Script for Transfering paths between documents?.. help

Dear all,
I can see that this question has been asked a few times, but the answers don't work for me.
All I need to do is to make a script (I am new to this).. which automates the transfer of the paths to the document with the same file name.
E.g.: File 1: Original tif or .psd file with file name fridaystudios64 which resides in a folder called tif. File 2: Jpg image which has been sent away for clipping and has come back. It also has the same filename fridaystudio64 but resides in a folder called Paths..
The file name is always different.. and there are over 10 for each batch.
The file size of these documents is exactly the same, but the colour space is different.. (the tif or .psd is Adobe RGB and the jpg is sRGB).
The file needs to automate by recognising the other file with the same name, opening up, and copying it over, and then just saving it.
I could do this manually, but it takes about 3 minutes a day, and sometimes longer, and thought if it's possible then it would be cool.
Can anyone please help with this, or already have a script they are generous enough to give me..
Kind regards,

Does this help?
// select folder, if folder »paths« exists beside that folder transfer paths from jpgs to psds, tifs from first folder;
// 2014, use it at your own risk;
#target photoshop
// dialog for folder-selection;
var theFolder1 = Folder.selectDialog ("select folder 1");
var theFolder2 = Folder(theFolder1.parent+"/Paths");
//var theFolder2 = Folder.selectDialog ("select folder 2");
if (theFolder1 && theFolder1) {
var theFiles1 = theFolder1.getFiles(getSomeFiles);
// work through folders;
for (var m = 0; m < theFiles1.length; m++) {
          var theFile = theFiles1[m];
// if corresponding jpg exists;
          var thePath = theFolder2+"/"\.\D{3}$/i, ".jpg");
          if (File(thePath).exists == true) {
// open jpg;
                    var theFile2 =;
// if jpg has path/s;
                    if (theFile2.pathItems.length > 0) {
                              var thePaths = new Array;
                              var theNames = new Array;
// collect paths;
                              for (var n = 0; n < theFile2.pathItems.length; n++) {
                                        var thisPath = theFile2.pathItems[n];
                                        theNames.push (;
                                        thePaths.push (collectPathInfoFromDesc2012(theFile2, thisPath));
// open other file;
                              var theFile =;
// create paths;
                              for (var o = 0; o < thePaths.length; o++) {
                                        var theName = theNames[o];
// if path of that name exists;
                                        var theCheck = false
                                        while (theCheck == false) {
                                                  try {
                                                            theName = theName + "_"
                                                  catch (e) {theCheck = true};
                                        createPath2012(thePaths[o], theName)
// close and save;
                    else {theFile2.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES)}
////// get psds and tifs from files //////
function getSomeFiles (theFile) {
    if (\.(tif|psd)$/i)) {
        return true
////// get document’s //////
function getDocumentsID () {
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Dcmn"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
var docDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var docID = docDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("documentID"));
var docIndex = docDesc.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("itemIndex"));
return [docID, docIndex]
////// collect path info from actiondescriptor, smooth added //////
function collectPathInfoFromDesc2012 (myDocument, thePath) {
var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.POINTS;
// based of functions from xbytor’s stdlib;
var ref = new ActionReference();
for (var l = 0; l < myDocument.pathItems.length; l++) {
          var thisPath = myDocument.pathItems[l];
          if (thisPath == thePath && == "Work Path") {
                    ref.putProperty(cTID("Path"), cTID("WrPt"));
          if (thisPath == thePath && != "Work Path" && thisPath.kind != PathKind.VECTORMASK) {
                    ref.putIndex(cTID("Path"), l + 1);
          if (thisPath == thePath && thisPath.kind == PathKind.VECTORMASK) {
        var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );
        var idPath = charIDToTypeID( "Path" );
        var idvectorMask = stringIDToTypeID( "vectorMask" );
        ref.putEnumerated( idPath, idPath, idvectorMask );
var desc = app.executeActionGet(ref);
var pname = desc.getString(cTID('PthN'));
// create new array;
var theArray = new Array;
var pathComponents = desc.getObjectValue(cTID("PthC")).getList(sTID('pathComponents'));
// for subpathitems;
for (var m = 0; m < pathComponents.count; m++) {
          var listKey = pathComponents.getObjectValue(m).getList(sTID("subpathListKey"));
          var operation1 = pathComponents.getObjectValue(m).getEnumerationValue(sTID("shapeOperation"));
          switch (operation1) {
                    case 1097098272:
                    var operation = 1097098272 //cTID('Add ');
                    case 1398961266:
                    var operation = 1398961266 //cTID('Sbtr');
                    case 1231975538:
                    var operation = 1231975538 //cTID('Intr');
//                    case 1102:
                    var operation = sTID('xor') //ShapeOperation.SHAPEXOR;
// for subpathitem’s count;
          for (var n = 0; n < listKey.count; n++) {
                    theArray.push(new Array);
                    var points = listKey.getObjectValue(n).getList(sTID('points'));
                    try {var closed = listKey.getObjectValue(n).getBoolean(sTID("closedSubpath"))}
                    catch (e) {var closed = false};
// for subpathitem’s segment’s number of points;
                    for (var o = 0; o < points.count; o++) {
                              var anchorObj = points.getObjectValue(o).getObjectValue(sTID("anchor"));
                              var anchor = [anchorObj.getUnitDoubleValue(sTID('horizontal')), anchorObj.getUnitDoubleValue(sTID('vertical'))];
                              var thisPoint = [anchor];
                              try {
                                        var left = points.getObjectValue(o).getObjectValue(cTID("Fwd "));
                                        var leftDirection = [left.getUnitDoubleValue(sTID('horizontal')), left.getUnitDoubleValue(sTID('vertical'))];
                              catch (e) {
                              try {
                                        var right = points.getObjectValue(o).getObjectValue(cTID("Bwd "));
                                        var rightDirection = [right.getUnitDoubleValue(sTID('horizontal')), right.getUnitDoubleValue(sTID('vertical'))];
                              catch (e) {
                              try {
                                        var smoothOr = points.getObjectValue(o).getBoolean(cTID("Smoo"));
                              catch (e) {thisPoint.push(false)};
                              theArray[theArray.length - 1].push(thisPoint);
                    theArray[theArray.length - 1].push(closed);
                    theArray[theArray.length - 1].push(operation);
// by xbytor, thanks to him;
function cTID (s) { return cTID[s] || cTID[s] = app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
function sTID (s) { return sTID[s] || sTID[s] = app.stringIDToTypeID(s); };
// reset;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
return theArray;
////// create a path from collectPathInfoFromDesc2012-array //////
function createPath2012(theArray, thePathsName) {
var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.POINTS;
// thanks to xbytor;
cTID = function(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
sTID = function(s) { return app.stringIDToTypeID(s); };
    var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var ref1 = new ActionReference();
    ref1.putProperty(cTID('Path'), cTID('WrPt'));
    desc1.putReference(sTID('null'), ref1);
    var list1 = new ActionList();
for (var m = 0; m < theArray.length; m++) {
          var thisSubPath = theArray[m];
    var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc2.putEnumerated(sTID('shapeOperation'), sTID('shapeOperation'), thisSubPath[thisSubPath.length - 1]);
    var list2 = new ActionList();
    var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc3.putBoolean(cTID('Clsp'), thisSubPath[thisSubPath.length - 2]);
    var list3 = new ActionList();
for (var n = 0; n < thisSubPath.length - 2; n++) {
          var thisPoint = thisSubPath[n];
    var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc5.putUnitDouble(cTID('Hrzn'), cTID('#Rlt'), thisPoint[0][0]);
    desc5.putUnitDouble(cTID('Vrtc'), cTID('#Rlt'), thisPoint[0][1]);
    desc4.putObject(cTID('Anch'), cTID('Pnt '), desc5);
    var desc6 = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc6.putUnitDouble(cTID('Hrzn'), cTID('#Rlt'), thisPoint[1][0]);
    desc6.putUnitDouble(cTID('Vrtc'), cTID('#Rlt'), thisPoint[1][1]);
    desc4.putObject(cTID('Fwd '), cTID('Pnt '), desc6);
    var desc7 = new ActionDescriptor();
    desc7.putUnitDouble(cTID('Hrzn'), cTID('#Rlt'), thisPoint[2][0]);
    desc7.putUnitDouble(cTID('Vrtc'), cTID('#Rlt'), thisPoint[2][1]);
    desc4.putObject(cTID('Bwd '), cTID('Pnt '), desc7);
    desc4.putBoolean(cTID('Smoo'), thisPoint[3]);
    list3.putObject(cTID('Pthp'), desc4);
    desc3.putList(cTID('Pts '), list3);
    list2.putObject(cTID('Sbpl'), desc3);
    desc2.putList(cTID('SbpL'), list2);
    list1.putObject(cTID('PaCm'), desc2);
    desc1.putList(cTID('T   '), list1);
    executeAction(cTID('setd'), desc1, DialogModes.NO);
if (hasVectorMask() == false) {
var myPathItem = app.activeDocument.pathItems[app.activeDocument.pathItems.length - 1];
else {
var myPathItem = app.activeDocument.pathItems[app.activeDocument.pathItems.length - 2]; = thePathsName;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
return myPathItem
// from »Flatten All Masks.jsx« by jeffrey tranberry;
// Function: hasVectorMask
// Usage: see if there is a vector layer mask
// Input: <none> Must have an open document
// Return: true if there is a vector mask
function hasVectorMask() {
          var hasVectorMask = false;
          try {
                    var ref = new ActionReference();
                    var keyVectorMaskEnabled = app.stringIDToTypeID( 'vectorMask' );
                    var keyKind = app.charIDToTypeID( 'Knd ' );
                    ref.putEnumerated( app.charIDToTypeID( 'Path' ), app.charIDToTypeID( 'Ordn' ), keyVectorMaskEnabled );
                    var desc = executeActionGet( ref );
                    if ( desc.hasKey( keyKind ) ) {
                              var kindValue = desc.getEnumerationValue( keyKind );
                              if (kindValue == keyVectorMaskEnabled) {
                                        hasVectorMask = true;
          }catch(e) {
                    hasVectorMask = false;
          return hasVectorMask;

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    You need to contact Rick Borstein to update the link for the missing file. See his blog entry In case files are missing. Adobe has closed and started a new service for Acrobat DC.
    There are any number of scripts to provide add this feature with some options.
    PDFScripting free automation tools
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    5. Mapped ERP SD, TM sales organization with logical TM system, sales area, Order type, Billing type, Pricing procedure
    6. Output types determination configured for ERP Billing in SD

    Dear Serhat,
    I don't think this is an RFC problem or an error. But you wrote:
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    thanks for the help.

    -Printing by folder only helps when I need to run one copy of the files, typically I need to print multiple copies or save them for future printing.  Also I have had errors printing via that method before because it will sometimes overload the printer queue.
    -It would be great if clients always provided print ready documents, but that is usually not the case and I have to correct it which is why I am here asking how to do this.
    And if you can not do that then you need to insert a blank page into the files with an odd number of pages.
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    Thanks for the info.
    Was there a document you pulled this from?
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    Are you using the Extendscript Toolkit Editor (ESTK)? In the Help menu you can find all the properties for Document that can be queried/changed.
    (Personally, I don't use ESTK, because I really really hate it. But I don't want to miss the Help, so I made my own version. I have Illustrator CS4, and it's possible your version doesn't have this, but under Document I find:
    The color space used for the document.
    For the how-to-use I glady refer you to Adobe's own Starting With Scripting guides.)

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    Hi hope u r all fine,
    Please help for this. I want to change the space in Document footnote option.
    That is Minimum space before first footnote = "12 pt"; and Rule above of First Footnote in Column should be Rule off.
    I need script for this.

    @hasvi – look up the properties and methods here:
    InDesign JavaScript Reference Guide
    I recommend the chm files listed there for easy searchability.
    There is also a HTML version and a online version in HTML.
    Properties like footnoteFirstBaselineOffset, footnoteMinimumFirstBaselineOffset, ruleOn and ruleOffset with their possible values are documented here:
    To set the properties and their values you have to address the document.footnoteOptions:
    var myDoc = app.documents[0]; = {
        footnoteFirstBaselineOffset : FootnoteFirstBaseline.X_HEIGHT,
        footnoteMinimumFirstBaselineOffset : "12 pt",
        ruleOn : false

Maybe you are looking for