HTTP header
             -- use an NVL around the mime type and
             -- if it is a null set it to application/octect
             -- application/octect may launch a download window from windows
           OWA_UTIL.mime_header (NVL ('csv', 'application/octet'), FALSE);
           -- set the size so the browser knows how much to download
           HTP.p ('Content-length: ' || v_length);
           -- the filename will be used by the browser if the users does a save as
           HTP.p (   'Content-Disposition:  attachment; filename="'
              || REPLACE (REPLACE (SUBSTR (v_file_name,
                                           INSTR (v_file_name, '/') + 1
                                   CHR (10),
                          CHR (13),
              || '"'
             -- close the headers
            -- download the BLOB
             WPG_DOCLOAD.download_file (temp_blob);
             -- release temporary blob

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    Please follow basic Netiquette and post the DDL we need to answer this. Follow industry and ANSI/ISO standards in your data. You should follow ISO-11179 rules for naming data elements. You should follow ISO-8601 rules for displaying temporal data. We need
    to know the data types, keys and constraints on the table. Avoid dialect in favor of ANSI/ISO Standard SQL. And you need to read and download the PDF for:
    >> I need to select from a dynamic column name and save the result in a variable, but seem to be having trouble with the values being fed to sp_executesql <<
    This is so very, very wrong! A column is an attribute of an entity. The idea that you are so screwed up that you have no idea if you want
    the shoe size, the phone number or something else at run time of this entity. 
    In Software Engineering we have a principle called cohesion that says a model should do one and only one task, have one and only one entry point, and one and only one exit point. 
    Hey, on a scale from 1 to 10, what color is your favorite letter of the alphabet? Yes, your mindset is that level of sillyity and absurdity. 
    Do you know that SQL is a declarative language? This family of languages does not use local variables! 
    Now think about “month_val” and what it means. A month is a temporal unit of measurement, so this is as silly as saying “liter_val” in your code. Why did you use “sp_” on a procedure? It has special meaning in T-SQL.  
    Think about how silly this is: 
     SET @month_val = 'Month' + CAST(@month_nbr AS VARCHAR(2));
    We do not do display formatting in a query. This is a violation of at the tiered architecture principle. We have a presentation layer. But more than that, the INTERVAL temporal data type is a {year-month} and never just a month. This is fundamental. 
    We need to see the DDL so we can re-write this mess. Want to fix it or not?
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

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    FastReader from wisdomforce will help you quickly export data into csv file.
    fastreader can be called and executed as an external process ( Runtime.exec(..) ) to extract data from Oracle tables into flat file

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    wwv_flow_files is used by APEX to hold uploaded files.
    If you incorporate a file browse item on you page, browse for the selected file, then submit the page (having the PL/SQL process described as an on suibmit process) then what I detailed should work.
    If you don't need users to have access to this then just go to Home>Utilities>Data Load/Unload in APEX and there is a handy load utility there that does it all for you.

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    import java.sql as sql
    import java.lang as lang
    import re
    sourceConnection = odiRef.getJDBCConnection("SRC")
    myStmt = sourceConnection.createStatement()
    my_query = "select FROM E$_COMPANY"*
    *if string.find(my_query, '*') > 0:*
    *myRs = myStmt.executeQuery(my_query)*
    *while (i <= md.getColumnCount()):*
    *i += 1*
    *header=','.join(map(string.strip, collect))*
    *elif string.find(my_query,'||') > 0:*
    *header = my_query[7:string.find(my_query, 'FROM')].replace("||','||",',')*
    *header = my_query[7:string.find(my_query, 'FROM')]*
    *print header*
    *output_write.write (header+'\n'+old)*
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    Edited by: 30021986 on Oct 1, 2012 6:04 PM

    This may not be an option for you but in pinch you may want to consider outputing your data to an MS Spreadsheet, then saving it as a CSV. It's somewhat of a cumbersome process, but it will get you by for now.
    You will need to change your content type to application/
    <% response.setContentType("application/"); %>

  • CLR to get the SQL Server Data into .CSV File

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    SELECT col1+','+col2 ....
    FROM SourceTable
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    using System;
    using System.IOM
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
    public class ExportFileClass {
    public static void export_file()
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(
    "context connection=true"))
    // Operation to open file goes here.
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT col FROM YourTable");
    // Consume result set and write rows.
    Build this from the command line:
    sn -k keypair.snk
    csc /target:library /keyfile:keypair.snk exportfile.cs
    Then run in SQL Server (assuming that the files are in C:\temp on the SQL
    Server machine:
    USE master
    -- To be able to create an external-access assembly, we need to load
    -- the key, the assembly is signed with. The key needs a password, but we
    -- don't need to know the password.
    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX),
            @password char(40)
    SELECT @password = convert(char(36), newid()) + 'Ab4?'
    SELECT @sql = 'CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY slog_loopback FROM FILE = ' +
                  '''C:\temp\keypair.snk'' ' +
                  'ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = ''' + @password + ''''
    PRINT @sql
    -- And then a login to carry the permission.
    CREATE LOGIN exportfile$asymkey FROM ASYMMETRIC KEY ExportFile
    -- Now we can go back to our regular database and create the assembly.
    USE youddatabase
    CREATE ASSEMBLY ExportFile FROM 'C:\temp\exportfile.dll'
    EXTERNAL NAME ExportFile.ExportFileClass.export_file
    It is likely that you will have to do ask your DBA to do things in the
    master database.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    Please can anyone give me some idea to export SQL data into CSV file using SP.

    How are you doing this.
    You would have got XML representation for the XML batch received from SQL
    You should have a flat-file schema representing the CSV file which you want to send.
    Map the received XML representation of data from SQL to flat-file schema
    have custom pipeline with flat-file assembler on the assembler stage of the send pipeline.
    In the send port use the map which convert received XML from SQL to flat file schema and use the above custom flat-file disassembler send port
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

  • Procedure to save the output of a query into excel file or flat file

    Procedure to save the output of a query into excel file or flat file
    I want to store the output of my query into a file and then export it from sql server management studio to a desired location using stored procedure.
    I have run the query --
    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(255)
    SET @cmd = 'bcp "select * from dbo.test1" queryout "D:\testing2.xlsx;" -U "user-PC\user" -P "" -c '
    Exec xp_cmdshell @cmd
    error message--
    SQLState = 28000, NativeError = 18456
    Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'user-PC\user'.

    Specifies that the bcp utility connects to SQL Server with a trusted connection using integrated security. The security credentials of the network user,
    login_id, and password are not required. If
    –T is not specified, you need to specify
    –U and –P to successfully log in.
    Specifies the login ID used to connect to SQL Server.
    Note: When the bcp utility is connecting to SQL Server with a trusted connection using integrated security, use the
    -T option (trusted connection) instead of the
    user name and password combination
    I would suggest you take a look at the following article:
    bcp Utility:
    A similar thread regarding this issue:
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • BULK INSERT from a text (.csv) file - read only specific columns.

    I am using Microsoft SQL 2005, I need to do a BULK INSERT from a .csv I just downloaded from paypal.  I can't edit some of the columns that are given in the report.  I am trying to load specific columns from the file.
    bulk insert Orders
    FROM 'C:\Users\*******\Desktop\DownloadURL123.csv'
                  FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',
                    FIRSTROW = 2,
                    ROWTERMINATOR = '\n'
    So where would I state what column names (from row #1 on the .csv file) would be used into what specific column in the table.
    I saw this on one of the sites which seemed to guide me towards the answer, but I failed.. here you go, it might help you:
    FORMATFILE [ = 'format_file_path' ]
    Specifies the full path of a format file. A format file describes the data file that contains stored responses created using the bcp utility on the same table or view. The format file should be used in cases in which:
    The data file contains greater or fewer columns than the table or view.
    The columns are in a different order.
    The column delimiters vary.
    There are other changes in the data format. Format files are usually created by using the bcp utility and modified with a text editor as needed. For more information, see bcp Utility.

    Date, Time, Time Zone, Name, Type, Status, Currency, Gross, Fee, Net, From Email Address, To Email Address, Transaction ID, Item Title, Item ID, Buyer ID, Item URL, Closing Date, Reference Txn ID, Receipt ID,
    "04/22/07", "12:00:21", "PDT", "Test", "Payment Received", "Cleared", "USD", "321", "2.32", "3213', "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "", "testing", "392302", "jdal32", "", "04/22/03", "", "",
    "04/22/07", "12:00:21", "PDT", "Test", "Payment Received", "Cleared", "USD", "321", "2.32", "3213', "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "", "testing", "392932930302", "jejsl32", "", "04/22/03", "", "",
    Do you need more than 2 rows? I did not include all the columns from the actual csv file but most of it, I am planning on taking to the first table these specfic columns: date, to email address, transaction ID, item title, item ID, buyer ID, item URL.
    The other table, I don't have any values from here because I did not list them, but if you do this for me I could probably figure the other table out.
    Thank you very much.

  • How to SAP data convert into csv file.

    i have a one internal table , and i want to extract SAP data into csv file with filed separator ','(comma).

    you can use this coding for slove yours issue
    tables: vbak.
    Use type pool:
    parameters: p_erdat like vbak-erdat.
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          vbeln like vbak-vbeln,
          erdat like vbak-erdat,
          end of itab.
    COM = ','.
    select vbeln
           into table itab
           from vbak
           where erdat = p_erdat.
       I_FIELD_SEPERATOR          = COM
      I_LINE_HEADER              =
      I_FILENAME                 =
      I_APPL_KEEP                = ' '
        I_TAB_SAP_DATA             =  ITAB
      CONVERSION_FAILED          = 1
      OTHERS                     = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
      BIN_FILESIZE                  =
        FILENAME                      = 'C:\TEST.CSV'
       FILETYPE                       = 'ASC'

  • How to query a csv file

    Hello I am new to cold fusion.
    I am wondering if there is a way to query a csv file using a read from cffile? Currently I have it setup as a cffile read and then I try to query the file using cffquery. Obviously this doesn't work because I have to set a datasource. Is there anyway to do this or any way to set a csv file as a data source? Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.

    You would have to read in the csv and create a query using QueryNew(). Once you have the csv in a query format, then you can perform query of queries to do most anything you want on the data. There is probably code already written out there to do the csv to query, you just need to find it. The query of queries is in the documentation. The only gotcha is that query of queries sorting and matching is case sensitive. Hope this helps.

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    I am new here and new in Oracle. I would like to know the steps how to import data from excel or csv files to Oracle table.
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    Thank you in advance.

    Even easier. Download JDeveloper 11G from this site.
    Set up the database connection, right click on the table, select Import->Excel and specify your file to load it. On the import pop-up, you must view and update each tab indicating Columns, Data Types, and DML.
    Columns -- move the selected columns that you want to load to the box on the right
    Data Types -- select column name from second column to which the data for each column of the import file should load
    DML -- click this tab to generate the INSERT SQL
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    what is background datasource Essbase or HFM
    do you have lot of data in pov please try below
    >Do you have pov prompt
    >increase jvm heap size for report server in reporting server
    >Fr log files has some more detail

Maybe you are looking for

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