Scan to iphoto?

I scanned photos into a jpg format and directed them to iPhoto.  They appeared as last import, I edited it said saving and they appeared in my photos.  They my iphoto "closed unexpectedly"  (i.e., just shut down) -- and the photos were gone.  Are they gone forever?

With the amount of information you've provided it's impossible to offer a potential solution.  We can't see your computer so we need to know the details of your problem and setup, i.e.:
what version of iPhoto are you using?
what system version are you running?
what do you see when iPhoto opens?
what fixes have you tried?
where is your library located?
did you apply any updates or upgrades just prior to the problem occurring?
are you running a "managed" or "referenced" library?
what type of Mac?
how much free space on your boot drive?

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Scan the photos and save them in a folder. When you're finished scanning import that folder into iPhoto. This will give you just one Event with the photos in it. If you import each photo after it is scanned you'll end up with a separate event for each photo which can be a bit of a pain.

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    Welcome to the Apple user to user assistance forums
    I scanned some photos from my new Canon CanoScan 8800F, using both the PhotoStudio and Photoshop Elements 4.0 programs that came with the scanner. I saved them to my iPhoto Library, but when I go to iPhoto they are nowhere to be found, in the Last Import or anywhere else. When I try to import them using File>Import feature, they show up but are grayed out, as they are if I look for them in the Finder. However, I can still open them up in both PhotoStudio and Photoshop. So, I then copied them to my desktop from those programs and tried to drag them into iPhoto - whereupon iPhoto says they are already there! I scanned them as jpegs, and the first 4 or 5 photos I scanned worked just fine. Shut down and reopened iPhoto - no dice. ARGHHHH! Please help! Thanks.
    Rule 1 - Never, Never, Never modify the content of the iPhoto library - doing so will not work and may corrupt your library
    Since you have places photo in the iPhoto library that it does not know about you must remove them from the iphoto library - backup first and be extremely careful not to make any other changes - and then import them to iPhoto.
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    DBoy wrote:
    Okay I've figured out a way to work with the scanned photo files before iPhoto. But what do I do to get them into iPhoto in a way that makes sense? I've got film-only photos I need from around 1990 all the way up till the recent past. So I'm looking at nine photos of my wife at our daughter's first birthday. To pull them into iPhoto without creating a bunch of folders, events, with today's dates.... Should I put them into folders with descriptive names in the hopes that that will cause iPhoto to assemble them into an event by that same name?
    That is a good idea
    drag the folder onto the iPhoto icon in the dock to import all of the photos in it as an event with the folder name
    Also you can use file names (name managler - -is a good program for renaming files) before importing to iPhoto
    And use some kind of metadata editor to assign dates before pulling them into iPhoto? I whacked my entire iPhoto library a few days back over this this and some other sets of photos, because once I got them into the same "event", I used Command+A to select them for a date change. However that did not select all the photos in the event, it selected all the photos in the library. Then the date change put everything out of whack for all the photos - apparently it adds or subtracts to the Julien dates, so instead of making everything that certain date, in this case it adjusted all photos to lose about ten years.
    You used adjust them and date - it adds a constant delta to the dates which does not work for scanned photos since they have no "date taken" - you want the batch change time and date to change all selected photos to a specific date and time (with the possibility of adding an increment to the time)

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    So I scanned in a bunch of photos to Iphoto library...
    That's your problem. iPhoto doesn't know they are there, but it won't import them because they are already in the iPhoto Library folder. The solution is to scan to a location outside of the iPhoto Library folder - a Desktop folder is the most convenient. Then import from that folder, and delete it once the photos are in your library.

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    Six peps
    Welcome to the Apple user discussion forums
    No and No
    But once you scan several you can select all the events you just created and click merge and merge them into one event
    Or scan to a folder on the desktop and then import that folder into iPhoto (probably want to turn off the option to split items imported from the finder into events)
    Message was edited by: LarryHN

  • Scanning to iphoto

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    Please help.

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    Answering part of my question...
    If, the last time I used iMovie, the "iPhoto Videos" item is not selected, but something else, like Last Import or any other event in the Event Library, then when iMovie restarts, it will not load the iPhoto Library, and will load very quickly.
    Problem solved.
    Message was edited by: LamourDuMac

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    B) Can i reasonably expect iphoto to then populated a given persons Faces section with suggested photos, which I can then easily confirm or not?
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    How often does iphoto rescan and suggest?

    Have you upgraded to the latest iPhoto? it does much better.
    I don't think it ever re-scans on its own, but you can right(ctl) click on the photo and select the re-scan option.
    Message was edited by: Keith Barkley

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    Get a CanoScan 8800F scanner. It's amazing. It imports after the scan directly into iPhoto.
    Are you sure? I see nothing about that in the Cannon information on this scanner - and frankly, while it is not impossible, it is highly unlikely - I have not seen any package that imports photos into directly iPhoto

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    Hi redcatres,
    I do not know the answer of why the scans are not opening in iPhoto. Do you scan and save to a folder (not the iPhoto Library folder), then import into iPhoto?
    To get back to iPhoto 5, you would really need a backup of the iPhoto 5 Library folder that has not been updated to version 6 in order to keep your metadata such as comments and keywords, and also all your albums, slideshows, books.
    You can go back to 5 if you do not have a version 5 backup, but you will have to reimport your photos and lose your metadata.
    To reinstall iPhoto 5
    Drag the iPhoto Library folder in the Pictures folder to the desktop and rename it it iPhoto 6 library
    Navigate to /Applications and drag iPhoto to the trash
    Navigate to /Library/Receipts and drag all iPhoto receipts to the trash
    Navigate to ~/Library/Preferences and drag to the trash.
    Insert your iLife 5 CD/DVD and choose to do a custom install. You will have to keep ongoing through the steps of the install before you get to the screen where you can choose a custom install.
    Install iPhoto.
    Run Software Update and update iPhoto to the latest version of 5
    Put your backup iPhoto 5 library in the Pictures folder and launch iPhoto.
    If you do not have a backup iPhoto 5 library:
    Open the iPhoto 6 library folder on the desktop
    -double click the iPhoto Library folder on the desktop to open it
    -the two main folders you will need to import are the Original folder and the Modified folder (only if you want to import the edited images).
    -the Originals folder has all your originals photos unedited. the Modified folder has all images that you have edited, rotated, cropped, etc.
    -Drag these two folders to the desktop
    -If you want to save the edited image, find it in the roll in the Modified folder and drag it into the roll of the same name in the Originals folder. It will replace the originals and now will be the original.
    -If you don't care to save any edited images, then don't import the Modified folder into iPhoto or don't bother replacing the edited image with the original image like I just described.
    -If you import the Originals folder into iPhoto you will have all your originals in their named rolls.
    -If you import the Originals and Modified folders into iPhoto, you will have all of the being in the originals folder in the finder. The roll with the same name as the other will have a _1 appended to it's name (in the finder)
    -the roll from the originals will be next to the same roll from the Modified folder within iPhoto. You can then delete any of the images from there if you want.
    I know this might sound confusing but it really isn't.
    Get back if any of this sounds like something you might want to do.

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