Screen Mirroring

Can somebody explain tom e what this exactly is? I am using my galaxy note 4 and when I try to scan with it I can't recognize any of my sharp smart televisions both the tv and the phone are connected via wifi on the same ghz/network
I assume screen mirroring is bluetooth devices though? 
I am not affiliated with Best Buy nor have I ever been employed by Best Buy. All of my thoughts and posts are of my own opinion and personal experience.
I may not always know the right answer, but I will always tell you what I do know. I also do free computer analysis and consultation via private message.

avm5689 wrote:
My apologies, I actually made a mistake when I wrote my original reply. Your TV should support DLNA protocol, which based on the specs of the comparable model you sent me, it should be able to work.
I did some further research though and found that Samsung phones sometimes don't wirelessly mirror the screens to non-Samsung smart TVs without an additional accessory. It's called the AllShare Cast Wireless Hub (click here for item info) and plugs into an HDMI input on your TV.
If you are able to provide me with the model number for your current TV I can do some additional digging to see if this device would be required for your specific TV or if you can just mirror your screen without it.
-- Alex
Bought the TV more than 18 months ago so I am not 100% sure as to what the model number is to be honest. I was just able to go and compare similar specs.
I know for a fact I have seen something about DLNA protocol under settings I will have to look at that.
Will also do more research on that accessory thanks.
If I can get the model number I will post again. Thanks  
I am not affiliated with Best Buy nor have I ever been employed by Best Buy. All of my thoughts and posts are of my own opinion and personal experience.
I may not always know the right answer, but I will always tell you what I do know. I also do free computer analysis and consultation via private message.

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    The tablet detects the television, I enter the number, but the television never shows the tablet's screen.
    Both the television and the tablet are on the latest firmware.
    Another thread indicates there is an update for HDMI in January. I hope that covers this too.

    > I have a KDL42-W653A television which supports screen mirroring over WiFi.
    By mirroring over WiFi what technology you mean exactly?
    Miracast, Intel WiDi, DisplayLink?
    Toshiba Encore supports *Miracast*
    To use Miracase both devices needs to support this technology.
    Then you can connect to external display very easy:
    Tab Settings -> Change PC settings -> PC and devices -> Devices
    Here you have to Add a device and you tablet will start searching for a Miracast devices
    After the connection has been established, the name of the Miracast device will appear under Projectors
    Did you test the video output connecting the table to the TV with an micro-HDMI cable?
    Does it work?
    Here is also an nice youtube video about the Toshiba Encore WT8 screen output options

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    Is there a fix or a way to solve these issues? It's rather annoying having such a great feature that doesn't want to work on a flagship. 

    I had some issues with Miracast on my Z1 but with 4.2 and 4.3 firmware. It was loosing connection or kept saying that I don't have HDCP. I was connecting using Netgear Push2TV.
    On 4.4  (.757) it works quite stable. On Z1C with 4.3 I wasn't able to miracast at all.
    The same goes with screen mirroring to Z2 tablet. Works fine from Z1 to Z2 (both KitKat, altough one touch pairing is a disaster and not working at all), but you can forget about it using Z1C and Android 4.3.
    Best regards,
    Sergio PL
    Xperia Z1 / Nexus 7 (2012)

  • AirPlay Screen Mirroring (Mavericks) disconnects frequently with "Feedback taking too long to send" message

    My company has several TVs with AppleTVs (3rd generation units) connected in our conference rooms so we can "Screen Mirror" our Mac laptops via AirPlay during meetings. Many employees have complained that AirPlay Screen Mirroring drops frequently during meetings for no apparent reason.
    In attempts to determine the cause of the issue, I removed the AppleTV units from Wi-Fi and hard-wired them all to the LAN (100Mbps/Full duplex, no switchport errors seen on the Cisco switch). I upgraded the AppleTVs to the latest firmware. I had our AppleTV users ensure they were running MacOS Mavericks with the latest software updates installed. I had the Mac laptops hard-wired into the LAN during meetings in the conference rooms. None of these changes resolved the AirPlay issue.
    I reviewed the MacOS "/var/log/system.log" file from the laptops of several users that reported issues. I found a pattern that seemed to indicate that the "coreaudiod" process reported "Feedback taking too long to send" several times before the AppleTV connection was terminated. Also, from a network trace (using "tcpdump") taken during an unexpected AirPlay Screen Mirroring disconnection, I could see that the Mac laptop sent a TCP FIN packet to the AppleTV unit (this would indicate that the MacOS laptop initiated the closing of the AirPlay connection).
    I have included the relevant log file entries below. Please note that the LAN internal to our company is "solid" and there have been no connectivity issues detected or reported during the times the AirPlay sessions were disconnected.
    I believe I have found a workaround to this issue. By going into "System Preferences", "Sound" and then changing the "Output" device BACK to the "Internal Speakers" (rather than the AirPlay destination), the AirPlay Screen Monitoring connection seems to remain stable.
    My questions are:
    - is anyone else experiencing this type of problem? any other solutions recommended?
    - is there a way to change the AirPlay defaults so that Screen Mirroring only sends the video (not audio)?
    - does anyone know what the log file entries indicate (like, what does "Feedback taking too long to send...." mean)?
    - any fix planned for this issue?
    From: "/var/log/system.log":
    Jan 16 10:50:16 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:16.454404 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (1 seconds, 1 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:18 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:18.524517 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (4 seconds, 2 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:20 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:20.533639 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (6 seconds, 3 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:22 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:22.548168 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (8 seconds, 4 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:24 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:24.554522 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (10 seconds, 5 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:24 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:24.554809 AM [AirPlay] ### Report network status (3, en0) failed: 1/0x1 kCFHostErrorHostNotFound / kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainVersionCode / kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5BadResponseAddr / kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX / evtNotEnb / siInitSDTblErr / kUSBPending / dsBusError / kStatusIsError / kOTSerialSwOverRunErr / cdevResErr / EPERM
    Jan 16 10:50:26 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:26.545531 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (12 seconds, 6 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:28 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:28.559050 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (14 seconds, 7 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:30 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:30.628868 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (16 seconds, 8 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:32 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:32.655638 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (18 seconds, 9 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:34 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:34.641952 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (20 seconds, 10 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:36 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:36.659854 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (22 seconds, 11 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:38 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:38.653594 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (24 seconds, 12 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:40 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:40.659279 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (26 seconds, 13 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:42 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:42.745549 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (28 seconds, 14 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.532853 AM [AirPlay] ### Endpoint "AppleTV" feedback error: -6722/0xFFFFE5BE kTimeoutErr
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533151 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback failed: -6722/0xFFFFE5BE kTimeoutErr
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533273 AM [AirPlay] ### Error with endpoint "AppleTV": -6722/0xFFFFE5BE kTimeoutErr
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533427 AM [BonjourBrowser] Reconfirming PTR for AppleTV._airplay._tcp.local. on en0
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533588 AM [BonjourBrowser] Reconfirming PTR for 9C207BBD8EA1@AppleTV._raop._tcp.local. on en0
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533839 AM [AirPlay] ### AirPlay report: Network dead for 10+ seconds after 159 seconds, screen, nm "AppleTV", tp WiFi, md AppleTV3,1, sv 190.9, rt 0, fu 0, rssi -54
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.534104 AM [AirPlay] ### Report network status (5, en0) failed: 1/0x1 kCFHostErrorHostNotFound / kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainVersionCode / kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5BadResponseAddr / kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX / evtNotEnb / siInitSDTblErr / kUSBPending / dsBusError / kStatusIsError / kOTSerialSwOverRunErr / cdevResErr / EPERM
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.534315 AM [AirPlay] Deactivating virtual display stream for quiesce
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.543682 AM [AirPlayScreenClient] Stopping session
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.543815 AM [AirPlay] Quiescing endpoint 'AppleTV'
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.543907 AM [AirPlayScreenClient] Stopping session internal
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.544218 AM [AirPlayScreenClient] Stopped session internal
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local AirPlayUIAgent[985]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.544266 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local SystemUIServer[159]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.544297 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local SystemUIServer[159]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.553084 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local AirPlayUIAgent[985]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.554904 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local SystemUIServer[159]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.557604 AM [AirPlayAVSys] Ignoring route away when AirPlay not current
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local AirPlayUIAgent[985]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.560307 AM [AirPlayAVSys] Ignoring route away when AirPlay not current
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[89]: Display 0x04280880: GL mask 0x21; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 62 modes available
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[89]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000001f, accelerator 0x00004ccb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 2048 MB
    I am happy to provide more information if needed.
    Thank you.

    I'm currently still experiencing this as well. I've confirmed it occurs on 10.9.1, 10.9.2, and 10.9.3 on MacBook Pro Retina's, Mid-2012 and 2013 MacBooks. It happens on multiple ATV's not just one, all are updated to 6.1.1 and a simple reboot seems to fix it temporarily but it does come back. All the ATV's are connecting to the network via Wireless not Ethernet. These are 3rd Gen ATV's but I checked the serial number and these do not match the bad batch of Apple TV's from 2013 that were offered up for Replacement for Apple due to the bad firmware update. None of the computers have the Firewall turned on. Here's the two logs that we always find after the issue occurs (logs are recent, happened this morning):
    5/30/14 8:57:36.017 AM coreaudiod[183]: 2014-05-30 08:57:36.016946 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (30 seconds, 17 total)
    5/30/14 8:57:36.332 AM coreaudiod[183]: 2014-05-30 08:57:36.331492 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback failed: -6723/0xFFFFE5BD kCanceledErr
    The user will get disconnected from Airplay anywhere between 30 seconds to 3 minutes after logging on and can reconnect but then once again get disconnected after the same time period. One interesting thing to note is that when the Feedback Taking Too Long to send error starts occuring and the countdown to disconnect start ticking down to 30, its solely referring to Audio not being sent over the network and Video is working just fine. If I try to play sound I get another log and the sound doesn't play through the speakers. After a reboot, sound works fine and the Feedback Error's do not show up. I've also tried switching to Internal Speakers (since it defaultly switches to Airplay Speakers) after connecting to Airplay and seeing the Feedback timer start in the Console Logs but even after that the log continues to saw its taking too long to send and disconnects in 30 seconds. 
    This issue has been ongoing for months, I've got a ticket logged as far back as January with this occuring but its infrequent enough that we've just restarted and moved on. I'd say its an issue that occurs to about 5%-10% of meetings but that's an entire meeting that doesn't have the ability to Airplay until someone comes down and reboots it.
    I don't often post in this forum but its still an active issue with no resolution, proof that its occuring on other people's systems, and no firmware updates having been released to correct it. It'd be nice to know of any workarounds other than having to buy some lamp timers for each conference room just to get a functional ATV or putting up a sign that says hey if you get disconnected every 3 minutes, reboot the ATV. The whole reason we're using Apple products is for ease of use otherwise I'd put together a much cheaper solution myself. Any help or recommended troubleshooting steps would be fantastic at this point.

  • Could not turn on Screen mirroring. The output device is not ready or does not support HDCP

    i tried it on my tv sony bravia w700b with my new xperia z1 
    i didnt unlocked my bootloder or i didnt rooted my phone
    dont know whats the problem is
    'Could not turn on Screen mirroring. The output device is not ready or does not support HDCP'. can anybody able to tell how can I resolve this please?

    Have you checked if your device does support HDCP? I looked at but i'm afraid i can't find any detailed specification for it.
    If you have unlocked your bootloader this may also be the cause for this issue.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Apple TV Screen Mirroring API

    Is there any way to get Apple TV Screen Mirroring API, so it can be used from application?
    I search over apple forums and haven't found any documentations.
    Thank you in advance,

    Is your application on OS X or iOS? You can find good information in the AirPlay documentation. Sample iOS Links:
    AirPlay Overview PlayGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html
    Multiple Display Programming Guide for iOS ndowAndScreenGuide/UsingExternalDisplay/UsingExternalDisplay.html#//apple_ref/do c/uid/TP40012555-CH3-SW1

  • Xz1 screen mirroring -no sound

    I have xperia z1 firmware 14.2.a.1.136.
    the problem is- no sound when combined screen mirroring (no problem with image-I can see phone screen  in TV)
    I tried to reset the phone to factory settings / repair by PCC-Repair Phone;
    TV-samsung  UE55F8000SLXXH with the latest firmware 1115.
    TV was also reset to factory settings;
    image is transferred but no sound.
    how to solve the problem?

    now I have kitkat firmware (i did full hard reset -again).
    the problem still occurs.
    I tried to connect samsung galaxy s4 -no problem with screen  mirroring - picture and sound work!
    sony, help please 

  • How to screen mirror with my Samsung smart tv

    Hi does anyone know how to screen mirror with a Samsung smart tv? I can't seem to get it right

     Which phone do you have?

  • Airplay icon doesnt show/screen mirroring option absent in display pref

    Hello all,
    I  have searched every where I can and cannot seem to resolve my issue.
    I have an Early -2011 17" MBP and a new Apple TV.
    Everything on Apple website/support page tells me that my MBP SHOULD be able to use Airplay but I cannot get the Airplay icopn to show up on the top bar.
    The Apple TV is working fine with my IPAD 2 and 2 Iphone 5s.
    I have also checked the "display" properties under "system pref" and the option to check/uncheck "screen mirroring" isn't there.
    Apple store person confirmed via Apple website/support communities that my Early 2011 17" MBP running 10.7.5 does/can use Airplay.
    Can someone help me?
    What am I missing here?
    Thank you all in advance for your help

    It is your OS, you need OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion or newer to mirror.

  • Airplay screen mirroring on 4:3 projector, resolution problems.

    I have an iPad 3, an ATV3 and a NEC NP400 projector which I'm trying to get to work together. I'm not sure about the projectors resolution, but i know it has a 4:3 aspect ratio.
    I've tried to use screen mirroring with both the ATV 3 and a VGA adapter, and the problem is that I get black bars on each side no matter which method I use. I understand that the iPad 3 has a 4:3 aspect ratio and that black bars would appear with a 16:9 screen, but not on a 4:3 screen which is the ipads native aspect ratio.
    It feels as if the iPad by defalut assumes that I'm having a 16:9 projector and adjust the aspect ratio to that fact. Is there anyway to tell the iPad that i'm having a 4:3 projector? Or should it detect that automatically?
    The ATV fills the whole screen without black bars on each side, but as soon as I'm turning screen mirroring on via airplay the aspect ratio changes. There is no difference if I'm using the ATV or the VGA adapter.
    How does these things work, and is there a solution?`

    I have an iPad 3, an ATV3 and a NEC NP400 projector which I'm trying to get to work together. I'm not sure about the projectors resolution, but i know it has a 4:3 aspect ratio.
    I've tried to use screen mirroring with both the ATV 3 and a VGA adapter, and the problem is that I get black bars on each side no matter which method I use. I understand that the iPad 3 has a 4:3 aspect ratio and that black bars would appear with a 16:9 screen, but not on a 4:3 screen which is the ipads native aspect ratio.
    It feels as if the iPad by defalut assumes that I'm having a 16:9 projector and adjust the aspect ratio to that fact. Is there anyway to tell the iPad that i'm having a 4:3 projector? Or should it detect that automatically?
    The ATV fills the whole screen without black bars on each side, but as soon as I'm turning screen mirroring on via airplay the aspect ratio changes. There is no difference if I'm using the ATV or the VGA adapter.
    How does these things work, and is there a solution?`

  • I have MAC OS X 10.6.8 (up-to-date). How can I get screen mirroring to my Apple TV to work?  The icon does not appear at top status bar..

    I have MAC OS X 10.6.8 (up-to-date). How can I get screen mirroring to my Apple TV to work?  The icon does not appear at top status bar..

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    See > AirPlay Mirroring is compatible with Mid 2011 and newer MacBooks Air, and OS X Mountain Lion.
    As you have Mac OS X Snow Leopard, you haven't got a compatible MacBook Air, so you can't use AirPlay Mirroring. However, you can use a third-party app as AirParrot to mirror the MacBook onto your Apple TV >

  • Can I screen mirror on a Macbook Air version 10.10.3?

    I've just bought a Macbook air running OS X Yosemite and i have been told that they can screen mirror without any wires or apple tv, but I don't have a clue how to get it going.
    please help 

    Sure, here's the solution:
    The "Share" button was introduced with Mountain Lion!  You should buy the Mountain Lion upgrade if your MacBook Air can handle it.
    Here are the requirements:
    System requirements for OS X Mountain Lion

  • Video and sound slightly out of sync when screen mirroring

    When I start screen mirroring and play a video, then my macbook screen matches perfectly with the sound output from my stereo, but my tv is slightly delayed compared to my macbook which makes the sound and video out of sync. it is something like 1/10th or 1/20th a second, but it is extremely annoying.
    Anyone has the same problem or knows how to solve this?

    What format were the original items ?
    What frame rate are they in the original ?
    What format are they on the AppleTV (H264 video AAC audio is the most common, but there are others) ?
    What is the video frame rate now ?
    Most out of syncs come from an imperfect attempt to encode for AppleTV. ie. DVD frame rate is 29.97fps. Many encode this to 30fps. So the movie plays 0.1% too fast, too little for you to notice, but at the end of a 100 minute film, the audio is 6 seconds out of sync with the video. Or 3 seconds on a 45 minute TV show.
    Also check the source. I'd had DVDs (Alien Resurrection) jump 10 seconds out of sync in the middle of the movie. Back to the shop for that one.

  • Chromecast Screen Mirroring

    Google released and unlocked the native screen mirroring via Chromecast. Why is SONY the only BRAND that is not listed in supported devices ? Can't be that hard to do...I buy a Flagship Device and get a knock into my face for it...Please get in contact with google to add the Z2 to the list of the supported devices ASAP!

    Download an app called Allcast. Works great but you have to pay about £3? after the initial trial.
    Great for watching movies from Showbox

  • AppleTV Screen Mirroring API

    Is there any documenation of how AppleTV Screen Mirroring can be used from custom application and other platforms.
    It can be a great thing to make other products work with AppleTV device.
    Thank you,

    If there is then there is a 90% chance of you ger Info about it if you ask here

Maybe you are looking for