Screen Recording Problems

I love the feature, but there are some minor problems I would prefer solved.
When I play my recorded video, the screen looks rather smaller. Heres a screenshot
My second problem is with the sound. It looks like its meant to record our sound rather than the phone itself. Do we have a setting on disabling exterior sounds and lifting the volume of interior sounds?

That's the way it seems it's meant to work, what if you play the video on a computer?
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    I don't know if this will help you Kimberlee, but i tried a different process:
    1. Screen recording in QuickTime > Export to iMovie.
    (I wanted to zoom in during certain parts of the recording.)
    2. From iMovie > Export to YouTube.
    Problem fixed... no more sped up clip.

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    DUDE - you and I are having the EXACT same problem.  See my post: Capturing webcam as DVAVI type-2
    I'm using one of ephiphans VGA to USB devices too.  YES - every codec I've tried is crap in Premiere and After effects, even though it plays fine in Windows Media.  In After Effects, I got repeated, jerky frames etc.  And rendering it didn't help.  So, I re-encoded the whole thing in Media Encoder.  It played fine in AFX then, the problem is that it encodes at about a rate of 10hours/per hour of video.
    You don't have to use the Epiphan software to capture, as your computer sees the device as just an ordinary webcam.  It seemed like an easy thing:  just download the cedocida DV codec, load it in to any number of software titles and capture as DVAVI type 2.  As a 2nd choice, I'd take H.264, as long as it plays back smoothly in Premiere or AFX.  I've tried both (with DV codec just mentioned and the x264vfw codec).  Terrible results either way.  I've tried Virtual dub, Captureflux, Epiphan, Debut Video and GraphEditplus. Failure in every case.
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    I am working pretty much full-time trying to find a solution to this problem, as I need something ready to go by next Monday.  If you find a fix - PLEASE POST IT!!!

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    Look into Toast, Visual Hub & Video Monkey took the place of Visual Hub.

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    Hi jacques231,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Try the steps in this article to report an issue with your purchase:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase
    Best Regards,

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    I believe that QT feature records in h.264.
    You will need to convert it to an appropriate editing format
    Try using MPEG Streamclip

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    Try the QuickTime forum.

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    I can't help but wonder why they even botherd making the video recording software if they diidn't include audio .
    I tend to consider such features add-ons because to appeal to novice users because the features are incomplete as far as functonality is concerned or too dependent on the CPU power of the platform on which it is used. This is why I tend to use dedicated import and/or screen capture applications. Normally, I would recommend using an app like Snapz Pro X from Ambrosia ($69) but they too are having problems updating or replacing their audio "kernel extension" following system audio changes made in the Lion OS release. ScreenFlow ($99) is another good screen capture app but it includes a number of editing features that many users do not want or for which they are not willing to pay such a high price. I personally amd looking at what, for me, is a new app listed in an article URL posted by QTKirk. The app is called Screenflick and lists for $29. I am interested in it because they claim you can tap into user events like key presses (e.g., use of keyboart shortcuts) and highlight/include them in your captures. (I.e., this would be very handy for the makie of "quickie" tutorials.) In any event, I have not tried this app so I can't yet recommend it based on personal use... but it might be worthing looking at if you plan to purchase such a utility. (And yes, it does claim to support the audio capture of both system audio and/or a user selectable mic source.)

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    Hi ChuckSott
    Some questions to help us help you!
    # Which websites are causing this problem? A few examples would be grand!
    # Does this problem occur in FF35 for Android?
    # If you could post a screenshot of the tab's full display being blacked out that would be super helpful
    # Have you tried temporarily uninstalling all the add-ons in Tools -> Add-ons? Sometimes add-ons break Firefox!
    # Finally what version of Android OS are you using? (ice cream sandwich 4.0, jellybean 4.1-4.3, kitkat 4.4? etc)

  • Higher Quality screen recording

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    things I have already tried:
    -Basically everything on the app store. there are quite a few applications that CLAIM to be able to do what i want, but none have yet succeded.
    -Quicktime pro 7. It's not free and has the same quality issues as QT.
    -snapz pro x. now this is an amazing option, the only problem is that the visual effects I plan to record with this are quite taxing when it comes to computer performance, so i need the recording software to display the lag in real time when im recording so i can adjust the settings acordingly. So for example:
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    -bootcamping and trying to run fraps. simply doesnt work. the program the effects are on doesnt work on bootcamp. there are other reasons that were explained to me but i cant be bothered to write them here because they are very technical and long winded.
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    I have the same question, and have looked at the answers here. I am not trying to answer your question, just add to it.
    I have used snapz pro x and find that I like that way quicktime displays whats on your screen with the same amount of lag that will be in the finished video, while snapz does not. surely there is a way, deep in preferences or maybe even in terminal, that will enable me to take higher quality images in my screen recordings. I find the audio is fine but the image is what I have a problem with. I dont have the 100+ dollars to spend on other screen recording software, and would really appreciate some help.

  • Screen recording error

    Hi guy, how to solve this error, I tired to closed go goggle and others application but my issue can't solve. Any guy had a same problem? Thanks  
    The issue is when I make video call and follow by screen recorder,  the error appear microphone it's running in others application. 
    Go to Solution.

    Could you try this when the phone is booted into safe mode?
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Quicktime Player unresponsive while screen recording. Help!

    Hello. I often upload youtube videos with QuickTime Player and Final Cut Pro X. 2 days ago, I noticed a problem with quicktime player. Whenever I try to screen record, about 2 mins and 30 secs of recording, QuickTime Player becomes unresponsive. I am running on the new version of OSX Mavericks on a MacBook Pro. Thanks for concerning your time to help me fix this problem.

    Thanks for the tip on the stop record function icon on the top menu bar.  Its disappointing that the new program with Mavericks doesn't keep the the player control box open when you are recording.  This may have been in response to some people complaining that the box can get in the way of the recording, although elsewhere it is said that even though it looks like it gets in the way it actually won't show up in the recording. 
    Regardless of your preference, I think some of us would ideally like to be able to see the window at times so that we can verify that the sound levels are coming through (its a royal pain to record an hour and find out later that no sound was recorded) and to potentially pause recording to remove sections where material is occuring that is of no interest (ie they took a break or need to look for something).  The stop button literally stops the recording and no longer gives you the option to RESUME. 
    The only thing that I found that does work although it is VERY CLUMSY is that if you attempt to quit   Quicktime the window with all the controls will show up.  If you hit cancel that window will stay there and allow you to do what you want.  Now I suspect all the messages that say DO YOU WANT TO END RECORDING are likely to show up in your recording, but I guess you can trim that out.  What would make a lot of sense is for them to have the option to view the control box in the  View pull down menu. 
    Oh well.  Any one else found any other ways to manage the quicktime screen recordings without being able to access the control window?

  • Screen resolution problem in table control

    when i was transfering data in BDC using table control,i got screen resolution problem.
    how to rectify the problem?

    Check this coding.
    WA_CTU_PARAMS type ctu_params.
    WA_CTU_PARAMS-DISMODE = 'N'. "no screen mode
    WA_CTU_PARAMS-UPDMODE = 'S'. "synchronous update
    WA_CTU_PARAMS-DEFSIZE = 'X'. "Default size
    CALL TRANSACTION 'VA01' USING it_bdcdata
    MESSAGES INTO it_mesg.
    Default size will play good role in terms of resolution. in one system in table control you can see 10rows, but in others system it will show 20 records. it depends on resolution. but when you set the default size then it will take same (default screen size) in all the systems when you run BDC.
    Hope this resolves your query.
    Reward all the helpful answers.

  • My Screen Recording Just stops!

    I haven't used much recording equipment for a long time, but I recently thought it would be cool to start doing some Digital Speed Art Videos. Doing so, I opened up my Quicktime Player (Version 10.4). However, after a minute or 2, quicktime just stops recording. It doesn't notify me or anything. And the App doesn't quit, it simply just doesn't record anymore. Not only does the recording stop, but when I try to check it, the rainbow-colored buffer symbol appears and won't go away unless if I force-quit the app.
    I decided to get a screen recording app from iTunes called Ripcorder Screen. I downloaded it from the App store, and I thought it would work at first, but sure enough, exact same problem.
    Given what has happened, I know that the problem has to do something with my computer. I checked my storage space, but I have barely used up so much of a third of my 1 TB drive.

    If restarting doesn't help, try the iPod touch troubleshooting assistant.

  • QuickTime Player - Partial Screen Recording?

    Hello everyone,
    My idea was to use AppleScript to:
    - Launch Quicktime Player
    -- Start Screen Recording
    -- Check that 'Show Mouse Click in Recording' is marked
    -- Click 'Record' button
    --- Let user drag his desired portion of the screen
    --- Start record
    --- Stop record
    -- Save movie
    - Close QuickTime Player
    So far I only got to the point where the user needs to 'drag his desired portion of the screen'.
    But I also have a problem detecting that 'Show Mouse Click in Recording' is checked or not.
    I can click it, but if it's already checked - it'll just go off. The problem is that it's not really a checkbox element rather a menu item.
    Is there a way around it?
    Also, and more important, how can I tell when the user finished his recording I.e. clicks the 'Stop' button so the script
    can move on to saving that file.
    Here is what I got so far (pretty basic):
    tell application "QuickTime Player"
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
              tell process "QuickTime Player"
                        click menu item "New Screen Recording" of menu "File" of menu bar 1
                        click menu button of window "Screen Recording"
                        click menu item "Show Mouse Clicks in Recording" of menu 1 of menu button 1 of window "Screen Recording"
                        click button 1 of window "Screen Recording"
              end tell
    end tell
    So, am I crazy or is it possible?
    I am pretty new to AppleScript, if there is a different, better way to do it, I would love to know.
    Mac OSX 10.8.5
    QuickTime Player 10.2

    I don't know much about QuickTime Player. Nevertheless, maybe the following script, tested with QuickTime Player 10.3 under OS X 10.9.1, can help you.
    tell application "QuickTime Player"
        set theDocument to new screen recording
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "QuickTime Player"
            tell menu button 1 of window "Screen Recording"
                tell menu item "Show Mouse Clicks in Recording" of menu 1
                    if value of attribute "AXMenuItemMarkChar" is missing value then
                        keystroke return
                    end if
                end tell
            end tell
            click button 1 of window "Screen Recording"
            repeat until exists menu bar item 1 of menu bar 2
                delay 1
            end repeat
            repeat while exists menu bar item 1 of menu bar 2
                delay 1
            end repeat
            repeat until exists window "Untitled"
                delay 1
            end repeat
            click menu item "Save…" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
        end tell
    end tell

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