Scale and Illustrator size

Hello everyone!
I really want to know how to deal with Illustrator jumping to 6400%  scale view when I just press the button of the scaleview?
Also I have some problems with image size - I set it to 450 px, but there appears to be a fraction like 450.03 ?
Thanks for help!

It may be time for the list to solve general strangenesses.
The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file (you may have tried/done some of them already); 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
If possible/applicable, you should save curent artwork first, of course.
1) Close down Illy and open again;
2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to at least 5 times);
3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible);
5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
Even more seriously, you may:
6) Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

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    Hi, Ian --
    No problem joining in, as I experienced color issues with InDesign CS3 in Tiger, before upgrading to Leopard. While my prints are not showing as much disparity as yours seem to be, the output of a file of mine containing only color swatches that was originally created in InDesign CS2 does not match the output of the same file printed from InDesign CS3. The InDesign CS2-created file was printing out off-colored and muddy looking when printed from InDesign CS3 -- very bad.
    As you can read from the link below, however, when I created a new InDesign CS3 file and set up the very same color percentages for the swatches, the output from that file was MUCH better, although it is slightly darker and a little too vivid. While it's a very close match, it still does not accurately represent the true values of those color swatches.
    This info may not help your situation. I hope you'll at least get some much improved results very soon.
    Previous Post Re: InDesign CS3 Color Issues:

  • Adobe Illustrator print size and view size not fixed. Helped !

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    This is my printed size :
        Why after i printed out the size is not fit? i am using Adode Illustrator CS6 and my page size is A4 size. Any solution for this? Please help, thank !
        Best Regards.

    Hi Manish,
    Thank for the reply ! i am using Adobe Reader X to print out.
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    Yes that's right Bill, I think that's what the video did show and that I tried to share in "my discussion" But Ann explained to me how to turn it on as a default from Preference which is a smarter way to go about it, providing it's done before importing the pictures in the project window. Else, yes that the way to do it!
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    Adobe Illustrator CS3 13.0.0
    OS: Windows Vista Build 6001, Service Pack 1, 32bit
    RAM: 2GB
    HD: 18.2GB free Disk Space (out of 66.3GB on the Active Partition)
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    Did you figure this out?
    If not, have a look at your cores... see if Illustrator is only using one. I think it's badly "optimised" as I see many different things only using one core and causing delays in OS and Illustrator.

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    Photoshop CS6 13.0.1
    Illustrator CS6 13.0.0
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    Cpu: Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz
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    L3 Cache: 8 MB
    4GB ram
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M

    idunnoisok wrote:
    I recently installed Photoshop and Illustrator CS6 and they tend to lag even on just during normal work operations like zooming, opening a file, selecting a tool, browsing menus etc etc.
    ... And I got 30GB left on my hardrive which is little but I believe is enough.
    So I cannot believe this slow performance is due hardware limitations. There must be some driver issue or something else.
    Anyone knows why CS6 is so slow?
    Software version:
    Photoshop CS6 13.0.1
    Illustrator CS6 13.0.0
    My Specs:
    Os: Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    Cpu: Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 8 MB
    4GB ram
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M
    My experience is that Photoshop can demand and use prodigious amounts of memory and disk space, much more than one might expect from the size of the files being worked on. While I don't have direct experience with CS6, my daughter uses CS4 on a Macbook Air with 4 GB memory and she had 100 GB free (on a 250 GB solid state drive). CS4 is less demanding than CS6, and in fact with the SSD, it runs pretty well, even with just 4 GB memory (the solid state drive is basically like memory, in fact, in some ways). However after running Photoshop on some projects for a while, we noticed she had only 60 GB free disk space. After restarting her Mac, she had 100 GB free again. Photoshop CS4 was using up 40 GB of disk space! And this was simply editting some (multiple) photos from a digital camera. Photoshop not only has its own memory management processes, but it also pages to disk and uses disk space as "scratch space" in its own fashion. I think that it is inadvisable to run Photoshop with less than 100 GB free disk space, and that's with CS4, not even CS6. And if you don't have a solid state drive, the throughput might slow down immensely unless you have a lot of memory (I think someone else pointed this out already).
    Bottom line -- based on what I have seen with CS4, 4 GB memory is too low by at least a factor of x2 (16 GB memory would be even better), and I'd say a minimum of 100 GB free disk space is a must as well. I saw CS4 using more than 40 GB of "scratch disk space" and you are using CS6, which must use significantly more resources than CS4, and you indicate only 30 GB free space. That seems too low to me. I think other Adobe major software packages are similarly demanding, unlike any other software I have seen or used. For instance, I think you would have no trouble running MS-Office software (which is also known for using computer resources, but not anywhere as much as Adobe software).
    One thing you can do is when you notice things slowing down, not only quit all other software except for CS6, but also in the Finder, under the Go menu, enter
    under Go To Folder ...
    and then look in the folder called
    If you see swapfiles, add up the total space they are taking, and also the space taken by the sleepimage file. These are working to decrease the amount of free space you have and they can quickly grow to tens of GB when Photoshop and other Adobe softwares are running.
    Since it sounds like you have now upgraded your RAM, that should help, but you may find that the swapfiles and sleepimage files are taking even more disk apce faster and I think 100 GB free space is needed to avoid further slowdowns.

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    What email program are you using? And what do you mean by "Safari mail"?

  • Need to global find and scale and resize frame on a linked graphic

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    Does anyone have any ideas for how I can fix this globally in nearly 500 documents without having to manually select each icon and change the scale and apply the fit frame to content? I've done a handful of files this way, and it's VERY time consuming.

    First make sure this works by duplicating a file and testing.
    Make 1 image the size you need it
    Grep search for
    Change to
    if that doesn't work then try ~c (lower case) I can't remember how that works
    If it does work - then you can open 2 documents and choose "All Documents" in the Search field.
    If it's fine on 2 docs - then I'd say go ahead and do the rest.
    I stress to please use a duplicate set of files in case things go bad.

  • Is there way to "scale to frame size" a bin of clips?

    I running a 1920 x 1080 doc project in Premiere Pro CC with a range of media types and sizes.  I purposely did NOT preset the "default scale to frame size" preference to maintain the quality of my still image data base to allow pans and zooms.  I have since imported, logged and sub clipped a very large number of stock archive 720 x 486 QT movies.  Having done so without presetting the Premiere default scaling, I am now having to apply "scale to frame size" to each edit in my sequence as I work.  Is there way to "scale to frame size" my bin of clips? or am I now stuck having to convert the original 720 x 486 QT movies to 1920 x 1080 and then relinking in Premiere to maintain all my sub clipping data?

    what about in the bin, select the clip, go up to the top of the screen and beside File and Edit, select Clip
    then go down to Video Options
    and choose Scale to Frame Size
    does that do what you want?

  • Fonts and letter size on iCloud mail

    I want to change the font and letter size in my emails but every time I want to send a new email, it has gone back to the default setting so I have to change it for every email - a real nuisance. Is there any way to set it and make it stay? It even has a set button but that seems to be only for the one email.

    For font size on the screen. <br />
    For the printed page. <br />
    File > Page Setup - '''Scale'''

  • Best file format for PS and Illustrator files to be placed into ID

    I'm writing a proposal using InDesign. It will be output to PDF for circulation among the team members; I imagine they will view it on a variety of screens and some will print it out on various desktop printers.
    I have a variety of images, all in color, done in InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator that need to be placed into the propsal. Sizes range from 5x7 to 2x2. Some are quite complex with fine detail.
    I've just viewed the proposal in ID Overprint Preview / High Quality Display. The images don't look great. Lots of ragged lines.
    I usually save everything to JPEG with a quality of 80-90...but that is just a habit, I have no reason or justification for this practice.
    I'm wondering if I should go back into the original ID, PS and AI files and resave them as something else before and then place them again.
    Does anyone have any recommmendations or thoughts to offer?
    I'm using CS4 on a MAC. My computer is a little bit underpowered for the project at hand, but I'm willing to put up with a bit of slow performance and lag if it results in a better end product.

    Jagged lines is a hallmark of low resolution, not file type, or a lower quality screen preview than you think you are using. Check the Display performace settings again to be sure they really are correct, and if they're set to allow object level settings, you'll need to verify that each object is also set correctly.
    Beond that, saving as .jpeg is always destructive. For the web, that's fine, but for print you should never use anything, in my opinion, but the highest quality settings for saving jpegs, and I advise again using jpeg at all. If you image is all raster data (pixels) save as .psd or .tif. If it has live type or other vector content, save as Photoshop PDF. In Illustrator save as .ai or PDF with Illustrator editing capability. If you change the extension of the Photoshop PDFs to PDP they will open in Photoshop instead of Acrobat when you use Edit Original.
    As I said, the jaggies are a hallmark of low resolution. We often have people tell us that the file is 300 ppi, but it turns out that's at some very small dimension and the imaga has been scaled up in ID. Both the Links panel and Info panel can show you the resolution information for your images. There will be two numbers, actual and effective. Effective resolution is the only number that matters. For printing on a desktop printer I like to see a minimum of 150 ppi, but you might get away with as low as 90 for a non-critical image. For press 300 ppi would be the rule of thumb, and dropping below 200 is asking for trouble.
    How the file looks in ID is not nearly as informative as how a PDF exported from the file looks, or prints. For a high-res image in ID you are still looking at a lower resolution screen preview, not the actual image as it will be output. Export settings that downsample too far or apply too much compression to reduce file size can also turn a good document into a clunker.

  • Printer won't scale to paper size

    I have a HP Photosmart C6270.
    Recently I did a clean install on my computer and also reinstalled the printer as a network printer (instead of previously directly through USB.) I also updated all HP software.
    Regularly I receive PDF docs, some of which are formatted on pages bigger than I can print  (A4 is the standard I use) BUT despite selecting "Scale to paper size", the printer app (and subsequently the physical print), ignore this instruction and the document remains too big.
    Can anyone help?

    Hi @hazelbethe 
    I believe if you remove the paper tray and reinstall it, the sensor will reset. If the issue persists, complete the steps in the following document; 'Paper Mismatch,' or 'Paper Size Mismatch' Error Message Displays When Printing.
    I hope this helps.
    Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Sunshyn2005 - I work on behalf of HP

  • Scale and Crop in slideshow not working

    I put together 2 slideshows with music and used the pan and zoom feature. Unfortunately, when i select scale and crop for the images, its still showing black bars instead of filling the screen.  The images vary in size and rotatin but they are all high quality. I am working in cs6.
    Any advice or solution would be greatly appreciated.

    As a workaround, you might want to look into my workflow of using Still Images.
    Now, I must start by saying that I nearly always create my slideshow in PrPro, and do not normally use the SlideShow feature in En.
    I gather my Images into folders, that differentiate their size, and their orientation, and will often place those, that will require Panning on a Zoomed OUT Image, into yet another.
    In Photoshop, I have Actions to Scale to the necessary dimensions, and also apply Rotation, if required. For those Images that WILL have the Pans, I calculate how large they need to be, and adust one of the Actions for that purpose.
    Then, I use Automate>Batch, choosing the appropriate Action, and set my Source Folder and Destination Folder, as needed. Those Ps Actions work on the every Image in the Source Folder, and output (Save_As) to my Destination Folder, as PSD.
    Those Scaled files are then Imported, and any Pans, Zooms, etc., are applied to them.
    I have not used En's Scale function, but have read of a few problems with it. Also, remember that any sort of Scale to Frame, will only Scale up to the point, where the greatest dimension fills that dimension on the Frame, so if you have, say a portrait oriented Image (vertical), the Scale function will only Scale that up, until the vertical dimension fills the vertical dimension of your Frame, leaving black bars on either side (Pillarboxed). Same for a landscape oriented image (horizontal), whose Aspect Ratio is less than the Video Frame. That Image will be Scaled until the horizontal dimension fills the horizontal dimension of the Video Frame, and as the Aspect Ratio does not match up to the Aspect Ratio of the Video Frame, you will be left with black bars above and below (Letterboxed).
    As required, I also do any Cropping that would be required by differences in Aspect Ratio, so that my processed Images WILL match my Video Frame Size.
    Maybe others will have some tips on using the features in En, to perhaps save you from using the workaround.
    Good luck,

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