Screen/Mouse Freezing

Does anyone know why my Screen/Mouse has started to freeze?
The only way that I can fix it is by switching off the PC and starting again.
It always happens when I am in Internet Explorer via BT Yahoo.
If I access Internet Explorer via Firefox I don't have a problem.
I have tried a new mouse and it's not that.
Tony Beetham
Go to Solution.

to see if windows search is running,
press start
 select run
 type msconfig & press enter
in the popup select the services tab
scrol down until you see an entry for windows search, or desktop search
uncheck the box
clicp apply then ok on the bottom of the popup window
a new popup requests reboot or exit, choose reboot
next login ther ewill be a popup, tick the box that says dont as k me again and hit the red x in the top right corner.
now your pc might work a bit better.

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    There are so many things that there is no clear symptom or cause as to why the system is partially hung.
    I would familiarize myself with the system, buy a book (or two) starting with "Mac OS X: The Missing Manual"
    About This Mac... more -> System Profile
    will display memory condition, log files (system, panic, etc)
    Depends on how much memory, what you are doing, whether you have a driver issue, or maybe a corrupt preference, font, directory.
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    You could run your Apple Hardware Test; Disk Warrior (or just Apple's if you haven't yet bought DW).
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    I just had my Desktop freeze whilst I was using Media Player minimised to the taskbar.
    I came back to my PC and couldn't use the keyboard or mouse. I plugged in a wired USB mouse and this did not work either. I then used the mouse and keyboard buttons on my MCE remote and still nothing happened, actually something happened as my hard drive
    became very busy, but there was nothing happening on screen. I had to reboot to get back to normal operation.
    I use a Logitech Bluetooth MX500 keyboard and mouse and have been having problems since I had Windows 7, but thought it was the keyboard and mouse at fault. This is the first time that I have encountered this problem, but I have had problems with the keys
    sticking, very annoying when you're in Visual Studio and it goes and deletes a load of code for you because the backspace key was the one that stuck. The cursor also randomly jumps lines occasionally and inserts text where I don't want it. This wouldn't be
    such an issue if I was a touch typist and could look at the screen whilst typing, but I am not and only realise the errors when I have finished typing.
    Anyway, Mine is a custom built PC(all drivers and windows fully up to date) which ran XP with zero problems:
        Gigabyte mboard and graphics card (Nvidia) with I5 processor and 4GB ram.
    If this was a USB hub Powersave issue, then I would still expect the hub to wake up when a new device was pugged in, so I'm going to count that fix out.
    I'm not sure that the freezing was a mouse/keyboard fault, I suspect that this is more a video driver fault as the computer did become very busy doing something when I used the MCE remote, it's just the screen didn't update to show what it was doing.
    I should have looked at the taskbar clock to see if the time had updated, I'll do that next time if it happens again.
    I've disabled the Power Save options for the hub that controls the mouse and keyboard, perhaps this will stop the keys sticking and jumping around when I'm typing in Visual Studio.
    Mick Doherty

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    I tried that solution, but it didn't help in my case. There is a workaround that usually works, though:
    When the RMB stops working, use the "screen zoom" function (ctrl + mouse scroll ball) to zoom in to the screen a bit, then zoom out again. This usually makes the RMB start working again, at least for a while. If it doesn't help, then rebooting the computer usually does.
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    Dont tell me this is a problem of nprotect company !! i dont think so

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    Thanks in advanced.

    Try using Disk Utility to repair your startup disk (hard drive) as shown in Dr.Smokes Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption for your mouse freezing issue (might be directory corruption).
    It also could be the following;
    The original Apple Pro mouse cable frays in the chord just as it exits the mouse, over time, and shorts out causing symtoms similar to yours. You can't see the fray by looking at it thru the exterior covering. This can happen to third party mice over time too.
    Mine does it. I plugged it into a different port, so the chord exits the mouse in a different direction, and have had very few freezes since. Once I get over my frugalness (cheapness!) I'll buy a new one.
    So, try a known good mouse to see if that's the problem. If you still have trouble post back!

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    The first place I'd look is the DVD itself.  Reboot holding the (left) mouse button down.  That will eject the disc, and try another movie DVD.  If that fails, how old is the Mac Mini?

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    Hi, Ernst:
    Would you consider backing up your files and doing a system recovery?
    Maybe the OS has some corrupt registry files or something.
    If you recover and then it still does that, your only choice looking at the motherboard is a PCIe gigabit ethernet adapter which would be relatively easy to install, or you could even get a USB ethernet adapter and not even have to open the case.
    See if there is a setting to disable the onboard NIC if you have to add a network card.
    I would rule out all software problems before buying hardware.
    If you want to try some other malware program, I recommend the free Kapersky rescue disk. You burn the file to a CD and boot from it.  It scans the drive and deletes any malware or virus files it finds without the PC being in windows. A lot of times viruses and malware can't be removed when windows is running.
    Link to the download and instuctions for use is below. I like to use the graphic interface rather than the text interface.

  • Why does my screen keep freezing?

    I am worried that my computer is heading for a crash. I bought it in January 2007 and it has served me well up until the last couple of months. The screen freezes more and more frequently. Although I have tried all three USB ports on the back, my wireless mouse freezes constantly.  (Yes, I have installed new batteries multiple times.) Sometimes there are very brief flashes of black behind whatever screen I'm working on. Why is this happening and what's the cure?  Many thanks.

    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at the top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    Get Temperature Monitor to see if it's heat related...
    iStat Menus...
    And/or iStat Pro...
    Open Activity Monitor in Applications>Utilities, select All Processes & sort on CPU%, any indications there?
    How much RAM & free space do you have also, click on the Memory & Disk Usage Tabs.
    In the Memory tab, are there a lot of Pageouts?

  • Mouse freeze/hiccup

    A few weeks back my pointer started to freeze in place and then after a second or two reappear in a different area of the screen. This problem has gotten progressively worse over the last few weeks to the point where I concluded that running 10.5.1 on my system wasn't such a good idea and I reinstalled 10.4.11. And now the issue is even worse! The mouse freezes for 10 seconds or longer at a time, rendering the computer almost useless. I can't even drag and drop a file because half the time I don't get to the destination.
    I've tried unplugging all external hardware (hard drive, iMic, iPod, etc.), but nothing seems to make a difference. I zapped my pram, addressed the permissions, etc. Oh, and I've searched and searched for people with similar issues and I'm not finding anyone.
    I am operating with a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G4 and 1.5 GB SDRAM. I'm not sure what other data people would need to analyze what's going on here. Let me know!
    Oh, sometimes I get temporary relief by unplugging the mouse from the keyboard and plugging it into the port on the back of the monitor. I haven't changed my hardware since well before the problems started occurring, thought the most recent addition was a card providing multiple USB 2.0 ports. Is there something I can use to check to see if the computer is having some kind of USB confusion?
    Lastly I ran Activity Monitor and watched my active processes and nothing spiked significantly when I experienced a hiccup.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    Wow... it had been in the back of my mind for awhile, but when you have a problem, maybe the thing to do is to consider the MOST OBVIOUS solution.
    Maybe it's the mouse.
    I went into the bowels of my house and found my ancient iMac, found its mouse and so far so good. I'll leave this unresolved for the moment as I don't want to close it until I'm positive.

  • Mouse Freeze Problem

    I've searched the FAQ for several answers regarding mouse freeze on a MDD G4, but have not found a fully answered question. Perhaps, after describing my problem, someone may be able to assist me.
    A coworker with an MDD G4 with running OS 10.4.11 a Mac keyboard and mouse has been experiencing freezes of the mouse. The mouse is connected to the keyboard. When it freezes, the red light goes off. Switching mice/mouses doesn't help the problem. Switching USB ports for the keyboard seems to help for short periods of time (roughly, a few hours of work).
    My co-worker seems to think it is a USB problem. I'm thinking that the keyboard or mouse are simply worn out. I haven't yet done a complete swap-out of both the keyboard AND the mouse, but can give it try.
    What other considerations am I forgetting? What diagnostic should I use or setting should I check? Though I seriously doubt it, what test could I try to determine a faulty USB connection at the point where the keyboard plugs into the computer?
    Thanks in advance for your assistance!

    I have had similar problems on three different macs.
    The first was an old G3. The mouse and keyboard were plugged into the monitor. Everything was Apple, no 3rd party stuff. We could switch USB ports for a while and get it working again. The computer refused to boot all the way after an OS update. I eventually replaced the harddrive.
    Second is my iMac at home. This has happened a few times, unplugging and changing ports is working for now.
    Third is a G4 running 10.2.8. This has just started happening. Mighty mouse is plugged into the keyboard which is plugged into the monitor. At first I thought the computer froze. I rebooted and it came up normally but was still frozen. I switched mice. It was still frozen. The screen suddenly went black and the computer looked like it was asleep. No response from the keyboard. I unplugged it from the monitor and plugged it into the CPU and it started working fine. I now have it back into the monitor.
    Three different computers, three different OS's. Is this a symptom of a hard drive failure or is it some kind of USB power issue? I really need to find out because the G4 is my timer and crashing during a timed test is not a good thing. Thanks.

  • USB mouse freezes after wake from sleep.

    Since the 10.8.2 update my Logitech USB mouse freezes after waking up the computer from sleep or when it goes into energy save from non use. This also happens to my brand new MBPR. I tries repair permissions and reset the smc. Any suggestions?

    I get a frozen mouse (Microsoft Intellimouse Optical) on my 2012 Mac Mini running Mavericks (it did it with Mountain Lion also) when waking from sleep about 75% of the time which works again if I unplug/replug it (light is on and mouse buttons work when it's frozen, but the pointer won't move).  It does this whether I use a built-in USB3 port, a USB2 hub and now also with my new USB3 hub. 
    However, my 2008 Macbook Pro also has an Intellimouse connected to it when docked and it NEVER freezes when waking from sleep whether using the built-in USB2 port or a Gmyle USB3 card port.  Either way, the mouse wakes fine and it's the SAME MODEL MOUSE and SAME OSX verison.  I have no idea why the inconsistency.  It ***** because "Wake on Network Activity" FINALLY works right here in Mavericks with XBMC on my Mac Mini so there's a perfect opportunity to save some electricity.  I got excited when it woke up two times in a row with 10.9.1 and set up my sleep controls only to find it wouldn't go to sleep with the Energy Savings menu because I have an external USB3.0 3TB media drive connected (at all times).  I finally found out (through more patient testing) that once the drive spun down (possibly on its own power saving timer as I'm not sure the "Shut down hard drives when possible" setting works in Mavericks; it was messed up in Mountain Lion in 10.8.4 and even though 10.8.5 fixed it, I'm not sure Mavericks is using the same code.  It doesn't seem to shut down any faster with or without the setting on and shuts off several minutes after the computer attempts to go to sleep (on a 1 minute test setting; I think WD defaults to 10 minutes in firmware). 
    Anyway, once that was resolved and I saw it would go to sleep eventually once the drive spun down (it will sleep instantly if I select SLEEP from the Apple menu which I find odd if it's such a big deal that it's connected....), I thought OH BOY!  I'm all set.  Then I woke it from that sleep and found my mouse was frozen again..... :-(  What a PITA to unplug/plug the mouse every time it wakes from sleep.  It's not worth it.  I'll just have to pay the extra few bucks in electricity each month I could have saved to avoid such a freaking nightmare hassle.  Why on God's Green Earth, Apple CANNOT or WILL NOT fix their darn energy savings features is just beyond me.  Instead of spending all their time making horrible horrible ugly icon/GUI updates to iOS and making it slower and slower and slower, why don't they actually fix some darn bugs in OSX for once in their lives.... I'm starting to think I should give Windows another chance I'm so annoyed right now.  But then I think about having to run a malware program and have that program update and Windows software/security updates 3x a day and I think I can just deal with the Mini not sleeping.....
    I'd like to know why Apple couldn't figure out those of us with multiple monitors would want a dock on BOTH monitors all the time either (first side-mount docks wouldn't migrate and now in 10.9.1, bottom-mounted docks won't migrate here either, leaving a dock on one monitor all the time and if that's the monitor that is showing full-screen video, you lost your dock completely while the video is playing.  They finally figured out after a full decade that having a menu bar on both screens would be a good idea, but it just didn't occur to them that the same is true of the dock.  How much are they paying these guys?  Too much apparently (or is it too little to attract talented thinkers? Nah, it couldn't be since we give them feedback and they just ignore it).

  • MBP screen keeps freezing and these pixelated lines appear...

    For the most part, I've been a happy MAC user but I have been experiencing some problems.  For example, if I moved the mouse to close a program or something similar, the screen would freeze and these pixelated lines of black and white would appear, sometimes flashing. These lines would either cover a third or all of the screen.  When I restarted, the lines would appear in blue right after the apple icon appears.  This has been happening infrequently for the past day or so. 
    From browsing the internet, I've come across the GeForce 8600M GT GPU issue.  I've checked and I do have this component.  From Apple's article, my problem is not so much with the video, although it is really slow and intermittent at best but with the display screen (I think that's the proper term). I ran a general hardware test and all seems to be okay.
    Would my problem(s) fall under this recall?  Would I be eligible to get a (free) replacement?  Further, is there a hardware test I could specifically run to test this?  This is driving me crazy!  What do you think?
    Many thanks!

    I reinstalled and everything seems to be working fine.

Maybe you are looking for