Scipt to prompt and authenticate users to AD and then map 2 next available drive letters to 2 network shares

So I have been trying to write some code that will
prompt users to authenticate to AD and use that authentication to map the next 2 available drive letter to two network shares.
I have adopted using the HAT format as this provides me with the ability to prompt for a username and password and authenitcate to AD.
<script language="vbscript">
Function setSize()
window.resizeTo 350,300
Window.moveTo (screen.width-240)/2, (screen.height-600)/2
End Function
Function cmdSubmit_OnClick()
Dim strUser 'User Name variable
Dim strPW 'User Password variable
if auth.username.value = "" Then
msgbox ("ERROR: No User account information provided. Please Try Again!")
cmdSubmit_OnClick = False
Elseif auth.password.value = "" Then
msgbox ("ERROR: No User account information provided. Please Try Again!")
cmdSubmit_OnClick= False
strUser = auth.username.value
strPW = auth.password.value
Authenticate strUser, strPW
End If
End Function
Public Sub Authenticate (Byref strUser, Byref strPW)
On Error Resume Next
Dim strPath 'LDAP path where the Users accounts are listed
Dim LDAP 'Directory Service Object reference variable
Dim strAuth 'Parses the User Name and Password through the DSObject
strPath = "LDAP://"
Set LDAP = GetObject("LDAP://company/rootDSE")
Set strAuth = LDAP.OpenDSObject(strPath, strUser, strPW, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION Or ADS_SERVER_BIND)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
intTemp = msgbox(strUser & " could not be authenticated", vbYES)
if intTemp = vbYes Then
End If
For Each obj in strAuth
If obj.Class = "user" Then
If obj.Get("samAccountName") = strUser Then
msgbox ("Success! " & strUser & " has been authenticated with Active Directory")
Set wShell = CreateObject("") "Firstletterali.vbs"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
<body style="background-color:#B0C4DE">
<img src=Title.jpg><br>
<title>NAS Authentication</title>
<body onload="vbs:setSize()">
<div class="style2">
<h3>NAS Archive Authentication</h3>
<form method="post" id="auth" name="auth">
<span class="style3"><strong>User Name:&nbsp; </strong></span>
<input id="Username" name="Username" type="text" style="width: 150px" /><br>
<span class="style3">
<strong>Password:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></span>
<input id="password" name="password" type="password" style="width: 150px" /><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="cmdSubmit" />
<input type="button" value="Exit" onclick="self.close()">
using the above I can succefully authenticate users but I cant work out how to then use that authenticattion to map the next to available drive letters to a network source.
The code I have for that is
Option Explicit
Dim strDriveLetter, strRemotePath, strRemotePath1, strDriveLetter1
Dim objNetwork, objShell
Dim CheckDrive, DriveExists, intDrive
Dim strAlpha, strExtract, intAlpha, intCount
' The section sets the variables
strRemotePath = "\\mel\groups\Team\general"
strRemotePath1 = "\\mel\groups\Team\specific"
strDriveLetter = "B:"
strDriveLetter1 = "H:"
intAlpha = 0
intCount = 0
err.number= vbEmpty
' This sections creates two objects:
' objShell and objNetwork and then counts the drives
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set CheckDrive = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives()
' This section operates the For ... Next loop
' See how it compares the enumerated drive letters
' With strDriveLetter
On Error Resume Next
DriveExists = False
' Sets the Outer loop to check for 24 letters in strAlpha
For intCount = 1 To 24
DriveExists = False
' CheckDrive compares each Enumerated network drive
' with the proposed drive letter held by strDriveLetter
For intDrive = 0 To CheckDrive.Count - 1 Step 2
If CheckDrive.Item(intDrive) = strDriveLetter _
Then DriveExists = True
intAlpha = intAlpha + 1
' Logic section if strDriveLetter does not = DriveExist
' Then go ahead and map the drive
'Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter & " exists: " & DriveExists
If DriveExists = False Then objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive _
strDriveLetter, strRemotePath
call ShowExplorer ' Extra code to take you to the mapped drive
' Appends a colon to drive letter. 1 means number of letters
strDriveLetter = Mid(strAlpha, intAlpha,1) & ":"
' If the DriveExists, then it is necessary to
' reset the variable from true --> false for next test loop
If DriveExists = True Then DriveExists = False
WScript.Echo "Out of drive letters. Last letter " & strDriveLetter
'Sub ShowExplorer()
'If DriveExists = False Then Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter & " Has been mapped for archiving"
'If DriveExists = False Then _
'("Explorer" & " " & strDriveLetter & "\" )
'If DriveExists = False Then WScript.Quit(0)
'End Sub
On Error Resume Next
DriveExists = False
' Sets the Outer loop to check for 24 letters in strAlpha
For intCount = 1 To 24
DriveExists = False
' CheckDrive compares each Enumerated network drive
' with the proposed drive letter held by strDriveLetter1
For intDrive = 0 To CheckDrive.Count - 1 Step 2
If CheckDrive.Item(intDrive) = strDriveLetter1 _
Then DriveExists = True
intAlpha = intAlpha + 1
' Logic section if strDriveLetter1 does not = DriveExist
' Then go ahead and map the drive
'Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter1 & " exists: " & DriveExists
If DriveExists = False Then objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive _
strDriveLetter1, strRemotePath1
call ShowExplorer ' Extra code to take you to the mapped drive
' Appends a colon to drive letter. 1 means number of letters
strDriveLetter1 = Mid(strAlpha, intAlpha,1) & ":"
' If the DriveExists, then it is necessary to
' reset the variable from true --> false for next test loop
If DriveExists = True Then DriveExists = False
WScript.Echo "Out of drive letters. Last letter " & strDriveLetter1
Sub ShowExplorer()
If DriveExists = False Then Wscript.Echo strDriveLetter & " Has been mapped for archiving"
If DriveExists = False Then _
("Explorer" & " " & strDriveLetter & "\" )
If DriveExists = False Then WScript.Quit(0)
End Sub
Now the above script will find the next availabe letter and map one location to it...I still havent worked out to create another loop for it to do it again. It obviously also requires that you already be authenticated to map to that location.
I looking for some help on how to marry these to scripts together.

Hi Ali
Here is some code that will enumerate two free adjacent drive letters. It starts searching from "C" all the way to "Z" for two drives letters that are adjacent and returns the results in an array then echos the results. You can easily adapt this code to
map your network drives to each drive letter. Hope that helps
Cheers Matt :)
Option Explicit
Dim objFSO
On Error Resume Next
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If
On Error Goto 0
'Functions Processing Section
'Name : ProcessScript -> Primary Function that controls all other script processing.
'Parameters : None ->
'Return : None ->
Function ProcessScript
Dim driveLetters, driveLetter
If Not GetFreeDrives(driveLetters) Then
Exit Function
End If
For Each driveLetter In driveLetters
MsgBox driveLetter, vbInformation
End Function
'Name : GetFreeDrives -> Searches for a pair of free adjacent drive letters.
'Parameters : adjacentDrives -> Input/Output : variable assigned to an array containing the first two free adjacent drives.
'Return : GetFreeDrives -> Returns True if Successful otherwise returns False.
Function GetFreeDrives(adjacentDrives)
GetFreeDrives = False
Dim drive, driveLetter, drivesDict, i
Set drivesDict = NewDictionary
driveLetter = "C"
'Add the drives collection into the dictionary.
For Each drive In objFSO.drives
drivesDict(drive.DriveLetter) = ""
'Check drive letters C: to Z: for two free adjacent drive letters and set the "driveLetter" variable to the first one.
For i = Asc(driveLetter) To Asc("Z")
If Not drivesDict.Exists(Chr(i)) And Not drivesDict.Exists(Chr(i + 1)) Then
driveLetter = Chr(i)
Exit For
End If
'If two free adjacent drive letters were not found then exit.
If driveLetter = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
adjacentDrives = Array(driveLetter, Chr(Asc(driveLetter) + 1))
GetFreeDrives = True
End Function
'Name : NewDictionary -> Creates a new dictionary object.
'Parameters : None ->
'Return : NewDictionary -> Returns a dictionary object.
Function NewDictionary
Dim dict
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Set NewDictionary = dict
End Function

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    (GlCod varchar(30))
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    set @GlCod =/*SELECT T0.U_GlCod from [dbo].[@TEST2] T0 where T0.U_GlCod=*/  '[%0]'
    declare @refdt datetime
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    t1.Account as 'GL Code',
    t1.RefDate as 'Posting Date'
    from JDT1 T1
    t1.RefDate <= @refdt
    T1.[Account] = @GlCod
    (There is no need to declare the memoria table @test2 if you already created one table with this name.
    And there is no need to a join.)
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    Make sure that you do not run the Firefox directly via the download dialog in IE, but save the file to the desktop and start the installation with a double-click.
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    If you don't want ANY drop down I believe you can do it in a kludgy sort of way.
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    You can use jsp's and servlets.
    Have a .jsp (i.e. login.jsp) that has 2 fields username / password and a submit button i.e.
    <form method="post" action="/servlet/LoginServlet">
    <input type="text" size="15" name="username" value="">
    <input type="password" size="15" name="password" value="">
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Authenticate">
    </form>In your servlet (i.e. LoginServlet) is where you retrieve the username / password by doing something like:
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
      String username = request.getParameter("username");
      String password = request.getParameter("password"); 
    }You would now do your LDAP authentication. see
    Depending on whether the authentication was successful or not you would redirect the user to an error page or to the next .jsp (i.e changePassword.jsp) where they can change their password.

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    I've been alternating between banging my head against a wall and reading every forum I could find to try and get a reasonable compromise between using "Fast user switching" and sharing a folder from a file server.  It baffles me how the network share/mount model of OSX/AFP is completely killed by fast-user-switching; this is a big problem with Apple requiring users to be actively logged in to share music/video from iTunes which therefore essentially requires fast-user-switching if anyone else wants to use the computer.  (anyone find it odd that you can share files without being logged in, but sharing songs requires an active login for each user who is sharing?  Apple: time to make iTunes sharing a service!)
    For the sake of example, lets just say I want to share my /Groups folder from my desktop and have it be accessible to my laptop.  Here are all the things that I tried:
    Apple Method 1) Share /Groups in the on the desktop (running Lion Server), use finder on the laptop and drag the share icon to "Login Items", alternative use a startup Apple script using "mount volume"  Both of the options work and will mount the /Groups folder under /Volumes/Groups, of course when the second person logs in via fast-user-switching (and occasionally the first person for no apparent reason), they will get /Volumes/Groups-1 since /Volumes/Groups is already taken.  Tomorrow we log in a different order and now the previously /Volumes/Groups-1 user has their mount at /Volumes/Group and vice versa.  Any links, aliases, finder sidebar references, and application settings which pointed to yesterday's location are now BROKEN.  Not very user friendly to my mother-in-law who is trying to find those pictures of the kids and doesn't know anything about mount points. I also can't reasonably mirror the file location structure on the desktop so that application preferences that are synced between the two (portable home directories) work.   fail.
    Apple Method 2) Use automounter and set up by hand direct maps for /Groups or an indirect maps for the children of /Groups.  Now it will automatically get mounted to /network/servers/SERVER/Groups/ on the laptop and on the desktop it will automatically create a similar symlink structure so that the same path (/network/servers/SERVER/Groups) work both on desktop and laptop.  Cool.  Except when the second person logs in, the /network/servers/SERVER/Groups/ mountpoint is already owned by the first user and they don't have any permissions to access it.  Fail.
    Apple Method 3) Use mount_afs and specify directly the mount-points.  Have each user have their own startup AppleScript which mounts /Groups to a different location (e.g. /Users/Shared/username/Groups) that way they don't conflict with multiple users.  On the desktop, set up symlinks from /Users/Shared/username/Group to /Groups so that it will be the same as the client and applications settings will work when synchronized back/forth by portable-home-directories.  Will it work, yes it does, but what a bear to maintain.  Is this really what I should expect to do just to have multiple users on my desktop and laptop (which again is essentially required now if I want to do any type of iTunes sharing).  This can't be what apple expects.
    What I ended up doing - the "not quite apple" solution.
    Non-Apple Method 4) After a read of "Autofs: Automatically Mounting Network File Shares in Mac OS X" ( at the very end there is a single paragraph  of "Kerberized NFS": "A Kerberized NFS mount can have multiple connections from multiple users, each using the correct user’s credentials for each transaction. This allows administrators to support multiple users, each authenticated with their own credentials to the same mount point. This is very different from AFP and SMB mounts," (emphasis mine)
    It appears that by using good 'ole NFS (abeint with Kerberos for security!) you can actually have multiple users on the same mount point.  Roughly following the guidance at  What I needed to do was:
    1) create /etc/exports on my desktop and add a single line "/Groups -sec=krb5".  The existence of /etc/exports triggered a start of nfsd which no longer has any GUI options in Lion.
    2) Add a line to /etc/auto_master on my laptop "/-  auto_mymounts" to reference a new direct map.
    3) Create /etc/auto_mymounts and add a single line "/Groups         SERVER:/Groups" to create the direct map.
    THAT'S IT.  Three lines in three files.
    Now when I log into my laptop, there is a /Groups that is a network mount of my desktop's /Groups, same location AND it works for all of my users, even simultaneously. 
    In the end I'm happy with what I've got, but man was this a difficult path just to support fast-user-switching.  In Lion, Apple appears to be getting away from NFS (no longer turned on by default and remove from the GUI controls) but clearly this really useful functionality which doesn't exist in AFP. 
    I'm really curious, after all this work.  Any other ways to accomplish this?

    In my example above, yes I chose to mount the share "Groups" to the top of the root since that is where I put it on my server and I wanted to keep them similar; but that was just my preference, it isn't a requirement.  You can export and mount from other directories.

  • User Facing Features and Upgrades from 6.x and 7.x (MWI, DND, CFA, ...)

    The 9.1.1 upgrade guide states:
    "For upgrades from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 8.x, changes that are made to the following user-facing features get preserved after the upgrade completes ...".
    What happens to user facing features like MWI and CFA for upgrades from 6.x and 7.x?

    you can refer the link which says 
    User Provisioning
    For upgrades from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 4.x and 5.x, any provisioning that the end user performs to user-facing features after the upgrade begins could get lost.
    For upgrades from Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 6.x, changes that are made to the following user-facing features get preserved after the upgrade completes:
    •Call Forward All (CFA)
    •Message Waiting Indication (MWI)
    •Privacy Enable/Disable
    •Do Not Disturb Enable/Disable (DND)
    •Extension Mobility Login (EM)
    •Hunt Group Logout
    •Device Mobility
    •CTI CAPF status for end users and application users
    •Credential hacking and authentication
    •Recording enabling
    •Single Number Reach enabling

  • Different software and database user

    I want to install oracle software and oracle database on two difference user
    Software user: orasoft
    Primary group: oinstall
    Secondary group: dba
    User Home: /u01/orasoft
    /u00: owner: orasoft:oinstall permission 775 (before installing software)
    Database User: oradb
    Primary group: dba
    Secondary group: oinstall
    User Home: /u01/oradb
    In this scenario,
    Software is getting installed perfectly; I’m getting permissions issue for creating database
    1. Do I need to change the $ORACLE_HOME permissions to 775 after software installation for the database to get installed without any issue?
    2. if I do this, then the permission executables also gets changed to rwx-rwx-rx.

    First of all, I cannot really see the concept behind the user management how you have assigned orasoft and oradb users to oinstall and dba groups.
    Why cannot oinstall be the primary for both users and dba is the secondary? As well as what OS group do you plan to be the sysdba and sysoper groups?
    Second of all what do you mean by:
    user8209189 wrote:
    I want to install oracle software and oracle database on two difference userWhat kind of oracle software do you mean by the first oracle software ? What Oracle component are you refering here?
    As well as:
    user8209189 wrote:
    2. if I do this, then the permission executables also gets changed to rwx-rwx-rx.Be careful with playing with such permissions in the Oracle binary home as certain binary files require SUID settings (e.g. rwS)

  • Windows 7 - Files missing from network share after trying to burn and no data cached to be burned

    I ran into an issue trying to burn some file from a network share using Windows 7 Home Professional.  I was trying to burn some .jpg files from a mapped network share drive using explorer.  Every time I would drag the files to be burned from
    the share drive to the explorer screen to be burned, the files would disappear from the share.  To make things worse the files would not show up in the screen to be burned.  I was unable to locate any of the files on either of the systems when performing
    a search after this took place.  I verified that the steps that I was taking to burn the files were the same as outlined on the Microsoft site.  No matter what I did to burn these files, they were deleted from the mapped network drive. 
    Below are the steps that I took that both resulted in the files being deleted as well as what I had to do to finally burn the disc.
    Steps that resulted in files being deleted:
    1. Insert blank CD into drive. 
    2. From prompt select burn using explorer (Mastered Format)
    3. Enter title and select with CD/DVD, click Next.
    4. Open a second explorer window, navigate to mapped network drive with files to be burned and snap next to explorer to be burned.
    5. Drag and drop the files from the share drive to CD.
    This where the train would fall off the tracks every time.  I would receive a message that the file(s) no longer exist and if I wanted to continue.  From here the files would be deleted from the share drive.  The best part is that the files
    would also NOT be locally stored to be burned. 
    Steps to burn share files WITHOUT delete:
    Follow steps outlined above, but instead of just dragging and dropping the files as outlined in step 5 select the files from the network share location, right mouse select copy.  Then right mouse select paste in the explorer window to be burned.
    I have tested this many times and every time ended up with the same problem.  At this point I am sure that there is a problem with the way that Windows 7 is performing the burn.  The system that I was using to burn is Windows 7 Home Professional
    with all the patches and updates loaded.  The remote system is Windows XP Professional with all the patches and updates loaded.
    Thanks in advance

    Yes, the problem is still continuing. However, after looking into as much of it as I can, I can confirm something that r.p.b_ started stumbling on. The files are deleted IF AND ONLY IF a user is using the built-in Windows 7 disc burning utility AND is dragging
    and dropping the files to the drive from a network share; this doesn't happen locally. If you watch what happens in the native folder, the files are literally scrubbed from the drive as they are processed and added to the image. However, if you Right Click
    on the files and copy them, then Right Click->Paste onto the drive, they remain. (The keyboard shortcuts also worked.) Also, 3rd party disc burning utilities function they way the should. (In other words, they don't delete the files.)
    My speculation is that there's a bug in the coding that sees the network share as a temporary buffer file while the image is being prepared. Then, as the files are processed in what ever way is needed, the "temporary buffer" is being deleted. The result:
    lost files on a network share. But, this is just speculation.

  • Home network and FTP giving diffrent drive letters

    I have my iTunes library on a home server and I have it synced to that drive letter (i.e. X:). When I am remote, which is often in my job, I ftp in and get a different drive letter (i.e. T:). When I attempt to do anything it is telling me it can’t the file. But, when I try to use the T: drive it wants to erase and re-sync to that drive. These drives are mapped and cannot have the same letter. Is there a way around this? I am more familiar with Microsoft Zune software, which you can sync from several drives and it only will sync what is different.

    Hi, Bill...  
    I'm using PowerShell to query a database and then write the results to a  shared network folder on a Linux server which is mapped to a drive letter.  I'm using the ISE... (I *love* the ISE), and it just would be a lot easier if  had those
    mapped drives available.  I'm thinking that the workaround is to execute test-path to test whether the path is usable. If the test-path returns false, then map a temporary drive.  But it seems like a bit of a kludge, and I wasn't sure if there was
    some best practice that I was missing.  
    I'm also curious to know why the drives are visible, but inaccessible, in the ISE.  
    Does the ISE actually create a separate environment different from, or "on top of" the normal PS command line environment? 
    And, why doesn't the ISE session inherit the mapped drives?  
    --- L

  • DAC server start-up error and Can't authenticate user

         we have installed DAC server in Linux machine and client on windows. By using DAC client we restored the backup of DAC repository, DAC client was working fine still restoration and after restoring it’s not logging in. It throws error like "Can't authenticate user"
    while starting DAC services in Unix server it throws an error like
    ANOMALY INFO An exception occurred. Shutting down server...
    MESSAGE:::/u01/DAC/jdk/jre/lib/i386/xawt/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    EXCEPTION CLASS::: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
    Note: since DAC client is not separately available for windows we have installed dac server also and while installing and after installing we never configured to connect to the dac server which is in Linux, we have configured only DB.
    we have successfully installed OBIEE, Informatica, and DAC version is
    How to start the DAC services?
    How to configure dac client to connect to DAC server and how to solve this "Can't authenticate user" issue?
    Pls help in this regard.
    Thanks in advance.

    EddyLau wrote:
    I encounter the "Can't authenticate user" error in DAC first setup after installation when it prompt up to ask for setting up administrator id and password.
    here's my sql statement to create database schema for dac in oracle database.
    grant dba, connect, resource, create view, create session to SSE_ROLE;
    create user DEV_DAC identified by "password";
    grant DEV_DAC to SSE_ROLE;
    grant dba, connect, resource, create view, create session, grant any role to DEV_DAC;
    I tried dropping the data schema and create it again but still fail to authenticate.
    did I grant enough privileges to the database schema?
    Please help.
    EddyLogin to DEV_DAC using the credentials from SQL Developer or sql
    Then do select * from W_ETL_USER -- here you will see 2 Administrator id's listed
    now run the command Delete From W_ETL_USER
    Now login to dac client with Administrator and pwd which you have set earlier.
    Mark as helpful or correct if it helps

  • How to authenticate external and internal users on different AD

    What is the recommended way to authenticate external users as well as internal employees in a customer facing application?
    We have external users in an Active Directory in the DMZ and our employees in our internal DMZ.  Unfortunately we don't have an identity management system in place and wondering if there is a way we could authenticate user against two active directories without creating a trust between them.
    We are implementing EP7.0
    Thanks in Advance.

    You can also use user partitioning. A feature of the UME which allows for having different user persistence options for different users. What you could do in this case have the external user stored in the local db or an LDAP for the external users and the internal users stored in an internal LDAP directory. For more details about <a href="">user partitioning</a>, please see the docs.

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