Screen Shot Resolution

I took screen shots of several emails, imported the screen shots into a slide show in iPhoto, then exported the slide show to iDVD.
When viewing the DVD on TV, you can barely read the emails.
How can I improve the screen shot resolutions? Should I import the screen shot into PhotoShop and adust resolution to 720 x 540 for NTSC?
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

Thanks for the response.
I increased the size of the text in the e-mails, then resized the emails to 640x480 and took a screen shot, which I converted in PhotoShop from TIF to JPG. I then re-imported the emails into iPhoto and exported the slide show to iDVD.
When I play the DVD on my TV, I can read the text fine, but I neglected to leave space around the e-mail, so some of the sides are cut off on the TV screen.

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    I'm new to Mac,...
    Then...  You may find these Links of Interest and Value...
    Show me how to set up my Mac.     Switching from PC
    Enjoy your Mac...

  • How do i change the resolution of my screen shots that i captured from my desktop?

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    Do you mean you want it saved with the resolution set to something other than 72 dpi when the capture is made, or do you mean you want your capture saved at a higher resolution than the captured area?
    1) If the first, there are ways to change the default capture format .png to something else, such as .jpg, .tif and a few others, but as far as I know, the resolution will always be 72 dpi. You can use Preview to change the resolution of the captured image under Tools > Adjust Size. You will get this:
    If your intention is to set the resolution for professional printing defaults, then change the resolution to 300. Turn off Resample image to prevent the image from actually having more pixels added. The resolution will simply be reset from 72 to 300 dpi without changing the actual number of pixels in the image. It will also print a lot smaller since the output device will now use 300 pixels per linear inch instead of 72.
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    2) If you mean you want the OS to actually save the captured area as a high resolution image at size, that can't happen. A capture is a 1:1 grab of the display buffer. It can only capture what's there. So if you capture a 700 pixel x 500 pixel area, that's all the bigger it can be without scaling it afterwards.

  • Help Please! Serious Issues with Placing Screen Shots.

    I'm a long time browser of these forums but this is my first post. I'm pulling my hair out. I've spent hours on this and have a looming deadline. I've a lot of experience in PS and AI but have only started using ID recently. I've searched the forums and web in general, I've found people with similar or the same problems (both on Mac and Windows) but can't find a solution anywhere. I really think there's got to be a simple solution but I can't figure it out.
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    Thanks in advance.

    It seems ludacris and defeats the purpose of the software for me since I hoped to use it mainly for tutorials containing screenshots.
    The user interface you are capturing is designed to the monitor pixel grid and captures degrade if you sample them up or down. You can see the resampling problem if you use OSX's zoom feature–zoom in and the interface get's larger but it also blurs.
    And extreme example would be a checkerboard drawn at 10 pixels per inch. Increasing the resolution to 300ppi doesn't add any information and degrades the checkerboard's appearance:
    When you place a screen capture in ID and scale it, there's no resampling—the capture is resized and the pixels are scaled larger or smaller. If you print the capture it will look fine because a hi-res printer can accurately draw the different scaled resolutions.
    When you export to PDF there's going to be a problem displaying the captures in Acrobat because there would only be one zoom level where the original interface pixels display unchanged. It's similar to Photoshop where the screen capture looks best at 100% where the image to monitor ratio is 1:1, but in Acrobat the 1:1 ratio might be any zoom percentage depending on how the capture was resized in ID.

  • Imported Screen Shots are Blurry

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    Best practices anyone?
    My settings are:
    Frame Size: 720x480
    Aspect Ratio: NTSC DV (3:2)
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: NTSC - CCIR 601 / DV (720x480)
    Compressor: DV/DVCPRO - NTSC
    Thanks for your insights.

    Pan & Scan: in this context, I was referring to the idea of panning across a screen shot instead of reducing it to the size of the video frame. In other words, the original is (e.g.) 2x the width or height and then, as you explain / narrate, it moves across the screen. This preserves the "local" resolution of the original, but doesn't give the viewer a single view of the whole screen. It can be used in conjunction with the "whole view" as a kind of CU shot.

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    I can't believe it!
    Another install patch and another failure.
    Again, I issue the following invitation to the Acrobat team.
    I am more than willing to sit with you in an Adobe ConnectNow session and let you take over my machine to see what is going on.
    If you can't reproduce the problem internally, you should at least try to see what is going on with any one of us.
    I will even bring my machine to the NYC Adobe office for a day to let Gary Cosimini or someone else in NYC look at it.

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    Thank You!

    I'd approach this task as follows:
    - type in the SCN search field (top right corner) the following search criteria: attach screenshot mail
    - just to be sure, restrict the results list to 'Collaborative Document'
    - study the first document titled: "Taking SAP GUI screenshot automatically and send as attachment through mail programmatically"
    - go on program my logic and thank the author of document
    In case it was the whole report output I was trying to send and not one screenshot, I'd probably be searching for: retrieve abap list memory.
    I mean no disrespect; it's just my "elaborate" way of saying: if you have an ABAP programming challenge, more likely than not the help and guidance is already on SCN - it's about searching and finding it

  • Resizing Screen Shots for Print

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    I have read in profession book and magazine printing articles that they re-create the screen shot because screen shots just don't print well, so I am not expecting miracles. I just want to get a process in place so these screen shots can look the best they can without re-drawing them or something.
    So when I opened the screen shots in Photoshop they are 96dpi and the pixel dimensions are 1122x871. I would like to reduce the pixel dimensions by 1/3 as they are too large, and increase the resolution, but I am pretty sure that won't do much. Plus the screen shot looks blurry and unsharp mask doesn't fix it much.
    Any help with this process would be appreciated.

    To me it seems a screen shot at 1100+ pixels and printed in a small manual could end up with the user interface elements printing so small that they could be difficult to see in the final print.  As an example, consider how big the menu being shown will be a print at, say, 4.5" width of both of these screens:
    Some other things to consider:
    Along the same lines as the above, you might want to turn up the Windows display scale factor.  Windows 7 provides settings in the Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display dialog.  At 150% the characters and UI elements are made up of more pixels.
    Consider also turning off ClearType font smoothing as these will only make the letters in prints seem fringed with color - not normally a good visual.

  • OT: Best font to use for screen shots...

    Any one have suggestions on the best font & OS font
    settings (DPI, etc),
    browser, etc, to use to capture screen shots from a web site
    for use in a
    PDF brochure?
    Client is complaining the text in the screen shots is looking
    very digitized
    and I don't necessarily disagree, but it is a 'screen shot'.

    This was an excellent tip. It works well.
    Thanks again,
    "David Powers" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:g845lu$eb1$[email protected]..
    > Cosmo Kramer wrote:
    >> Any one have suggestions on the best font & OS
    font settings (DPI, etc),
    >> browser, etc, to use to capture screen shots from a
    web site for use in a
    >> PDF brochure?
    > For all of my books, I use SnagIt to take the
    screenshots. I grab them in
    > TIFF format at 150 dpi. For Mac screenshots, I use Snapz
    Pro X, which
    > doesn't let you set the dpi. I reset the resolution to
    150 dpi in
    > Photoshop, but *without* resampling.
    > --
    > David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    > Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3"
    (friends of ED)
    > Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • How do I navigate to the Adobe screen shot settings/preferences?

    I know how to take a screen shot... there is a way that you can change the preferences on the actual image that you “snap shot” like reduce the DPI etc

    I think this is the only control available: Edit > Preferences > General > Use fixed resolution for Snapshot tool images: [72] pixels/inch

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    From terminal, "screenshot"is correct.  Use of "grab" is correct.  I have set System Preferences of "Keyboard" to default, deleted all preferences I can think of.      What can I try next?

    I have proved that the problem is caused by the erroneous VGA display.
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    Patrick Ellis,
    I have done as you suggested and removed 4 files:….plist     &   .plist.lockfile….plist     &   .plist.lockfile
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    Ernie Horan

    Ok then. DVD is 720x480, essentially a DV image. But there is a lot you can do to maximixe the process. The idea being that you should maintain the best possible image all the way through the process until you absolutely HAVE to stomp on it. Little incremental quality changes at various stages will drive you crazy if you get a bad result at the end. You'll spend all your time trouble shooting which combinations caused the unacceptable condition. Better to only have one process to mess around with.
    First off, what are your output options from camtasia? DO export in QT. Codecs, frame sizes? Frame rate?
    Is there an 8 bit uncompressed video codec?
    And keep in mind that a full computer screen is NOT 720x480, so that's your first issue right there.
    You're going to have to supply us a lot of information for us to be of any real help. Might just start with a pan and pencil and doing short camtasia captures and try putting them in different sequence settings until you find the best combination.
    This is not what you want to hear, but I think it's the reality. Sorry not to be more help, but I haven't done one of these in years.

  • Best practices for importing .png screen shots into FrameMaker 9?

    I'm new to importing .png screen shots into FrameMaker, and also new to FrameMaker 9. To compound things, I have engineers giving me screen shots taken on Linux machines, using a client like NX to get to Linux. My screen shots are coming in fuzzy and instead of trying to troubleshoot what's going wrong here, I was wondering if someone could quickly tell me what normally works with FrameMaker 9 and .png on a Windows system so I can troubleshoot from there.
    That is, let's say I'm capturing a screen shot on a Windows system and I use some tool (Paint Shop Pro X, SnagIt, Alt-PrintScreen, or whatever).  I save the screen shot as .png and then import by reference into FrameMaker 9.
    What dpi do I use in the capturing program?
    What dpi do I use when I import by reference into FM?
    What if that makes the screen shot too large/too small: Is it better to use the FrameMaker Graphics > Scale solution, to resize it in my capture program, or to retake the screen shot?

    Bringing screenshots into Frame documents has four major considerations:
    how to perform the original screen capture
    how to post-process it in a graphics editor
    what graphical object model (and file format) to store it in
    making sure it isn't damaged by your workflow
    1. Screen Cap, typically of dialog boxes ...
    ... used to be simple; isn't anymore.
    Dialogs used to have identical pixel dimensions on all user screens. You hit Alt[PrntScrn] in Windows and you got a one pixel per pixel 24-bit color image on the clipboard.
    More recent operating systems now have much more scalability in the GUI. So either capture at what the default user sees, or at the optimal presentation enlargement, which might be precisely 2x the default display.
    2. Post
    Before you even start this step, you need to know exactly how you will be presenting the final document out of Frame:
    B&W? Color?
    What dimensional size on the page?
    If hardcopy, what are the optimal parameters of graphical images for your print process? If web or PDF, various other considerations arise. I'll presume print.
    In our workflow, the print engine is 600 dpi bitmap. We normally present images at one column width, about 3.5in. Our PDF workflow passes 600 bitmap untouched, but resamples gray and color to 200 dpi. I tend to use 600 dithered bitmap, but always test if there's any doubt.
    Chances are the screencap bitmap, at your native printing res, is too small. There is no "dpi" associated with clipboard images. Once pasted into an image editor, the editor should provide the ability to declare the dpi (Photoshop does, both at paste, and via "resize without rescale"). If your image editor doesn't, fire it. If you can't see and control dpi, you have no real control over this workflow.
    Plan to save the final image in a format that at least supports linear dimensions (like EPS) if not explicit dpi (TIFF). Save out the image at the exact size you intend to use at import in Frame. Do you know how Frame scales objects? I don't. So do your scaling where you have control over how.
    Play with the defined "dpi" until the linear dimensions match your planned import frame. If that dpi passes through your workflow unmolested, you may not need to perform any resizing.
    If you need to convert from 24-bit color to bitmap (at your printing resolution), I'd suggest using error diffused dithering converting to your target res, as this tends to preserve the hard edges in dialog boxes and rasterized text.
    If you need to re-scale, I'd suggest scaling up by an integer multiple, using "nearest neighbor", to the nearest size just higher than your target dpi. Then rescale bi-linear down to your target size.
    3. File Format
    The main consideration here is compression, followed by color depth and size encoding.
    Screenshots tend to have expanses of flat colors, and hard edges. These objects compress reasonably well using repeat-count compressions (like ZIP or RLE). They tend to get damaged by curve-matching compression, like JPEG, because they typically contain no curves through color space. Hard edges get fuzzy or pick up ringing artifacts.
    So don't use JPEG (and what compression will your workflow use?). I tend to use TIFF(ZIP) for screenshots.
    Avoid indexed color (4-bit, 8-bit or 15/16-bit) color.
    Don't use GIF. It has no size encoding. The usual presumption is that GIF is 72 dpi, which makes importing it a nuisance, and at least a minor math exercise. Plus, it's indexed color, and may scale poorly downstream.
    Experiment. See what looks optimal in the final product.
    4. Workflow
    As you can see throughout the above, all your careful planning can be for nought it your save-as-PDF, distiller or print shop process resamples everything down to 90 dpi. You have to know what's happening, and how to optimize for it, or you probably won't like the result.
    We once had graphics showing up at 10 (yes ten) dpi in print.
    Turned out the print engine could handle JPEG 5 but not JPEG 2000.
    We had to hastily back-port images until a software upgrade fixed it.

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    Found that the only way I can save the data is to take a screen shot to my desktop and then I can print it out, but cripes what a pain!
    Any suggestions would be welcome, is this me or an Adobe issue?

    If you are printing to physical printer from Safari : Use Reader print button from Reader toolbar
    If you want to save a PDF from Safari to your local : Use Reader Save button from the Reader toolbar.
    PS: if you have PDF in read mode the  hover the mouse at the bottom of the page and the floating Reader toolbar will appear.
    Please let me know if this solves your issue.

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    Kindly help.

    Try this thread >

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