SCM queue manager

I am using transaction CQ to monitor the CIF queues in APO. However when i want to go to SMQ1/SMQ2 button i get the below message.
" Screen output without connection to user."
Could you help me on this??

Hi Shri,
I assume you mean transactiona /SAPAPO/CQ.
This error means that the transaction that you are passing to the destination system has generated a popup window of some kind, which expects an 'interactive' answer.  Since the queue does not have an interactive session, it cannot answer the question asked by the popup, nor can it clik on the green check to continue.
When SAP constructs their queued interfaces, they generally accommodate all of the standard popup messages that standard SAP generates.  So, you should check for customized popups.
You can determine which popup it is by activating the queue manually.  You will then get the actual popup window on your screen.  If you then manually answer the question in the popup window, the queue will be processed.  Short term, this is how you can clear all of the blocked queues.
Long term, you need to solve the underlying problem.  If it is a customized message, or a userexit, you will have to get your developers involved.

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    When does SCM Queue Manager comes into picture? What kind of red entries we see in general in SCM Queue Manager? Explain with atleast 2 examples.
    Thanks in Advance.

    You are taking a planning run in APO. System has created orders. These orders need to flow to R3.
    This you need to carryout in /SAPAPO/CCR. If these orders are not moving to R3 , system will throw error message.
    This error message you can find in /SAPAPO/CQ or SMQ1 or SMQ2 depending upon queue type.
    This error you need to rectify. Then only orders will flow to R3.
    This is applicable both from R3 to APO and APO to R3.
    You can further info in details in CIF help library.

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    Currently no, not easily. we intend to fix this for Reports 7.0.
    The Oracle Reports Team

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    Thank you in advance for any help.

    Have a look at javax.print API. I'll warn you, it's limited, but it can dynamically discover networked printers.

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    Please help
    I'm going nuts

    There shouldn't be a difference running the report from the queue manager vs. from the command line as long as all of your parameters are the same. The rep-1212 error you are getting sounds like a report that was designed for bitmap being run with mode=character. You would see this difference between the command line and queue manager if from the command line you are running the report with mode=bitmap (or default if your report already has mode as default or bitmap) and run with mode=character in the queue manager. It seems to me that there is probably a difference in how the reports are being run rather than how you've designed them. I'd discuss the issue with Support so they can go into more detail with you.
    Hope that helps,

  • Queue manager diagnostic -13

    Hi All ,
    I am trying to enque a message of length 4000 to a queue , am getting the below error
    Q_CAT:1459: ERROR: Enqueue - out of queue space
    based on the description of QCAT:1459 , i created a QUEUE with more pages .
    here is the output of
    qsplQueue space name: TMQUEUE
    IPC key: 3457
    Error queue: ERRQUE
    Initialization: y
    Blocking factor: 32
    Extents: 1
    Extent 0: 100 blocks
    Shared memory usage:
    Additional actions: 0 0 bytes
    Additional owners: 0 0 bytes
    Maximum cursors: 0 0 bytes
    Maximum handles: 0 0 bytes
    Maximum messages: 100 13600 bytes
    Maximum processes: 25 1800 bytes
    Maximum queues: 3 1392 bytes
    Maximum temporary queues: 0 0 bytes
    Maximum transactions: 25 4200 bytes
    Filter memory: 0 bytes
    Non-persistent message memory: 0 bytes
    Overflow memory: 0 bytes
    System reserved memory: 282069 bytes
    Total shared memory usage: 303061 bytes
    still am getting the same error .
    Q_CAT:1459: ERROR: Enqueue - out of queue space
    Failure to enqueue service: TPEDIAGNOSTIC - function failed - check diagnostic value Queue manager diagnostic -13
    One more thing , if I remove the below code from my server , the tpenque is working fine
    /* set flag in control structure indicating a reply queue */
    qctl.flags = TPQREPLYQ;
    /* provide name of reply queue in control structure */
    (void) strcpy(qctl.replyqueue, "REPLYQ");
    /* Tuxedo 7.1 or later */
    qctl.flags |= TPQDELIVERYQOS;/* specify delivery quality of service */
    /* non-persistent */
    qctl.delivery_qos = TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT;
    can anyone pls help me .

    when you created your queue space at that time did you specify -n option to create non persistent queue .
    if you did not then that might be the reason.
    The program does not prompt you to specify the size of the area to reserve in shared memory for storing non-persistent messages for all queues in the queue space. When you require non-persistent (memory-based) messages, you must specify the size of the memory area on the qspacecreate command line with the -n option.

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    Please reply back if you have any pointers. Your help would be much appreciated.

    If you register an ExceptionListener, you will be notified when connection to the JMS server is lost by a call to the onException() method.
    I've used this previously to attempt reconnection on a time interval for a specified number of retries.

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    Hi Raj,
    My requirement as below-
    The sender application specifies the response queue and queue manager in MQMD header when it send the request to PI. The response queue is same in all the cases but the response queue manager is different every time.
    PI need to read the response Queue manager details from MQMD header of request and use these details while sending the response back to sender application.
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    Is there a pre-built portlet that comes with Oracle9i AS Portal that will let me view the report job statuses in the report queue. I want to be able to view the report queue via a web browser, rather that thru the Oracle Reports Queue Manager.

    In case you are still looking for information on this -- search
    through here or metalink for information on the RW_SERVER_QUEUE
    table. It does a fairly decent job of mirroring what's going on
    in the report queue. Completed and scheduled jobs it handles
    well, but (at least in Portal 3.0.8) the report server doesn't
    seem to update this table frequently for jobs currently being
    run. I'm debating right now whether to write a Java servlet to
    monitor the real RWCGI60 output (which always seems accurate) to
    get a better handle on what's really happening on the reports
    server. (btw: Anybody else tried doing this yet?)
    - Bill

  • MQSeries 5.2 Queue Manager Creation Problems.

    I have installed MQSeries 5.2 and i need to Configure it to work with VAJ3.5(VisualAge for JAVA). Also when i try to create a new Queue Manager, MQSeries gives me an Error :
    "AMQ7128: No license installed for this copy of MQSeries."
    If i can get help on Creating Queue Manager and VAJ 3.5(Visual Age For Java) local Queue Setup, it would be of great help.
    Have a Good Day!!!
    Thanks and Regards,
    Ganesh Bhat,

    Your problem does not come from VisualAge, I guess.
    Probably, you didn't run, to tell MQ Series you have the license.
    If you run on Linux, maybe you can find help on my website, on the page concerning MQ Series.
    Pierre-Yves Fourmond
    Axway Messaging System
    R&D Department

  • Report Queue Manager 9.04.2

    Dev Suit =
    Win XP SP2
    Start a report server with <home>/bin/rwserver server=local
    Open the Report Queue Manager, and queue=local.
    Click job, then new, then set options.
    Enter needed information, click ok then run.
    RQM responds with "can not run report: Cannot connect to the report server. Network tns names ..."

    Do you think it would be also a solution for me?
    Ref: [REPORTS SERVER] Can't connect with Reports Queue Manager
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • How to install the Report Queue Manager alone without the Developer suite

    is it possible to install the Report Queue Manager alone without the Developer suite...
    i want to install it in the clients machine... please if you have any idea...
    thanks for the help...

    I use a product called No Machine. which is a client which allows you to connect via a graphical interface remotely. Lots of people also use VNC, if you do this you may need to install the VNC server option on the HPUX box, then connect via the VNC client. You should really talk to your unix administrator how they want to do it.
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    DISPLAY=:0.0make sure that the command
    echo $DISPLAYreturns
    *:0.0*everything should go from there.
    Failing this you can do the silent install, refer to the installation guide for the options there.

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    actory not found"
    let me know how to configure sun java message queue as per my requirement.

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