Scroll bars for this code...

Hai All,
Here is the problem i am placing .. when ever there are no.of records to display i want to put the scroll bars to view.... and i am adding my code ... can any one please give me the solution how to add vertical scroll bar to this code....
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.lang.ArithmeticException;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent;
import java.awt.event.AdjustmentListener;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollBar;
public class MyExample extends Frame {
Thread t;
Frame f ;
Label bat_result,proc_reply,tot_records,tot_aft_records,dtrs_label,vrs_label1,vrs_label2,vrs_label3,or,dateformat,fileno,fname,fdcode,fdob,fappdate;
Button b1,dialup,b2,report,b5,vrs,dtrs,dtrs_search,vrs_search;
ActionListener a;
TextField value,value1,vrs_fileno,vrs_fdate,vrs_tdate,dtrs_date,fileno_result,fdcode_result,fname_result,fdob_result,fappdate_result;
Image image,icon;
Toolkit tool;
JProgressBar progress;
JButton button;
JLabel label1;
JPanel topPanel;
Random random;
MediaTracker mTracker,mTracker1;
public MyExample()
     setBackground(new Color(223,224,194));
     setTitle("Menu Window!");
     icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("");
     tool = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
image = tool.getImage("");
mTracker = new MediaTracker(this);
     a = new MyActionListener();
     add(b1 = new Button(""));
b1.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
     add(dialup = new Button(""));
dialup.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
     add(b2 = new Button(""));
b2.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
     add(report = new Button(""));
report.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
add(vrs = new Button(" "));
vrs.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
add(dtrs = new Button(" "));
dtrs.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
add(dtrs_label = new Label(" "));
dtrs_label.setBounds(340, 180, 80, 20);
     add(vrs_label1 = new Label(" "));
vrs_label1.setBounds(330, 180, 80, 20);
add(vrs_label2 = new Label(" "));
vrs_label2.setBounds(330, 230, 80, 20);
add(vrs_label3 = new Label(" "));
vrs_label3.setBounds(580, 230, 60, 20);
add(dateformat = new Label(""));
dateformat.setBounds(520,180, 80, 20);
add(vrs_search = new Button(""));
vrs_search.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
add(dtrs_search = new Button(""));
dtrs_search.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
add(or = new Label(""));
or.setBounds(500, 270, 80, 20);
     add(b5 = new Button(""));
b5.setBackground(new Color(12632551));
     add(proc_reply=new Label(" "));
add(tot_records=new Label(" "));
add(tot_aft_records=new Label(" "));
     addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent w)
public void paint(Graphics g){
class MyActionListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
String s = ae.getActionCommand();
if( ae.getSource() == button )
button.setEnabled( false );
     if (s.equals("")) {
int x=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(f,"Do You Want To Close");
     else if (s.equals("")) {
     batch b=new batch();
          else if (s.equals("")) {
     dialcall dc=new dialcall();
          else if (s.equals("")){
procedure proc=new procedure();
else if (s.equals("")){
reportcall rc=new reportcall();
else if (s.equals("")) {
     verification vs=new verification();
else if (s.equals("")) {
     datatransfer dts=new datatransfer();
               else if (s.equals("")) {
     datatransfer dts=new datatransfer();
else if (s.equals("")) {
     verification vs=new verification();
public class batch extends MyExample{
public batch()
     icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("");
     Process p1;
     p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("");
     batchResult br=new batchResult();
catch(Exception bat)
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(batch.this, "Error: "+bat.toString(), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
public class batchResult extends MyExample{
public batchResult(){
String conCount="";
     Connection conresult = null;
     PreparedStatement totalrecords;
     ResultSet resultset = null;
     Statement constmt = null;
     int hh=0;
conresult = DriverManager.getConnection( "thindriver");
constmt = conresult.createStatement();
conCount = "query";
totalrecords = conresult.prepareStatement(conCount);
resultset = totalrecords.executeQuery(conCount);
               hh = resultset.getInt("rec");
               }catch(Exception we)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(batchResult.this, "Error: "+we.toString(), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"No.of records Imported: "+hh);
else {
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"No Records Found to Transfer");
               }catch(Exception ew)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(batchResult.this, "Error: "+ew.toString(), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
public class dialcall extends MyExample{
public dialcall()
     icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("");
     Process p2;
     p2 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("");
catch(InterruptedException dl)
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialcall.this, "Error: "+dl.toString(), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
catch(Exception dl)
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialcall.this, "Error: "+dl.toString(), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
public class procedure extends MyExample{
public procedure()
     icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("");
Statement stmt = null;
     // DB Connection Variables
final String driverClass = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
final String connectionURL = "";
final String userID = "";
final String userPassword = "";
String beforeCount="";
     String afterCount="";
     Connection con = null;
     Connection con1 = null;
     PreparedStatement bCountRecords;
PreparedStatement aCountRecords;
int a=0,b=0;
ResultSet rset2 = null;
     ResultSet rset1 = null;
     String cnt="";
     String cnt1="";
     String bb=null;
     //CallableStatement cstmt1 = null;
     //CallableStatement cstmt2 = null;
     ProgressBarExample pbe=new ProgressBarExample();
     pbe.setVisible( true );
con = DriverManager.getConnection( "thindriver");
stmt = con.createStatement ();
beforeCount = "";
          afterCount = "";
bCountRecords = con.prepareStatement(beforeCount);
aCountRecords = con.prepareStatement(afterCount);
          rset1 = bCountRecords.executeQuery(beforeCount);
               Runtime.getRuntime().exec(" ");
          Runtime.getRuntime().exec(" ");
catch (Exception proc1) {
     rset2 = aCountRecords.executeQuery(afterCount);
               a = rset1.getInt("bcnt");
               String aa = Integer.toString(a);
               rset2 = aCountRecords.executeQuery(afterCount);
          if ({
     bb = Integer.toString(b);
     button.setVisible( false );
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"Records Transfered Successfully");
else if (a!=0)
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"No Records found to transfer");
     } catch (ClassNotFoundException proc) {
// proc.printStackTrace();
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(procedure.this, "Error: "+proc.toString(), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
} catch (SQLException proc) {
// proc.printStackTrace();
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(procedure.this, "Error: "+proc.toString(), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
// proc_reply.setBounds(240,310,150,20);
// proc_reply.setVisible(true);
public void display1(String count)
     value=new TextField(count);
     public void display2(String count1)
     value1=new TextField(count1);
public void processbar(int a,int b)
label1.setText( "Record " + b+ " of "+a );
Rectangle labelRect = label1.getBounds();
labelRect.x = 0;
labelRect.y = 0;
label1.paintImmediately( labelRect );
progress.setValue( b*100/a );
                              Rectangle progressRect = progress.getBounds();
progressRect.x = 0;
progressRect.y = 0;
                              progress.paintImmediately( progressRect );
public void DoBogusTask( int iCtr )
random = new Random( iCtr );
for( int iValue = 0; iValue < random.nextFloat() *1; iValue++ )
public     class ProgressBarExample extends JFrame
public ProgressBarExample()
                    setTitle( "" );
setSize( 310, 130 );
     //setBackground( Color. );
// setBackground(new Color(14672066));
topPanel = new JPanel();
topPanel.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 310, 130 ) );
getContentPane().add( topPanel);
label1 = new JLabel( "Waiting to start tasks..." );
label1.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 280, 24 ) );
topPanel.add( label1 );
progress = new JProgressBar();
progress.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 300, 20 ) );
                    progress.setMinimum( 0 );
progress.setMaximum(100 );
progress.setValue( 0 );
progress.setBounds( 20, 35, 260, 20 );
topPanel.add( progress );
button = new JButton( "Start Process" );
topPanel.add( button );
button.addActionListener( a );
     public class reportcall extends MyExample{
public reportcall()
public class verification extends MyExample{
public void verification1(){
     icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("");
vrs_fileno = new TextField("");
vrs_fileno.setBounds(450, 180, 80, 20);
     or.setBounds(450, 210, 80, 20);
     vrs_fdate = new TextField("");
vrs_fdate.setBounds(450, 230, 120, 20);
     vrs_tdate = new TextField("");
vrs_tdate.setBounds(650, 230, 120, 20);
dateformat.setBounds(780, 230, 120, 20);
     vrs_search.setBounds(500,300, 80, 20);
public void ver_display(String fno,String fdate,String tdate){
String FILE_NO1;
String NAME1;
int i1=0,b=0;
Connection con1 = null;
Statement stmt1 = null;
try {
con1 = DriverManager.getConnection( "thin driver");
stmt1 = con1.createStatement();
String qry1 = "";
     String qry2 ="";
          ResultSet rs12 = stmt1.executeQuery(qry2);
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"No Records Found");}
                    ResultSet rs11 = stmt1.executeQuery(qry1);
while ( {
               FILE_NO1 = rs11.getString(1);
NAME1 = rs11.getString(2);
ADDRESS_TYPE1 = rs11.getString(3);
VER_STATUS1 = rs11.getString(4);
catch (ClassNotFoundException proc) {
// proc.printStackTrace();
catch (SQLException proc) {
public void show(String a, String b, String c, String d,int i) {
Label fileno=new Label("File No");
Label fname=new Label("Name");
Label faddtype =new Label("Address Type");
Label fstatus=new Label("Status");
     TextField fileno_result = new TextField(a);
TextField fname_result = new TextField(b);
TextField faddtype_result = new TextField(c);
TextField fstatus_result = new TextField(d);
fileno.setBounds(340, 180, 100, 20);
fname.setBounds(440, 180, 130, 20);
faddtype.setBounds(575, 180, 120, 20);
fstatus.setBounds(700, 180, 90, 20);
     fileno_result.setBounds(320, 200 + 20 * i, 100, 20);
fname_result.setBounds(420, 200 + 20 * i, 150, 20);
     faddtype_result.setBounds(570, 200 + 20 * i, 120, 20);
fstatus_result.setBounds(690, 200 + 20 * i, 120, 20);
public class datatransfer extends MyExample{
public void datatransfer1(){
     icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("");
dtrs_date = new TextField("");
dtrs_date.setBounds(420, 180, 80, 20);
public void display(String date1){
String FILE_NO;
String NAME;
String DOB;
          String APPLN_DATE;
int i1=0,b=0;
Connection con1 = null;
Statement stmt1 = null;
try {
con1 = DriverManager.getConnection( "thin driver");
stmt1 = con1.createStatement();
String qry1 = "";
String qry2 = "";
          ResultSet rs12 = stmt1.executeQuery(qry2);
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"No Records on this date");}
                    ResultSet rs11 = stmt1.executeQuery(qry1);
while ( {
               FILE_NO = rs11.getString(1);
               NAME = rs11.getString(3);
DOB = rs11.getString(4);
APPLN_DATE = rs11.getString(5);
catch (ClassNotFoundException proc) {
catch (SQLException proc) {
// proc.printStackTrace();
public void show1(String a, String b, String c, String d,String e,int i) {
fileno=new Label("File No");
fdcode=new Label("District");
fname =new Label("Name");
fdob=new Label("Date Of Birth");
     fappdate=new Label("Application Date");
TextField fileno_result = new TextField(a);
TextField fdcode_result = new TextField(b);
TextField fname_result = new TextField(c);
TextField fdob_result = new TextField(d);
TextField fappdate_result = new TextField(e);
fileno.setBounds(323, 180, 80, 20);
fdcode.setBounds(420, 180, 40, 20);
fname.setBounds(480, 180, 100, 20);
fdob.setBounds(590, 180, 120, 20);
fappdate.setBounds(710, 180, 120, 20);
     fileno_result.setBounds(320, 200 + 20 * i, 100, 20);
fdcode_result.setBounds(420, 200 + 20 * i, 40, 20);
     fname_result.setBounds(460, 200 + 20 * i, 120, 20);
fdob_result.setBounds(580, 200 + 20 * i, 120, 20);
fappdate_result.setBounds(700, 200 + 20 * i, 120, 20);
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyExample bpd = new MyExample();

deleted - wrong forum, try the swing posting

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    As per my requirement, I am displaying several records in a Screen in a Tabular Format. But here I have to show 21 Columns in that table which is too high. I am able to display it but due to it I am getting a Horizontal scroll bar for the whole screen since all the columns are not getting displayed in the normal window screen space. But its looking too odd since once I am scrolling it to right the columns are getting displayed but the above Header Bar and Global buttons are not displaying, they are bound to the normal screen space.
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    try this approach.
    include a raw text item before and table item.
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    I have grouped all the tables in panelgrouplayout.So, what is the problem (because it is not quite clear what you need)?
    If your PanelGroupLayout is with layout="horizontal", then the tables will be rendered next to each other horizontally but there will be no horizontal scrollbar on the page.
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    If you need your tables to be relocated next to each other horizontally and to have a horizontal scrollbar on the page, then use a PanelGroupLayouts(horizontal) inside a PanelGroupLayout(scroll):
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    </af:panelGroupLayout>If your problem is that you still have horizontal scrollbars inside the tables, then you should set appropriate widths to the corresponding tables (e.g. to <af:table> tags) such that they are large enough to fit the sum of corresponding column widths.
    ya, I know that its not god design, but its customer requirement, so we need to do that.If you expect some table(s) to be stretched automatically according to the size of browser's window, then you should re-think your UI design because PanelGroupLayouts do not stretch their children. A possible solution is to use a combination of PanelSplitters or other layout containers that stretch their children.

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    hi pal,
    refer this help

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    Will award points !!!

              thanks for the reply  ,
            using scroll container is working fine  ,
               but  this functionality should be achieved for the
               table  ,  not  table to be put int he scroll container
               as the problem is  , i have  2000 entries in the
                 table  and for this again i need to drill down using
                     arrow  or drill for certain entries  using arrows
                instead need  scroll bar for the table
                     if this can achieved  it would be helpful ?

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    Thanks for the suggestion Balu.I tried this , but while scrolling,headers also getting scrolled.
    Becoz of this , if i scroll down to the last row,headers are getting hidden.
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    Is this functionality possible ?
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    Create a property node for each of the charts. Wire the controlling chart X scale maximum and minimum to the slave X scale max and min. (X Scale -> Range -> Max & Min).
    Hope this helps.

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    Alternatives to Reset Security Questions and Rescue Mail
         1. Apple ID- All about Apple ID security questions.
         2. Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
         3. Start here to find your country, and how you can contact Apple:
             Apple ID- Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security.
         4. Fill out and submit this form. Select the topic, Account Security.
         5.  Call Apple Support in your country and ask to speak to Account Security.
              Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support.
    How to Manage your Apple ID: Manage My Apple ID

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    Hi lbadek
    I can help with this please send us an email using the contact the mods link in my proifle and we will investigated from there.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

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    Please let me know how to add scroll bar for a pivot table in OBIEE reporting Tool
    Edited by: Usha.Cholangi on Aug 10, 2011 10:17 PM

    Hi Usha,
    Not sure about directly implementing scroll bars in a pivot table in OBIEE.
    But you can try using an IFrame which would display this report (pivot table) inside it. If the report increases in size (defined size of IFrame), it would automatically add scrollbars to the view.
    Let me know if you need more info on these lines.

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    hi all,
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    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to set the horizontal scroll bar for the document library when the last column postion exceed the fixed width.
    I suggest you can try to use Jquery to set the width attribute of the menu bar dynamically if the document library width exceeded. You can add the Jquery or CSS style using SharePoint Designer under the PlaceHolderMain tag of document
    library page. Also, you need to find the div id in your environment using Internet Explorer.
    More information:
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Not a JSP issue. Look up styles, CSS, and dynamic HTML. They should help.

  • Vertical scroll bar for the table

    I have a table which will contain more than 100 rows. First Visible rows will be 10.
    i want a vertical scroll bar for the table, so that i can see all the rows using vertical scroll bar. While scrolling down, the header row, which contain names of the column should be static (ie visible even scroll down) and the footer of the table should be visible even goes up.
    If I use Scroll container, it will take whole table and the header row, row with name of column will move up invisible when i scroll down. So it is not useful if i use scroll contatiner.
    I need a fnctionality were table has a vertical scroll bar to it.

    Your requirement is one of the default properties of the Table UI element in NWDS CE version.

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    First try resetting the tool by clicking the tiny arrow at the far left end of the options bar and choosing reset tool.
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