Powershell script for removing some users from a particular Site Collection

I am looking for a PowerShell script to delete a few users from a particular Site Collection. I am unable to delete them from/_catalogs/Users/simple.aspx page therefore need some other medium to
delete users from the site collection.
My ultimate aim is to have no user profile with "tp_deleted" field's value as 0 in the USERINFO table. Currently there are about 40 odd users with this field's value as 0 and this is affecting my crawling of this content database.

Thanks for the reply Alex & eHaze,
I have a content source of root site which crawls all the site collections under it. Out of the 9 site collections, only 8 are getting crawled and 1 doesn't get crawled at all. The error in the crawl logs is 
The SharePoint item being crawled returned an error when requesting data from the web service. ( Error from SharePoint site: Value does not fall within the expected range. )
I tried a lot of things, searched over the net and finally found
this which helped me solve the same issue in my development environment. I deleted these users from userInfo table and ran a full crawl. And the issue was fixed.
Now since I cannot delete the users from userInfo table directly from PROD environment, I used .../_catalogs/Users/simple.aspx list
to delete users from this site collection. While some of the users I could delete, quite a few I could not. Clicking on the profile redirected me to the home page rather than the info page of the profile. 
is why I have to delete these users from the site collection.
Alex - the link you shared, I guess it is for a web application level.
eHaze - the script you shared throws this error:
Get-SPSite : Cannot find an SPSite object with Id or Url: http://dev-apps/divisions/BT. At C:\PowerShell Scripts\DeleteUserFromSiteCollection1.ps1:4 char:19
+ $site = get-spsite <<<< $siteURL
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...SPCmdletGetSite:
SPCmdletGetSite) [Get-SPSite], SPCmdletPipeBindException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletGetSite
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At C:\PowerShell Scripts\DeleteUserFromSiteCollection1.ps1:9 char:27
+ $site.SiteUsers.Remove <<<< ($LoginName)
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Remove:String) [], RuntimeExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
hope this info helps.

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    Usage: CScript NameOfVBS.vbs //NOLOGO /User:Jane.Doe /GroupDN:CN=Group1,DC=Contoso,DC=com
    Option Explicit
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim str_User
    Dim str_GroupDN
    Dim obj_Connection
    Dim obj_Command
    Dim obj_RootDSE
    Dim str_DNSDomain
    Dim str_Base
    Dim str_Filter
    Dim str_Attributes
    Dim str_Query
    Dim obj_RecordSet
    Dim obj_Group
    Dim str_ADsPath
    Dim obj_User
    str_User = WScript.Arguments.Named("User")
    str_GroupDN = WScript.Arguments.Named("GroupDN")
    If Len(Trim(str_User)) > 0 And Len(Trim(str_GroupDN)) > 0 Then
    Set obj_Connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set obj_Command = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    obj_Connection.Provider = "ADsDSOOBject"
    obj_Connection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
    Set obj_Command.ActiveConnection = obj_Connection
    Set obj_RootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
    str_DNSDomain = obj_RootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
    str_Base = "<LDAP://" & str_DNSDomain & ">"
    str_Filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=" & str_User & "))"
    str_Attributes = "cn,ADsPath"
    str_Query = str_Base & ";" & str_Filter & ";" & str_Attributes & ";subtree"
    obj_Command.CommandText = str_Query
    obj_Command.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
    obj_Command.Properties("Timeout") = 1
    obj_Command.Properties("Cache Results") = False
    Set obj_RecordSet = obj_Command.Execute
    If obj_RecordSet.RecordCount = 0 Then
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    Set obj_Group = GetObject("LDAP://" & str_GroupDN)
    str_ADsPath = obj_RecordSet.Fields("ADsPath")
    Set obj_User = GetObject(str_ADsPath)
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    ElseIf Err.Number = -2147016651 Then
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    WScript.Echo str_User & " error removing from group " & str_GroupDN
    End If
    End If
    End If

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    $currUserLastname = $_.sn
    $currUserMail = $_.mail
    $currUserFullName = $_.name
    $currUserSAM = $_.samaccountname
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    write-host "CSV $UserFullName matched on email"
    if($userMatched -ne 1) {
    write-host "$UserFullName was not found. Creating user."
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    Move below to outside the inner for-each loop:
    if($userMatched -ne 1) {
    write-host "$UserFullName was not found. Creating user."
    so the bottom should look like
    }if($userMatched -ne 1) {
    write-host "$UserFullName was not found. Creating user."

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    Originally Posted by laurabuckley
    I suggest running a standalone GWCheck on your user.db with the misc. option of proxyfix.
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    This worked!
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    Your teams help is much appreciated 
    Thank you.
    Thilochana kumararatne

    Hi Braham,
    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Are we able to do this on two stage method
    1. grab the security groups from the share paths
    if can grab the share path from a separate txt file than copying it to the <your path> location
    so i can modify the txt file
    once run the script
    if can the output like below to a CSV file
    \\servername\foldermain\folder1group 1group 2group 3\\servername\foldermain\folder2group 1group 2group 3then i know which groups belongs to which share paththen i can remove the duplicate groups and keep the common groups to grab the users belongs to itso with the second script same as the first copy the security groups to a txt file and the out put as below.what I needs is the users full name and the samaccount name ( user id )group 1user1user2user3
    group 2user1user2user3looking forward your help on thisThank you.Thilo

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    Sorry... This is an open forum, not Adobe support... You need Adobe support to cancel a subscription
    -start here https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1703848
    -or by telephone http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/phone-support-orders.html
    --and two links which may provide more details, if the above links don't help you

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    (get-windowsfeature -Name Web-Ftp-Server).Installed
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    0x87df00329 application requirement evaluation or detection failed
    Google searches for this have not been very helpful.
    Now, when I created the Configuration Item and referenced PowerShell, the configuration screen has the following note:
    "Specify the script to find and return the value to be assessed for compliance on client devices. Use the echo command to return the script value to Configuration Manager."
    Since I did not include an echo command in my PowerShell script above, I figured that was my problem, so I did the following:
    Logging onto both of my test servers (2008R2 & 2012) I was able to successfully run the following PowerShell commands and get the expected responses of True or False:
    (get-windowsfeature -Name Web-Ftp-Server).Installed | echo
    (get-windowsfeature -Name Web-Ftp-Server).Installed | write-output (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849921.aspx)
    (get-windowsfeature -Name Web-Ftp-Server).Installed | write-host (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee177031.aspx)
    However, when I use any of these PowerShell commands in my Configuration Item, NEITHER of my test servers returns a response to the SCCM server.
    When I check the report, both servers show as "Unknown" and when I click on the number 2 (as in 2 servers unknown), the following report page (List of unknown assets for a configuration baseline) has absolutely no data/information at all.
    So...I am at a loss.
    SCCM tells me to use an echo command to return a script value to Configuration Manager. The PowerShell scripts above, with the various echo related commands, work just fine on the servers themselves, but they return no information when run via SCCM.
    What am I missing?
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance for your time.

    Sorry for my ignorance, but I don't understand. (I forgot to mention that I am new at both PowerShell and SCCM.)
    After I change the PowerShell script to add the echo/write-output/write-host cmdlet, I open the ConFig Item and "Clear" the PowerShell script and then re-add it. When I do that, it correctly shows the change in the ConFig Item.
    Next I open the Baseline, then open the ConFig Item within the Baseline to make sure the change is reflected there as well, which it is.
    I then deploy the Baseline to my Device Collection. After that, I run a report against the Baseline and Device Collection and it returns the "Unknown" result.
    If I open the PowerShell script and remove the echo/write-output/write-host cmdlet, then go through the rest of the process of updating and reporting, the result it returns changes, showing one server in compliance and the other server out of compliance,
    which leads me to think that all changes have taken correctly.
    Does that sound right? If I manually deploy the Baseline, is that the same as the client retrieving policies from the management point?
    Sorry to be so thick but I'm learning as I go.
    Thanks again for your help.

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    Hello All,
    I am trying to remove a user account form all sub sites except few.
    I am making use of following command.
    Remove-SPUser "Contoso\jdoe" -web http://webapp/sites/site1/web1/
     But this command is removing the user from all the sub sites including the site collection.
    Can anybody please help to delete the user from specific subsite only.
    Thanks & Regards
    MD Liakath Ali
    MD.Liakath ali

    You can try to delete user from specific SharePoint group at sub site level using Power shell script as below .
    user from SP Group
    more details on below blog

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    Hello Paul,
    Not sure if this is related to yours, but it might be worth having a look at the following articles on Oracle support --
    External users in EPM Shared Services (e.g. MSAD users) cannot be removed from Native groups if they have multiple IDs in the external user directory. [ID 1526569.1]
    Users from External User Directories Cannot be Removed from Native Groups [ID 1272309.1]
    Please mark answers as correct or helpful for others to find them easily.

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