Score Editor: time signature

Is it possible to have different time signatures in differents instruments?
For exemple, bar 1- instrument 1> 3/4; instrument 2>6/8.

>wouldnt it be better for the group to be all feeling the same rhymic pulse?
There is still a common musical pulse. No matter how minute it is, the players will all share a common note value.
The sound of polymeters are very intellectually stimulating to me, to say the very least about them. And they are certainly a very unique technique that I wish were explored more than they are by mankind. And when they're combined with harmonic structures such as; Bitonal, Tritonal, Quartal, Quintal, Secondal, Pyramid Chords, Scriabin's Mystic Chord, Vienesse Trichords, Mother Chord, Grandmother Chord, Split Note Chords, Chord of the Minor23rd, you can achieve an ultra-modern sound unlike anything most have ever heard.
>say you were rehearsing a bunch of musicians, wouldnt be easier...
I have been in the situation you ask about numerous times and can say it is certainly not easy for most people on the planet, but I absolutely love them.
I am extremely passionate about writing strict 4-part counterpoint, as well as virtuostic progressive and neoclassical rock music, and have the utmost respect for the aforementioned Bernstein, but he barely scratched the surface of what's metrically available to compose with.
I strongly urge anyone who is unfamiliar and curious about poly-metrics to go forth and explore, create and release it for all to hear.
>curious as to what musical reason you would need the score to be different
The only reason time signatures exist is to make music more easily legible.
You could, for example, write everything in "1" and forget about meters all together. Your performers will hate you for it, and they will probably not play it as you intended either, but you very well could.
I seldom post on forums due to the fact that I would rather practice intensely, perform, improvise or compose. So, I'm tuning in and dropping out. Peace.

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    Logic doesn't allow you to have no time signature at all - sorry.
    You can however hide the bar lines.
    Go to Project Settings/Score
    Click on the Clefs & Signatures tab
    Check the box next to Hide bar lines
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    dhjdhj wrote:
    I thought I saw somewhere that it was now possible to adjust the length of a note in the score editor graphically, i.e. by clicking on the note and somehow adjust its length directly to change it from 1/4 note to 1/8 (for example).
    greetings dh... are you into Key Commands? There are two which will help you do the above in a trice:
    • Nudge Region/Event Length Right by SMPTE Frame
    • Nudge Region/Event Length Left by SMPTE Frame
    I set mine to the simple letter o and n
    - I click on a note and press o repeatedly.. it grows and grows longer and longer
    – I click on a note and press n repeatedly.. it shrinks and shrinks shorter and shorter
    All by little increments
    If you keep a Piano Roll window open while you do this, you can see the length do this exactly
    man, it is VERY quick and handy for changing the length of notes
    It really helps to have a view of the midi Piano Roll to cross check the exact length and position of the notes.
    Check out the Key Commands:
    • Set Next Higher division
    • Set Next lower division
    These change the note value in the transport bar near the time signature. Your time signature may be 4/4 but the "grid" on which the notes are appear in the Piano Roll could be displayed in quarter, 8th or 16th notes. If you experiment with these commands, then you can match the note lengths easily to the grid display visually (with the above nudge length commands)
    Also - you may like to experiment with the following 3 KEY Key Commands:
    1 • Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Nudge Value
    2 • Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge Value
    This will move your selected notes forward in time or back in time according to the
    value that is set in the Transport bar - say it is 16ths .. then each press of the key will move the notes a 16th
    or if the value is 8th notes, then each press of the key forward or backwards will move the selected notes forward or back by this amount
    ... amazingly useful when you are taking a whole phrase and pasting it somewhere else, or if say you started to write a phrase in the Score Editor and you started on the wrong beat.. then you just Nudge back and forth
    3 • Set Nudge Value to Division
    .. this will in a trice change change the Nudge Value to whatever Note division value is set in the Transport bar
    HTH and forgive me if I have given you too much information
    ..problem is I spent too much time in the Transport Bar in Los Angeles last year drinking with the iSchwartz and other Logic reprobrates... you should join us some time

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    Hi Ko be
    I just tried opening in L8 an L7 song which has several key signature changes 4/4 to 7/4 to 4/3 and Command + Z doesnt erase them...
    I would be pretty sure that your problem is one of those bugs which occurs from a corruption within a Logic 8 document.. but is not a 'generic' L8 defect.
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    all best
    M S

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    Thanks, Kay.

    You can't use the transport bar to enter compound time sigs. But if you were to enter 8/4 in the transport bar, you can modify it after the fact by 2-clicking on that sig either in the score editor or the global time sig track and then enter the beat grouping (shown below).
    You can also enter time sigs directly in the global time sig editor track (pencil tool) or go into the score editor itself, select the "A+B" signature and enter your beat groupings. In any event, just be sure to check the "print compound" checkbox.
    Message was edited by: iSchwartz

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    Maybe.... select the two regions at same time... or... Double click on the score window ... but in any case the score is related to the region size.

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    Good points. Emagic and Apple have not placed Scoring high on their priority list. I for one, would love to see some enhancements and improvements made to the scoring section
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    deb1806 wrote:
    Is there a simple way of changing the value of a note in Score Editor?
    Since representation of MIDI nots are is visually quantized in the Score window, the best solution is IMO to have both a score and a piano roll window open at the same time when you edit note lengths in Logic. At least if you want accurate edits.
    Alternatively, you could open the integrated HyperEditor in the Score window: you can't edit lengths there, but you can see them, and edit them using the Length parameter in the Inspector. However - if you do this, your edits won't be updated graphically until you release your mouse, and the method isn't very useful for editing notes played at the same time.
    If you edit manually played notes using the Nudge commands, you can risk creating overlapping notes, which could create results you don't want (overlapping notes).
    I used to use the score window for editing exclusively, but after having gotten used to using the piano roll, which both lets you see the velocity of each note and perform accurate edits of each note length, going back to editing in the Score window feels a little bit like with a fighting in the blind- which is why I use two windows combined.
    These Piano Roll and the Score window will never be 100% aligned (bar wise or playhead wise), but who knows, maybe we'll see an integrated solution one which lets you edit note lengths graphically in the score window - in one way or the other. This idea (see image below) wasn't bad at all...

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    Thanks in advance.

    Since when are all values interpreted, read, tapped, understood, and experienced as CROTCH values????
    I think the underlying reason for this has to do with the way midi works. A standard midi file can contain a set-tempo meta-event, which is used to communicate tempo information. The set-tempo meta-event defines tempo in terms of microseconds per quarter note (see here or here). This means that quarter notes are the basis for defining tempo, at least as far as standard midi files are concerned. So I think Logic does it this way because midi does it this way, and Logic wants to be compatible, with regard to importing and exporting standard midi files.
    Logic does provide a way to see the 'correct' tempo in the Score, as siderealxxx pointed out above. This is explained (albeit superficially) in the manual (pdf, pp. 886-7): "The tempo indicators in the Transport bar and the Tempo List always refer to quarter notes, even if a time signature with another denominator is used. As such, the displayed tempo differs, depending on the symbol being used."

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    Any of you use the Score Editor for printing out scores, lead sheets? Whatdya think?
    Thanks in advance.

    It depends on the music genre you want to score for....
    But, it's not a waste of time because it's another way for editing...but it really depends. I use sibelius but I still use the score editor in Logic, not for printing but I use it, a lot.

  • How do you set up tempo for compound time signatures? ie if I have a song that starts in 4/4 then goes to 12/8 but I want the same tempo

    Logic doesn't let you set a bpm based on a compound time signature
    So for 12/8 it gives the tempo for the 8s not for the dotted 4s
    In order to get Logic to deal with this, I had to manually increase the tempo from say 90 for 4/4 to 135 for 12/8
    Am I missing something?
    Thank you

    Yep... Logic's tempo display in the Transport etc. is always based on 1/4 notes (crochets), regardless of time signature.
    You can get the "correct" tempo to display in the Score by using "dotted crochet=" or "quaver=" symbols, which may help with the necessary tempo calculations.

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    Thanks in advance.

    this is done in the Global Tracks, which you can configure to your needs. right click on you global tracks header to configure them. Expand the appropriate sub-branch of this global tracks to find the time signature (of course, by default it's where you see the 4/4). Click on it (doubleclick) to change it.

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    deb1806 wrote:
    Is there a simple way of changing the value of a note in Score Editor?
    Since representation of MIDI nots are is visually quantized in the Score window, the best solution is IMO to have both a score and a piano roll window open at the same time when you edit note lengths in Logic. At least if you want accurate edits.
    Alternatively, you could open the integrated HyperEditor in the Score window: you can't edit lengths there, but you can see them, and edit them using the Length parameter in the Inspector. However - if you do this, your edits won't be updated graphically until you release your mouse, and the method isn't very useful for editing notes played at the same time.
    If you edit manually played notes using the Nudge commands, you can risk creating overlapping notes, which could create results you don't want (overlapping notes).
    I used to use the score window for editing exclusively, but after having gotten used to using the piano roll, which both lets you see the velocity of each note and perform accurate edits of each note length, going back to editing in the Score window feels a little bit like with a fighting in the blind- which is why I use two windows combined.
    These Piano Roll and the Score window will never be 100% aligned (bar wise or playhead wise), but who knows, maybe we'll see an integrated solution one which lets you edit note lengths graphically in the score window - in one way or the other. This idea (see image below) wasn't bad at all...

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