Scalar subquery or outer join rule of thumb

is there any particular reason for choosing one over other method ?
select t1.col1, (select t.2col2 from t2 where = smth from t1;
select t1.col1, t2.col2 from t1
where =
I think those are logicaly equal .Please advice fro DB

David_Aldridge wrote:
I would always use the explicit join method. It's easier to follow, particularly for more complex queries, and I believe that the subquery method is limited in the join mechanisms it will use.Exactly why I hinted he should look at the explain plan, so he can learn the difference for himself.
Explicit join will use appropriate join method, whereas subquery will generally be less performant. There are of course various factors involved, so the explain plan should be examined for the required tables and data, especially the amount of IO being performed.

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  • Use of db link in subquery with outer join

    I have a query where i am using db link to get data from another database.
    I have an outer join where i am using a subquery using the same db link but it fails gives me the error:
    ORA-00991: illegal use of LONG datatype.
    But the same query with inner join is not giving me the error.
    Is this a limitation of Oracle or am I doing something wrong.

    This is an example of what i am running. That last outer join does not work c.acad_plan(+).
    select count(1)
    from ( select a.* from cb001_tbl a where a.strm='1800' ) a ,
    ( select distinct emplid,national_id,strm, acad_plan, acad_career from ps_uhcb_001@SAPRD where institution='00730') b ,
    ( select * from ps_acad_plan_tbl@SAPRD a
    where a.institution='00730'
    and a.eff_status='A'
    and a.effdt=(select max(b.effdt) from ps_acad_plan_tbl@SAPRD b
    where a.institution=b.institution
    and a.acad_plan=b.acad_plan
    and b.effdt<=to_date(20100514,'yyyymmdd'))) c
    where a.stdnt_id=b.national_id (+)
    and a.strm=b.strm (+)
    and b.acad_plan=c.acad_plan (+)


    작성날짜 : 2002-04-10
    OUTER JOIN 에 대하여
    Outer join의 효과과 이용방법에 대해 이해한다.
    1. 개념
    다음의 용어에 대해 우선 살펴보자 :
    1) outer-join column - symbol(+) 을 사용하는 column 이다 .
    예를 들어 EMPNO(+) ,DEPT.DEPTNO(+) 는 outer join column들이다.
    2) simple predicate - AND , OR,NOT 을 가지지 않는 단순한 관계표현으로
    A=B 의 관계로 표현된다.
    3) outer join predicate - 한개 이상의 outer join column 을 갖는 simple
    predicate 이다.
    2. OUTER JOIN 사용법 - RULES
    outer join predicate 는 오직 1 table 의 column 들 만이 outer join
    column 으로 이용되어져야 한다. 즉 한 single outer join predicate 의
    모든 outer join column 은 모두 같은 table이어야 한다.
    이런 취지에서 다음 statement 는 틀린 것이다.
    이것은 두 table 의 outer join column 들이다.
    한 predicate 의 한 column 이 outer join column 이면 같은 table 의 모든
    column 은 outer join column 이어야 한다.
    이 취지에서 다음 문장은 틀린 것이다.
    한 table 의 column 들이 outer join 것과 아닌 것과 outer join 인것으로
    섞여있기 때문이다.
    predicate 에서 (+) 표시가 붙은 table 은 다른 table 을 direct 하게
    outer join 한다. indirect 하게 다른 tabe 을 outer join 한다는 것은
    그들 table 자체가 또 outer join 하는 경우이다.
    이 경우 한 table 은 direct하게든 indeirect 하게든 자기 자신에게 outer
    join 하는 경우는 허용되지 않는다.
    다음의 문장은 이런 취지에서 틀린 경우이다.
    AND DEPT.JOB(+) = EMP.JOB - circular outer
    join relationship
    3. OUTER JOIN 실행
    주어진 table T 에는 outer join 과 non-outer join 이 있다.
    실행시 다음처럼 수행된다.
    1) The result of joining all tables mentioned in table T's
    outer join predicates is formed ( by recursive application
    of this algorithm ).
    2) For each row of the result, a set of composite rows is
    formed, each consisting of the original row in the
    result joined to a row in table T for which the composite
    row satisfies all of table T's outer join predicates.
    3) If a set of composite rows is the null set, a composite
    row is created consisting of the original row in the
    result joined to a row similar to those in table T, but
    with all values set to null.
    4) Rows that do not pass the non-outer join predicates are removed.
    This may be summarised as follows. Outer join
    predicates ( those with (+) after a column of table T ), are
    evaluated BEFORE table T is augmented with a null row. The null
    row is added only if there are NO rows in table T that satisfy
    the outer join predicates. Non-outer join predicates are
    evaluated AFTER table T is augmented with a null row (if needed)
    Certain types of outer joins in complicated logical
    expressions may not be well formed. In general, outer join
    columns in predicates that are branches of an OR should be
    avoided. Inconsistancies between the branches of the OR can
    result in an ambiguous query, and this may not be detected. It
    is best to confine outer join columns to the top level of the
    'where' clause, or to nested AND's only.
    1) Simple Outer Join
    The predicate is evaluated BEFORE null augmentation. If
    there is a DEPT row for which there are no EMP rows, then a null
    EMP row is concatenated to the DEPT row.
    2) Outer Join With Simple Post-Join Predicates
    The second simple predicate is avaluated AFTER null
    augmentation, since there is no (+), removing rows which were
    not the result of null augmentation and hence leaving only DEPT
    rows for which there was no corresponding EMP row.
    3) Outer Join With Additional Pre-Join Predicates
    AND 'CLERK' = EMP.JOB(+)
    The predicate on EMP.JOB is evaluated at the same time
    as the one on EMP.DEPTNO - before null augmentation. As a
    result, a null row is augmented to any DEPT row for which there
    are no corresponding clerks's in the EMP table. Therefore, this
    query displays departments containing no clerks.
    Note that it the (+) were omitted from the EMP.JOB
    predicate, no rows would be returned. In this case, both the
    EMP.JOB and EMP.DEPTNO IS NULL predicates are evaluated AFETR
    the outer join, and there can be no rows for which both are

    I had to put it in a subquery? (if that's what it's called)
    SELECT a1.date_field DateAndHour, b1.OR_date, NVL(b1.record_count,0)
                  (SELECT TO_CHAR(b.OR_IN_DTTM,'YYYYMMDDHH24') OR_date, COUNT(*) record_count
                FROM hsa_tgt.PICIS_OR b
                GROUP BY TO_CHAR(b.OR_IN_DTTM,'YYYYMMDDHH24')) b1
    WHERE a1.date_field  = b1.OR_date (+)
    GROUP BY a1.date_field, b1.OR_date, b1.record_count
    HAVING (TO_DATE(a1.date_field,'YYYYMMDDHH24') BETWEEN '01-Jan-2006' AND '31-Jan-2006')
    ORDER BY a1.date_field;

  • ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery

    How to solve this problem below?
         and id2.invoice_line_id*(+)*=(select min(invoice_line_id)
              from TW.invoice_detail
              where invoice_id=239917
              and (bl_amount_currency='USD' AND actual_amount_currency='VND'
              OR bl_amount_currency='VND' AND actual_amount_currency='USD')
    ERROR at line 150:
    ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery
    Since there's an uncertain existence in id2, it needs to be outer-joined to that!
    Bst Rgds,

    You cant do a outer join on a sub query. Can you describe what are you trying to do?

  • LEFT OUTER JOIN with SubQuery

    I have two tables and I want to return all data from the first table with a piece of information from the second based on an effective date being at least a certain value. The tables I am working with contain billions of rows so I need a solution that will also scale.
    Sample tables:
    create table pp ( x number, y number);
    create table ec ( x number, y number, effdate date);
    insert into pp values (1,2);
    insert into pp values (2,3);
    insert into pp values (1,3);
    insert into ec values (1,2,sysdate);
    insert into ec values (2,3,sysdate);
    insert into ec values (1,3,sysdate+365);
    select * from pp, ec where pp.x = ec.x(+) and pp.y=ec.y(+)
    and (effdate = ( select max(effdate) from ec ecc where ecc.y=ec.y and ecc.x = ec.x and effdate < sysdate) or effdate is null);
    The above query (and the one below) returns two rows. it does not return where the date does not meet the criteria.
    select * from pp LEFT OUTER JOIN ec ON pp.x = ec.x and pp.y=ec.y
    WHERE (effdate = ( select max(effdate) from ec ecc where ecc.y=ec.y and ecc.x = ec.x and effdate < sysdate) or effdate is null);
    This returns the three rows BUT IS VERY SLOW when run against the billion+ row table (because we cannot correlate the subquery results.)
    select * from pp LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT x, y, effdate
    FROM ec WHERE effDate = (SELECT MAX(EFFdate) from ec ecc where ecc.y=ec.y and ecc.x = ec.x and effdate < sysdate)) c ON c.x = pp.x and c.y = pp.y;

    It would help quite a bit to know
    1) your Oracle version
    2) your indexes and data volumes (do BOTH tables have billions of rows?)
    But here's something that may perform faster.
    ME_XE? WITH Maximizied AS
      2  (
      3     SELECT
      4        MAX(EffDate),
      5        x,
      6        y
      7     FROM ec
      8     WHERE EffDate < SYSDATE
      9     GROUP BY x, y
    10  )
    11  SELECT *
    12  FROM pp p, Maximizied m
    13  WHERE p.x = m.x (+)
    14  AND   p.y = m.y (+);
                     X                  Y MAX(EFFDAT                  X                  Y
                     2                  3 05-29-2008                  2                  3
                     1                  2 05-29-2008                  1                  2
                     1                  3
    3 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03

  • Complex Inner Join and subquery on outer where clause on inner join?

    The DDL for this post was too big and I had to put on my website:
    My goal is to create a report of sales data for 116 stores containing daily sales and guest count to last years. My challenge is I'm pulling data from the same table but with different dates to get data from last year and Week to date data from last year.
    Dates used for reports are:
    SalesDate = 6/4/2009
    SalesDateForLastYear = 6/5/2008
    SalesDateBeginningOfWeek = 6/1/2009
    SalesDateBginningOFWeekLastYear = 6/2/2008
    ---======= DOLLAR VARIANCE = You Said you have $100 worth of meat(inventory) but you only have $50 worth of meat
        BUSI_DATE as BusinessDate,
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID,
        FIELD1  as Sales,
        FIELD2  as GuestCount,
        FIELD3  as DollarVariance,
        FIELD4  as Cars
    WHERE Busi_date = SalesDate
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores);
    -======= ONLY Guest count and Sales are needed in comparisons against last year   
    ---======    Last YEar dates = corresponding dates for this year ie Tuesday of this
    week matched to Tuesday of last year (except for leap year)
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID
        FIELD1  as SalesLastYear
        FIELD2  as GuestCountLastYear  
    WHERE Busi_date = SalesDateForLastYear
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores);
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID
        SUM(FIELD1)  as WeekToDateSales
        SUM(FIELD2)  as WeekToDateGuestCount 
    WHERE Busi_date BETWEEN SalesDateBeginningOfWeek and SalesDate
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores)
        ORACLE_KEY as StoreID
        SUM(FIELD1)  as WeekToDateSalesLastYear
        SUM(FIELD2)  as WeekToDateGuestCountLastYear 
    WHERE Busi_date BETWEEN SalesDateBeginningOfWeekLastYear and SalesDateLastYear
       AND ORACLE_KEY IN (SELECT StoreID From MyStores)
    GROUP BY ORACLE_KEY   Question: Since they all use the same store nbrs, do I need to specify on each query? CAn't i jsut specify once on outer query Where clause?
    Also How would I integrate the following script from HOEK:
    See How do I set 1 field based on another field's value
    It gets a record for each store of the 116 stores from inventory database. There were 2 situations that were addressed by Hoeks code:
    For each of the 116 stores in store table, there must be 1 and only
    1 inventory record to match the MyStoreTotals record. However, sometimes there will be no inventory record.
    and sometimes there will be 2 (in a case where a manager updates database
    after daily processing) records. if so, the record with Is_posted = 1
    is the one that should be included in query. The following accomplishes this:
    -- chr(39) is single quote
    Select StoreId,
      from   (select store.storeid,
                              when inv.storeid is null then 'None'
                              when inv.is_posted = 0 then 'NP'
                              else chr(39)||inv.total_dol_var||chr(39)
                        end as DollarVariance,
                        row_number() over (partition by store.storeid order by inv.is_posted desc) rn 
                   from  myInven inv
                   right outer join mystores  store
                                  on store.storeid = inv.fk_str_main_id
                                  and inv.busi_date = to_date(SalesDate, 'dd-mon-yyyy'))
          where rn = 1;      Do I put this query on the where clause of the outer query of do I put it on a JOIN clause?

    Here is Part 2: The Insert for totals table
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',21,3163.79,189.83,0,-190.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',22,2747.25,255.37,0,-235.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',23,4182.74,388.74,0,-248.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',24,4551.5,423.05,0,-467.46);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',25,2785.13,258.8,0,-199.85);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',27,3409.31,317,0,-175.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',28,3808.61,228.6,0,-233.04);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',29,3416.97,239.35,0,-110.77);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',30,2133.4,128.13,0,-178.37);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',31,2261.27,210.14,0,-272.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',32,2258.18,135.6,0,-83.01);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',33,3908.26,312.71,0,-121.41);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',34,3035.45,273.38,0,-97.8);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',35,3088.44,185.5,0,-123.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',36,4255.4,395.48,0,-206.16);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',37,6331.13,380.01,0,-505.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',38,3552.78,319.94,0,-168.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',39,2991.44,277.96,0,-228.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',41,3825.03,355.49,0,-204.93);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',42,3843.16,357.16,0,-237.5);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',43,2981.78,179,0,-45.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',61,4504.6,270.32,0,-362.49);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',62,4034.46,242.1,0,-260.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',64,1811.58,168.39,0,-108.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',65,2271.46,211.04,0,-117.32);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',66,2336.32,217.02,0,-95.28);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',67,4208.13,410.39,0,-197.3);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',68,2803.55,273.31,0,-154.11);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',69,1702.81,153.46,0,-98.58);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',70,4098.3,399.51,0,-208.42);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',71,1952.1,190.26,0,-59.51);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',72,4716.07,283.07,0,-428.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',73,2897.56,269.43,0,-329.79);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',75,3438.59,319.84,0,-344.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',76,3016.7,280.67,0,-106.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',78,4228.31,253.73,0,-249.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',81,4152.43,249.33,0,-135.87);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',82,3772.42,350.69,0,-174.02);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',83,2594.06,241.02,0,-196.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',101,3868.21,232.21,0,-360.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',141,2246.55,134.92,0,-100.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',181,2357.75,219.07,0,-205.8);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',202,2724.47,163.47,0,-107.54);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',203,3225.11,193.67,0,-143.19);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',204,2641.28,158.55,0,-131.84);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',205,4644.56,278.72,0,-260.48);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',206,3859.62,231.76,0,-203.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',221,3647.04,355.53,0,-186.82);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',222,2446.59,227.42,0,-172.67);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',223,3439.52,319.61,0,-264.23);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',224,3121.7,290.07,0,-284.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',241,2858.38,228.81,0,-279.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',243,4983.38,299.22,0,-370.89);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',244,2970.69,178.37,0,-189.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',245,5829.93,349.97,0,-215.5);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',246,4344.78,260.79,0,-120.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',247,4154.77,249.52,0,-175.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',248,4875.21,292.58,0,-296.04);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',249,4041.39,242.6,0,-99.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',250,2933.45,176.04,0,-208.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',251,5448.82,327.13,0,-358.71);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',252,2429.18,224.88,0,-136.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',253,2884.63,173.14,0,-83.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',254,3708.4,222.64,0,-318.75);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',255,3722.19,346.22,0,-204.4);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',256,3834.23,230.16,0,-245.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',257,3456.4,321.22,0,-259.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',258,3018.22,181.16,0,-146.83);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',259,2807.65,260.97,0,-241.13);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',260,3424.99,318.21,0,-229.06);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',262,3782.55,351.66,0,-174.42);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',263,2570.84,239.08,0,-184.58);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',264,3904.8,234.22,0,-235.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',265,2853.7,286.29,0,-253.16);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',266,3246.72,194.76,0,-237.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',267,3712.25,417.97,0,-257.5);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',268,4141.22,248.53,0,-68.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',269,3693.64,221.77,0,-228.45);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',271,3775.03,226.8,0,-213.14);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',272,2870.1,172.27,0,-514.23);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',273,3132.8,188.22,0,-148.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',274,2454.86,147.31,0,-142.1);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',276,3627.72,337.17,0,-232.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',277,3118.79,187.21,0,-152.68);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',278,3360.09,302.7,0,-220.63);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',279,2478.11,230.44,0,-192.49);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',280,3252.54,302.38,0,-213.72);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',281,3654.62,219.44,0,-164.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',282,3159.75,189.72,0,-168.68);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',285,2839.63,241.67,0,-238.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',286,3468.01,322.29,0,-186.25);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',287,3546.42,329.74,0,-160.14);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',289,2331.57,174.44,0,-293.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',290,1702.25,131.62,0,-101.72);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',291,3969.8,369.02,0,-253.26);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',292,2265.99,210.52,0,-182.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',293,3234.72,258.74,0,-137.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',294,3932.19,354.24,0,-201.15);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',295,3754.2,225.46,0,-307.99);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',296,3885.37,235.24,0,-293.24);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',298,2479.43,148.86,0,-207.68);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',321,3542.26,212.71,0,-206.25);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',362,1540.87,142.53,0,-101.3);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',363,2798.87,314.66,0,-356.52);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',364,2658.94,212.7,0,-159.29);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',381,3155.66,189.48,0,-229.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',441,1389.79,98.92,0,-77.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',461,1874.39,149.82,0,-298.2);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',462,2539.64,161.32,0,-206.73);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',501,3861.36,357.29,0,-286.17);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',521,3449.41,318.93,0,-182.83);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',522,2938.99,176.51,0,-149.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',523,4352.54,261.29,0,-333.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',524,4163.36,385.54,0,-352.01);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',544,2481.37,260.53,0,-29.9);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',564,2344.38,211.07,0,-153.02);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-08',624,3136.78,188.29,0,-199.51);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',21,3250.89,195.13,0,-161.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',22,2595.78,241.23,0,-159.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',23,4533.49,421.43,0,-348.07);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',24,5337.24,496.17,0,-475.37);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',25,3328.26,309.42,0,-172.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',27,3680.53,342.16,0,-159.81);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',28,3850.95,231.21,0,-343.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',29,3470.75,243.07,0,-112.19);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',30,2799.58,168.14,0,-321.17);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',31,2241.6,208.23,0,-249.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',32,2744.05,164.74,0,-138.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',33,3987.38,319.11,0,-111.6);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',34,2996.06,269.94,0,-135.31);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',35,3502.73,210.32,0,-100.55);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',36,3553.27,330.15,0,-176.07);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',37,6387.03,383.52,0,-497.73);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',38,3295.64,296.86,0,-183.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',39,2891.77,268.67,0,-79.79);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',41,3806.24,354.67,0,-183.84);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',42,3572.47,332.13,0,-176.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',43,3231.48,193.91,0,-101.76);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',61,4812.72,289.03,0,-309.85);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',62,4245.8,254.83,0,-241.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',64,1925.79,179.05,0,-81.31);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',65,2350.08,218.44,0,-49.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',66,2440.74,226.71,0,-103.36);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',67,4154.7,405.04,0,-142.79);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',68,3177.54,309.78,0,-203.25);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',69,1602.51,144.48,0,-89.2);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',70,4332.09,422.2,0,-279.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',71,2266.95,220.94,0,-147.58);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',72,5270.73,316.57,0,-636.12);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',73,2982.05,277.08,0,-292.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',75,3708.11,344.64,0,-537.87);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',76,2984.98,277.59,0,-163.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',78,4308.12,258.69,0,-242.15);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',81,4122.56,247.58,0,-201.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',82,3816.69,354.86,0,-219.83);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',83,2587.89,240.53,0,-225.54);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',101,4369.67,262.3,0,-206.67);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',141,2603.25,156.3,0,-101.35);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',181,2147.47,199.55,0,-216.75);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',202,2622.75,157.5,0,-135.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',203,3574.63,214.73,0,-219.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',204,2906.92,174.56,0,-110.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',205,4895.05,293.87,0,-277.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',206,3520.21,211.2,0,-269.1);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',221,4079.8,397.83,0,-135.79);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',222,2420.63,225.04,0,-218.93);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',223,3071.77,285.46,0,-204.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',224,3162.39,293.88,0,-364.17);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',241,3207.99,256.68,0,-150.69);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',243,5195.78,311.98,0,-257.23);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',244,3297.07,198.05,0,-174.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',245,5968.82,358.41,0,-319.01);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',246,4200.59,252.23,0,-158.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',247,4070,244.44,0,-192.64);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',248,4968.23,298.1,0,-230.1);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',249,4693.38,281.83,0,-51.24);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',250,3101.72,186.19,0,-65.67);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',251,5772.54,346.49,0,-370.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',252,2616.47,242.24,0,-313.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',253,3471.22,208.33,0,-125.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',254,3878.21,232.87,0,-148.1);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',255,3863.12,359.29,0,-259.09);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',256,3710.4,222.76,0,-158.92);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',257,2998.68,278.72,0,-209.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',258,3589.82,215.49,0,-146.1);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',259,2767.48,257.21,0,-196.7);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',260,2973.28,276.2,0,-199.43);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',262,3859.64,358.89,0,-400.09);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',263,2812.9,261.43,0,-180.02);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',264,3916.29,234.97,0,-129.04);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',265,2756.12,276.52,0,-100.22);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',266,3164.38,190.06,0,-166.11);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',267,3510.19,395.32,0,-419.08);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',268,4404.09,264.47,0,-119.09);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',269,3719.31,223.16,0,-233.2);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',271,4072.41,244.37,0,-337.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',272,3547.26,212.98,0,-242.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',273,3055.74,183.41,0,-250.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',274,2494.52,149.72,0,-118.34);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',276,3547.39,329.69,0,-254.4);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',277,2904.89,174.45,0,-169.73);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',278,3437.7,309.83,0,-221.15);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',279,3142.29,292.08,0,-247.97);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',280,3470.57,322.59,0,-286.45);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',281,4075.15,244.63,0,-313.42);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',282,2873,172.52,0,-150.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',285,2951.56,251.12,0,-294.04);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',286,3803.64,353.56,0,-244.53);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',287,3402.96,316.4,0,-164.22);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',289,2514.92,188.12,0,-238.77);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',290,1797.42,138.89,0,-196.18);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',291,3904.15,362.83,0,-246.27);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',292,2414.91,224.34,0,-109.66);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',293,3336.49,266.85,0,-232.16);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',294,3761.44,338.74,0,-179.55);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',295,4363.6,262.12,0,-319.81);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',296,4274.18,258.43,0,-222.11);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',298,2823.18,169.51,0,-315.66);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',321,4000.01,240.05,0,-191.67);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',362,1944.95,179.72,0,-191.07);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',363,3171.3,356.66,0,-363.11);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',364,3057.67,244.75,0,-124.49);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',381,3140.8,188.58,0,-251.87);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',441,1507.47,107.24,0,-62.57);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',461,1609.21,128.6,0,-289.64);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',462,2660.68,168.81,0,-253.25);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',501,4140.65,383.21,0,-525.13);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',521,3801.87,352.02,0,-325.62);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',522,3456.49,207.58,0,-282.41);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',523,4413.29,264.6,0,-417.35);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',524,4502.73,416.91,0,-429.19);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',544,2800.89,294.13,0,-31.98);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',564,2632.22,237.14,0,-174.72);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('03-JUN-08',624,3006.17,180.49,0,-186.61);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',21,3313.37,198.82,501.41,148.71);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',32,2233.4,134.06,529.18,81.52);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',39,3151.53,292.94,445.76,200.74);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',43,3260.15,195.77,708.43,138.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',66,2968.89,275.97,541.77,329.89);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',69,2227.11,200.54,378.5,62.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',73,2596.94,241.55,353.28,62.28);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',101,4263.98,255.93,555.08,339.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',141,2326.62,139.65,514.13,18.35);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',202,2663.65,159.94,650.3,98.32);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',206,3862.53,231.85,700.72,135.09);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',221,3458,337.07,537.24,111.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',223,3244.05,301.4,504.12,78.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',224,3271.02,304.12,488.82,142.74);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',243,4582.04,275.73,757.99,173.21);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',244,3075.06,184.7,559.75,254.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',245,5770.79,346.51,745.04,232.29);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',247,4445.29,266.95,707.99,148.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',250,2993.46,179.71,716.03,77.52);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',254,3439.15,206.53,455.68,103.27);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',258,3199.55,192.22,656.15,380.93);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',262,3863.19,359.27,530.18,57.15);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',264,4014.15,241.09,715.7,210.46);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',267,3508.58,394.9,622.73,109.92);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',271,4334.5,260.16,607.84,322.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',272,3402.47,204.25,504.9,230.47);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',273,3260.08,195.81,620.68,203.57);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',282,3182.51,191.16,557.39,177.95);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',292,2103.39,195.46,366.92,95.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',298,2997.51,179.87,452.71,210.64);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',362,1614.2,149.22,329.87,141.86);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',363,3058.98,344.1,523.53,259.03);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',523,3776.49,226.8,533.46,376.94);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',524,4720.08,437.05,554.55,320.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('01-JUN-09',564,2725.49,245.4,419.73,134.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',22,2482.4,230.46,1126.91,42.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',23,4907.83,456.19,1254.74,305.28);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',27,3170.7,294.64,990.07,74.02);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',34,2660.45,239.48,1046.41,64.37);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',43,3459.94,207.57,1349.89,114.96);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',62,4515.62,271.13,1234.8,125.26);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',65,2196.06,204.05,1010.08,60.71);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',66,2558.77,237.84,1031.84,76.4);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',68,2677.87,261.12,950.73,184.17);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',69,2165.68,195.01,786.06,62.33);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',78,4562.37,274.06,1386.15,135.12);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',141,2690.6,161.65,1118.96,36.43);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',181,2321.7,215.62,827.14,50.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',244,3312.27,198.84,1099.22,235.38);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',251,6012.15,360.89,1786.03,489.65);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',252,1823.33,164.16,702.65,78.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',260,3030.32,281.47,958.58,90.78);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',262,4198.03,390.37,1111.2,57.21);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',263,2463.36,229.01,1010.05,39.46);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',271,4571.16,274.35,1256.94,162.23);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',276,3244.67,301.41,926.42,70.05);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',277,3650.92,219.3,1225.24,184.51);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',281,3915.25,235.15,1364.07,207.56);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',282,3207.09,192.59,1279.52,116.07);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',289,2509.67,187.63,1156.46,129.59);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',290,1840.89,133.03,885.45,166.21);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',291,3860.49,358.79,1157.38,86.91);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',295,3989.96,239.65,1258.06,239.39);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',298,2748.82,165.08,979.23,290.44);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',321,3626.59,217.84,1547.6,186.81);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',381,3030.78,181.96,977.68,246.34);
    INSERT INTO MYDAILYTOTALS VALUES('02-JUN-09',521,3349.57,310.04,1184.6,87.48);

  • Determine indexes by rule of thumb - no data or table structures

    Im doing some research (would really like to see peoples answers)
    could some one give me an idea of the best way to index a tables the tables that appear in the statement below, to optimise performance.
    select p.fname, p.sname ,p.personid,av.availid, av.adate, nwa.hospitalid,
    nvl(to_char(av.astart,'HH24:MI'),'Not Specified') as ActualStart, nvl(to_char(av.aend,'HH24:MI'),'Not Specified') as ActualEnd, av.anyearly, av.anymiddle, av.anylate, av.anynight
    from tblperson p
    left outer join tblavailability av on p.personid = av.personid
    left outer join tblnurseworkarea nwa on p.personid = nwa.personid
    order by 1, 2;av.anyearly, av.anymiddle, av.anylate, av.anynight are all boolean fields 1/0
    Please, I need someone to tell me how they would index the tables used here, from instinct..... and rule of thumb....
    Much appriciated

    what about if the query were like so:
    select p.fname, p.sname ,p.personid,av.availid, av.adate, nwa.hospitalid,
    nvl(to_char(av.astart,'HH24:MI'),'Not Specified') as ActualStart, nvl(to_char(av.aend,'HH24:MI'),'Not Specified') as ActualEnd, av.anyearly, av.anymiddle, av.anylate, av.anynight
    from tblperson p
    left outer join tblavailability av on p.personid = av.personid
    left outer join tblnurseworkarea nwa on p.personid = nwa.personid
    WHERE av.availid = 3
    order by 1, 2;any difference in what you would do?

  • Sql help (left outer join)

    Hi All,
    I am referring 2 regular tables from the HR schema which you get when you install Oracle 9i , Now the issue is that I want all the rows from my employees table even if the row doesnt have the salary equal to 2500.
    Here is my Sql:
    select e.employee_id
         , e.first_name
         , e.last_name
         , e.salary
         , e.department_id e_dep_id
         , d.department_id d_dep_id
         , d.department_name
         , d.location_id
    from employees e
    , departments d
    where 1 = 1
         And e.department_id = d.department_id(+) And e.SALARY = 2500
    I am achieving my result set from the below query though(its just a syntactical problem) , please help :
    select e.employee_id
         , e.first_name
         , e.last_name
         , e.salary
         , e.department_id e_dep_id
         , d.department_id d_dep_id
         , d.department_name
         , d.location_id
    from employees e left outer join
    departments d
    on e.department_id = d.department_id And e.SALARY = 2500

    Mac_Freak_Rahul wrote:
    Well my requirement is to pull all the records from my driving table(ie employees) doesnt matter weather the condition satisfies or not. Just to add to that lets say I would need to bring another table and my join criteria involves data from the employees table and the third table(in this case I need to make sure that all the rows from my driving table remains and doesnt get filter out). Please help my only problem is of the new syntax of outer joins.
    Why do you want to use "oracle only syntax ( + )"? I highly recommend you to use ANSI syntax, it's much more readable:
    This is from Oracle's documents:
    Oracle recommends that you use the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax rather than the Oracle join operator. Outer join queries that use the Oracle join operator (+) are subject to the following > rules and restrictions, which do not apply to the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax:
    You cannot specify the (+) operator in a query block that also contains FROM clause join syntax.
    The (+) operator can appear only in the WHERE clause or, in the context of left-correlation (that is, when specifying the TABLE clause) in the FROM clause, and can be applied only to a column > of a table or view.
    If A and B are joined by multiple join conditions, then you must use the (+) operator in all of these conditions. If you do not, then Oracle Database will return only the rows resulting from a > simple join, but without a warning or error to advise you that you do not have the results of an outer join.
    The (+) operator does not produce an outer join if you specify one table in the outer query and the other table in an inner query.
    You cannot use the (+) operator to outer-join a table to itself, although self joins are valid. For example, the following statement is not valid:
    -- The following statement is not valid:
    SELECT employee_id, manager_id
    FROM employees
    WHERE employees.manager_id(+) = employees.employee_id;
    However, the following self join is valid:
    SELECT e1.employee_id, e1.manager_id, e2.employee_id
    FROM employees e1, employees e2
    WHERE e1.manager_id(+) = e2.employee_id;
    The (+) operator can be applied only to a column, not to an arbitrary expression. However, an arbitrary expression can contain one or more columns marked with the (+) operator.
    A WHERE condition containing the (+) operator cannot be combined with another condition using the OR logical operator.
    A WHERE condition cannot use the IN comparison condition to compare a column marked with the (+) operator with an expression.
    A WHERE condition cannot compare any column marked with the (+) operator with a subquery.Best Regards,
    If this question is answered, please mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful and the thread as closed. Thanks

  • Inner Selects vs. Outer Joins

    We have a report where we are joining many tables (25 tables) together. Initially, we created the report with outer joins and noticed that the cost of the explain plan was 2600 and the performance was adequate. We then started to remove the outer joins and replacing with inner selects and the cost and performance of the report improved. Currently, we have replaced 13 of the outer joins with inner selects and the cost is down to 650.
    Typically, I have always used joins or outer joins because I thought this was best practice. However, I am now questioning this.
    Is it better to use inner selects when you are only returning one column from a table?
    Other than tables that require multiple columns to be returned, are there issues we should be concerned with?
    Below are examples:
    -- Using Outer Joins
    Select q.quote_id, q.quote_name, l.location_name, sr.sales_rep_name
    from quote q, location l, sales_rep sr
    where q.location_id = l.loation_id (+)
    and q.sales_rep_id = sr.sales_rep_id (+)
    -- Using Inner Selects
    Select q.quote_id, q.quote_name,
    (select location_name from location where location_id = q.location_id) location_name,
    (select sales_rep_name from sales_rep where sales_rep_id = q.sales_rep_id) sales_rep_name
    from quote q

    The cost of a query does not mean better performance. The scalar subqueries that you use when rewriting that query show up in your explain plan with no cost at all, and this is just no true. (a query must "cost" something, right?)
    Instead of starting to rewrite your queries using scalara subqueries, it's better to investigate why a query performs bad.
    If using scalar subquery would always yield a better performance, Oracle would probably rewrite all outer join queries to using scalar subquery.

  • Alternative to Outer Join

    I am using outer join in the below SQL, It returns all the rows from Table A and only the matching data from Table B,
    for the unmatching rows, we get NULL values. It is clear, is it possible to achieve the same without applying
    outer joins in anyway, please clarify.
    select a.*, b.*
    from a left outer join b
    on a.f1 = b.f1

    Karthick_Arp wrote:
    An outer join query like this
    select e.empno, d.deptno
    from emp e
    left join dept d
    on e.deptno = d.deptnocan also be writern like this
    select e.empno, (select d.deptno from dept d where d.deptno = e.deptno) deptno
    from emp eBut if you can join them just join. There are exceptions as well when Scalar Subquery can be usefull. Here is a nice post in Asktom.
    Edited by: Karthick_Arp on Aug 14, 2009 12:01 AMOne should note that the two statements only deliver the identical result because d.deptno is unique.
    The same does not work when you join to non unique columns.

  • How do I find missing entries in outer join table?

    Hi all,
    I am trying to find records in table1 that are missing in table2.  This is a simple process in SQL, but ABAP is giving me trouble.  I want to do this using an outer join.
    Select table1~docnumber
    From table1
    Left Outer Join table2
    On table1docnumber = table2docnumber
    Where table2~docnumber IS NULL.  (the record is missing in table2)
    Note: ABAP gives an error and wants me to use the Having Clause, which is ok, but then ABAP wants me to use Group By, which ok, but then I still get the same syntex error.
    Any thoughts on doing this with the outer join and is null options.  I do not want to select into two internal tables and compare them.

    I am not trying to do a subquery.  Just a simple outer join where I know some records are missing in the second table.
    Here is the code:
    select eban~banfn
    into table i_delay_banfn
    from eban
    left outer join zsmt_prdelay_upd
    on eban~banfn = zsmt_prdelay_upd~banfn
    where zsmt_prdelay_upd~banfn IS NULL.
    Here is the error message:
    No fields from the right-hand table of a LEFT OUTER JOIN may appear in
    the WHERE condition: "ZSMT_PRDELAY_UPD~BANFN".
    select eban~banfn
    into table i_delay_banfn
    from eban
    left outer join zsmt_prdelay_upd
    on eban~banfn = zsmt_prdelay_upd~banfn
    having zsmt_prdelay_upd~banfn IS NULL.
    Please use code tags
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Mar 5, 2009 12:20 PM

  • Rules of thumb for sizing an Oracle BPM 11g deployment

    Anyone out there have some rules of thumb they are using to size out an environment for Oracle BPM 11g? I know processing power can vary widely for process complexity and amount of data floating around. Still, I get asked questions like how much processing power do I need for this solution? I have a current client looking at 2500+ potential human workflow users with 1000 concurrent at peak load. Short of running some performance test myself and extrapolating numbers I am at a loss. Hoping some others can chime in with some thoughts.

    an update... my rule of thumb for 50 users has proven to be a bit high. Looks to be 30-40 per core when you split out the BPMN engine from other computing intensive processes such as the ESB. Without splitting up overall SOA/BPM functionality over multiple servers concurrent user counts of various technology really takes a hit.

  • Outer Join without Outer Join

    I'm trying to do is learn how to do an outer join without specifying right, left or full outer join. Why? Performance reasons mostly and to gain a better understanding of Oracle.

    Another option would be a scalar sub-query in the select portion, like:
    SQL> select * from t;
            ID DESCR
             1 T One
             2 T Two
             3 T Three
    SQL> select * from t1;
            ID DESCR
             1 T1 One
             2 T1 Two
    SQL> select t.*, t1.descr t1_descr
      2  from t
      3     left join t1
      4        on =;
            ID DESCR      T1_DESCR
             1 T One      T1 One
             2 T Two      T1 Two
             3 T Three
    SQL> select t.*, (select t1.descr
      2               from t1
      3               where = t1_descr
      4  from t;
            ID DESCR      T1_DESCR
             1 T One      T1 One
             2 T Two      T1 Two
             3 T ThreeThis can be faster if the correlated column in t1 is indexed, and there are a "large" number of records in t that do not match with t1.

  • Left outer join functions like simple join

    I created two views SCO_REQGROSSLINES_V & SCO_REQLINESCOMPLETE on Oracle requisitions base tables. Our business rules enforce the following identity: the number of gross requisition lines will always be greater than or equal to the number of requisition lines complete. (By complete I mean delivered.)
    Each view has a key named DATESUBINV_KEY constructed of a transaction date and the subinventory code using this logic:
    , TO_CHAR(TRUNC(transaction_date),'YYYYMMDD') || subinventory_code
    On 03-SEP-2010 a user created a requisition with one line item for material from the HEAT subinventory which was not delivered. This row is retuned in the result set when I query on SCO_REQGROSSLINES_V but is NOT returned when I query on SCO_REQLINESCOMPLETE. So far so good.
    When I issue either of the the following left outer joins I do not get the row for the row for the HEAT subinventory on 03-SEP-2010:
    select rgl.trxn_date
    , rgl.subinventory
    , rgl.line_count gross_line_count
    , rgl.ext_prc gross_value
    , rlc.line_count lines_filled
    , rlc.ext_prc lines_filled_value
    from SCO_REQGROSSLINES_V rgl left outer join sco_reqlinescomplete_v rlc
    ON rgl.datesubinv_key = rlc.datesubinv_key
    where rgl.TRXN_DATE BETWEEN to_date('29-AUG-2010') AND to_date('04-SEP-2010')
    and rlc.trxn_date BETWEEN to_date('29-AUG-2010') AND to_date('04-SEP-2010')
    order by rgl.trxn_date, rgl.subinventory
    select rgl.trxn_date, rgl.subinventory
    , rgl.line_count gross_line_count
    , rgl.ext_prc gross_value
    , rlc.line_count lines_filled
    , rlc.ext_prc lines_filled_value
    , sco_reqlinescomplete_v rlc
    where rgl.TRXN_DATE BETWEEN to_date('29-AUG-2010') AND to_date('04-SEP-2010')
    and rlc.trxn_date BETWEEN to_date('29-AUG-2010') AND to_date('04-SEP-2010')
    AND rgl.datesubinv_key = rlc.datesubinv_key(+)
    order by rgl.trxn_date, rgl.subinventory
    Question: Why would the left outer joins function as a simple join on DATESUBINV_KEY? Do keys on views function differently than keys defined in the data dictionary? If they do how can I make these keys to function like data dictionary keys?

    The WHERE clause is applied after the outer join is completed. In your example, rows from rgl will be in the result set even if they have no match in rlc. In those cases, all the columns from rlc will be NULL.
    Okay, so you have these rows that contain data from rgl but NULLs where the data from rlc was supposed to go. Now it's time to start the WHERE clause. You then apply conditions like this in the WHERE clause:
    AND     rlc.trxn_date BETWEEN ...NULL is between anything, so the row that the outer join prodeuced is rejected.
    All conditions involivn columns from rlc probably need to be part of the join condition, not the WHERE clause.
    For example, in you first query the FROM and WHERE clauses might be:
    FROM          sco_reqgrosslines_v      rgl
    LEFT OUTER JOIN  sco_reqlinescomplete_v  rlc  ON    rgl.datesubinv_key   = rlc.datesubinv_key
                                            AND   rlc.trxn_date       BETWEEN TO_DATE ( '29-AUG-2010'
                                                                        , 'DD-MON-YYYY'
                                                  AND       TO_DATE ( '04-SEP-2010'
                                                              , 'DD-MON-YYYY'
    WHERE   rgl.trxn_date     BETWEEN TO_DATE ( '29-AUG-2010'
                             , 'DD-MON-YYYY'
                   AND     TO_DATE ( '04-SEP-2010'
                             , 'DD-MON-YYYY'
                             )Always use (at least) two arguments when calling TO_DATE.
    Conditions that only involve rgl can be in the WHERE clause, but if any conditions from rlc are in the WHERE clause, then the effect will be the same as an inner join.
    There no difference between tables and views (or sub-queries) in this regard: the same thing would happen regardless of whether rgl and rlc were really tables or not.

  • Left outer join query

    Hi Experts,
        I am facing a problem with left outer join query. Am using one standard table and ztable for this join. My problem is values are not extracted from the Ztable.
          SELECT  b~lifnr b~belnr b~gjahr b~xblnr b~shkzg b~blart b~zfbdt b~budat b~wrbtr
             b~wskto b~zlspr s~EXTRACT_STATUS s~maturity_date FROM bsik AS b
             LEFT OUTER JOIN zprm_rvne_sapdoc AS s
             ON s~belnr  EQ  b~belnr
             AND s~gjahr EQ b~gjahr
                WHERE b~zlsch = p_zlsch
                AND b~xblnr IN so_invno
                ORDER BY b~lifnr b~xblnr.
    I have all entries of BSIK table in Ztable with extract status as Y but this query is not fetching extract status and maturity date of ztable so it is blank in the internal table.
    Need solution.
    Sridevi S

    see the sample wiki for writing the Left outer join
    Specifying Two or More Database Tables as a Left Outer Join
    The left outer join, on the other hand, reads lines from the left-hand database table or join even if there is no corresponding line in the right-hand table.
      FROM <tab> LEFT [OUTER] JOIN <dbtab> [AS <alias>] ON <cond>
    <tab> and <dbtab> are subject to the same rules and conditions as in an inner join. The OUTER addition is optional. The tables are linked in the same way as the inner join with the one exception that all lines selected from <tab> are included in the final selection. If <dbtab> does not contain any lines that meet the condition <cond>, the system includes a single line in the selection whose columns from <dbtab> are filled with null values.
    In the left outer join, more restrictions apply to the condition <cond> than in the inner join. In addition to the above restrictions:
    EQ or = is the only permitted relational operator.
    There must be at least one comparison between columns from <tab> and <dbtab>.
    The WHERE clause may not contain any comparisons with columns from <dbtab>. All comparisons using columns from <dbtab> must appear in the condition <cond>.
    If we have two tables named stud1,stud2 with the following data
    Stud1: id Name stud2: id Name
    1 xxx 1 aaa
    2 yyy 2 bbb
    3 zzz 4 ccc
    4 www 6 ddd
    When we use Left Outer Join we get the output as:
    1 aaa
    2 bbb
    3 <Null>
    4 ccc
    When we use Right Outer Join we get the output as:
    1 aaa
    2 bbb
    4 ccc
    <Null> ddd
    When we use Full Outer Join we get the output as:
    1 aaa
    2 bbb
    3 <Null>
    4 ccc
    <Null> ddd

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