Hi All,
I am creating a program that I would like to run at certain (predefined) dates of a month e.g. the 7th and the 20th. If the day falls on a weekend or public holiday, it triggers events on the next working day. It actually debits a certain amount (stop order kind of thing) according to the instructions of a client on specific dates. I would like to store the dates in a table and create a program that would trigger the specified actions on the date.

1. Create a table which stores the predefined date. You can create a program to update that table. In the program write a logic which can help you identify that weather the day is working day or holiday.. You can take the help of the Factory calenders in SAP. May be you need to create one calender to check your dates, if not avaliable.
2. In your program checks the system date with the date defined in the table. If you found your run date in the table you can processed the program further otherwise stop the program. Schedule a job which can run your program everyday. Give appropriate messages in the program so, after comletion of the job you can go to job log and check out the status of the program.
Naimesh Patel

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  • Security Violation Error while running schedule task from OIM.

    Hi All,
    I am getting this error while running a custom java schedule task from OIM:
    *Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException [EJB:010160] Security Violation: User '<anonymous>' has insufficient permission to access EJB:*
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcReconciliationOperationsClient.createDeleteReconciliationEvent(UnKnown Source).
    I got this error as soon as my code start creating Delete Reconciliation Event.
    Note: I have already protected the JNDI Namespace.
    Please provide some pointers.

    Hi Rajiv,
    Check this:
    package com.centrica.iam.scheduletask;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Set;
    import oracle.iam.connectors.common.ConnectorLogger;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataSet;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataSetException;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataobj.PreparedStatementUtil;
    import com.thortech.xl.orb.dataaccess.tcDataAccessException;
    import com.thortech.xl.scheduler.tasks.SchedulerBaseTask;
    import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcInvalidValueException;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcLookupOperationsIntf;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcReconciliationOperationsIntf;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcSchedulerOperationsIntf;
    public class CustomFlatFile extends SchedulerBaseTask {
         private static tcSchedulerOperationsIntf schedulerIntf;
         private static tcLookupOperationsIntf lookupIntf;
         private static tcReconciliationOperationsIntf reconIntf;
         String sObjectName;
         String LookupName;
         String LookupName2;
         String FileDirectory;
         String FileName;
         String File;
         String delimeter;
         String isDeleteTrue;
         HashMap<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap();
         HashMap<String, String> delMap = new HashMap();
         HashMap<String, String> finalMap = new HashMap();
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
         public boolean isReconStopped;
         public CustomFlatFile()
              isReconStopped = false;
         public void init()
              LookupName = getAttribute("Attribute Lookup Name");
              FileDirectory = getAttribute("Directory Path");
              FileName = getAttribute("File Name");
              delimeter = getAttribute("Delimeter");
              sObjectName = getAttribute("Resource Object Name");
              isDeleteTrue = getAttribute("Is Delete Allowed");
         public void execute(){
              try {
                   System.out.println("Start Exceute");
                   //Initiate lookupIntf
                   lookupIntf = (tcLookupOperationsIntf)getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcLookupOperationsIntf");
                   catch (tcAPIException tcapiexception){
                        //logger.error(classname, s, tcapiexception.toString());
                        //logger.setStackTrace(tcapiexception, classname, s, tcapiexception.getMessage());
                   catch (Exception excep){
                        //logger.error(classname, s, excep.toString());
                        //logger.setStackTrace(excep, classname, s, excep.getMessage());
                   attrMap = readLookup(LookupName);
                   if (isDeleteTrue.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                   System.out.println("Finish Execute");
         public void performDelete()
              System.out.println("Start Perform delete");
              int k = list.size();
              System.out.println("list size " + list.size());
         /*     Hashtable ahashtable[] = new Hashtable[k];
              Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
              for (int i=0;i<k;i++)
                   hashtable.put("User Id", list.get(i));
                   ahashtable[i] = hashtable;
              Set set = reconIntf.provideDeletionDetectionData(sObjectName, ahashtable);
              System.out.println("Set--" + set.toString());
              tcResultSet tcresultset = reconIntf.getMissingAccounts(sObjectName, set);
              System.out.println("tcresultset - " + tcresultset.getRowCount());
              if (!(tcresultset.isEmpty()))
                   long l[] = reconIntf.deleteDetectedAccounts(tcresultset);
                   for (int i1=0;i1<l.length;i1++)
                        System.out.println("delete recon key " + l[i1]);
              //Get the existing list of Managed users
                   tcDataSet tcdataset = new tcDataSet();
                   tcDataSet tcdataset1 = new tcDataSet();
                   String query = "select orf.orf_fieldname,prf.prf_columnname, sdk.sdk_name from orf, sdk, pkg, tos, prf, obj " +
                             "where pkg.obj_key = obj.obj_key and pkg.pkg_key = tos.pkg_key and tos.sdk_key is not null " +
                             "and tos.sdk_key=sdk.sdk_key and tos.tos_key=prf.tos_key and prf.prf_iskey='1' and prf.orf_key=orf.orf_key " +
                             "and orf.orf_parent_orf_key is null and obj.obj_name='" + sObjectName + "'";
                   tcdataset.setQuery(getDataBase(), query);
                   String FFName = tcdataset.getString("prf_columnname");
                   String FName = tcdataset.getString("sdk_name");
                   String ROFName = tcdataset.getString("orf_fieldname");
                   System.out.println("form- " + FName + " Field- " + FFName);
                   query = "select " + FFName + " from " + FName + " udtable, oiu a, ost b " +
                             "where udtable.orc_key=a.orc_key and a.ost_key=b.ost_key and b.ost_status!='Revoked'";
                   tcdataset1.setQuery(getDataBase(), query);
                   int i = tcdataset1.getRowCount();
                   ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
                   String s1 = null;
                   System.out.println("N. of rows--" + i);
                   for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
                        s1 = tcdataset1.getString(0);
                        System.out.println("s1---" + s1);
                        if (!(list.contains(s1)))
                             System.out.println("under if--" + s1);
                   //Getting the existing list of unmanaged users
                   query = "select distinct (b.rcd_value) from rce a, rcd b, orf c, obj d where a.rce_key=b.rce_key and " +
                             "b.orf_key=c.orf_key and c.orf_fieldname='" + ROFName + "' and a.rce_status!='Event Linked' " +
                                       "and a.obj_key = d.obj_key and d.obj_name='" + sObjectName + "'";
                   tcdataset1.setQuery(getDataBase(), query);
                   i = tcdataset1.getRowCount();
                   System.out.println("No. Of Unmanaged Users " + i);
                   for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
                        s1 = tcdataset1.getString(0);
                        System.out.println("s1---" + s1);
                        if (!(list.contains(s1)))
                             System.out.println("under if--" + s1);
                   int k1 = list1.size();
                   System.out.println("list1 size--" + k1);
                   for (int j1=0;j1<k1;j1++)
                        delMap.put(ROFName, (String)list1.get(j1));
                        long l = reconIntf.createDeleteReconciliationEvent(sObjectName, delMap);
                        System.out.println("delete recon key--- " + l);
              catch (Exception exception)
         public void readFile(){
              String s = "readFile()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              HashMap map = new HashMap();
              try {
              File = getFile();
              BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new
              String line = "";
              int k = attrMap.size();
              String value[] = new String[k];
              String Header[]= new String[k];
              if (delimeter.equalsIgnoreCase("|"))
                   delimeter = "\\" + delimeter;
                   line = reader.readLine();
                   Header = line.split(delimeter);
                   while((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
                        value = line.split(delimeter);
                        k = value.length;
                        for (int i = 0;i<k;i++){
                             finalMap.put(attrMap.get(Header), value[i]);
                        System.out.println("Start Ignoring Event");
                        if (!(reconIntf.ignoreEvent(sObjectName, finalMap)))
                             System.out.println("Not Ignored");
                        long l1 = reconIntf.createReconciliationEvent(sObjectName, finalMap, true);
                        System.out.println("Recon Key--" + l1);
                             System.out.println("ignore event ---" + finalMap.toString());
                        list.add(finalMap.get("User Id"));
                        System.out.println(list.size() + "add--" +finalMap.get("User Id") );
              catch (Exception exception)
         public boolean stop(){
              String s = "stop()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              //, s, "Stopping Reconciliation........");
              isReconStopped = true;
              //logger.setMethodFinishLog(classname, s);
              return true;
         FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter()
         public boolean accept(File file)
         String sFilePath = file.getName();
         if( sFilePath.startsWith(FileName) )
         return true;
         return false;
         public String getFile() throws FileNotFoundException, Exception{
              String s = "getFile()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              String s1;
              File dir =     new File(FileDirectory);
              File[] files = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);
              if (files.length ==0)
                   throw new FileNotFoundException();
              if (files.length>1)
                   throw new Exception("Multiple Matches found for this file name");
              s1 = files[0].toString();
              //logger.setMethodFinishLog(classname, s);
              return s1;
         public HashMap readLookup(String s1){
              String s = "readLookup()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              HashMap map = new HashMap();
              try {
              tcResultSet tc1=     lookupIntf.getLookupValues(s1);
              int i = tc1.getRowCount();
              for (int j = 0;j<i;j++){
                   map.put(tc1.getStringValue("Lookup Definition.Lookup Code Information.Code Key"), tc1.getStringValue("Lookup Definition.Lookup Code Information.Decode"));
              catch (tcAPIException tcapiexception){
                   //logger.error(classname, s, tcapiexception.toString());
                   //logger.setStackTrace(tcapiexception, classname, s, tcapiexception.getMessage());
              catch (Exception excep){
                   //logger.error(classname, s, excep.toString());
                   //logger.setStackTrace(excep, classname, s, excep.getMessage());
              return map;

  • Help scheduling tasks from both project start date and from later deliverable dates

    I am trying to set up a project scheduling template for a number of similar projects.
    These projects will require initial work to be completed at the project start date, working through the critical path to an end date.
    However.  Certain milestones/deliverables are required on specific dates in teh project (they are recievable by internal customers on firm dates).  I am having trouble scheduling my predecessors for these deliverables to occur as late as possible. 
    I.e.  I want my procurement to start x-weeks (depending on the task) before the deliverable is due.
    Trying to manually set the deliverable date and hoping project will work back and adjust the predecessors to fit isnt quite working... is this possible?
    Im using MSP2010 standard

    Actually this is probably a very common scheduling scenario. Schedules often have interim milestones, sometimes with fixed dates.
    Just-in-time scheduling has received a fair amount of press in the past but in my view it has some very real negative downsides. I believe the best plans have contingency built in to allow for unknown problems. For example, let's say you have a task that
    must deliver an item on a particular date and in order to build that item you need to order material. You know the built and test time, it's all done by machine, takes 10 days, and doesn't vary from item to item. The lead time for the material is 6 weeks,
    so you set up the schedule to place the material order 8 weeks before the delivery date. However, there is a problem, the vendor who supplies the material has a problem at his factory and the material is delayed such that it won't be delivered in 6 weeks but
    instead it will take 8 weeks. Because you have not allowed for contingency in your plan, your delivery date is now in jeopardy.
    But to answer your question, one way to set up the predecessor you want is as follows. Using my example above, the Place Order task, let's say the delivery date task is task ID 5 and is a milestone. The place order task could have a predecessor of 5SF-40d,
    or 5FS-40d will also work if the place order task and the delivery date are both milestones.
    Hope this helps.
    You might also want to read Trevor's response to a related post on the following forum:

  • How to find and export all Scheduled Tasks in Domain with multiple servers.

    Hi everyone,
    I have been given a task of finding all of Scheduled Tasks in the Domain on all of the servers. So far I have manage to create a script that will pull out all Scheduled Tasks from one Server, in this case Domain Controller. 
    Butt in my company are more than 150 servers so I am looking for a script that can connect to AD (or LDAP), than to certain OUs, then pull out Server list and than query them for Schedule Task. I have found already some scripts online and tried to adjust
    them butt they simply didnt work.
    I am new in the company and still learning about the system,  this is my first real task so any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Just a tip that I found after running across this myself - if you run a
    Get-AdComputer -filter {operatingsystem -like '*server*'} | ft name | out-file servers.txt
    and then save the output to a text file, it may look good, but there may be white space at the end of the computer names. Make sure that only the computernames are in the file and then the script works great.
    This would happen because you are trying to get around the format of the output.  When you want the raw value do it this way;  it is faster and easier:
    Get-AdComputer -filter {operatingsystem -like '*server*'} |
         %{$_.Name } | out-file servers.txt
    Now there can never be any extra spaces and there will be no header to cause problems. 
    This is why it pays to spend time studying the details of how PowerShell works instead of just sticking things together until you get a result.  PowerShell is designed to do all of these things without fudging or guesswork but it requires that you actually
    learn how it works.  I highly recommend stating with a good technical book on PowerShell.

  • Running without Adobe Flash Player Updater Scheduled Task

    I'm trying to understand how to avoid installing Adobe Flash Player Updater Scheduled Task.
    I am also unable to remove the Scheduled Task using a script that works on other tasks, on the same workstations.
    Is there an mms.cfg setting that will instruct the installer to skip the Task?
    1) Uninstall the Scheduled Task from all workstations in my environment.
    2) Install future updates without the Scheduled Task.
    I have already tried mm.cfg with these lines:
    It still runs the update process every hour.
    I have explained that it hasn't been causing a problem, but running this many processes on so many computers for no reason is causing some concern.
    My organization also does not allow big bang automation included with this product.
    Has anyone managed to shut off the Updater process from running?
    Thank you

    Hi Ethan,
    try creating an MST file, with Fx, Wise package studio...
    Edit the CustomAction “NewCustomAction1” added the parameter “-au 2” to the Command line argument.
    you should do that for both:
    If you are using both of them..
    Or you can delete the scheduled task with schtask /delete "taskname"
    Br Jens

  • Example of Scheduled task - OIM

    If you can provide an example of schedule task I would appreciate it very much. It looks like it should be extended from SchedulerBaseTask and implement execute method. Example will be very helpful.
    Thank you for your time

    Here's an example
    How to create a new schedule task from java code

  • Schedule Task - Windows 2008 R2 - User Session

    I am migratiing the schedule task from windows 2003 to windows 2008 and find some of behaviour change on handling user session by Task Scheduler.
    I have a simple batch to call "net use" command to map a network drive for copying file to remote server. And I have scheduled 3 similar tasks and run as same user (e.g. testuser)
    In windows 2003 enviornment, the mapped network drive resource will not be accessed by another schedule task. In windows 2008 R2, howerver, the network drive mapped in one of schedule task can be reached by another task. Does anyone have
    idea on this behaviour change?
    Here are the testing script
    Test Script 1
    ping -n 100
    Test Script 2
    ping -n 100
    Test Script 3
    ping -n 100
    Output in Windows 2003
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    Output in Windows 2008
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    The command completed successfully.
    z: was deleted successfully.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    Status       Local     Remote                    Network
    OK           Z:       
    \\\Share          Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.
    System error 85 has occurred.
    The local device name is already in use.
    The network connection could not be found.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2250.
    New connections will not be remembered.
    Status       Local     Remote                    Network
    OK           Z:       
    \\\Share          Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.
    System error 85 has occurred.
    The local device name is already in use.
    The network connection could not be found.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2250.

    Sorry for confusing, I have udpated the script for this testing
    Script for Schedule Task 1 - to map a network drive and issue a ping command to "sleep"
    Echo %date% %time% list drive on schedule task 1
    NET USE 
    Echo %date% %time% map drive on schedule task 1
    ping -n 100 > NUL
    Echo %date% %time% remove drive on schedule task 1
    Script for Schedule Task 2 - to list out any network drive are mapped.
    Echo %date% %time% list drive on schedule task 2
    NET USE 
    The schedule task 2 are triggered while the schedule task 1 are running, In the windows 2003, the schedule task 2 could not list out any mapped drive. In the windows 2008, however, the schedule task 2
    can list the network drive mapped by schedule task 1. The question is if there are any changes between windows 2003 and 2008, hope it can clarify.
    Ouput on windows 2003
    Schedule task1
    D:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.93 list drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.93 list drive on schedule task 1
    D:\>NET USE
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    D:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.98 map drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:31:52.98 map drive on schedule task 1
    D:\>NET USE Z: \\\Share /PERSISTENT:NO
    The command completed successfully.
    D:\>ping -n 100 1>NUL
    D:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:33:32.07 remove drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:33:32.07 remove drive on schedule task 1
    Z: was deleted successfully.
    Schedule Task 2
    d:\>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:32:22.54 list drive on schedule task 2
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:32:22.54 list drive on schedule task 2
    d:\>NET USE
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    Output on windows 2008
     Schedule task1
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.13 list drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.13 list drive on schedule task 1
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE  
    New connections will not be remembered.
    There are no entries in the list.
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.16 map drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:17:52.16 map drive on schedule task 1
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE Z: \\\Share /PERSISTENT:NO 
    The command completed successfully.
    C:\Windows\system32>ping -n 100 
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:19:32.59 remove drive on schedule task 1
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:19:32.59 remove drive on schedule task 1
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE Z: /DELETE
    Z: was deleted successfully.
    Schedule task2
    C:\Windows\system32>Echo Wed 02/06/2013 18:18:07.69 list drive on schedule task 2
    Wed 02/06/2013 18:18:07.69 list drive on schedule task 2
    C:\Windows\system32>NET USE  
    New connections will not be remembered.
    Status       Local     Remote                    Network
    OK           Z:        \\\Share        
    Microsoft Windows Network
    The command completed successfully.

  • CF10 ServerManager Not Reading Scheduled Tasks

    Is anyone else seeing this on startup / login to ColdFusion ServerManager?
    "Failed to read the scheduled tasks from myServerName.
    Continue to read charting settings from myServerName?"
    I'm running Coldfusion Standard on a remote Win 2008R2 64 bit webserver.
    ServerManager version is v1 but this seems different than the one that came with CF9 where it worked just fine.
    Jack Ring

    carl type3,
    Thanks for the reply. My error is shown immediately after I enter the master password. After that I can pull up the screen you are showing here. - Just not sure that I should try entering a scheduled task in or not bc - I might loose them. I have Standard version - and as far as I can tell none of the server settings can be backed up.

  • OIM - Scheduled Tasks - Validade/Enable

    Hi All,
    I am quite new to OIM, two days working with it, and I have some questions that seem to be easy to answer but I could not find it here, neither on the internet (or I am not using the correct keywords).
    In our OIM environment we have some custom recon scheduled tasks, developed by oracle, and, as our internal processes with the targets are not working properly still, sometimes the scheduled tasks fail and when they fail they got disabled too. Most of the times they fail is because its input file, a CSV file coming from a target, is not there.
    Based on it, my questions are:
    1. I know there is a way to list all scheduled tasks and their status using the API, check this link:, but is there a way to do it by command line in Unix?
    2. Is there a way, when the schedulted tasks got disabled due to a failure, to enable it automatically, via API or any other method, without the need to go to web client?
    I was forgetting to comment one thing, unfortunately, I don't have access to the OIM database!
    Thanks for your attention!

    You can execute the scheduled task from the command line and use the following API:
    void updateScheduleTask(long scheduledTaskKey,
    java.util.Map attributes)
    throws Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException,
    tcAPIExceptionUpdates schedule task information based on the attribute that are passed to this method
    scheduledTaskKey - the scheduled task key
    attributes - a map of updated attributes valid attributes
    •Task Scheduler.ClassName
    •Task Scheduler.Disable
    •Task Scheduler.Frequency Type
    •Task Scheduler.Interval
    •Task Scheduler.Key
    •Task Scheduler.Last Start Time
    •Task Scheduler.Last Stop Time
    •Task Scheduler.Max Retries
    •Task Scheduler.Name
    •Task Scheduler.Next Start Time
    •Task Scheduler.Retry Count
    •Task Scheduler.Start Time
    •Task Scheduler.Status
    You can provide the Frequency Type and Next Start Time and then it should be picked up. Just like when you are in the design console and you have it set to run once and you clear the entries in the time and set it to the current one.
    Please don't forget to give points where earned on helpful posts.

  • Can we convert Scheduled tasks in Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 Automatically

    Can we convert Scheduled tasks in Windows 2003 to Windows 2008 Automatically. what is the simpler way to convert it

    ... so migration of scheduled tasks from windows 2003 to windows 2008 is not possible.
    sainath anal
    If that is true, then what is the following TechNet article discussing?
    Task Scheduler Backward Compatible Module Status
    Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2
    The backward compatibility module is used by Task Scheduler to register and run tasks that were created to run on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.

  • How can I debug Scheduler Task?

    I'm developing a scheduler task. I'd like to debug it. I tried it with NWDS debugger. I ran debugger before the scheduler task had started, but it didn't stop on my breakpoint. I copy my code to regular dynpage and debugging worked, but there is something, what I can't debug this way (state of task depeds on time).
    Is possible to debug scheduler task directly?
    Thanks in advance for your responces,
    Josef Motl

    Hi, Josef,
    there is nothing specific that prevents scheduler tasks from being debugged. I could think of two possible reasons for your problems.
    First, the IDE or the VM don't seem to like setting breakpoints on some kinds of code lines, for example while conditions or (even initializing) field declarations, although the IDE does not complain about you doing that. In those cases, it helps to set the breakpoint on the nearest 'normal' code line, best are self-contained statements like assignments or method calls.
    Second, scheduler tasks are of course executed in their own threads. Sometimes, for example if you at the same time debug some other code, the suspended thread executing the task won't get active in the debugger so you have to look for suspended threads in the thread list and select the one you're interested in explicitly.
    One of these two options always enabled me to debug scheduled tasks, so I hope this is going to help you, too.

  • How to create scheduled task to delete failure/open tasks

    I have a question that I hope someone can give me some input to.
    we have an OIM installation and have a situation where we have around 14 500 open tasks. we read somewhere that this might cause performance issues. we have also found a HOWTO on Oracle Metalink that explains how to delete these tasks. i states that one should:
    - Create a scheduled task which uses the API:
    ...and that's it. it doesn say anything else. doing this by creating a scheduled task in OIM Admin Console will not work since we don't have this Java class. is there anyone who has sort a similar problem? any help/tips/guidelines are appreciated.
    P.S.: The Oracle Metalink HOWTO:
    Link: [,(page=KBNavigator&id=(from=BOOKMARK&bmDocType=HOWTO&bmDocDsrc=KB&bmDocTitle=How%20to%20%3Cb%3EDelete%3C/b%3E%20Failure%20or%20Cancelled%20%3Cb%3ETasks%3C/b%3E%20in%20%3Cb%3EOpen%3C/b%3E%20%3Cb%3ETasks%3C/b%3E&bmDocID=731282.1&viewingMode=1143))]
    Edited by: user10378227 on Oct 27, 2009 1:07 AM

    Use this link:
    How to create a new schedule task from java code

  • Call Multiple Files From Single ColdFusion Scheduled Task

    Our host only allows us to have 5 scheduled tasks per account but we need to run cfml applications to import data for multiple sites (at least 15 processes).  What I'd like to do is combine all the 'sample requests' for all sites into ONE scheduled task that will run them one after another thus cutting back on the number of scheduled tasks needed.
    We're using ColdFusion to connect to a MySQL DB to gather all sample requests. First the app retrieves all the unflagged records from a remote db then begins looping through all the returned records. On the each loop, the app 'scrubs' the data by properly formatting phone numbers, fixing address abbreviations, etc. Next the app saves the scrubbed data to a local MS SQL table then starts the loop over on the next row. Lastly the app sends out an email saying it has completed successfully.
    What I'm trying to do is Create a New Parent App that will run as a scheduled task to do the following:
    - New Parent App Runs as Scheduled Task and calls/includes first of X sample request app files
    - New Parent App runs first sample request app as described above (which can take up to a minute to process)
    - Parent app waits until after first sample request app completes, then Parent App goes on to second sample request app, etc.
    - After all sample requests are complete New App sends completion email with date and time
    The problem I'm having is getting the scheduled task to wait for apppage1.cfm to finish before loading apppage2.cfm and so on. Can you give me a simple codeset that accomplishes this?
    I've attached a sample of the include page the needs to complete before moving on!

    Our approach is a bit more comprehensive.
    First, we (meaning my co-workers) wrote a custom tag that does something like this:
    <cfinclude the template>
    log any errors
    Then our actual scheduled job go like this:
    set a really long timeout (and none of the actual jobs can have their own timeout)
    set some variables
    use the custom tag for each job we want to run
    send mail if any errors occurred.

  • Scheduled task that populates Lookup Definitions from database in oim11gr2

    Hi Friends,
    How to write a scheduled task that populates the Lookup Definitions from database tables in oim 11g r2.

    Check this link

  • OIM 11g, Get users from table and insert them into Approval Task

    Hi All,
    I have OIM in Solaris 10 and I have an Oracle Table configured as Trusted Source.
    I am using Database_App_Tables_9. connector.
    I want Reconciliate new users from a Oracle Table as follow:
    1. I ran the scheduled job
    2. The new users reconciled Must get into an Approval Task before of insert them into USR Table.
    3. The Administrator User Approved o Rejected the new users.
    4. The new users that were approval Must insert them into USR Table.
    Is there any form of implement this?, Can you guide me please?.
    Thanks for your Help.

    Through your Schedule Task, generate "*Create User*" (Request Type) request and assign approval workflow for such requests.
    After completion of approval ONLY, users will get created into OIM 11g.

Maybe you are looking for

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