SCOM 2012R2 Firewall rules

Do the client servers require both Inbound and Outbound FW rules to the SCOM Management Servers, or do they only require Inbound rules from the Management Server to the Clients? i.e. Do the clients ever instigate their own connections to the Management Servers?
John Bradshaw

For Push agent, Agent installation requires the following:
Opening Remote procedure call (RPC) ports beginning with endpoint mapper TCP 135 and the Server Message Block (SMB) port TCP/UDP 445.
Enabling the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks and the Client for Microsoft Networks services (this ensures that the SMB port is active).
If enabled, Windows Firewall Group Policy settings for Allow remote administration exception and
Allow file and printer sharing exception must be set to
Allow unsolicited incoming messages from: to the IP address and subnets for the primary and secondary management servers for the agent.
An account that has local administrator rights on the target computer.
Windows Installer 3.1. To install, see
Windows Installer 3.1 (article 893803) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
Microsoft Core XML services (MSXML) 6 on the Operations Manager product installation media in the \msxml subdirectory.
For port required for SCOM Agent, you can refer below link
For more info, you can check below link
Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"
Mai Ali | My blog: Technical | Twitter:
Mai Ali

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    Hi all,
    So I'm trying to get my UPS trap alerts in SCOM 2012R2 to work. They work in my SCOM 2007R2 environment but I get nothing in SCOM 2012R2. In SCOM 2012R2 I have also been able to receive traps from our Bluecoat so the rule looks to be working.
    Device has been configured to point to the SCOM 2012R2 MS used to manage Network devices
    I have discovered the device and it is Healthy
    I have created a Rule targeted to Node and no OID specified and Rule Cat: Alert
    So i really need to know how I can see why the UPS traps are ignored in SCOM 2012R2. I have also used Wireshark to confirm the trap is reaching the server.
    SCOM is just not processing the trap. I think it has to do with the targeting but I need to know what to target. I also tried creating a rule targeted to Host and still no luck.
    Between SCOM 2012R2 and SCOM 2007R2 the targeting has changed so I can't even replicate the existing setup.
    How can i best see why SCOM is failing to alert on these traps?
    Just some additional information the UPS is listed as certified in SCOM 2012R2. Sadly the Bluecoat is not certified and its the only one working.

    Thanks Roger,
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    Reading this blog, they use a different method and suggest using an collection based SNMP trap Event. So I guess the SNMP service generates an event on the MS and this rule alerts on that event. Is this correct?
    I find it strange that the bluecoat will generate an alert but the UPS won't. The only thing I could see that was different was if I checked the members of the SNMP group the Bluecoat type is listed as a Node and the UPS type is listed as a Host. 
    I was really hoping to find a way to check a log file or run a trace or something to see why the Rule is not alerting when a SNMP trap is received to the MS.
    Thanks for the reply

  • How to reload firewall rules from command line on firewall ?

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    Part of firewall rules is created using firewall admin tools, part of Server Admin Tools. My first question is where are those rules stored permanently ? As far as I understood it should be set of ipfw rules but they are not stored in /etc/ipfilter/ipfw.conf.
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    Best regards,

    Unix and Terminal queries are best posted to the Unix forum under OS X Technologies where those mavens frolic.

  • 0x8007000e (E_OUTOFMEMORY) while adding a firewall rule using the windows firewall COM API

    Configuration: Windows Embedded 8 64-bit.
    I'm using the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security COM API. The program uses the INetFwRules interface. Basically, I'm using the following code (Form the code sample available here :
     I get the error when performing "hr = pFwRules->Add(pFwRule);".
    We can also encounter the problem when removing a rule (using pFwRules->Remove(ruleName);)
    HRESULT hrComInit = S_OK;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    INetFwPolicy2 *pNetFwPolicy2 = NULL;
    INetFwRules *pFwRules = NULL;
    INetFwRule *pFwRule = NULL;
    long CurrentProfilesBitMask = 0;
    BSTR bstrRuleName = SysAllocString(L"SERVICE_RULE");
    BSTR bstrRuleDescription = SysAllocString(L"Allow incoming network traffic to myservice");
    BSTR bstrRuleGroup = SysAllocString(L"Sample Rule Group");
    BSTR bstrRuleApplication = SysAllocString(L"%systemroot%\\system32\\myservice.exe");
    BSTR bstrRuleService = SysAllocString(L"myservicename");
    BSTR bstrRuleLPorts = SysAllocString(L"135");
    // Initialize COM.
    hrComInit = CoInitializeEx(
    // Ignore RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE; this just means that COM has already been
    // initialized with a different mode. Since we don't care what the mode is,
    // we'll just use the existing mode.
    if (hrComInit != RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE)
    if (FAILED(hrComInit))
    printf("CoInitializeEx failed: 0x%08lx\n", hrComInit);
    goto Cleanup;
    // Retrieve INetFwPolicy2
    hr = WFCOMInitialize(&pNetFwPolicy2);
    if (FAILED(hr))
    goto Cleanup;
    // Retrieve INetFwRules
    hr = pNetFwPolicy2->get_Rules(&pFwRules);
    if (FAILED(hr))
    printf("get_Rules failed: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
    goto Cleanup;
    // Create a new Firewall Rule object.
    hr = CoCreateInstance(
    if (FAILED(hr))
    printf("CoCreateInstance for Firewall Rule failed: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
    goto Cleanup;
    // Populate the Firewall Rule object
    // Add the Firewall Rule
    hr = pFwRules->Add(pFwRule);
    if (FAILED(hr))
    printf("Firewall Rule Add failed: 0x%08lx\n", hr);
    goto Cleanup;
    This works pretty well but, sometimes, at system startup, adding a rule ends up with the error 0x8007000e (E_OUTOFMEMORY) ! At startup, the system is always loaded cause several applications starts at the same time. But nothing abnormal. This is quite a random
    According MSDN documentation, this error indicates that the system "failed to allocate the necessary memory".
    I'm not convinced that we ran out of memory.
    Has someone experienced such an issue? How to avoid this?
    Thank you in advance.
    Regards, -Ruben-

    Does Windows 8 desktop have the same issue? Are you building a custom WE8S image, or are you using a full WE8S image? The reason I ask is to make sure you have the modules in the image to support the operation.
    Is Windows Embedded 8.1 industry an option? / / Book Author - Pro Guide to WE8S, Pro Guide to WES 7, Pro Guide to POS for .NET

  • Can't add a new Firewall Rule

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    System Preferences[487] * -[NSCFString objectForKey:]: selector not recognized [self = 0x3f11b0]
    I have flushed the firewall with ipfw, deleted the plist file, repaired permissions but the problem ist still there. Any suggestions? (apart from reinstallation)
    Adding Firewall Rules through ipfw works...

    Whenever I use ipfw I lose the ability to use System Preferences. At first I thought that it compared kernel memory with the plist file and if it found a difference, assumed another firewall was running and disabled itself. But I also deleted the plist file (assuming it would build one from kmem) but that didn't work. Right now I assume there's another file somewhere. It wouldn't make any sense to keep another table in kmem. The weird part is that rules can be the same, but different sequence numbers will cause this problem. There weren't sequence numbers in the plist file, so there's probably another file somewhere.
    I think your error is from the missing plist file. A reboot should clear it up.

  • Appending Firewall Rules to vShield Edge with PowerCLI Script

    I have a script which enables us to upload 4k worth of firewall rules, but every time it executes, all existing rules are over written.
    Is this something to do with the API or just a scripting issue - if so, can anyone suggest how to append on to the existing set?
    So obviously the following line seems to create a new instance of the firewall:
    $fwService = New-Object
    Because the next 3 lines after are setting the main firewall parameters again - something you wouldn't need to do if we were just adding new rules to the existing firewall.
    $fwService.DefaultAction = "drop"
    $fwService.LogDefaultAction = $false
    $fwService.IsEnabled = $true
    Is there a way to use a PowerShell command such as add-member rather than new-object?
    param (
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="vCD Server")][alias("-server","s")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$CIServer,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Org")][alias("-vOrg","o")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$orgName,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="OrgNet")][alias("-orgNet","n")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$orgNet,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="CSV Path")][alias("-file","f")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$csvFile
    # Add in the VI Toolkit
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {
    Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {
    Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud
    try {
    Connect-CIServer -Server $CIServer 2>&1 | out-null
    } catch {
    #Search EdgeGW
    try {
      $myOrgNet = Get-Org -Name $orgName | Get-OrgNetwork -Name $orgNet
      $edgeHREF = $myOrgNet.ExtensionData.EdgeGateway.Href
      $edgeView = Search-Cloud -QueryType EdgeGateway -ErrorAction Stop | Get-CIView | where {$_.href -eq $edgeHREF}
    } catch {
    [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Exception: " + $_.Exception.Message + " - Failed item:" + $_.Exception.ItemName ,"Error.",0,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Exclamation)
    #Item to Configure Services
    $fwService = New-Object
    $fwService.DefaultAction = "drop"
    $fwService.LogDefaultAction = $false
    $fwService.IsEnabled = $true
    $fwService.FirewallRule = @()
    Ipcsv -path $csvFile |
    $fwService.FirewallRule += New-Object
    $rowNum = $_.Num -as [int]
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].description = $_.Descr
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols = New-Object
    switch ($_.Proto)
    "tcp" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.tcp = $true }
    "udp" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.udp = $true }
    "any" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.any = $true }
    default { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.any = $true }
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].sourceip = $_.SrcIP
    if ($_.SrcPort -eq "any" ) { $srcPort = "-1" } else { $srcPort = $_.SrcPort }
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].sourceport = $srcPort
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].destinationip = $_.DstIP
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].destinationportrange = $_.DstPortRange
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].policy = $_.Policy
    #$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].direction = $_.Direction
    #$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].MatchOnTranslate = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.MatchOnTranslate)
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].isenabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.isEnabled)
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].enablelogging = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.EnableLogging)
    #configure Edge

    Agree with Ed, you can publish CAS array VIP to internet, and use it to configure Federated Delegation.
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • SCOM 2012R2 - Alerts Not Generating, Must Restart SCOM to Resolve

    Hi TechNet,
    I am having an issue with my SCOM 2012R2 where the system goes into a state where alerts are not generated.  We start to see events like the one below leading up to the point where this happens. This is resolved by restarting our SCOM MS. Is there another
    solution besides having to restart our SCOM MS every day?
    A Bind Data Source in Management Group has posted items to the workflow, but has not received a response in 36720 seconds.  This indicates a performance or functional problem with the workflow.
    Workflow Id : Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectPerformanceData
    Instance    : SCOM01.xxxxx.LOCAL
    Instance Id : {1189BAF9-AFDC-ADA0-196D-D749A369A350}
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
    <Provider Name="HealthService" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="32768">2115</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-02-02T11:28:11.000000000Z" />
    <Channel>Operations Manager</Channel>
    <Security />
    - <EventData>
    <Data>Concerto Systems Management</Data>

    Please refer to the Kevin's reply in the thread below:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]


    Hi all,
    I am having trouble configuring the firewall for the SA 540.
    client 1 ( ----- switch ------ sa 540 ------ cisco 887 W ------ client 2 (
    client 1 can ping client 2, however client 2 cannot ping client 1. The default outbound policy (allow all) is set on the sa 540, and I have tried configuring a blanket ipv4 rule on the sa 540 to allow 'all' to 'any' (for all services) related to traffic from the WAN to LAN, and visa versa. The output from the logs are as follows:
    Fri Jan 7 13:43:04 2000(GMT +1000) WARN FIREWALL [firewall] LOG_PACKET[DROP] IN=WAN OUT=WAN SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=8 CODE=0
    Component: KERNEL
    Fri Jan 7 13:43:09 2000(GMT +1000) WARN FIREWALL [firewall] LOG_PACKET[DROP] IN=WAN OUT=WAN SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=8 CODE=0
    Component: KERNEL
    Fri Jan 7 13:43:14 2000(GMT +1000) WARN FIREWALL [firewall] LOG_PACKET[DROP] IN=WAN OUT=WAN SRC= DST= PROTO=UDP SPT=60737 DPT=53
    Component: KERNEL
    Basically any connection identified as coming in from the WAN (i.e. IN=WAN) is dropped. I set up a new vlan on the cisco 887 W, in the 160.222.46.x address space, and connected a spare port directly to the sa 540 and had no problem testing connectivity to any device via ping. Obviously the zone communication is LAN to LAN and firewall treats the traffice differently.
    I assumed that creating an all encompassing rule to allow all trafiic, for all services, between the LAN and WAN (in both directions) would be equivalent to placing the appliance in PASS THROUGH mode? There is no securtiy set on the 887 W or the switch.
    Also is anybody could explain what 'SELF' means in the conttext IN=SELF or OUT=SELF it would be much appreciated. Firmware is latest.
    Thank you.

    On closer analysis and with some help from Experts Exchange it did seem non sensical to have both the IN and OUT as the WAN interface, but I had literally exhausted every avenue possible bar 1- changing the routing mode to CLASSIC and configuring a static route (which was at a higher administrative level than my RIP advertised routes) and took preferece when forwarding the packets.
    Now the SA540 firewall rules work as I would expect and I can route between all zones. To summise it appears as if the Double NAT from the router (887W) and then the SA540 was the issue, and the innability to configure any workaround in the interface of the SA54O firewall rules.
    It really makes you appreciate the power of the command line and the full scope of CIsco's command line options. Does anybody know if (and how) it would be possible to configure Double NAT on the SA540?

  • ISE 1.1.1 firewall rules distributed deployment

    My question is in reference to the following link:
    Basically I am struggling in some areas to work out my firewall rules for a distributed deployment. The referenced documentation is not entirely clear in my opinion. In some instances it is easy to work out what ports need to be opened eg Admin node TCP 22,80,443 for management from administrator hosts/ranges. In other instances it difficult to work out eg TCP 1521 Database listener and AQ is this for ISE nodes only or for access devices aswell
    My question is whether there is a better document that details these requirements. What rules are meant to be ISE node - ISE node communications and which rules are for access device - ISE, or ISE - access device. One of the rules I am pretty confused about is the PSN CoA ports. SHould the rule be WLC - PSN on 1700 and 3799 or is it the otherway round or unidirectional?
    I am pretty sure that the ports are meant to be ISE-ISE in most instances barring the PSN for Radius and CoA.

    Try this for size.
    In answer to the specific CoA question, I see no need for the WLC to send CoA to PSN, so just PSN to WLC as far as I can see.
    You might be able to cut this list down, and you might have to add to it for any specific requirements.
    From PSN to AD (potentially all AD nodes):
    TCP 389, 3268, 445, 88, 464
    UDP 389, 3268
    From PSN to Monitoring nodes:
    TCP 443
    UDP 20514
    PSN to Admin Nodes (2Way):
    TCP 443, 1521
    ICMP echo and reply (heartbeat)
    WLC to PSN:
    TCP 443, 8443, 80, 8080
    UDP 1645, 1646, 1812, 1813, 1700, 3799, 161, 162, 9993, 67
    PSN to other PSN’s (2 way)
    UDP 30514, 45588, 45990
    Endpoint (Laptop) to PSN (Guest laptops just need to get to external PSN’s, internal users just to internal PSN’s)
    TCP 8443, 8905
    UDP 8905
    Admin/Sponsor to all ISE nodes:
    TCP 22, 80, 443, 8080, 8443
    UDP 161
    PSN access to DNS servers:
    TCP/UDP 53
    PSN access to NTP servers:
    UDP 123

  • [Solved] Windows Firewall rule that allows Windows Update

    Can anyone kindly give me a Windows Firewall rule that allows Windows Update? Assume I'm running MMC's "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" snap-in as Administrator. Note that a "solution" that takes down the outbound firewall is
    not acceptable.
    Thank You.
    ===== Solution =====
    Suppose that, as the default, you've set the outbound firewall to block (see
    To close the outbound firewall, below). In order for Windows Update to check whether an update is available and then to download the update files, you first need an outbound firewall
    allow-rule that allows the Windows Update service to pass through the outbound firewall.
    Prerequisite: Knowledge of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and its "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" plug-in.
    What you will do: You will use the "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" MMC plug-in to create an outbound firewall rule that
    allows '%SystemRoot%\System32\svchost.exe' (the generic service driver) to pass through the outbound firewall on behalf of 'wuauserv' (the name of the specific service that performs the update).
    Warning: If you don't know what I'm writing about, get help.
    Name: Allow Windows Update (...or any name you prefer - it doesn't matter)
    Profile: Public
    Enabled: Yes
    Action: Allow
    Program: %SystemRoot%\System32\svchost.exe
    Local Address: Any
    Remote Address: Any
    Protocol: Any
    Local Port: Any
    Remote Port: Any
    Allowed Computers: Any
    Status: OK
    Service: wuauserv
    Rule Source: Local Setting
    Interface Type: All interface types
    Excepted Computers: None
    To open the outbound firewall:
    More accurate wording would be
    Outbound connections are allowed unless explicitly blocked by a rule.
    If you look at the standard rules you will find no block-rules. That means that nothing is blocked, everything is allowed, and the outbound firewall is wide open.
    To close the outbound firewall:
    More accurate wording would be
    Outbound connections are blocked unless explicitly allowed by a rule.
    If you look at the standard rules you will find only allow-rules that have been crafted to allow the vital Windows connections to pass through the outbound firewall. To an informed observer it's obvious that the firewall engineers crafted these
    allow-rules so that users who closed the outbound firewall wouldn't have to write them. But the firewall engineers left out Windows Update.

    Hi mark,
    Thanks for sharing, it will help other users who have similar issue.

  • Where is the firewall rules file??

    I had to tweak a bunch of firewall rules following this latest Apple security update (it broke my mail services). In the log (G5 Xserve running 10.4.11), it now says
    "mail servermgrd_ipfilter:ipfw config:Error:Failure code returned by ipfw command: 64, message: Line 22: recv,xmit via require interface name or address"
    but I only have 19 rules in my "Active rules". Where would this bad "line 22" be located?

    I'm not sure about 1.5, but normally there isn't one. The defaults are just used unless there is one.
    Look here

  • DLINK 2750B - Entering Custom Firewall Rules

    I am having difficulty entering these rules below. I seem to be able to add the "allow" but dont see how to add the blocking. How does one block a a port to an IP or IP range? ALLOW TCP/UDP IN/OUT to or on Port 53 and below it BLOCK TCP/UDP IN/OUT all IP addresses on Port 53 Forcing DNS so it can not be circumvented to OpenDNS parent filter, I dont care if its not supported, I just need to know if it can be done. Any ASSISTANCE, specifically with this firewall setting on this device, in performing this task with this modem is greatly appreciated, color commentary is not. Thank you very much!

    In this case, you will want to make sure the DNS Rule for allowing the DNS traffic is allowed with priority over the deny policy. Make your allow policy by specifying TCP and UDP as allowed, Port 53, to both of OpenDNS's servers. Two identical rules, less the IPs will need to be created in many cases.
    In most cases, you can usually set an "All IPs" range by leaving the IP address set to with Port 53 and TCP/UDP set. Note that because DNS can work over either TCP or UDP depending on the server, you must filter both protocols. It is best to use "REJECT" in order to kill off DNS requests, as "DROP" will cause latency.
    I do not know how the D-Link will treat creating rules in this fashion, let us know what your results are. If your question involves where the Deny/Reject/Drop options are for the firewall rules, then please provide a screenshot of what you see to help us out.
    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

  • Mac Mini, iTunes 7.4.2, Mac OS X 10.4.10 -- firewall rules are broken

    Last night I updated from 7.4.1 to 7.4.2. Nothing else changed on my Mac Mini (Intel Core 2 DUO) running Mac OS X 10.4.10.
    I immediately found that none of my other computers nor my Apple TV could reach my shared music library, which is hosted by the Mac Mini.
    I normally run with the firewall enabled and in fact the box is checked to allow iTunes music sharing. HOWEVER, since upgrading to iTunes 7.4.2, the firewall rule is somehow no longer sufficient.
    I had to turn off the firewall in order for my other computers and the Apple TV to be able to reach my shared library on my Mac Mini.
    Effectively, something has changed w.r.t. sharing in iTunes 7.4.2, such that the default firewall rules in Mac OS X 10.4.2 are no longer allowing clients to connect to the iTunes shared libraries.

    The 1G iPod should still work OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger).  Since the Mac still sees the iPod as an externally mounted drive, we'll take that as a good sign.
    Have you seen this article yet?
    iPod does not appear in iTunes or iPod updater in Mac OS X
    And perhaps work through all the suggestion here as well?
    iPod not recognized in iTunes and Mac desktop

  • Benefits of Client Side Monitoring with SCOM 2012R2?

    I'm working on the architecture for adding SCOM 2012R2 to our Windows network.  Right now we use SCCM 2012R2 and SCEP.  I'm trying to determine whether I should include our workstation computers as part of this or only servers.  We won't
    be doing Application Performance Monitoring (APM).  So what would be the benefit of putting the SCOM agent on the workstations?
    # When I wrote this script only God and I knew what I was doing. # Now, only God Knows!

    As it was mentioned by Yan Li_ first thing to do is the proper planning and comparing all pros and cons of SCOM client monitoring, depending on numbers of agent\agentless servers\workstations to be monitored. With a large number of agentless monitored
    clients, it makes sense to have a separate SCOM infrastructure.
    As well, please look at this links:
    ### If my post helped you, please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and\or Mark as an Answer

  • RV320 Firewall rules, VLAN, and IP Aliasing

    I have purchased and RV320 to replace our SA520W Router.  I have 2 SBS servers that are on seperate VLANS.
    The RV 320 is set with WAN 1 IP of XX.XX.XX.43
    SBS1 has internal IP of XX.XX.16.2 on VLAN 1 port 1 on router
    SBS2 has internal IP of XX.XX.2.2 on VLAN 5 port 2 on router
    On the older SA520W I was able to setup an IP alias of XX.XX.XX.47 and XX.XX.XX.46 with firewall rules so 47 pointed to SBS1 and 46 pointed to SBS2 for their respective ports.
    How do I do that on the RV320 so I can have 2 IPs server from the isp than go through WAN1 to their respective VLANs?

    The feature you are looking for is called One-to-One NAT on most of the Cisco SMB routers. You can find it under Setup.
    - Marty

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