Scan for existing camera

Is there any way to find out how many cameras are hooked to the PC?
George Zou

While there is not a function that will directly list IMAQ cameras, here is an example that will list of the cameras that have been configured in MAX.
I hope this helps!
Cole R.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

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  • Scan for and connect to networks from an openbox pipe menu (netcfg)

    So the other day when i was using wifi-select (awesome tool) to connect to a friends hot-spot, i realized "hey! this would be great as an openbox pipe menu."  i'm fairly decent in bash and i knew both netcfg and wifi-select were in bash so why not rewrite it that way?
    A simplified version of wifi-select which will scan for networks and populate an openbox right-click menu item with available networks.  displays security type and signal strength.  click on a network to connect via netcfg the same way wifi-select does it.
    zenity is used to ask for a password and notify of a bad connection.  one can optionally remove the netcfg profile if the connection fails.
    What's needed
    -- you have to be using netcfg to manage your wireless
    -- you have to install zenity
    -- you have to save the script as ~/.config/openbox/wifi-pipe and make it executable:
    chmod +x ~/.config/openbox/wifi-pipe
    -- you have to add a sudoers entry to allow passwordless sudo on this script and netcfg (!)
    USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/netcfg
    USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/USERNAME/.config/openbox/wifi-pipe
    -- you have to adjust  ~/.config/openbox/menu.xml like so:
    <menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3">
    <menu id="pipe-wifi" label="Wifi" execute="sudo /home/USERNAME/.config/openbox/wifi-pipe INTERFACE" />
    <menu id="term-menu"/>
    <item label="Run...">
    <action name="Execute">
    where USERNAME is you and INTERFACE is probably wlan0 or similar
    openbox --reconfigure and you should be good to go.
    The script
    # pbrisbin 2009
    # simplified version of wifi-select designed to output as an openbox pipe menu
    # required:
    # netcfg
    # zenity
    # NOPASSWD entries for this and netcfg through visudo
    # the following in menu.xml:
    # <menu id="pipe-wifi" label="Wifi" execute="sudo /path/to/wifi.pipe interface"/>
    # the idea is to run this script once to scan/print, then again immediately to connect.
    # therefore, if you scan but don't connect, a temp file is left in /tmp. the next scan
    # will overwrite it, and the next connect will remove it.
    # source this just to get PROFILE_DIR
    . /usr/lib/network/network
    [ -z "$PROFILE_DIR" ] && PROFILE_DIR='/etc/network.d/'
    # awk code for parsing iwlist output
    # putting it here removes the wifi-select dependency
    # and allows for my own tweaking
    # prints a list "essid=security=quality_as_percentage"
    BEGIN { FS=":"; OFS="="; }
    /\<Cell/ { if (essid) print essid, security, quality[2]/quality[3]*100; security="none" }
    /\<ESSID:/ { essid=substr($2, 2, length($2) - 2) } # discard quotes
    /\<Quality=/ { split($1, quality, "[=/]") }
    /\<Encryption key:on/ { security="wep" }
    /\<IE:.*WPA.*/ { security="wpa" }
    END { if (essid) print essid, security, quality[2]/quality[3]*100 }
    errorout() {
    echo "<openbox_pipe_menu>"
    echo "<item label=\"$1\" />"
    echo "</openbox_pipe_menu>"
    exit 1
    create_profile() {
    ESSID="$1"; INTERFACE="$2"; SECURITY="$3"; KEY="$4"
    DESCRIPTION="Automatically generated profile"
    # i think wifi-select should adopt these perms too...
    if [ -n "$KEY" ]; then
    echo "KEY=\"$KEY\"" >> "$PROFILE_FILE"
    chmod 600 "$PROFILE_FILE"
    chmod 644 "$PROFILE_FILE"
    print_menu() {
    # scan for networks
    iwlist $INTERFACE scan 2>/dev/null | awk "$PARSER" | sort -t= -nrk3 > /tmp/networks.tmp
    # exit if none found
    if [ ! -s /tmp/networks.tmp ]; then
    rm /tmp/networks.tmp
    errorout "no networks found."
    # otherwise print the menu
    local IFS='='
    echo "<openbox_pipe_menu>"
    while read ESSID SECURITY QUALITY; do
    echo "<item label=\"$ESSID ($SECURITY) ${QUALITY/.*/}%\">" # trim decimals
    echo " <action name=\"Execute\">"
    echo " <command>sudo $0 $INTERFACE connect \"$ESSID\"</command>"
    echo " </action>"
    echo "</item>"
    done < /tmp/networks.tmp
    echo "</openbox_pipe_menu>"
    connect() {
    # check for an existing profile
    PROFILE_FILE="$(grep -REl "ESSID=[\"']?$ESSID[\"']?" "$PROFILE_DIR" | grep -v '~$' | head -n1)"
    # if found use it, else create a new profile
    if [ -n "$PROFILE_FILE" ]; then
    PROFILE=$(basename "$PROFILE_FILE")
    SECURITY="$(awk -F '=' "/$ESSID/"'{print $2}' /tmp/networks.tmp | head -n1)"
    # ask for the security key if needed
    if [ "$SECURITY" != "none" ]; then
    KEY="$(zenity --entry --title="Authentication" --text="Please enter $SECURITY key for $ESSID" --hide-text)"
    # create the new profile
    create_profile "$ESSID" "$INTERFACE" "$SECURITY" "$KEY"
    # connect
    netcfg2 "$PROFILE" >/tmp/output.tmp
    # if failed, ask about removal of created profile
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    zenity --question \
    --title="Connection failed" \
    --text="$(grep -Eo "[\-\>]\ .*$" /tmp/output.tmp) \n Remove $PROFILE_FILE?" \
    --ok-label="Remove profile"
    [ $? -eq 0 ] && rm $PROFILE_FILE
    rm /tmp/output.tmp
    rm /tmp/networks.tmp
    [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] && errorout "root access required."
    [ -z "$1" ] && errorout "usage: $0 [interface]"
    INTERFACE="$1"; shift
    # i added a sleep if we need to explicitly bring it up
    # b/c youll get "no networks found" when you scan right away
    # this only happens if we aren't up already
    if ! ifconfig | grep -q $INTERFACE; then
    ifconfig $INTERFACE up &>/dev/null || errorout "$INTERFACE not up"
    while ! ifconfig | grep -q $INTERFACE; do sleep 1; done
    if [ "$1" = "connect" ]; then
    removed -- Hi-res shots available on my site
    NOTE - i have not tested this extensively but it was working for me in most cases.  any updates/fixes will be edited right into this original post.  enjoy!
    UPDATE - 10/24/2009: i moved the awk statement from wifi-select directly into the script.  this did two things: wifi-select is no longer needed on the system, and i could tweak the awk statement to be more accurate.  it now prints a true percentange.  iwlist prints something like Quality=17/70 and the original awk statement would just output 17 as the quality.  i changed to print (17/70)*100 then bash trims the decimals so you get a true percentage.
    Last edited by brisbin33 (2010-05-09 01:28:20)

    froli wrote:
    I think the script's not working ... When I type
    sh wifi-pipe
    in a term it returns nothing
    well, just to be sure you're doing it right...
    he above is only an adjustment to the OB script's print_menu() function, it's not an entire script to itself.  so, if the original OB script shows output for you with
    sh ./wifi-pipe
    then using the above pint_menu() function (with all the other supporting code) should also show output, (only really only changes the echo's so they print the info in the pekwm format).
    oh, and if neither version shows output when you rut it in a term, then you've got other issues... ;P
    here's an entire [untested] pekwm script:
    # pbrisbin 2009
    # simplified version of wifi-select designed to output as an pekwm pipe menu
    # required:
    # netcfg
    # zenity
    # NOPASSWD entries for this and netcfg through visudo
    # the following in pekwm config file:
    # SubMenu = "WiFi" {
    # Entry = { Actions = "Dynamic /path/to/wifi-pipe" }
    # the idea is to run this script once to scan/print, then again immediately to connect.
    # therefore, if you scan but don't connect, a temp file is left in /tmp. the next scan
    # will overwrite it, and the next connect will remove it.
    # source this to get PROFILE_DIR and SUBR_DIR
    . /usr/lib/network/network
    errorout() {
    echo "Dynamic {"
    echo " Entry = \"$1\""
    echo "}"
    exit 1
    create_profile() {
    ESSID="$1"; INTERFACE="$2"; SECURITY="$3"; KEY="$4"
    DESCRIPTION="Automatically generated profile"
    # i think wifi-select should adopt these perms too...
    if [ -n "$KEY" ]; then
    echo "KEY=\"$KEY\"" >> "$PROFILE_FILE"
    chmod 600 "$PROFILE_FILE"
    chmod 644 "$PROFILE_FILE"
    print_menu() {
    # scan for networks
    iwlist $INTERFACE scan 2>/dev/null | awk -f $SUBR_DIR/parse-iwlist.awk | sort -t= -nrk3 > /tmp/networks.tmp
    # exit if none found
    if [ ! -s /tmp/networks.tmp ]; then
    rm /tmp/networks.tmp
    errorout "no networks found."
    # otherwise print the menu
    echo "Dynamic {"
    cat /tmp/networks.tmp | while read ESSID SECURITY QUALITY; do
    echo "Entry = \"$ESSID ($SECURITY) $QUALITY%\" {"
    echo " Actions = \"Exec sudo $0 $INTERFACE connect \\\"$ESSID\\\"\"</command>"
    echo "}"
    unset IFS
    echo "}"
    connect() {
    # check for an existing profile
    PROFILE_FILE="$(grep -REl "ESSID=[\"']?$ESSID[\"']?" "$PROFILE_DIR" | grep -v '~$' | head -n1)"
    # if found use it, else create a new profile
    if [ -n "$PROFILE_FILE" ]; then
    PROFILE=$(basename "$PROFILE_FILE")
    SECURITY="$(awk -F '=' "/$ESSID/"'{print $2}' /tmp/networks.tmp | head -n1)"
    # ask for the security key if needed
    if [ "$SECURITY" != "none" ]; then
    KEY="$(zenity --entry --title="Authentication" --text="Please enter $SECURITY key for $ESSID" --hide-text)"
    # create the new profile
    create_profile "$ESSID" "$INTERFACE" "$SECURITY" "$KEY"
    # connect
    netcfg2 "$PROFILE" >/tmp/output.tmp
    # if failed, ask about removal of created profile
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    zenity --question \
    --title="Connection failed" \
    --text="$(grep -Eo "[\-\>]\ .*$" /tmp/output.tmp) \n Remove $PROFILE_FILE?" \
    --ok-label="Remove profile"
    [ $? -eq 0 ] && rm $PROFILE_FILE
    rm /tmp/output.tmp
    rm /tmp/networks.tmp
    [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] && errorout "root access required."
    [ -z "$1" ] && errorout "usage: $0 [interface]"
    INTERFACE="$1"; shift
    # i added a sleep if we need to explicitly bring it up
    # b/c youll get "no networks found" when you scan right away
    # this only happens if we aren't up already
    if ! ifconfig | grep -q $INTERFACE; then
    ifconfig $INTERFACE up &>/dev/null || errorout "$INTERFACE not up"
    sleep 3
    if [ "$1" = "connect" ]; then
    exit 0

  • Ps elements 5.0 freezes at "scanning for plugins"

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    In the plug-ins folder, under the subfolder of import-export there was a plug-in called Twain_32. Is that the same thing? Because when I deleted that, there was no change.
    Same thing. A little late, but you could have just disabled it by renaming it with the ~ (tilde) sign before the name instead of deleting it.
    If it was twain, I would think it would hang on building twain not scanning for plug ins. Here's a tech doc on twain anyway...
    First, try a reset of the application preference file.
    Windows: Press and hold in as you launch, the ctrl + shift + alt keys as you launch the editor. Do not release these three keys...ctrl + shift + alt keys. A dialog box will come up saying something like "Delete Photoshop Elements settings file?" After this dialog comes up, you can release those three keys. click "OK" to accept.
    Mac: Use above instructions to reset the application except change the shortcut key combo to cmd + shift + opt.
    Check if Elements loads correctly.
    (Maybe, you pointed Elements in your preferences to an external folder with a native filter that belongs to another version of Elements or Photoshop which can cause conflict. The application reset will remove that check mark so if it works with a reset then you point the plug ins folder to another folder and you get a hang then you have a conflicting plug in in that folder.)
    If it doesn't....
    Have you moved a native plug in from another version of Photoshop or Photoshop Elements into the Photoshop Elements 5.0 plugin folder? Having another version of Element's or Photoshop's filter in Elements will create conflicts. You might also check that you haven't installed a version of Camera Raw that doesn't belong in your version of Elements. (The Camera Raw would probably give a Camera Raw error but something to check since it's stalling at plug ins.)
    Have you recently added any 3rd party plug ins...meaning downloaded  and installed a plug in that did not come with Elements? If so, rename them it or them with a ~ before the name.
    Check if Elements starts. If so, you can remove ~ mark from each plug in one at a time then restart until you get the hang. This will tell you which plug in causes Elements to hang.

  • Custom program for availability check and update for existing sale order at Item level(VA02)

    I came to know Bapi_Saleorder_Simulate can be used for availability check and update an existing sale order.but there is no sample program explaining the process.I have tried this by passing parameters ORDER_HEADER_IN , ORDER_ITEMS_IN  ,ORDER_PARTNERS and ORDER_SCHEDULE_EX(for getting details),also i have assigned the sale document number ,custom document type(ZSO) in ORDER_HEADER_IN . while executing the BAPI I am getting the error external number range is not assigned for the document type ZSO . I am confused on seeing this error. It is possible to do availability check for existing sale order using this BAPI. Please explain how to achieve this.It will be really helpful if it is expalained with an example.   

    Hello, I think you may have been misinformed about this BAPI updating a sales order at item level. As far as I understand it this BAPI can be used to simulate the creation of a sales order which obviously would include and ATP check. This is why it is giving the error because it is simulating creation but you are entering a value in a field that should be automatically generated (i.e. the sales order number). For change the sales order at item level have you looked at BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE? I pretty sure this BAPI both updates sales order (header or item level) and can do an ATP first.
    Points are always welcome if you feel an answer has been helpful.

  • Can't select photo after scans for faces

    I just bought a laptop with iphoto 09 on it; previously I used 08 (or earlier; can't remember). {Yes I know a new version '11 just came out. Given the number of problems reported maybe I'm not sad about the purchase-timing}.
    My library is huge with 30K+ images; I keep it on an external HD. After opening the new iphoto it asked to tweak my library which I allowed. Upon first opening all images seem to be there and selectable, but after it scans for faces (takes hours), I can no longer select a photo, necessary in order to start identifying faces.
    I tried closing iphoto and reopening - same thing; images selectable prior to running faces scan, then not.
    I tried rebuilding the library. This lost all my keyword structure (I use keyword manager) and after the rebuild bombed failing to import all the images, I deleted the rebuilt library before testing whether it could select images.
    My old library does seem as if it should be rebuilt, many images now appear blank as thumbnails though present when selected.
    ¿ Will rebuilding the library fix the selecting-face scanning problem?
    ¿ Is there a way to rebuild the library that will retain my keyword structure?
    BTW, I deleted the partially rebuilt library via iphoto library manager...
    Thanks for any help.

    Darn! It seems to say MS-DOS (FAT). I thought I had fixed all my HDs to be properly formatted for the Macintosh.
    Does this mean I'm SOL?
    I could put a screen shot of my disk utility...
    Or how about I just copy the entire iphoto library to my new giant-er HD and then reformat the EHD and copy it back ... is that necessary? And if so, how best to move the library. Do I need to use iphoto library manager or just slide the whole thing onto the internal HD?
    Thanks a million....

  • Activation of Additional actions for existing Pers. Nos

    Hi Frdz,
    We have a scenario on additional actions that is; activation of additional actions for existing personnel numbers.
    1. Actually we uploaded personnel actions data without activating the additional actions in T529A. Then we came to know that can activate existing personnel numbers by maintain activation of additional actions T code OG00.
    I tried to activate per above procedure but SYS thrown error XXXX X Error while creating additional actions.
    2. As well as I’m facing one more issue in Ad hoc query. When ever I transport query form DEV server to other servers I can’t execute query using assigned T code directly but once we execute query through SQ01, can execute with T code but this procedure can’t follow because in PRD I don’t have any access.
    Hence, kindly let me know the solutions to overcome these issues.

    1. While activating Additional Personnel Actions u vl find the node where in for already created personnel numbers u can activate. So maintain that node.
    2. Usally Adhoc Query authorization vl not be given to one particular user as its related with All The Users authorization as its related with client Administration.
    So Check vth ur basis guy

  • Synchronize Folder - Scan For Metadata Updates

    Can anybody explain to me, what exactly is supposed to happen when I am synchronizing folders and have "Scan for metadata updates" checked?
    What kind of metadata is searched
    (I notice that keywords are not synchronized)
    What action is supposed to be taken
    (write metadata to image, read metadata into catalog, any prompt before updates?)
    The manual isn't really specific about this, and by trying I haven't really found out what to expect.
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    Beat Gossweiler

    Basically, the folder is scanned for new or changed images. The metadata changes will include new or updated IPTC, Keywords, ratings, labels, develop adjustments, which will have been applied in an external app such as Bridge/Camera Raw. If the folder contains new images these will be identified as such. If an image has been removed from the folder but still remains in the catalog you will be notified and given the choice of removing it.
    Synchronise Folder does NOT save anything back to the actual files. If you have made a change to a file in Lightroom that change will NOT be applied to the actual file when Sync Folder is run. It reads the folder for externally applied changes/additions/omissions and subject to user choice will update the catalog accordingly.

  • Error Initializing for Scan for ISIS Error Number :- 2147467259

    I have installed ODC on my local , When I open the Oracle Document Capture it was popuing up the following error
    1. Error Initializing for Scan for ISIS
    The following error occured loading the filecabinets.
    Error Number :- 2147467259
    Error Description Unspecified error.
    If anyone came accross this problem , Please help me.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi ,
    I have installed OLE DB Provider for Oracle DB11g Previously I have configured ODBC datasource.. in the ODC configuration .... DataSource I have given my Database Service name .. it started to work ...

  • Encoders for analog camera

    hi experts should i use encoder (CIVS-SG1BECOD-FE
    )to connect analog camera with my existing surveillance media server, or should i use decoder (CIVS-SG1BDCOD-FE
    )to analog camera with my exiisting ip surveillance media server network.

    You can use encoder for analog camera. Camera feeds originate from both IP-based and analog cameras attached to stand-alone encoders or analog gateways.

  • I have an an iPad3. Starting yesterday, when I try to attach a photo from my existing camera roll every photo is being rotated sideways. Is anyone else having this problem?

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    I had major issues with the iPhone 4s battery, however it’s resolved.
    The tech who set the phone up at the Apple store did so with little training.
    if you have a mobile me account. First go and move all your data to the cloud by going on your computer and logging in at The cloud has replaced mobile me, so there is no need for those two accounts
    Also make sure that for any of your email accounts you set them up to fetch, not push. My tech person set them all to have the email servers push data to the phone. The new iphone4s antenna is extremely strong so it will continually try to access stuff that is pushed–***** a lot of battery life doing this. It makes it worse if you have exchange 2010 accounts. Something about changes made to exchange really suck battery life from devices that access such accounts.
    turning of locator and the push notifications from facebook--they have a lot!

  • Oracle ODC error :Error Initializing for Scan for ISIS

    Hi ,
    I have installed ODC on my local , I have uninstalled and reinstalled ODC on my local machine. When I open the Oracle Document Capture it was popuing up the following error
    1. Error Initializing for Scan for ISIS
    The following error occured loading the filecabinets.
    Error Number :- 2147467259
    Error Description Unspecified error.
    If anyone came accross this problem , Please help me.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi ,
    I have installed OLE DB Provider for Oracle DB11g Previously I have configured ODBC datasource.. in the ODC configuration .... DataSource I have given my Database Service name .. it started to work ...

  • Error: "can not scan for wireless networks" 1st gen iphone running 3.1.2

    My iphone will no longer scan for wireless networks. I am running an airport network via my imac and the rest of the computers, as well as two iphone 3GS phones can see it, but my 1st Gen iphone now gives me the error "can not scan for wireless networks". I have done the Home + Power button thing, reset the network settings and no help yet.
    Any suggestions?

    OK. There are reports of bad wifi chips, but lets try some more things first.
    I assume your router is set to b/g compatible & not "n" only, correct? The iphone only works on g. Next, try this: Shut down the WiFi, and turn off "Ask to Join Networks". Then turn the iPhone completely off, by holding the top button down until the red slider came up, slid it off, and wait a few moments.
    Turn the phone back on, then turn on the WiFi, and then "Ask to Join Networks".
    See if that helps.

  • TS1398 cannot scan for wireless networks on my iphone 4s

    good morning. my iphone 4s is not "seeing" any wireless networks. the message I got is cannot scan for wireless networks
    I have tried most all setting without success. could ther be a hardware problem?

    Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    Basic troubleshooting from the User's Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).
    If none of this resolves the issue, then a hardware issue exists.  The device is still under warranty... take it to Apple for replacement if it gets this far.

  • [SOLVED] Scan for wireless networks at boot

    Lately I've been making extensive use of public wifi hotspots (libraries FTW), as mobile broadband is simply too unreliable to give me a persistent (and cheap) connection.
    Is it possible to use some combination of netcfg and wifi-select (or similar tools) to scan for wireless networks at boot?
    I've already got entries in rc.conf for my mobile dongle and automatically detecting ethernet connections, but it's pointless adding entries for whichever wireless profiles I might use as searching for these and discovering they don't exist just needlessly slows the boot process, whereas running something similar to wifi-select at boot (with a timeout so an unattended boot won't wait for me to make a selection) would avoid this.
    * Obviously I could just wait until the system has booted and then bring up the interface I wanted manually, but generally I only reboot my system after updates, and I only download updates at a wifi hotspot, so I was hoping to automate something here.
    Last edited by zoqaeski (2012-03-28 12:11:21)

    Isn't net-auto-wireless or net-profiles with menu what you want? … omatically

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                                                                                                                                        Invalid lower filters registry value.
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    Please help.

    That's why you want to make a backup of the registry. If you didn't make a backup, use MS system restore to go back. The only values you should remove are UpperFilter or LowerFilter - one or both may be in there and can be removed. If neither value exists, then that is probably why you can't burn and Windows is not recognizing your drive as a writable drive.
    ... an HP employee expressing his own opinion.
    Please post rather than send me a Message. It's good for the community and I might not be able to get back quickly. - Thank you.

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