Script language problem

Hi friends,
We designed a script for purchase order for taiwans, and it is
displaying the incorrect Payment Terms when outputted (e.g. printed) using the ZEBT(own outtype) output type in language 'ZF'.  The Payment Terms text displayed in the ouputted form is not the correct text for the Payment Term on the Purchase Order.
and it is displaying correct when the outtype in language 'EN'.
can any suggest me on this, how it is happening.

HI friend..
I have faced the same problem very long ago..
Try to debug the script first in se71.
At the main window look for the field netwr....
Just do some checking there..
Otherwise i can think for u  some other solution...

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  • Script language problem in Address syntax

    For this syntax in script
    CITY     &BILL_ORT01&
    Output I got is:
    Pvt ltd
    Postfach 123
    111 KUWAIT
    But I need output in this format: po box must be written in English
    Pvt ltd
    PO BOX 123
    111 KUWAIT

    What happens if you try to login in English Language and try to print it?
    I looked into the FM ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM and I found that "PO Box" is being maintained in the Text elements of that function group. So, if you try to generate the output by logging in English, it should generate the PO Box in the address.
    Naimesh Patel

  • Coding Problem 6 Now Defined in Scripting Languages/Bioinformatics WIKI

    In the "Scripting Languages and Bioinformatics" WIKI, I have completed a new page here:
    and also defined Coding Problem 6 at the end of this page.
    This problem involves scripting an interactive session with a web site and parsing what the web site returns at various points duing the session.
    Am looking foward to a script that solves this problem, if anyone feels like spending the time to do it.

    // sequence to search ---------------------------------------------
    // url for form1 --------------------------------------------------
    $url = "";
    // parameters for form1 -------------------------------------------
    $bdb         = "protein";
    $bgeneticcode= "1";
    $bquery_from = "";
    $bquery_to   = "";
    $bjobtitle   = "ACW-" . time();
    $bdatabase   = "nr";
    $bblastprog  = "tblastn";
    $bpagetype   = "BlastSearch";
    $pf  = "";
    $pf .= "QUERY=" . $bquery;
    $pf .= "&db=" . $bdb;
    $pf .= "&QUERY_FROM=" . $bquery_from;
    $pf .= "&QUERY_TO=" . $bquery_to;
    $pf .= "&JOB_TITLE=" . $bjobtitle;
    $pf .= "&DATABASE=" . $bdatabase;
    $pf .= "&BLAST_PROGRAMS=" . $bblastprog;
    $pf .= "&PAGE_TYPE=" . $bpagetype;
    $pf .= "&GENETIC_CODE=1";
    $pf .= "&DBTYPE=";
    $pf .= "&EQ_MENU=";
    $pf .= "&EQ_TEXT=";
    $pf .= "&NEWWIN=";
    $pf .= "&MATCH_SCORES=";
    $pf .= "&MAX_NUM_SEQ=100";
    $pf .= "&EXPECT=10";
    $pf .= "&WORD_SIZE=3";
    $pf .= "&MATRIX_NAME=BLOSUM62";
    $pf .= "&GAPCOSTS=11 1";
    $pf .= "&REPEATS=";
    $pf .= "&FILTER=";
    $pf .= "&LCASE_MASK=";
    $pf .= "&TEMPLATE_LENGTH=";
    $pf .= "&TEMPLATE_TYPE=";
    $pf .= "&I_THRESH=0.005";
    $pf .= "&CLIENT=web";
    $pf .= "&SERVICE=plain";
    $pf .= "&CMD=request";
    $pf .= "&PAGE=Translations";
    $pf .= "&PROGRAM=tblastn";
    $pf .= "&MEGABLAST=";
    $pf .= "&RUN_PSIBLAST=";
    $pf .= "&SELECTED_PROG_TYPE=tblastn";
    $pf .= "&SAVED_SEARCH=true";
    $pf .= "&BLAST_SPEC=";
    $pf .= "&DB_DIR_PREFIX=";
    $pf .= "&SHOW_OVERVIEW=true";
    $pf .= "&SHOW_LINKOUT=true";
    $pf .= "&GET_SEQUENCE=true";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_OBJECT=Alignment";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_TYPE=HTML";
    $pf .= "&ALIGNMENT_VIEW=Pairwise";
    $pf .= "&MASK_CHAR=2";
    $pf .= "&MASK_COLOR=1";
    $pf .= "&DESCRIPTIONS=100";
    $pf .= "&ALIGNMENTS=100";
    $pf .= "&NEW_VIEW=true";
    $pf .= "&OLD_BLAST=true";
    $pf .= "&NCBI_GI=false";
    $pf .= "&SHOW_CDS_FEATURE=false";
    $pf .= "&NUM_OVERVIEW=100";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_EQ_TEXT=";
    $pf .= "&FORMAT_ORGANISM=";
    $pf .= "&EXPECT_LOW=";
    $pf .= "&EXPECT_HIGH=true";
    $pf .= "&QUERY_INDEX=0";
    // define the HTTP connection -----------------------------
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $pf);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER , 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    // call it ------------------------------------------------
    $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
    // get the request ID; the query takes some time and this ID
    // allows to identify the original request
    $query = "/<tr><td>Request ID<\/td><td> <b>([0-9A-Z]*)<\/b><\/td><\/tr>/";
    preg_match($query, $my_result, $request_id);
    // query for the result page every 2 seconds...when the result
    // is ready, we recognize it by its signature
    $not_ready = true;
    $result_url = "" . $request_id[1];
      $temp_page = null;
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
      $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
      $query = "/This page will be automatically updated in <b>(\d*)<\/b> seconds/";
      preg_match($query, $my_result, $temp_page);
      if(isset($temp_page[1])) {  sleep(2); }
      else { $not_ready = false; }
    // parse the results page; split it into result fragments first --------
    $pat = "/";
    $pat .= "><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"getSeqGi\"([^\n]*)\n";
    $pat .= "Length=\d*\n\n";
    $pat .= "[\w\s]*:\n";
    $pat .= "(\s*<a[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a>\n)*\n";
    $pat .= "([^\n]*\n){3}\n";
    $pat .= "(([^\n]*\n){3}\n[^n])*";
    $pat .= "/";
    preg_match_all($pat, $my_result, $fragments);
    // 'fine parse the result fragments and get some important parameters -----
    foreach($fragments[0] as $fragment){
      $query = "/<a href=\"http:\/\/(www\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/entrez\/query\.fcgi\?";
      $query .= "[^>]*)>([^<]*)<\/a><a[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a>\s*<a[^>]*><img[^>]*><\/a>([^\n]*)/";
      preg_match($query, $fragment, $u);
      $query  = "/\s*Score\s*=\s*(\d*) bits\s*\(\d*\),\s*Expect\s*=\s*([^,]*),";
      $query .= "[^\n]*\n\s*Identities\s*=\s*\d*\/\d*\s*\((\d*%)\)[^\n]*\n\s*Frame\s*=\s*([^\n]*)\n/";
      preg_match($query, $fragment, $u1);
      preg_match_all("/Sbjct\s*(\d*)\s*[A-Z\-]*\s*(\d*)\n/", $fragment, $positions);
      $fr["url"]        = $u[1];
      $fr["shname"]     = $u[2];
      $fr["name"]       = $u[3];
      $fr["score"]      = $u1[1];
      $fr["expect"]     = $u1[2];
      $fr["identities"] = $u1[3];
      $fr["frame"]      = $u1[4];
    // find out if we have to reverse the strand direction or not; adjust
    // lower and upper limit
      if ($fr["frame"] >= 0) {
        $fr["high"] =  $positions[2][count($positions)-1]; $fr["low"] = $positions[1][0]; $fr["reverse"] = ""; }
      else {
        $fr["high"] =  $positions[1][0]; $fr["low"] = $positions[2][count($positions)-1]; $fr["reverse"] = true;}
      $frx[] = $fr;
    // we call the final details form for the top ranked result
    // here we could loop over several results
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
    $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
    // parse the final details form to get the necessary parameters to execute
    // the final details form
    preg_match("/<input name=\"WebEnv\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u5);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"query_key\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u6);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"db\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u7);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"qty\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u8);
    preg_match("/<input name=\"c_start\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
               $my_result, $u9);
      "/<select name=\"dopt\".*<option value=\"([^\"]*)\" selected=\"1\">/",
      $my_result, $u10);
      "/<select name=\"dispmax\".*<option value=\"([^\"]*)\" selected=\"1\">/",
      $my_result, $u11);
      "/<select name=\"sendto\".*<option value=\"([^\"]*)\" selected=\"1\">/",
      $my_result, $u12);
      "/<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"([^\"]*)\" name=\"fmt_mask\".*value=\"([^\"]*)\"/",
      $my_result, $u13);
      "/<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"truncate\" name=\"truncate\" value=\"([^\"]*)\"\/>/",
      $my_result, $u14);
    // fill in the necessary parameters parsed out now and earlier
    $of  = "WebEnv=" . $u5[1];
    $of .= "&query_key=" . $u6[1];
    $of .= "&db=" . $u7[1];
    $of .= "&qty=" . $u8[1];
    $of .= "&c_start=" . $u9[1];
    $of .= "&dopt=" . $u10[1];
    $of .= "&dispmax=" . $u11[1];
    $of .= "&sendto=" . $u12[1];
    $of .= "&fmt_mask=" . $u13[1];
    $of .= "&truncate=" . $u14[1];
    $of .= "&less_feat=";
    $of .= "&from=" . $fr["low"];
    $of .= "&to=" . $fr["high"];
    $of .= "&strand=" . $fr["reverse"];
    $of .= "&extrafeatpresent=1";
    $of .= "&ef_SNP=1";
    $of .= "&ef_CDD=8";
    $of .= "&ef_MGC=16";
    $of .= "&ef_HPRD=32";
    $of .= "&ef_STS=64";
    $of .= "&ef_tRNA=128";
    $of .= "&ef_microRNA=256";
    $of .= "&ef_Exon=512";
    $of .= "&submit=Refresh";
    $ourl = "" . $of;
    // execute the final details form
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $of);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER , 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    $my_result = curl_exec($ch);
    // parse the result page and get the final ORIGIN snippet
    preg_match("/ORIGIN\s*\n\s*<a name=\"[^\"]*\"><\/a>\s*([^\/]*)\//", $my_result, $u99);
    // output the final result ----------------------------------
    echo "\n" . preg_replace("/\s{2,}/", "\n", preg_replace("/\d+\s/", "", $u99[1]));
    Edited by: Anton Wenzelhuemer on Aug 6, 2008 8:08 PM (Re-Formatted)

  • Looking for a more universal scripting language than AppleScript or Automator

    I want to learn a cross-platform/web scripting language to automate tasks, write scripts and with the potential to create programs and web apps.
    I am looking for something that:
    - is not a program with a GUI like Automator, iKey, Quickeys, Maestro... 
    - is more "universal" than Applescript, cross-platform
    - can be used to automate simple tasks in a simple way
    - can also be used to create more complex scripts, web apps and maybe, eventually, programs (with GUI)
    I've read about Javascript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, C+, C++, Java and others, but I really don't know.
    - Java sounds pretty cool, Python too.
    - I'm not crazy about PHP or Perl, with Javascript, but some people swear by it
    - I don't know anything about C+, C++
    Does anyone have any suggestion(s)?  Please let me know if you need any more details.  Thank you.

    C, C++, Objective-C are nor scripting languages and will not help you do web pages. (Don;t know what C+ is).
    Forget Java it has lots of security problems and more and more users are disabling Java in their web browsers because of this. Developing in Java would be, in my opinion, a mistake.
    If you are doing any web works at all you will need to know some Javascript, no way around that.  But Javascript is actually not a bad language
    Note Java and Javascript are two totally separate languages that have nothing in common  but the first 4 letters of their names.
    So you are left with PHP, Perl, Python and Ruby.
    Dismissing PHP and Perl out of hand is a big mistake, They are both major players and you will run into them just about everywhere. If you are looking to do this for possible employment you will need to be familiar with them at least.
    Python and Ruby are both strong languages as well. I don't have a lot of experience with either so I can;t speak to their strengths  but  learnign either would not be a mistake.
    Knowing what your reasons are for asking this, personal use or for employment, might help refine the list some.
    Message was edited by: Frank Caggiano - Perl is also included in OS X by default. Not sure about PHP but I believe it also is. I agree TextWrangler would be a good editor for this type of work.

  • New java-like scripting language w/ powerful regex

    Just wanted to let you know that there's now a new scripting language called P~ with the following important aspects:
    1) matches and exceeds Perl regex solveability -- e.g. offers full regex-based boolean query on non-indexed corpus, offers completely general side-effects, more accurate than Perl code assertions
    2) basic grammar is very Java like
    3) regex grammar is algebraic, not metacharacter-based, leads to more readable and maintainable solutions to hard problems
    4) offers an easy tool to debug matching behavior of your regexes (rules)
    5) though a full featured scripting language, you can write scriptlets and call them from Java classes, with arguments. Allows you to use your regex solutions in Java applications.
    6) the language is offered as a Java library, as well as a standalone application that runs the library. This means that your scripts can import java classes available in the classpath, you can leverage existing Java libraries.
    Check out the website and try it out:

    True to an extent. We don't yet have lookaround assertions and won't have backreferencing any time soon. But there are same-time assertions which offer much of the same, and allow for boolean query.
    More accurate general statement insertion side-effects (than Perl code assertions) means that your statements are executed if and only they wrap a subpattern that is part of the ultimate best match -- Perl code assertions execute when the automata encounters them, even if where they are in the regex is ultimately not part of the match, or even if there is no match at all. This aspect is a huge part of the solveability advantage.
    As to the regex test cases, there are about 1000, and we will post them soon.

  • Using context variable in formcalc scripting language.

    Hi all,
             I wanted to know if it is possible to use context variables in formcalc. I wanted to use those variables in "if else" condition in formcalc scripting language. Please post the sample code also as i am new to adobe forms.

    Hi ,
    Each variable define in the context can be used on the layout of the form and/or in script linked to fields.
    This can be done in formcalc or in javascript language , without any problem . You have only to acess the correct variable in the script.
    For getting variable in a script you must define the complete name of the variable, example "Myform.Header.Data.Myvariable" get access to variable MyVariable define in the context under nodes Header/Data .
    Hope it's help you

  • High-level/scripting languages learning thread

    Hi all,
    In recent weeks i have looked into many of the high-level/scripting languages.  All of them easy enough to get into quickly. My problem though is not learning them actually, but that i don't actually have much use now. Sure, from time to time i need a little script for something (and sometimes i then translate that script to lots of languages just for the heck of it like here), but that doesn't amount to much. However on the other hand i'm neither in some job regarding IT/programming nor do i study anything with respect to programming, and i also am not interested in more programming as in compiled languages, system programming or things like that. (At the very least not yet). So i'm doing this just for fun and learning (two of my lifegoals). I am aware of for example Project Euler, however i'm not mathematically interested enough for that.
    So, the purpose of this thread are two things.
    a) I'm asking for suggestions for interesting things i could do with high-level/scripting languages, maybe someone knows of something Project Euler like but for more mundane things and not maths.
    b) So as to give this thread another purpose and not make it only about me, maybe people who have some problem writing a script for something can ask for help. I know of the other thread (the long one, "commandline utilites/scripts"), but that one seems to be more of the sort where someone posts a script he/she uses and then maybe someone posts an answer to that. So for this thread here people should be able to ask for help while creating the script, or even "Where to start". This could serve both the people with the problem and the people wanting to learn more about some language but not finding a way to apply the learning.

    a) I'm asking for suggestions for interesting things i could do with high-level/scripting languages, maybe someone knows of something Project Euler like but for more mundane things and not maths.
    To me, this sounds like the Python Challenge:
    Also, if you're not interested in math, maybe you might still find yourself engaged by something like natural language processing, games, or simulations? I personally find the "Natural Language Toolkit" for Python to be a lot of fun.

  • Scripting Languages Tool Preview

    Ok, this new thread is for posting about the Scripting Languages Tool Preview. Any comments, thoughts, ideas, contributions?

    John: as Frank said, we'd love to see generators for other languages - like JavaScript - in future. But we don't want to create them all alone. So here's the deal: we create the framework and some generators for the most widely-used languages and you cool guys on SDN build on that and create other generators, other viewers, anything you think is useful. And for all questions or problems we (SAP Scripting Team) will offer all the help we can. I'm very looking forward to see what will evolve from this
    This works two-way. It's you who have year-long experience in all kind of scripting languages - combined it's much more knowledge than we can have. So when I face a scripting problem during generator-creation I'll just ask for your help here
    Piers: no, it did not arrive. Please send again. I checked my profile and the mail-address was just not set to 'visible'. Your's isn't, too
    About the 'integration': it is a clear goal to let it work inside other frameworks (Eclipse-based). As we do not have or use all of these I can just assume that it'll work just fine using the standard Eclipse mechanisms. Scripting in a Box is definitely a good candidate for this, and I myself use it for testing both tool integration and generated scripts.
    Bundling - we thought about this, but there might be legal issues, so we have to wait for an official approval. Meanwhile it's not that complicated just getting SiaB and installing the tool afterwards

  • Scripting language

    Can sombody tell me something about a scripting language for j2me. I'm looking for something realy simple make it easy to update and customize the business logic of my app without updating the whole thing.
    Any thoughts welcome!

    Hmm, problem is that the expression uses strings that represent data object's. I look them up in a hashtable. I can't change that, since it is a fundamental design thing the rest of the app is building on.
    Right now, I'm profiling what makes it this slow.. ATM, it is my string split function, still don't know what part though. Any sugestions on how to do that fast would be great ;)
    My current code:
    public final static String[] split( String str, char separatorChar, char strt, char nd )      
          if ( str == null ) {
             return null;
          int       len     = str.length();
          if ( len == 0 ) {
             return null;
          Vector    list    = new Vector();
          int       i       = 0;
          int       start   = 0;
          int       indent  = 0;
          boolean   match   = false;
          while ( i < len ) {
             if ( str.charAt( i ) == strt ) {
             } else if ( str.charAt( i ) == nd ) {
             if ( indent == 0 ) {
                if ( str.charAt( i ) == separatorChar ) {
                   if ( match ) {
                      list.addElement( str.substring( start, i ).trim() );
                      match = false;
                   start = ++i;
             match = true;
          if ( match ) {
             list.addElement( str.substring( start, i ).trim() );
          String[]  arr     = new String[list.size()];
          list.copyInto( arr );
          return arr;
       }As you can see, I must not split if a split char is between two other chars. I tried working with byte array's and not strings, but that doesn't speed things up.
    Also notices somthing strage while decompiling the Vector class:
        public synchronized void copyInto(Object[] anArray) {
         int i = elementCount;
         while (i-- > 0)
             anArray[i] = elementData;
    Why did they not use an arraycopy... I guess that would be much faster. But as it turns out, this part is not slow. The implementation in my device is probably better :)

  • SAP Scripting Languages on the SDN Day - Amsterdam

    I would like to give a short summary of what happened on the SDN Day in Amsterdam, the 17-th Oct. 2006.
    After the breakfast Craig Cmehil gave us a welcome to the event and presented the schedule. We started with a power networking session: Four 20-minute Sessions with Six SDNers per Table. As I was sitting at the Scripting Languages table, I would like to share some impressions of the atmosphere there. We talked much about the emmerging SAP Scripting Tool and how much value it will bring to all scripting projects that plan to utilize SAP backend systems. We discussed Gregor Wolf's contest and he was so kind to inform us that his test system is also available inside the SAP corporate network, so all SAP employees now can participate too. Gregor works for Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH and the award they offer for the contest is a Siteco Vistosa task light. More information about the contest can be found at [original link is broken] [original link is broken] Another key discussion was held with Björn Schotte, the chief editor of PHP Magazine, Germany, presenting also his company Mayflower Gmbh. He shared some visions on business applications of PHP and stated that PHP is definitely enterprise ready.
    Then after a very short pause we started the SDN breakout sessions (3-5 in parallel). I visited the sessions of Gregor Wolf, André Labahn, Björn Schotte and after this I cooperated for the breakout session of Frank Mittag.
    Session 1:
    Connecting Typo3 to R/3 Enterprise via Web Services with Gregor Wolf from Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH
    Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH currently implements a customer service centre into it's Typo3 based website. Typo3 is an Open Source Web Content Management system based on the Scripting Language PHP. The application will allow Siteco's customers to directly check price & availability of products from the backend R/3 Enterprise system, quotations, orders and delivery status. The backend connectivity uses Web Services utilise the PEAR SOAP Package.
    Session 2:
    SAP supports Scripting Languages with Andre Labahn from SAP.
    This session will provide you with more insights on how SAP is supporting scripting languages.
    Session 3:
    Scripting Languages PHP and Enterprise Software with Björn Schotte (Chief Editor from PHP Magazine).
    This session showed us a brief history of PHP and PHP in Germany. Some enterprise applications of PHP were discussed. Björn Schotte was the opinion that PHP is definitely enterprise ready and he proved it with an example of a system that his company has created for Siemens.
    Session 4:
    Scripting Languages Tool with Frank Mittag and Vasil Bachvarov (me) from SAP
    SAP will provide a open source tool to the scripting development community that is supporting the access to SAP Backend Systems via RFC/BAPIs and Webservices. See the concept and demo of the tool and discuss this with SAP Development.
    There was a pretty interesting discussion about the tool. Since the time for the last session shrinked with some minutes we had to be very quick, but Frank Mittag did a great job and succeeded to explain the basic concept of the SAP Scripting Tool and show it in action for the tough time constraint.
    There were a lot of questions from the audience but it was already 18:30 and we stopped at this point. There would be a second chance for questions on thursday when Frank had the opportunity to make a more complete and comprehensive walk-through of the project.
    Then we gathered in the meeting hall and Shai Agassi held a speech and made a summary of the event.
    The evening finished in the BoomChicago theater where everybody received a delicious meal, drinks and a great amount of fun with the ChicagoBoom comic crew.
    I would like to thank all people that made this event come true! See you soon in Bangalore.
    Best Regards,
    Vasil Bachvarov
    SAP AG

    I'm be there in Amsterdam as well.  In fact I am leaving the US on Sunday and arriving early Monday morning in Amsterdam. 
    I was planning to do a little site seeing on Monday Afternoon.  If anyone else is arriving a bit early as well, they are welcome to join me.  It is always more fun to site see in groups.  My email address is public in my SDN business card (also not too difficult to figure out ) if anyone is interested in meeting up.

  • How to create a scripting language in java?

    All that I want to do is to create a scripting language in java. I�m familiar with javacc, jsr223 and other things but don�t know how to start. The language syntax is java 5 syntax with some change and I want to generate java source code from small scripts. In fact I don�t know how other languages (like groovy) are created.
    I hope you can show me the required steps.
    Looking forward to hear from you.

    That's all, huh?
    For a start, generally when I hear "scripting language" I'm thinking interpretter, not a system which creates compiled (or compilable) code.
    I get the impression that what you're talking about is what I'd call a "preprocessor" language, some extra syntax added to java which the preprocessor renders into ordinary java.
    As far as complexity is concerned, much depends on how deeply involved the extra syntax is with the embedded ordinary Java. Does you preprocessor need to understand the java, or is it just embedded as text? How easilly identified are your preprocesor statments? It's a lot easier to do this if preprocessor lines are instantly identifiable from Java code (e.g. start with a #).
    Basically the stages are always the same;
    1) Lexical analysis i.e. picking out words, operators, numbers, quoted strings.
    2) Construct a syntax tree.
    3) Generate code (in this case Java).
    Now, in this case, some of the nodes in the syntax tree may simply be chunks of undigested Java.

  • About about scripting language

    I'm looking to getting some training on scripting language to use on SCCM.  Any advise which I should focus on?  VBscript or Powershell.  I need to create Configuration Baselines and most of the examples I've seen uses scripting.  
    Also can anyone suggest a good resource for training on Report Builder.  Thanks.

    would recommended to go with Powershell as it automates lot of things using builtin configmgr commands
    here you go with built-in Powershell commands in configmgr
    Eswar Koneti | Configmgr blog: | Linkedin: Eswar Koneti
    | Twitter: Eskonr

  • Details about Script language for "Replacement" in email templates

    Dear All,
    I am using Send Notification callable object for sending emails. And I have designed a template for the same.
    Now I know that while using Replacements I can't display context attributes of type "LIST".
    So is there any way to achieve this??? Can I make use loop statement in script language of Replacement??
    Can anybody tell me where do I find the sample usage of script language?
    Thanks and regards,
    Amey Mogare

    Please refer this

  • Scripting Language Options for the Script Task Options SSIS 2012

    Can python or perl be used as a script language in the drag and drop script task? I believe only VB.Net and C# are, but I see under SSDT Tools -> Options there are some choices for Python Debugging? I'd like to use python as my SSIS scripting language
    in some cases. If it can not be used as the script task language, what are the Python options under Tools -> Options for?
    Any experts out there who can illuminate?
    Thanks all

    In SSDT in a SSIS Script task you can only use Visual Basic.NET and C#, no other programming / scripting languages.
    SSDST is a plugin for Visual Studio and in VS you will find several options which are irrelevant for SSIS projects, like this Phyton debugging option.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    HTMLbeforeForm=<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">window.opener = top;</SCRIPT>
    Anyone know what this code might be responsible for?

    I have seen this sometimes used to prevent the user being asked if they want to close the window when a javascript command to close the window is issued. Not sure it always works with different browsers or versions.

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