Scheduling question?

Hi All,
Can we schedule a report on hourly basis with the a particular time in a day?
For example i want to schedule a report  daily from 8 AM to 8 PM on a hourly basis.

Can you give more detail. I don't think you can, but it may depend on the version. The start and end time in the hourly component of the schedlue dictate schedules lifetime.
Some alternative approaches
You could create 12 daily schedules each with the start time set an hour apart
You could also look at an hourly schedule in conjunction with a program job and schedule event. The program job would only succeed between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm. The schedule event would be fired on success and the report would be scheduled to run hourlty when the event is fired.

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    Try like this. Make sure your BIP parameter name and Presentation variable name matches; i assume Region
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    You can answer any question about the dictionary views by issuing
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    Steve - I just replied to another post with how we handle it
    This works if you have control over the naming of the broadcast settings
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    Hi Todd
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    To answer your question, I don't think BI Pub can do this.
    I have 2 ideas for you:
    1) Modify your SQL so that you can either pass in a date or not. This way the users can pass in a date they choose from the calendar popup window. In the scheduled screen, schedule the report without any date value.
    Example SQL:
    SELECT *
    FROM table x
    WHERE ((:p_date IS NOT NULL AND
    TRUNC( = TRUNC(:p_date)) OR
    (:p_date IS NULL AND
    2) If you want the flexibility for your users to pick any date from the popup calendar, then have this date passed to your SQL so that your SQL will use the previous Sunday from this passed in date and the ability to have this same exact report run atuomatically every Wednesday, then this is my idea:
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    Personally, I like idea #1 above. "Simple is best".
    Good luck,

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    I would suggest you post your question into the Crystal Reports Sever/ BusinessObjects Enterprise forum.

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    Hi Ronnie,
    Couple of things to note:
    Webview Job Scheduler uses Windows Task Scheduler to schedule reports
    As such, PC needs to remain on and the user who scheduled the job must be logged into WebView at the time the job is scheduled to be run (also needs to remain logged in if you are exporting to file and the drive you are exporting to is a mapped drive)
    User who is scheduling the reports needs to be an administrator of the machine they are scheduling from in order to create the Scheduled Tasks
    When you output locally to a drive letter. It automatically goes into a Drive:\Job_Scheduler\ directory
    Hope that helps. The requirement for local admin rights is a real pain as usually in most environments it's end business users who are trying to do this and IT departments don't like giving them local admin rights to their PCs...

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    job_no NUMBER;
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    In BI 7 we have various options..
    If you have Java Stack in BI server then it will use Portal and then there you can configure the settings, you need to give one technical name and then schedule the same.
    We faced the problem, in my system there is no Java Stack so we used BW 3.5 WAD in BI 7 system and then in WAD we configured the Broadcasting settings and saved with one Technical name then used RSRD_BROADCAST_STARTER program and create Varient for "Broadcasting settings and saved with one Technical name " and in PC after Cube load we given this Program with Varianet , so once dataloads will happen the reports will distributes.

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    The delays will never be less than 1/10th of a
    second, and very unlikely to be more than a couple of
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    delays (say an hour as an extreme example) to
    Thread.Sleep()?No, that's not a problem.
    I could possibly load my timing data and other event
    parameters into a result set. (Thinking of storing
    each sequence as a series of database records).
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    delay individually. Say event one must fire at 0
    seconds, the next at 3.7, the next at 6.2 seconds,
    and so-on.So that is 3.7 seconds after the start, or is it 3.7 seconds after the previous event was fired?

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    Can only desktop admins (rather than ARD admins) change report scheduling?

    Hi Sol
    That is correct. The user and responsibility are only used during the session when the user is connected to the database.
    Whenever a scheduled workbook is run in an APPS-mode environment the user running it will be APPS. This user is a database user and does not log in with a responsibility therefore the FND_GLOBAL.RESP_ID will not be set.
    Best wishes

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    It needs to run on the 16th of every month - UNLESS the 16th is a weekend day, in which case it needs to run on the following Monday.
    I can run it on the 1st, 2nd, (etc) Monday ... or the 1st, 2nd, (etc) weekday ... of the month.
    It seems like I need some combination of available options - and I don't see them.
    I believe I'd define my requirement as "First Weekday after the 15th day of the Month".
    I doubt this is available - but if anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them.
    Thank you.
    Scott MacDonald
    Tucson, AZ

    Could you please take a look at the comment posted by THaouet on the following post?
    Using programming he assigns a date for the job to start, the frequency, end date, etc.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

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    Thanks in advance.

    You can change all the objects (like dataflows, workflows, ...) in the job, it will not affect the job schedule (so no need to re-activate).
    The job schedule uses the GUID to identify the job in the repo, this will not change when you modify objects in the job. So the next time the schedulesd job is executed it will get the new job definition automatically.
    - Ben.

  • Scheduling question -

    I have a group called Mon -Fri that has 50+ jobs scheduled that has run fine.  On 3/18 I put a job on hold for today(3/21).  Today the only job scheduled for today in this group is the job I put on Hold.  Tomorrow all 50+ jobs are scheduled to run.
    I do not know how putting a job on hold a couple of days in advance could have caused the rest of the jobs in that group to not be submitted to the scheduler for that day.  Any thoughts, or is there something I am missing?

    Hi there,
    If you are having issues opening it up with crw32.exe and it's, then the report that you are opening is likely older than what you have.  Unfortunately, there's no way to tell which version of CR the reports were developed with.
    The current version of CR (CR2008) is  Therefore, if you wish to update to the latest version of CR, which is CR2008, you should start from scratch as the reports that your client have is not upgradable.  That's a jump of eight versions.
    Another alternative is to use CRXIr2 (CR 11.5.x.xxxx) or CRXIr1 (CR 11.0.x.xxxx), they are all upgradable to CR2008 if you decide to do so later.  Please note you cannot download a trial version of CRXIr1 anymore. 
    In any case, you can download either CR2008 or CRXIr2 with sp2.
    You will need to enter your particulars as that's how you will receive your trial keycodes.
    Hope that helps.

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