Script for installing patches manually from a folder

Dear Team,
Due to some restrictions, i need to execute each patch by double clicking on it.
Request someone to help me to find a script which can look in side folder and install the patches inside and ask for reboot at end.
It should also write status of patches installed or not in to a log file.
Cheers, Ramakrishna Darla.

These are MS Windows patches, say for server 2012.
this is a simple batch file am using for monthly patches. But now there are servers in staging area of DC which are required to patch with all missing patches from last 1year or so. We got all the patches in to a folder, and need to run against each server.
SC QUERY state= all | findstr "DISPLAY_NAME | STATE" > C:\Services_Before_Reboot_Dec_14.txt
# will grab service beofore reboot
Windows8.1-KB2992611-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
Windows8.1-KB3008923-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
Windows8.1-KB3011780-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
Windows8.1-KB3013126-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
Cheers, Ramakrishna Darla.

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    Dism.exe /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:IIS-WebServerRole /FeatureName:IIS-WebServerRole /FeatureName:IIS-WebServer /FeatureName:IIS-ApplicationDevelopment /FeatureName:IIS-Security /FeatureName:IIS RequestFiltering /FeatureName:IIS-NetFxExtensibility
    /FeatureName:WAS-WindowsActivationService /FeatureName:WAS-ProcessModel /FeatureName:WAS-NetFxEnvironment /FeatureName:WAS-ConfigurationAPI /FeatureName:NetFx3 /FeatureName:WCF-HTTP-Activation /FeatureName:WCF-NonHTTP-Activation /FeatureName:IIS-WebServerManagementTools
    /FeatureName:IIS-ManagementConsole /FeatureName:IIS-ManagementScriptingTools  /FeatureName:IISIIS6ManagementCompatibility /FeatureName:IIS-ManagementService /FeatureName:IIS-Metabase /FeatureName:IIS-WMICompatibility
    When I run this script as admin by right click on it and select "run as a administrator" the script works fine but when I pushed the script as a software package or a step in OSD task sequence, nothing happens. I also tried
    run command line option but no luck. Please help me with this.

    1. When I used "run command line" option I found following errors in smsts.log:
    Remediation failed. Code 8027000C TSManager 1/2/2014 2:32:12 PM 2720 (0x0AA0)
    Remediation failed with error code 8027000C TSManager 1/2/2014 2:32:12 PM 2720 (0x0AA0)
    Remediation failed. Code 8027000C TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:16 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    Remediation failed with error code 8027000C TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:16 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    Failed to run the action: Run Command Line.
    Unknown error (Error: 800F080C; Source: Unknown) TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:32 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    Failed to delete directory 'C:\_SMSTaskSequence' TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:33 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    SetNamedSecurityInfo() failed. TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:33 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    SetObjectOwner() failed. 0x80070005. TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:33 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    RemoveFile() failed for C:\_SMSTaskSequence\TSEnv.dat. 0x80070005. TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:33 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    RemoveDirectoryW failed (0x80070091) for C:\_SMSTaskSequence TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:33 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    Failed to delete registry value HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence\Package. Error code 0x80070002 TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:33 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    RegQueryValueExW failed for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence, SMSTSEndProgram TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:34 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    GetTsRegValue() failed. 0x80070002. TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:34 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    ReleaseRequest failed with error code 0x80004005 TSManager 1/2/2014 2:34:34 PM 2092 (0x082C)
    RegQueryValueExW failed for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence, SMSTSEndProgram OSDSetupHook 1/2/2014 2:34:35 PM 360 (0x0168)
    GetTsRegValue() failed. 0x80070002. OSDSetupHook 1/2/2014 2:34:35 PM 360 (0x0168)
    2. We are not using MDT in our environment so I ant use add features and roles option.
    3. The script is running fine when we run it manually.

  • Cranpkg - script for installing R libraries

    Hi everyone,
    I have created a script for installing R libraries using pacman.  You can download it at (currently v0.3.0).
    For example, the "genetics" library is installed using
    > cranpkg -i genetics
    CRANPKG v0.2
    Copyright (C) 2007 Allan McRae
    Examining R installation...
    Installing package genetics...
    Downloading package information...
    Version: 1.3.0
    Dependancies: combinat gdata gtools MASS mvtnorm
    Resolving dependancies...
    Installing combinat...
    Installing gdata...
    Installing mvtnorm...
    Downloading package source...
    Building package...
    Installing package...
    > pacman -Qs cran
    local/cran-combinat 0.0.6-1
    R library - combinat. Built with cranpkg
    local/cran-gdata 2.3.1-1
    R library - gdata. Built with cranpkg
    local/cran-genetics 1.3.0-1
    R library - genetics. Built with cranpkg
    local/cran-gtools 2.4.0-1
    R library - gtools. Built with cranpkg
    local/cran-mvtnorm 0.8.1-1
    R library - mvtnorm. Built with cranpkg
    This should be fairly robust against failures and leave log files in /tmp/cranpkg if anything fails.  Please let me know if you run into trouble with this.
    There a a few variables that you may need to modify at the top of the script.  For example, the mirror you wish to download from.
    Wget is used by default for the downloading and package installation is done with a "sudo pacman" command.
    Any problems/success please let me know.
    Last edited by Allan (2007-12-31 04:51:27)

    Here is some information on cranpkg status at v0.2:
    Installs and loads fine in R:
    adegenet, allelic, ape, bayesSurv, classifly, coda, combinat, e1071, gdata, gee, genetics, glpk, gstat, gtools, HardyWeinberg, kinship, mcmc, mvtnorm, nortest, qtl, reshape, RGtk2, smoothSurv, sp, tree.
    Installs but fails to load in R:
    graph, rggobi
    Thats greater than 90% success rate...  The packages that fail to load have no files in them (pacman -Ql <pkg> returns nothing).
    Update:  graph requires R>=2.6.0 (latest) which hasn't made it to Arch yet.  rggobi require external software called ggobi so fails.  These errors are caught in v0.2.1.
    Last edited by Allan (2007-10-20 15:13:57)

  • Installation script for installing tables

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    Appreciate it

    These are MS Windows patches, say for server 2012.
    this is a simple batch file am using for monthly patches. But now there are servers in staging area of DC which are required to patch with all missing patches from last 1year or so. We got all the patches in to a folder, and need to run against each server.
    SC QUERY state= all | findstr "DISPLAY_NAME | STATE" > C:\Services_Before_Reboot_Dec_14.txt
    # will grab service beofore reboot
    Windows8.1-KB2992611-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
    Windows8.1-KB3008923-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
    Windows8.1-KB3011780-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
    Windows8.1-KB3013126-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
    Cheers, Ramakrishna Darla.

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    Or use below Code:
    try {
         inFolderName= Folder.selectDialog ("Input Folder:");
         outFolderName= Folder.selectDialog ("Output Folder:");
         if ((inFolderName != null) && (outFolderName != null))
              var idFileFolder = new Folder(inFolderName);
              var files = idFileFolder.getFiles("*.indd");
              for(myCounter = 0; myCounter < files.length; myCounter++)
                   var theDocument =[myCounter]));
                   with ( theDocument ) {
                   myXMLFile = new File(outFolderName + "/" + name.replace(".indd","") + ".xml" );
                   exportFile( ExportFormat.xml, myXMLFile );
    catch (err ) {
    alert("All files export");

  • Write-Progress in PowerShell script for installing Missing Updates

    Hi, I had a previous question here
    But that method is not working as expected.  The progress bar displays then continues to increment past 100 throwing an error each time.
    I'm thinking I could use a foreach loop for the missing updates but I'm just lost when it comes to Powershell syntax.
    For example:
    # Get the number of missing updates
    [System.Management.ManagementObject[]] $CMMissingUpdates = @(GWMI -ComputerName $server -query "SELECT * FROM CCM_SoftwareUpdate WHERE ComplianceState = '0'" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK") #End Get update count.
    $result.UpdateCountBefore = "The number of missing updates is $($CMMissingUpdates.count)"
    #Install missing updates.
    #Begin example code, not tested.
    Foreach ($update in $CMMissingUpdates)
    If ($CMMissingUpdates.count) {
    $CMInstallMissingUpdates = (GWMI -ComputerName $server -Namespace "root\ccm\clientsdk" -Class "CCM_SoftwareUpdatesManager" -List).InstallUpdates($CMMissingUpdates)
    Do {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
    [array]$CMInstallPendingUpdates = @(GWMI -ComputerName $server -query "SELECT * FROM CCM_SoftwareUpdate WHERE EvaluationState = 6 or EvaluationState = 7" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK")
    #end my example code.
    #The code below is working to install updates but Write-Progress isn't.
    If ($CMMissingUpdates.count) {
    #$result.UpdateCountBefore = "The number of missing updates is $($CMMissingUpdates.count)"
    $CMInstallMissingUpdates = (GWMI -ComputerName $server -Namespace "root\ccm\clientsdk" -Class "CCM_SoftwareUpdatesManager" -List).InstallUpdates($CMMissingUpdates)
    #Set the missing updates to variable for progress indicator.
    $updates = $CMMissingUpdates.Count
    $Increment = 100 / $updates
    $Percent = 0
    Do {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
    [array]$CMInstallPendingUpdates = @(GWMI -ComputerName $server -query "SELECT * FROM CCM_SoftwareUpdate WHERE EvaluationState = 6 or EvaluationState = 7" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\ClientSDK")
    #Not 100% sure $result.UpdateCountBefore is needed below.
    $result.UpdateCountBefore = "The number of pending updates for installation is: $($CMInstallPendingUpdates.count)"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Updates are installing..." -PercentComplete $Percent -Status "Working..."
    $Percent = $Percent + $Increment
    } While (($CMInstallPendingUpdates.count -ne 0) -and ((New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $(Get-Date)) -lt "00:45:00"))
    Write-Progress -Activity "Updates Installed" -Status "Done" -Completed
    } ELSE {
    $result.UpdateCountAfter = "There are no missing updates."}

    The increment should be 100  / (max number of items)
    That will not exceed 100 through (max number of items ) iterations in a loop
    Mathematically that can be written as 
    100 / (Max Number of items) * (max number of items ) iterations in a loop
    = 100 * ( (Max Number of Item) / (Number Iterations in a loop) )
    = 100 * 1 = 100
    The (max number of items) and (Number of Iterations in a loop ) need to be based on the same number.
    In the script, it is not based on the same number.
    The maximum number of items is $CMMissingUpdates.Count
    The number of iterations in the loop  is based on the condition 
    ($CMInstallPendingUpdates.count -ne 0)
    Which causes the iterations of the loop to exceed $CMMissingUpdates.Count
    Assuming the $CMInstallPendingUpdates.count is going down (is decremented) through the loop, then
    $Increment = 100 /

  • Script for making random thumbnails from single image

    Hi all,
    I need something like a hundred different thumbnails from each image in a series of images, that is, hundred random sections of the same image, saved in a folder as jpg,  and i was hoping that i could find a script for this.
    What the script has to do is:
    select the size of the crop (this would also be the dimensions of the thumbnail saved)
    rotate crop selection in a random orientation and place the crop randomly on the canvas
    save the image as a jpg in a folder
    return to original image,
    repeat process x times before quitting script.
    I dont think this should be to difficult to make a script for, but unfortunately i don´t know how to code.
    Is there anybody that could help me with this?
    This would save me a lot of time!

    You can give this a try:
    // create copies with pseudo random clipped and rotated parts of image;
    // thanks to xbytor;
    // 2012, use at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.POINTS;
    // set name for folder to save jpgs to;
    var folderName = "rotatedJpgs";
    // set number of jpgs;
    var theNumber = 100;
    // width and height;
    var theWidth = 500;
    var theHeight = 500;
    // calculate some values;
    var theDiagonal = Math.sqrt ((theWidth * theWidth) + (theHeight * theHeight));
    var diagAngle = angleFromRadians(Math.acos((theWidth) / (theDiagonal)));
    // get file name and path;
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    var docName =;
    try {
              var basename = docName.match(/(.*)\.[^\.]+$/)[1];
              var docPath = myDocument.path;
    catch (e) {
              basename = docName;
              var docPath = "~/Desktop";
    // create folder if it does not exist yet;
    if (Folder(docPath + "/" + folderName).exists == true) {
              var docPath = docPath + "/" + folderName;
    else {
              var theFolder = Folder(docPath + "/" + folderName).create();
              var docPath = docPath + "/" + folderName;
    // document dimensions;
    var docWidth = myDocument.width;
    var docHeight = myDocument.height;
    // jpg options;
    var jpegOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
    jpegOptions.quality = 10;
    jpegOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
    jpegOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
    // duplicate image;
    var theCopy = myDocument.duplicate (theCopy, true);
    var origResolution = theCopy.resolution;
    theCopy.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, 72, ResampleMethod.NONE);
    var docHalfWidth = theCopy.width / 2;
    var docHalfHeight = theCopy.height / 2;
    var theLayer = smartify2010(theCopy.layers[0]);
    theCopy.resizeCanvas (theWidth, theHeight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    var theHistoryState = theCopy.activeHistoryState;
    // do the variations;
    for (var m = 0; m < theNumber; m++) {
    var theAngle = Math.random() * 360;
    theLayer.rotate (theAngle, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    //theCopy.resizeCanvas (theWidth, theHeight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
    // get tolerance offset;
    var theHor1 = Math.abs(Math.cos(radiansOf(theAngle + diagAngle)) * theDiagonal / 2);
    var theVer1 = Math.abs(Math.sin(radiansOf(theAngle + diagAngle)) * theDiagonal/ 2);
    var theHor2 = Math.abs(Math.cos(radiansOf(theAngle - diagAngle)) * theDiagonal / 2);
    var theVer2 = Math.abs(Math.sin(radiansOf(theAngle - diagAngle)) * theDiagonal / -2);
    // calculate max offset for unrotated overall rectangle;
    var thisHalfWidth = docHalfWidth - Math.max(theHor1, theHor2);
    var thisHalfHeight = docHalfHeight - Math.max(theVer1, theVer2);
    // calculate random offset for unrotated overall rectangle;
    var randomX = thisHalfWidth * (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2;
    var randomY = thisHalfHeight * (Math.random() - 0.5) * 2;
    var aDiag = Math.sqrt (randomX * randomX + randomY * randomY);
    var anAngle = angleFromRadians(Math.asin((randomY) / (aDiag))) + theAngle;
    anAngle = anAngle + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) * 180;
    // calculate  offset for rotated overall rectangle;
    var offsetX = Math.cos(radiansOf(anAngle)) * aDiag;
    var offsetY = Math.sin(radiansOf(anAngle)) * aDiag;
    //alert (theAngle+"\n\n"+offsetX +"\n"+ offsetY+"\n\n"+ thisHalfWidth+"\n"+thisHalfHeight);
    theLayer.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
    theCopy.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, origResolution, ResampleMethod.NONE);
    theCopy.saveAs((new File(docPath+"/"+basename+"_"+bufferNumberWithZeros(m+1, 3)+".jpg")),jpegOptions,true);
    theCopy.activeHistoryState = theHistoryState;
    // clean up;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    ////// radians //////
    function radiansOf (theAngle) {
              return theAngle * Math.PI / 180
    ////// radians //////
    function angleFromRadians (theRad) {
              return theRad / Math.PI * 180
    ////// buffer number with zeros //////
    function bufferNumberWithZeros (number, places) {
              var theNumberString = String(number);
              for (var o = 0; o < (places - String(number).length); o++) {
                        theNumberString = String("0" + theNumberString)
              return theNumberString
    ////// function to smartify if not //////
    function smartify2010 (theLayer) {
    // make layers smart objects if they are not already;
              app.activeDocument.activeLayer = theLayer;
    // process pixel-layers and groups;
          if (theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.GRADIENTFILL" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.LAYER3D" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.NORMAL" ||
          theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.PATTERNFILL" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.SOLIDFILL" ||
          theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.TEXT" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.VIDEO" || theLayer.typename == "LayerSet") {
                        var id557 = charIDToTypeID( "slct" );
                        var desc108 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var id558 = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
                        var ref77 = new ActionReference();
                        var id559 = charIDToTypeID( "Mn  " );
                        var id560 = charIDToTypeID( "MnIt" );
                        var id561 = stringIDToTypeID( "newPlacedLayer" );
                        ref77.putEnumerated( id559, id560, id561 );
                        desc108.putReference( id558, ref77 );
                        executeAction( id557, desc108, DialogModes.NO )
                        return app.activeDocument.activeLayer
              if (theLayer.kind == LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.VIDEO") {return theLayer};
    ////// get an angle, 3:00 being 0˚, 6:00 90˚, etc. //////
    function getAngle (pointOne, pointTwo) {
    // calculate the triangle sides;
              var width = pointTwo[0] - pointOne[0];
              var height = pointTwo[1] - pointOne[1];
              var sideC = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(width, 2) + Math.pow(height, 2));
    // calculate the angles;
              if (width+width > width) {theAngle = Math.asin(height / sideC) * 360 / 2 / Math.PI}
              else {theAngle = 180 - (Math.asin(height / sideC) * 360 / 2 / Math.PI)};
              if (theAngle < 0) {theAngle = (360 + theAngle)};
              return theAngle

  • Any body know of a Java Script for retrieving learner location from LMS; similar to name?

    Looking for  a script to pull learning location from LMS. Then based on location send them to a particular slide. Any help would be appreciated.
    Example: learning from Chicago gets slide 2. LA slide 3, and so fourth...

    Are you using Captivate 8, so that you have access to the system variable cpInfoGeoLocation? And are your users on a device that has detection of location activated?
    For the JS you'll have to wait for someone else, but I think this information is necessary. And since you don't want to try advanced/shared actions...just wait.

  • Manual for Installing Patch 27 for EP6.0 SP2

    Is there anyone found the installation manual for EP6.0 SP2 Patch 27 according to Note 774779?
    It seems that SAP didn't publish the patches and the installation manual at the same time.
    Message was edited by: li dong

    Hi Aviad,
    it is not at least not for "public" non-SAP...
    Does somebody care?
    Strange enough, there doesn't seem to be a controlled process of publishing patches / notes / doc at the same time (happens quite often).
    Best regards

  • Archwiz Script for installing Arch Linux

    I created a new Bash Script Project called Archwiz, located on  github flesh/archwiz ,
    its still in Beta for a few reasons, I never figured out how to get computer translations working in the script so I can Localize it, and I never figured out all the details to get an AUR custom repo working and lastly I didn't get the Asynchronous downloads to work right, so there are all disabled in this script.
    This script was a fork of another script found here Archlinux Ultimate Install Script.
    The Script itself has several files, the is a library, that allow programmers to use this library as an API for writing scripts, so its usefully to anyone that wants an API to write Bash Scripts, but the script itself scripts a script that is saved as configuration files, then executes the script inside itself, so you can look at all the configuration files before running it.
    The script was written for use by anyone, but mostly targets programmers like myself who need to setup a machine to use as a work station and want it set up a certain way every time, although this script is far from finished, I have a lot of tweaking to do to it before it would be completely there, but as it is, I can get up and running on a machine with little effort, so this make it ideal for a Linux Administrator who has to install thousands of OS's and have them configured all the same way, but works great for someone just wanting to install Arch Linux.
    The Project is Self Documenting and Self Localizing, although currently only English works, but the po files are there, so it would be easy enough if you wanted to localize it; but the computer translation function I started would be the correct way to do this.
    The scripts makes use of a custom repo, so remove it when finished, the script should do this for you, but just to let you know, it downloads the core to the flash drive, this way it can install very fast, once you install it one, it has all the files on it to install on another computer without an Internet connection, well at least that was my thinking, I never did get the AUR custom repo to work, but the idea is to have all the files on the flash so you do not need to use up bandwidth installing Arch Linux on a new machine, just install it, then run pacman updates.
    The Idea of a Wizard is to make the life of those installing an OS, much easier, they have the Option to do a Custom install, or a Wizard install, even an Automatic install to pre-configure machines.
    The script determines if you have UEFI Bios or not, and formats and configures the Hard Drive correctly, and gives you full control over the partitioning of the drive, within the bounds of the tools used, so its very flexible, it uses systemd, so boot time on my machine is 10 seconds flat, and that's because I mount a lot of network drives and map them at boot time, I got 2 seconds boot time with mounting, so the packages are not perfect, but they do work.
    I only tested GDM, since I installed every Desktop Manager and configuration for my needs, this was the only one I got to work for all of them, but I normally use KDE or Mate, but I ran into issues with Mate and went back to KDE, so I could get back to work.
    This script was designed to Format the Drive you install it to, so do not use this on a Partitioned Drive,  it will format the hard drive, so you are warned once more during the install, but this could be fixed, I had to abandon the project to finish another, so the script is as it is, but could give someone a great start if they want to folk it and finish it, so fork me.
    See the help.html for details.
    Last edited by Flesh (2013-02-28 00:31:54)

    Moving to Community Contributions...

  • Need Help Creating A Script For Labeling Finder Files from Indesign

    Trying to figure out a way to have a script run in InDesign CS4 that will label a text file RED after it's been imported into InDesign.
    We import numerous text files into an InDesign template. Since there are several text files in the same folder, we need to somehow "mark off" that we've imported that file and move to the next one to import. I have created an Automator "service" with a keyboard shortcut to label the file Red in the finder but it would be great if we could have this happen automatically after we import into InDesign.
    If we import the wrong text file by accident and it gets missed in proofing, it costs us a lot of money with the printer.
    Thanks for any ideas.

    You know, these guys are absolutely right in their assessment that this is a good place for event listeners. You would need three scripts though.
    Something like...
    Label Placed Files Red.scpt
    --Put this in a folder called IDScripts in your Documents folder
    on main(myEvent)
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
    set placedFilePath to full name of myEvent
    set placedFilePath to placedFilePath as alias
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    --This turns the file color red
    set label index of placedFilePath to 2
    end tell
    end main
    And these two are in your InDesign scripts folder...
    Start Placed File Finder Labelling.scpt
    --Installs the afterImport event listener for the Label Placed Files Red script.
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
    set myHandler to path to documents folder
    set myScriptName to "Label Placed Files Red.scpt"
    set myHandler to "" & myHandler & "IDScripts:" & myScriptName
    set myHandler to myHandler as alias
    make event listener with properties {event type:"afterImport", handler:myHandler, captures:true}
    display dialog "Placed File Labelling: ON" buttons "OK" default button 1
    on error
    display dialog "ERROR: Couldn't start handler!" & return & return & "Make sure the \"" & myScriptName & "\" script in a folder called \"IDScripts\" inside your Documents folder and try again" buttons "OK" default button 1
    end try
    end tell
    Stop Placed File Finder Labelling.scpt
    --Removes the afterImport event listener for the Label Placed Files Red script.
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
    set myHandler to path to documents folder
    set myScriptName to "Label Placed Files Red.scpt"
    set myHandler to "" & myHandler & "IDScripts:" & myScriptName
    set myHandler to myHandler as alias
    set myResult to remove event listener event type "afterImport" handler myHandler with captures
    if (myResult is false) then
    display dialog "ERROR: Couldn't remove handler! Are you sure it is active?" & return & return & "If so, please quit and relaunch InDesign to get rid of it." buttons "OK" default button 1
    display dialog "Placed File Labelling: OFF" buttons "OK" default button 1
    end if
    end tell

  • Best practise for installing patches for SCCM Client 2012 (Both x86 and x64)) - OSD and Client Push Installation

    Hi All,
    What is best practice for automatic installing of SCCM 2012 client Patches
    (using Patch switch) during installation of SCCM 2012 clients? The challenge is that now there are two versions of clients and updates (x86 and x64).
    I need information for:
    Client Push Installation
    Thank you in advance.

    Not everything that can be or is supported or not supported is documented (or ever can be):
    Your expectation here needs to be adjusted. No one recommended contacting support. William just mentioned that *if* you have an issue and needed to contact support, they may decline to help you because you've done something explicitly unsupported.
    For clientpatch, here's the specific documentation noting it as unsupported:
    Additionally, I've also been in contact with the sustained engineering folks responsible for the CUs and they've reinforced the statement.
    What can happen? Who knows? Microsoft does not test against unsupported configurations and features -- that's the definition of unsupported. It's not tested so no one really knows. They did find a couple of explicit issues (outlined in that post above) so
    know that at least those exist and probably more since it is, as mentioned, abandoned code.
    Why does it matter what can happen though? If the folks who write and support the code tell you shouldn't do it, you are simply asking for problems by doing it. Ultimately, you're asking a question that has no defined answer (except "bad"/unsupported things)
    that really doesn't matter if you follow the explicit guidance. If you don't, as William points out, that's a risk for you take and an answer for you to discover.
    Jason |

  • Procedure for installing CS6 upgrade from CS5.5 on new computer

    I am running Design Premium CS5.5 which was an upgrade from CS4.  I am buying a new laptop.  Can I install CS6 directly?  Or do I have to install CS4 and then CS5.5 and then CS6?
    Do I "deactivate" CS5.5 on the old computer first?

    Hi Tony, you  need not to install CS 4 and CS 5.5. You can directly install CS 6 on your new laptop.
    It will ask your serial key for CS 6 and then it will ask the serial key for the qualifying product , in this case it will be the serial key for your CS 5.5.
    And then it will start the installation.

  • How to set notification for latest patch updates from Oracle?

    Is there a link to receive notification from Oracle about the latest patch updates on OBIEE or BI Apps?

    Hi Tugdual,
    Thanks for your great information. With your information i was resolve my one problem.
    But however i have one more problem my application uses jni dll file called webcomponentjni.dll.
    In 10.1.2 there was a option in OC4J Containers property
    OC4J Container -> Administraton -> Server Property Page -> Environment Variables when i add path to the location of my webcomponentjni.dll it used to work fine.
    But in 10.1.3 i don't have that option so i have added in opmn.xml file as follows
    -Djava.library.path=<location> but it is not working.
    When i try to browse the application it is giving the following error
    Message:WCA startup failed with the following message: no webcomponentjni in java.library.path
    Have you encountered such problems so far.
    - Rajendra P S.

  • Powershell script for removing some users from a particular Site Collection

    I am looking for a PowerShell script to delete a few users from a particular Site Collection. I am unable to delete them from/_catalogs/Users/simple.aspx page therefore need some other medium to
    delete users from the site collection.
    My ultimate aim is to have no user profile with "tp_deleted" field's value as 0 in the USERINFO table. Currently there are about 40 odd users with this field's value as 0 and this is affecting my crawling of this content database.

    Thanks for the reply Alex & eHaze,
    I have a content source of root site which crawls all the site collections under it. Out of the 9 site collections, only 8 are getting crawled and 1 doesn't get crawled at all. The error in the crawl logs is 
    The SharePoint item being crawled returned an error when requesting data from the web service. ( Error from SharePoint site: Value does not fall within the expected range. )
    I tried a lot of things, searched over the net and finally found
    this which helped me solve the same issue in my development environment. I deleted these users from userInfo table and ran a full crawl. And the issue was fixed.
    Now since I cannot delete the users from userInfo table directly from PROD environment, I used .../_catalogs/Users/simple.aspx list
    to delete users from this site collection. While some of the users I could delete, quite a few I could not. Clicking on the profile redirected me to the home page rather than the info page of the profile. 
    is why I have to delete these users from the site collection.
    Alex - the link you shared, I guess it is for a web application level.
    eHaze - the script you shared throws this error:
    Get-SPSite : Cannot find an SPSite object with Id or Url: http://dev-apps/divisions/BT. At C:\PowerShell Scripts\DeleteUserFromSiteCollection1.ps1:4 char:19
    + $site = get-spsite <<<< $siteURL
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...SPCmdletGetSite:
    SPCmdletGetSite) [Get-SPSite], SPCmdletPipeBindException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletGetSite
    You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    At C:\PowerShell Scripts\DeleteUserFromSiteCollection1.ps1:9 char:27
    + $site.SiteUsers.Remove <<<< ($LoginName)
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Remove:String) [], RuntimeExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
    hope this info helps.

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