Script logo printing

I am uploading colored BMP/TIF file using program RSTXLDMC. I am using BCOL as type. But when i go for print preview from SO10, it is coming as black and white. Even in invoice it is not colored.
Please tell me how to get colored image.

hi praveen,
this may be helpful to u.
-> you should have the logo or any graphical element that you want to include inthe form/layoutset in a valid graphic file format like .bmp or.jpg
->this .bmp/.jpg has to first converted into a .tiff file format using any software that would do the conversion like a software called photowork.
-> to include this graphic inthe form,define a new window and incorporate the text element (ie the tiff file) in the new window.
->after converting to the tiff format,access thefile on front end.
->upload the file as text module using the abap/4 report RSTXLDMC.
->execute this program from the abap/4 editor.
->use RSTXLDMC to save the TIFF file on your front end.
->enter the location of the TIFF file name on ur system.
->specify BMON or BCOL as type of raster image.
->the system generates a suggested name for the text : ZHEX-MACRO-*.the asterix denotes file tyep.for eg: ZHEX-MACRO-LOGO.
->use the ID 'ST' and the logon language.
->this completes the process of converting the .tiff file into text element.
->to incorporate the logo specific text elment into form/layout set,enter INCLUDE ZHEX-MACRO-LOGO OBJECT TEXT ID ST in the first line.

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    Robert Lespérance

    You would think this would work, remember universal access - enable access must be on.
    tell application "System Events"
    tell application "Finder" to activate
    tell process "Finder"
    keystroke "a" using command down
    keystroke left using command down & option down
    end tell
    end tell
    The Select All works, but the collapse all doesn't
    CE Quickkey will do it with ease but that $80us a machine
    you could try the OS X scripting addition but it shareware and want money too and I don't know if it will work
    Must be a free OS X scripting addition (osaxen) that does keystokes
    good luck.

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    hi Krishen,
    Check out these threads
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    Sapscript logo is printing topside down

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    remove the c in the brackets.
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    Hi Vivek,
        Including two work area next to each other should not be a problem because i am doing the same thing. Check whether the length of field of work area one is over lapping the field of other work area.
    Note: Reward points if helpful.

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    Hi Siva
    Please check the page format as well as printer on which are printing settings in SPAD..Do we have any custom space before and after defined...? You can also try by testing it with existing format and different printers to find the issue whether it is at script/page/printer level

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        var pp = this.getPrintParams();
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        //pp.printContent = pp.constants.printContent.doc;
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    It can't be done using only a PDF file - any link to a URL will simply open your web browser, and whatever handler that browser uses when presented with MP3 files will be triggered (download, play, etc.) - nothing in the PDF can override that handler and force a "save" operation.
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    Hi friend,
    I think there are lot of related post in SDN for this problem. Just search the forum before posting questions.
    One of the similar post i have attached below.
    Link : [Problem with printing logo in smartforms|Problem with printing logo in smartforms;
    I think this will help you. If you still did not get the answer just search in Google by giving the key word "SAP + SDN + Smartforms + Logo printing problem". There are large of solutions to help you.
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    I am having one problem with Logo print .
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       If you have uploaded the logo from the desktop means it will come like that if you want to remove the dots before saving the logo first the image as 256 bit format image and then upload.
    Or else if you are using an already existing image then change the resolution of the image in the smartform and then if the problem persists try to take the print out by changing the printer there if it is coming fine means then the problem will be with the printer.
    Hope this will help you.

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    Thanks ,

    Hi All ,
    My Problem still there any inputs ,
    my Problem is i copied standard form F110_PRENUM_CHCK and deleted second page and last page added logo and removed standard logo , i am executing this from through F-58 and (IN SE38) RFFOUS_C EXCUTING THE REPORT .
    once i executed the form first page printing correct and second page printing standard page i checked in all windows there is no newpage or goto next page or next page in all windows and also in first page page option i changed next page as first page .
    Can any one please help me .

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    i created one window i wrote like this.
    IF &EKPO-WERKS& ='0982' OR &EKPO-WERKS& ='1027'
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    Please create the new window for the new standard text. If the plant = 0982 or 1027 please print this logo window else plz print this old window.
    pleeeeeeeese help.

    hi vijay,
    as i understood the question,
    if EKPO-WERKS& ='0982' OR EKPO-WERKS ='1027'.
    NEW-WINDOW <window name>
    NEW-WINDOW <window name>
    it should be in PC editor ( in script) not in print program
    hope it will help, if this is not ur requirement or not helpful, ignore this

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