Script_Text elements

Hi friends,
   How to pass Workareas to text elements.Presently i am working on picklist(pm_commom), in that i am passing wa to elements. but it is not getting thru.....
thanks in advance,

If you mean text element of a sapscritp, if you wan to write WA:
In this way when you call the element MY_ELEMENT the variable WA'll be written.

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    I have an iMAC with iLife 08.
    I take photos in RAW format with a Nikon camera.
    I have been editing photos this way:
    After uploading photos to iPhoto, export them as jpg to a new folder on the desktop, external HD or wherever. I open Photoshop Elements, edit the exported photo.
    Then I'm stuck with my edits outside of iPhoto, unless I then import them back into iPhoto. It works, but it's cumbersome.
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    Using Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements) as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop. When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done.
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window that indicates that PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file. You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    If you want to use both iPhoto's editing mode and PS without having to go back and forth to the Preference pane, once you've selected PS as your editor of choice, reset the Preferences back to "Open in main window". That will let you either edit in iPhoto (double click on the thumbnail) or in PS (Control-click on the thumbnail and seledt "Edit in external editor" in the Contextual menu). This way you get the best of both worlds
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    Kaik wrote:
    Ran GP, but it would only allow a scan of applications.
    When you open GP, if you search for the HDD icon (Macintosh HD) and click on it, it will do a full scan of the HDD.
    ODS swept the whole SSD with a total of 265  compared with 105 available on Disk Utility
    I do not quite understand what you mean here.  Total of 265 what?
      Should I be "securing trash" to regain space ?
    No, that should make no difference.
    Perform a Spotlight reindex.  See if that readjusts the numbers:

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    Try deleting the prefs and the saved application state:
    A Reminder for Mac Folks upgrading to Yosemite | Barbara's Sort-of-Tech Blog

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    You can check the WBS for a sales order from the table view of VBAP.
    The WBS field is PS_PSP_PNR.
    Goto SE16 and give VBAP.
    Enter your sales order number and execute. Look for your WBS elements in foeld PS_PSP_PNR for the different line items.
    You can also create a quick SAP query on this.

  • Unable to load project (prel file)  into Premier Elements 7.0

    just installed 7.0 ..when attempting to load a project (slide show for play back on a DVD) created in Elements 3.0 .. get error that "The project could not be loaded, it may be damaged or contain outdated elements" .. I have no problem loading the same project in Elements 3.0. Also seems specific to this file, an other project create under 3.0 appears to load with out error. I  should point out that  the project that will not load was created in Elements 5.0 and exported over to Premier Element 3.0 to create a playable DVD .. the file that will load was created in Premier Elements 3.0 (not sure if that is significant but more information is better then less) .. any thoughts / suggestions would be appreciated ..thanks

    "The project could not be loaded, it may be damaged or contain outdated elements"
    Unfortunately, the last part of that error says it all. Something is used, that no longer is in PE7, or has been changed significantly. Could be an Effect, a Transition (though those usually just disappear, and the file still Imports - PrPro gives a warning, and tells you which Transition is missing, and the TimeCode of where it was used), or something else.
    If you have PE3, you can do two things:
    1.) finish the edit there and Export to your delivery format
    2.) Export a DV-AVI file and bring THAT into PE7
    Neither is quite as good as being able to Import the .PREL and work on it in PE7, but those are about the only choices that I see. Now, if you have any clue as to what the Effect (whatever) is, that's causing the problem, you *might* be able to open a COPY of the .PREL in WordPad, search for that Effect, eliminate reference to it, and then Save as a .PREL. That might be a lot of work, and might well destroy that COPY of the file - that's why you work on a COPY.
    Good luck,

  • Unable to load the project. latter is probably damaged or contain outdated elements

    any one can help me with this probleme

    I am the one with the problem wich kaderdz exposed. Sorry for my English writing, my first language is French!
    I still have the same problem and some of my projects won't open (months of work...).
    The few projects that opens are kind of weird : only one chanel work in the audio, and the "title" window has also change. Here are some screen shots of what happens :
    message 1:
    message 2 - translation : impossible to charge the project. It is damage or contain obsolet elements :
    message 3 :
    title window :
    I would be so grateful if you can solve the problem. It's a lot of work!!

  • Repeating a group element on each page of a report.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <MAT_RATE> 8.50</MAT_RATE>
    <NET_TONS> -7.96</NET_TONS>
    RTF Template
    S M
    Job: RGI_JOB_NBR Quote Id: QUOTE_ID
    Cost Center: COST_CNTR Cost Acct: COST_ACCT Project: PROJECT_NBR Task: PROJECT_TASK
    Ticket Nbr     ORGCD     OrigTck     V     ST     Location     Po Nbr     Tax Cd     Prod Code     ZN     Hauler      Truck     Haul Rate     UnitPrice     Tons     SalesAmount
    F TCK#M     CODE     OTCK#     V     ST     LOCATION     PO_NBR      TC     PROD     HZ     HAULER     TRUCK     0.00     0.00     0.00 *      0.00 E

    Post Author: Guy
    CA Forum: General
    You should add a first level of grouping in your subreport on a fake formula field with a constant value.  Put your header and footer information in this group header and footer.  In the group option make sure to check the "repeat group header on each page option".
    This group will act as a page header + footer within your subreport.
    good luck!

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    Could anyone please let me how can we retrieve elements from 3 different xml file in one url?
    i just can only do it with one file only, any help would very appreciate.
    Thank in advance

    Hi Philip
    Thanks for replying me.
    I tried on that way, In my mdx query i am using one slice attribute (i.e [Customer].[Gender].allmembers) in rows so getting error "The  Hierarchy already appears in Axis1".
    {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] } ON 0,
    {[Customer].[Gender].allmembers } ON 1 -- Used
    [Adventure Works]
    ,[Product].[Size Range].[(All)]
    ,[Customer].[Country].[All Customers]
    [Customer].[Gender].[All Customers]
    ,[Product].[Size Range].&[XL]
    ,[Customer].[Country].[All Customers]
    [Customer].[Gender].[All Customers]
    ,[Product].[Size Range].[(All)]
    Can you provide alternate ways to get resolved.
    Thanks in advance

  • How many computers can you use one copy of Photoshop Elements 11 on please?

    I intend to purchase Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 for my two student children.  Could you tell me if they will both be able to install in on their respective computers?

    One copy of the software can be installed and activated on two computers but a) they must be used by the same person and b) not at the same.
    Your intended use is not in accordance with conditions set out in the End User License Agreement (EULA)
    2.1.3 Portable or Home Computer Use. Subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 2.1.4, the
    primary user of the Computer on which the Software is installed under Section 2.1 (“Primary User”)
    may install a second copy of the Software for his or her exclusive use on either a portable Computer
    or a Computer located at his or her home, provided that the Software on the portable or home
    Computer is not used at the same time as the Software on the primary Computer.
    You should purchase two copies of the software giving each of your children the ability to use the software on two computers.

  • If each of my family members have Elements on their computers, can we all share central catalog?

    Like most families, each of our family members have their own camera. Rather than having catalogues on individual computers, can we share the one single catalogue from a central NAS drive etc?

    Hi Hatstead,
    A NAS drive is just a sharable network drive that all computers can see. The Adobe Revel suggestion is a good one. I will give it a try but not sure if it will support all the metadata tags that I have in Adobe Elements in order to view the photos/videos in different ways. It would also appear that if each family member will be uploading more photo's etc allowed for by the free licence that I will be up for the premium subscription for each of them per year. Do you know if this is the case and will it support the Elements Metadata tags?
    Many Thanks

  • Is there a way of determining what element in an array is being clicked on?

    Hi all.  I would like to setup an event to determine what element in an array is being clicked on/hovered over.  I think I tried this before and found it wasn't working due to limitations of LV 7.0.  If this code already exists, it would be great if I don't have to do a scavenger hunt for the solution.
    I think one possibility I nixed was to use the refnum of the elements to determine which one it is.  IIRC, this is not possible because the refnum of the element is for the edit box only.
    The second possiblity is to get the on click event, and somehow determine which element in the array it is.  This doesn't sound too difficult as it should be a simple calculation, but may get in to some hairryness based on if the indicies are visible or not, and if I am using a new or old array with new or old control (calc would change based on boarder size of the controls).  I might just simplify it by removing indicies and using older control set which has minimal boarder size.
    And just for fun, can I force a tool tip to show up?
    Thanks all,
    Using LV7.0 on WinXP.

    blawson wrote:
    Been bitten by LabVIEW wrote:
    I think one possibility I nixed was to use the refnum of the elements to determine which one it is.  IIRC, this is not possible because the refnum of the element is for the edit box only.
    Using LV7.0 on WinXP.
    This is indeed possible, at least in the newer versions I use.
    Take the array refnum from the click event data terminal and get a reference to the array element.  This refers to the element that was clicked, but you do need to work out how to get the index.  My method is to use property nodes to get the screen position and size of the element and the screen position and size of the array, as well as the array's Visible Index property. For each direction, take the quotient of the relative position of the element (account for padding!) over the size of an element.
    I suspect that taking the mouse coords and comparing to the array's sizes in pixels is similar, although I trust my method for events that don't have mouseclicks (what coords does Array:shortcut menu selection(User) return if you used the keyboard?)
    Here's an old version I happened to have open.  I've posted about this before, I suspect I have a clearer version in my gallery.  I use this method in my example code contest entry to work out which square of the chessboard is clicked.
    Thank you for that one!
    I am currently "locked up behind a down-rev fence" (working an old app in an old version) so I had not heard of that.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Is there a way to create and edit a video in portrait mode / 9:16 in Premiere Elements 12 or 13. Playback on an iPhone in portrait position.

    I'm editing iPhone app video for posting as the first screen in the Apple app store. Required size for the video is 750:1334, 9:16. I there a way to setup the initial video in portrait mode? Many posts for how to rotate a specific clip, but I need the whole video in portrait position. How to accomplish this? I'm using Windows 7 and Premiere Elements 12 and now 13.

    Thanks for giving this portrait Edit area monitor shape a look.
    I have Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 8.1 64 bit and have done the work using Premiere Elements 12/12.1 on Windows 7 64 bit.
    Here is a step by step
    Find the DSLR [email protected] file
    Local Disk C\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements 12\Settings\SequencePresets\NTSC\DSLR\1080p\
    And, in that 1080p Folder is the DSLR 1080p30@ 29.97.sqpreset file that you seek.
    1. Copy the
    DSLR 1080p30@ 29.9.sqpreset fileI
    and paste it to the computer desktop in a newly created folder named 1920p.
    2. Open the 1920p Folder and edit the ..sqpreset file in Notepad.
    To do that right click the .sqpreset, and, from the pop up, select Open With and then Notepad.
    3. In the Notepad document, you are going to edit in only 2 places for now, switching 1920 and 1080 to 1080 and 1920 at the top and bottom
    sections of the Notepad document.
    Then go specifically File Menu/Save of the Notepad document and hit Save.
    4. At this point, you have the edited.sqpreset file in the 1920p Folder on the computer desktop.
    (Change the name of the edited .sqpreset file so that it = DSLR [email protected])
    Move the 1920p Folder from there to add it to the 1080p Folder, the location where you found the original .sqpreset file that you edited.
    Close out of there.
    5. Back in the Premiere Elements 12/12.1, manually set the project preset to the new project preset
    6. When you import your 1080 x 1920 9:16 video file into the project and drag it into the Timeline, you should see
    Note that there is no orange line over that Timeline content, indicating that you are seeing
    the best possible preview of the image.
    7. As I wrote before,
    But, here is the hang up. If I render the Timeline content to get the best possible preview at the Edit level, the video in the Edit area monitor
    squeezes in resulting in black borders to the left and right of the video image on screen.
    But, otherwise I found I had no problems editing or exporting, just had to keep away from Timeline rendering for previewing after an edit. Need to find the missing ingredient for 100%.
    I will be writing this up in my blog in a more organized fashion including how I got the project preset description in Change Settings to agree with the changes. Probably I will do that in the morning.

  • I have been using Photoshop Elements 8 for years. All of a sudden, the cropping tool changed: I cannot crop vertically or horizontally anymore--only diagonally. This has made it impossible for me to get the photo I want. I hope someone knows how to fix th

    I have been using Elements 8 ever since it came out, and all of a sudden the cropping tool has changed: I can no longer crop horizontally or vertically, only diagonally. The up/down/side arrows have disappeared! Please help if you can, I'm no longer able to make my photos look their best. Thank you in advance.

    Quit the editor (Quit PSE on a mac). Then restart it while holding down ctrl+alt+shift (command+option+shift). Keep the keys down till you see a window asking if you want to delete the settings file. You do.

  • Hiding a UI element in a View

    Dear All,
    I am enhancing a standard web dynpro component HAP_DOCUMENT_BODY, view VW_TABS_VIEW where I would have to add an Image on the first tab of the tab strip.
    So i have Imported a MIME object inside the standard application and have bouned it to a an IMage container.  Now the fixed image is appearing in all tabs of the tab strip. Hence i want to hide the image in different tabs strip through code.
    Also my requirement is to display different image for different login languages too.
    Basically i have two questions here.
    i) I would want to know how to hide Image object or the transparent container which holds the IMAGE object, dynamically through the code inside the MODIFYVIEW method of the view
    ii) Is there an option to dynamically specify diffent image based on the login language with the IMage container?
    require you kind help.

    Hi ,
    This is a Webdynpro related question. you would have got many repsonses if you posted in webdynpro forum.
    i) I would want to know how to hide Image object or the transparent container which holds the IMAGE object, dynamically through the code inside the MODIFYVIEW method of the view
    You can do a post_exit enhancement in the  MODIFYVIEW method. Get the UI element object  from view and There are methods to set the visibility at runtime.
    Is there an option to dynamically specify diffent image based on the login language with the IMage container?
    i think yes, same procedure as first question's answer. Based on condition you can change the source path of the mime object .

Maybe you are looking for

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