SCCM 2012 Network Discovery

I am being asked to find all computers on network. but not on the domain. In this case AD discovery isn't going to help me. It seems that Network Discovery should but I think I may not be understanding it correctly.
I have only information in the DHCP tab for the DHCP server. I did not enter anything into Subnets, Domains, SNMP, SNMP Devices. The network discovery ran, but it did not find systems that I know exist. I can ping one of them, for example but does not show
information in the netdisc.log for it.
Ultimately the fear is non-domain systems not being protected with some of the recent virus outbreaks like CryptoWall.
I have search the internet but mainly find references that are almost 100% to the word of Microsoft's article on discovery.

It might have something to do with the levels configured to discover. See for more information the following:
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    The subnet information can be retrieved from a device specified on the SNMP Devices tab or you need to configure the subnet manually in Subnet tab, then Network Discovery will query the network devices.
    Juke Chou
    TechNet Community Support

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    "But the remote offices have IP address overlaps between companies"
    Technically, this is unsupported because clients, depending upon your boundaries, will not be able to find a local DP since they use IP addresses for this. The only way to work around this is to use AD Site boundaries.
    "though they are assigned to a secondary"
    Clients are *never* assigned to a secondary site -- that's not what secondary sites are for. Yes, clients require communication with an MP in the primary site where they are assigned. There is no way to change this or work-around this except to put
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    Reverse lookups are only used to verify names by applications that wish to have this type of functionality (which are very few in number) and have nothing to do with true network traffic. NATing is an issue for the reason I gave above -- DP location.
    Remote control, client push, and WoL won't work either because there is no way for the traffic to reach the destination behind the NAT.
    All client *agent* communication in ConfigMgr is client initiated in ConfigMgr (remote control, client push, and WoL -- as just mentioned -- are sort of exceptions to this but they don't really involve the client *agent*.)
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    That workaround seems to work.  Only verify when you first type the password and get the success/confirmation message.  Once you hit OK to save the password, something happens to it (probably encrypts the password entered). If you open the account
    settings again, I assume SCCM takes the password from the database or task sequence in it's encrypted form and presents that in the text boxes.  Clicking OK will save the password again, but because it is presented in it's encrypted form, will re-encrypt
    this as a new password and effectively change what you originally entered as the password.  Again, I'm just assuming this based on what I observed. If it's true, then definately a bug.
    I think this is pretty correct. This whole (non?)-issue was a massive red-herring for me. I spent a week trying to understand what was wrong, but eventually discovered the issue was a couple of steps down the line. SCCM errors on the surface level are pretty
    consistently confusing. 9 times out of ten, I have been lead astray by them. Crack open your log files, your real problems will be in there.

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    Sounds like you've installed a Central Administration Site (CAS).
    The only discovery method available on a CAS is "Active Directory Forest Discovery".
    Planning for Discovery in Configuration Manager:
    (See the "Decide Where to Run Discovery" section)
    Ronni Pedersen | Configuration Manager MVP | Blog: | Twitter

  • SCCM 2012 R2 Discovery not returning results

    When the site was first setup computers and users were discovered. Now when I run it I do not get any of the new systems. When I go to look at the AD*.logs there are none.
    How can that be?

    Hi Jericho,
    You should see the log file on Instaaltion Driver of ConfigMgr\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs\Adsgdis.log or adsysdis.log or whatever you want.
    Sharad Singh | My blogs: SharadTech | Twitter:
    @SinghSharaad | | Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you.This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • How to force site code discovery on all the clients, Migration SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012

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    This registry key does not  exist on client computers.
    Any Help?

    Hello ICH-CR,
    Thanks for writing to the SysCtr ConfigMgr forums.
    I think there are multiple solutions to this issue and you can choose whatever fits best to your scenario.
    1. While upgrading the clients from SCCM 2007 to  2012 you can assign the clients to your ConfigMgr 2012 site.
    You just need to ensure that you have a boundary group and boundaries. More details on
    I would suggest the first method because if you create  another child site, you shouldn't have to reassign the clients back again. If that is unlikely then use the following script which is method no 2
    This is a VBSCRIPT and  can be ran from a network location using the PSEXC
    3. Here is a smaller script
    'Replace with your Site Code sSiteCode = "EnterNewSiteCode"
    = "."
    set oCCMNamespace
    = GetObject("winmgmts://"
    & sMachine & "/root/ccm")
    Set oInstance
    = oCCMNamespace.Get("SMS_Client")
    set oParams
    = oInstance.Methods_("SetAssignedSite").inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
    = sSiteCode
    You can use this script as a logon script .
    Microsoft Certified Professional| Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (ConfigMgr)
    This posting is provided 'AS IS' with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights.
    My Blog
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Can SCCM 2012 alert me when new devices are found on the network?

    I have a single SCCM 2012 SP1 CU4 server running on Windows Server 2012.  I use it primarily for Endpoint Protection and Windows Updates.
    I have 18 locations in my organization.  I am having a problem with a particular remote site buying their own IT equipment (computers, switches, access points, etc.).  I was wondering if it is possible for my SCCM server to e-mail (alert) me whenever
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    SCOM for something like this?  If SCCM will not do this, can anyone suggest some freeware that might do what I am looking for?

    The answer to that would be ... it depends.
    If the computers are domain joined and your AD discovery method is enabled they will end up in the ConfigMgr database. From that point onward you could create a custom reports that lists these systems. You can subscribe to the report to get it through email.
    For network devices you could also do something similar but initially you would have to enable network discovery in ConfigMgr.
    Highly impractical IMO. I seriously doubt this could ever work in a production environment of any real size.
    In addition.... Network discovery in CM is nasty!
    John Marcum |

  • SCCM 2012 Discovery Problems

    Hi everyone.
    I just installed SCCM 2012 on windows Server 2012 R2 and it on (real) HOST PC not a VM.
    before I installed SQL 2012 And domain on same server. i know it's Far not recommended. but 
    Problem is my SCCM 2012 cannot discover any device in my network,when OS it self (in: my computer\ My network) can see all the host pc that i have in my environment.
    i turned on all the methods of discovery.
    Please help.

    i tried everything, even reinstall, everything from beginning,
    1. install Win Server 2008 R2, install all updates, and then activate it.
    2 Roles : a. Active Directory Domain Services
                   b. DNS
                   c. File Services
                   d. web Server (IIS)
                   e. WSUS
    3. made container :System management
    . WSUS + updates WSUS-KB2720211-x64,  WSUS-KB2734608-x64
    .opened ports 
    .did  changes in IIS
    . install SQL 2012   with cuml Updates "SQLServer2012-KB2703275-x64"
    . checked TCP/IP
    . installed windows assessment and deployment kit for win 8.1
    and finally
    .installed SCCm 2012 R2 . without any errors, just 2 warnings.
    pc is Domain controller and wind Firewall
    BUt still no sense
    no users or devices in assets and compliance

  • Enabling network discovery on Windows Server 2012 R2

    Good afternoon.
    As per the title, I have set-up a new server at work. The server is running no problem but none of the other computers connected to the network can 'see' the new server. I've gone into the control panel and tried to turn on the network discovery, but it just
    defaults back to 'off'.
    I did so a search on here first before troubling anyone and I did find this answer :
    Thanks for the post.
    I did some research and found this issue may occur if the dependency services are disabled. Please make sure the following services are enabled and running.
    - SSDP Discovery
    - UPnP Device Host
    Disabling Network Discovery/Network Resources"
    That may well be the answer, but unfortunately that means absolutely nothing to me.
    Is someone able to help me try and switch this on, but by offering an explanation an 'idiot' would understand.
    Thanks in advance.

    This issue occurs for one of the following reasons:
    •The dependency services for Network Discovery are not running. 
    •The Windows firewall or other firewalls do not allow Network Discovery. 
    To resolve the issue, follow these steps:
    1.Make sure that the following dependency services are started:
    DNS Client
    Function Discovery Resource Publication
    SSDP Discovery
    UPnP Device Host
    2.Configure the Windows firewall to allow Network Discovery. To do this, follow these steps:
    Open Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click Windows Firewall.
    In the left pane, click Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall if you are running Windows Server 2012. Or, click Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall if you are running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
    Click Change settings. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
    Select Network discovery, and then click OK.
    3.Configure other firewalls in the network to allow Network Discovery.
    4.Turn on Network Discovery in Network and Sharing Center
    Quote from
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

  • SCCM 2012 R2: Build and Capture - Windows 8.1 prompting for network

    I have upgraded my SCCM 2012 SP1 (CU2) to SCCM 2012 R2 and I am attempting to Build and Capture Windows 8.1 Enterprise. Everything is perfect except for the OS prompting for a network selection during the process, if I click "next" on that screen
    the Capture finishes without incident. The same is true of the Deploy as well...
    Is this a bug from my upgrade?
    Portland Public Schools / Systems Administrator II

    Hi LillonelC
    Can you point out how and where to do this?
    When capturing with MDT 2013 on VMware I do not see this, naturaly, since the "machine" only has one network adapter.
    But when deploying to a Laptop I get the wireless Setup screen...
    On beforehand Thank You!
    With kind regards
    We aren't using MDT but what we did was create a package called Windows 8.1 - Compnents. In it  placed a file named "32Bit-Unattend.xml" and 1 named "64Bit-Unattend.xml". 
    During the capture in the "Apply Operating System Image" I put a check in the box "Use an unattended or Sysprep answer file for a custom installation". The package was Windows 8.1 - Compnents the File name was "32Bit-Unattend.xml".
    I did the same for 64-bit and used the 64-bit version.
    Here is content of the 32-bit file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
        <settings pass="oobeSystem">
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
        <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim://SERVERNAME/e$/osimages/win_8.1_x86/sources/install.wim#Windows 8.1 Enterprise" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />
    Here is the content of the 64-bit file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
        <settings pass="oobeSystem">
            <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm=""
        <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim://SERVERNAME/e$/osimages/win_8.1_x64/sources/install.wim#Windows 8.1 Enterprise" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />
    If that doesn't help I can try to clarify it a bit further.
    PS You won't need to do this for the deploy, only the capture.
    Portland Public Schools / Systems Administrator II

  • Dart 7 Image Network Support Broken When Imported into SCCM 2012

    Hi guys, I've been trying to get Dart integrated into my Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 Task Sequences recently. Running SCCM 2012 SP1 CU3.
    Until today I was able to PXE-boot DaRT7 and DaRT8 images, however the DaRT 7 images are now failing to boot - despite being recreated in
    exactly the same way.
    I understand that when SCCM imports a boot image the winpeshl.ini is overwritten - originally the DaRT7 images have the following winpeshl.ini entries:
    After import to SCCM this looks like:
    I dont understand how the DaRT 7 images ever worked, as the first command from those that are stripped out (%windir%\system32\netstart.exe,-prompt) is what would initiate the TCP/IP stack.
    Of course, no network = no TS shell, so thre client reboots. If I press F8, load a command shell and manually run %windir%\system32\netstart.exe and then run %windir%\system32\winpeshl.exe the TS shell loads.
    Any ideas how I can fix this - essentially I just need the DaRT7 image to bring up the network automatically.
    MCTS 70-640 | MCTS 70-642 | Prince2 Practitioner| ITIL Foundation v3 |

    Thought I would add that the following unattend.xml has been tested in the root of the image without success:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
    <settings pass="windowsPE">
    <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="">
    <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    <Description>Start Network Stack</Description>
    <Path>start /wait X:\Windows\System32\netstart.exe</Path>
    <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
    <Description>Start DaRT Remote Connection - Custom Launcher</Description>
    <Path>CSCRIPT X:\Windows\System32\PEremote.vbs</Path>
    Thanks again.
    MCTS 70-640 | MCTS 70-642 | Prince2 Practitioner| ITIL Foundation v3 |

  • User attributes checked by Delta Discovery in SCCM 2012

    Hi All,
    Since I simply cannot find an answer to my question using google, will ask it here and hope you can help me.
    Which EXACT User attributes does Delta Discovery check for in SCCM 2012? Is it possible to manipulate this, and add one more attribute?
    Microsoft's answer to this question is a simple: Basic User Information, but that not an exact answer.
    Here is the deal. We updated the extensionAttribute12 with computernames, so that we know what the primary device for a User is (I know this feature is present in CM12, but we will not use it for reasons). This information will be collected by User Discovery
    and by using a nested query in the device collection, the Primary device will be added to it. This works like a charm, the only issue is time. We need that value to be checked by delta discovery if it has been changed, however this only works with FULL discovery
    which is set to 1 week. If I lower this value that might cause serious backlogs, as the jobs get piled up in the inboxes due to the large amount of DDR files. Is there anything we can do? Powershell script, a configuration file in CM12 for delta discovery
    or something. We really don't what to set the User discovery to run a FULL scan every 4 hours or so, as I don't know what would happen when checking for 24k Users.
    Thank you in advance for any sort of feedback!

    Well, I checked the attribute if its replicated to the GC and according to this line isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet: TRUE it does. Will run a test again with delta discovery, and if that failes, will try to change the SystemFlag on it.
    >objectClass: top
    >objectClass: attributeSchema
    >cn: ms-Exch-Extension-Attribute-12
    >distinguishedName: CN=ms-Exch-Extension-Attribute-12,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration
    >instanceType: 4
    >whenCreated: 20050715092317.0Z
    >whenChanged: 20110528160036.0Z
    >uSNCreated: 6155
    >attributeID: 1.2.840.113556.1.2.600
    >isSingleValued: TRUE
    >rangeLower: 1
    >rangeUpper: 2048
    >mAPIID: 35928
    >uSNChanged: 6155
    >showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
    >adminDisplayName: ms-Exch-Extension-Attribute-12
    >adminDescription: ms-Exch-Extension-Attribute-12
    >oMSyntax: 64
    >searchFlags: 16
    >lDAPDisplayName: extensionAttribute12
    >name: ms-Exch-Extension-Attribute-12
    >objectGUID: {5AC9437E-18AE-4EE6-909B-94CC1B6EF1C5}
    >schemaIDGUID: {167757F7-47F3-11D1-A9C3-0000F80367C1}
    >attributeSecurityGUID: {E48D0154-BCF8-11D1-8702-00C04FB96050}
    >isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet: TRUE
    >objectCategory: CN=Attribute-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration
    >dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z
    >msDS-IntId: -1992421057

  • Editing Configuration.MOF For Network Printers/Mapped Drives SCCM 2012?

    Question is in Configuration Manager 2007 I would edit the SMS Def MOF file and then run Datashift.vbs on all the clients to add a WMI class for mapped drives for inventory.  So most of my clients that I upgraded to 2012 already have that class added
    to WMI. I just need to figure out what I need to do on the new server and Configuration.MOF (since SMS Def is missing in 2012) to tell it to collect the newly added classes during hardware inventory. I see that you can click on Set Classes in the client settings
    but I don't see where you can check mapped drives or network printers there.

    There is no out-of-box solution to handle this task.
    But try this. This has worked for us really well. We've got 22000 machines inventoried.

  • OSD: TS deployed to Vista SCCM 2012 client, reboots then doesn't find network drivers

    We deploy SCCM 2012 client to a SCCM 2007 Vista pc.
    We then deploy a task sequence to install Windows 7.
    Everything works fine on a vm, it reboots in winpe then starts the task sequence. On a laptop however, it does not work. F8 shows it does not get an ip address, it seems as if no network adaptor is recognized.
    However, the same task sequence works fine on the same laptop when pxe booting + I added the driver to winpe. Didn’t help. Please advise.
    Jan Hoedt

    I think I know what the root cause is, but not how to solve it.
    In diskpart, I can see 3 volumes:
    *Volume 0 = D-drive, DVD-rom,
    *Volume 1 = no drive letter, partition of 400 GB
    *Volume 2 = C-drive, label "Configuratio", type "removable" 4 GB
    It should install to the 400 GB drive but it seems that its installing to the removable drive.
    Not sure what that is since there is no USB attached. Probably it is the winpe temporarely mounted(?)
    The behaviour I have is described
    here and is also referring to USB.
    => I guess I have to tell the temporarely mounted drive to be f.e. Z when installing in full OS.
    Any idea howto do this?
    Jan Hoedt

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