Scroll wheel broken

my scroll wheel (wireless mighty mouse) only scrolls upward now. tried restarting, looking for software updates (there are none). not sure what's going on, but it's rather frustrating
any ideas?

You might check out this Knowledge Base Article about cleaning your Mighty Mouse:

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    Found the problem.  For years the mouse portion of my xorg.conf said
    protocol    PS/2
    ... as noted previously, that always worked, including scroll wheel usage.  But a little hunting turned up the advice to change it to IMPS/2 and now it works again.  For the record, the complete entry now says:
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier    "Maus"
        Driver        "mouse"
        Option        "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
        Option        "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
        Option        "CorePointer"
        Option        "Buttons"    "5"
        Option        "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

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    Memory  4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
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    Hello. Original poster here. I can confirm a few things after observing for a few days and trying stuff.
    1) The Universal access fixes did nothing. I set & reset those settings til I was blue in the face.
    2) I tried a "Repair Permissions" with the Disk Utility. No luck.
    3) It works intermitently. After sleeping sometimes it works. After plugging into my external monitor sometimes it works on the external monitor but then if I unplug it won't work again. After a reboot somtimes it works, then after sleeping stops working. Kinda strange. When it works it works from both my external USB mouse and the trackpad, so I don't think it's the hardware.
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    If you are facing issues with zooming or scrolling, please refer to the knowledgebase article:

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    What do I do?

    its a 10 gig

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    You have to have a pre-2008 Mac Pro I take it.
    (might want to include more in your profile)
    First you need to install 64-bit drivers from Apple off 10.5.4 or later DVD or from a 2008 Mac Pro.
    Might even be drivers for generic BT mice available somewhere?? forwindowsvista64.html
    I think you'll need to uninstall your current Apple services and device drivers, restart and then go with BC 2.x for 64-bit.

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    It can be replaced under the one-year warranty or the iMac it came with, or three years if you have AppleCare.
    However, you should try cleaning it. The little rollers under the ball get clogged with gunk and stop working properly.
    You can refer to this Apple article.
    The way I clean it is with a damp (not wet) lint-free cloth. Fold it over and put it flat on a table or counter top. Holding the mouse up-side-down, roll the ball quickly in all direction on the cloth. Do this for a minute or two. Usually, this will dislodge the accumulated gunk on the internal rollers, and the mouse scrolling will work again.
    You may want to do this periodically, even if it appears to be working fine.

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    I realize I could simply disable the darn system sound, but this won't fix whatever is broken. It might as well be a problem with Logitech's driver, but again, this issue is exclusive to Illustrator. Doesn't happen in other CS3 apps, or any other apps.
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    p.s. I'd prefer a big wireless mouse with high DPI.

    You nailed it with the ati-dri package!  Had a corrupt checksum!  Forced a reinstall and now all good
    Thanks for the quick reply!

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    Just in case it has a bearing on the problem, you have performed regular maintenance on the drive recently? By this I mean repairing the disk, repairing permissions, purging caches, running the maintenance scripts, verifying preference files.
    If not, you can use a number of freeware/shareware utilities such as [Onyx|], [Tiger Cache Cleaner|], [Cocktail|], etc. Or you can install [Applejack|> and do most of these tasks in Single User mode.
    Also, have you tried starting in [Safe Boot Mode|] just to clear things up (note that you won't be able to use the Mac fully while in Safe Mode, but cycling thru this mode can clear some problems)?

  • Skype 7.0 not using Windows scroll wheel settings

    Exactly what it says on the tin.  In the mouse options for Windows, you can set your mousewheel to scroll a given number of lines per "tick" of the wheel.  The default is three lines per tick, but many users increase this (personally, I use 6).  Normally, this affects virtually anything with a scroll bar including system windows, web browsers, text editors, and previous versions of Skype.  Since updating to Skype 7.0 this behavior is no longer present, causing Skype windows to scroll at roughly one line per tick rather than the number set in Windows.  It isn't an enormous usability issue, but it feels like scrolling through molassas (Skype windows scroll at roughly 1/6 the rate of others for me, and each scrolling motion moves me only one or two messages either way), is very annoying, and throws off the seamless nature of the Windows UI. Neither restarting Skype nor altering the setting have caused it to pick up on it, which suggests to me that Skype is simply ignoring it rather than this being an individual issue or update hiccough.  This behavior is occurring on both Windows 7 (64) and Windows 8.1 (64).  Can someone confirm to me whether this behavior is universal for Skype 7.0, and if so whether there's any chance of it being fixed in the near future?  The new UI is pretty, but I'm not exactly in love with many of the design decisions (could the chat windows possibly have been less efficient in terms of space?) so if the scrolling's broken too I may just give up and go back to 6.x.

    This is yet another example of Skype using custom controls which do not mimic the full behavior of the standard controls in Windows. This is something that Microsoft themselves warn developers not to do, and have done for years. It's almost as if Skype were a masterclass on how not to implement a portable, accessible user interface. Blog post here:

  • Turn Off Scroll Wheel Zooming

    I need to turn off the scroll wheel zooming in After Effects. If I am looking at a Comp window and I scroll with my mouse, the view zooms in or out. I don't want to do this, especially because I have a Magic Mouse and any stray movement suddenly zooms my window. It's a realy problem. Can I turn this "feature" off?
    iMac i7 running Mac OS X 10.6.2

    Feh. If Adobe actually DID listen, they would have taken one of the following steps (in order of likelihood):
    added all the features to Illustrator that FreeHand had 10 years ago that are STILL missing.
    continued to update/upgrade FreeHand (not as stupid as it sounds...look at how many different clothes detergents Proctor & Gamble makes that compete with one another).
    release the source code with a Creative Commons license, and allow developers to create an open source alternative to Illustrator (okay - THAT would be suicidal for illustrator, but a guy can dream).
    I know a few things about the way Adobe (and all software companies for that matter) work. I worked for competitiors of theirs, and a company they acquired. Lots of friends still work there at Adobe.
    Problem is, what we don't see as consumers is what REALLY goes on there - the jockeying for dominance by one product group over another, the limited resources and the constant battle for them between fixing what's broken (not a money-maker but helps the customers) or adding new features (attracts new customers but introduces more bugs). At Micrografx, we used to joke that a X.0 release was our "X.UH-oh" version. At one time tech support guys would ask each other, "did they want help with the "original recipe" or "extra buggy." But what really kills me is I have a lot invested in FreeHand. And it had features and functionality that is simply not in Illustrator, even now. That's insane. To make an analogy in another area, it's like GM buying Chrysler for their variable-speed transmission, and other cool technology, then discontinuing all the unique features and products, and continuing to sell the same old stuff. I realize that vector drawing is a mature category, but we deserve better than Illustrator.
    Even worse is the Windows-centric nature of Adobe. Back in the day, Adobe was a Mac company, first and foremost. Their Windows products of a joke. Illustrator 1.0, for instance, cost $100 more than it's Mac counterpart, and could only PRINT in couldn't display anything in color on the screen. (!) Somewhere along the way, someone made a decision to develop on Windows (with a huge advantage in overall market share, this makes financial sense) and port the code to Macs. That's a BIG mistake, because ported code is, by definition, bloated and unresponsive. It's a cost-effective way to do business...right up until your users wise up. Unfortunately, by going for the larger Windows market, Adobe's forgotten that in graphics, Macs are still the choice of a majority of graphics professionals.
    How do they diss Macs? Let me count the ways: let's take video, for instance. Take a Mac and a PC. Equip both with the same CPU, RAM, and Hard Drive. See which one plays back video faster. Surprise! It's the PC. Why? Bloated code. Same is true for Flash. And Photoshop.
    The only thing that allows Adobe to get away with listening to their bean counters instead of their customers is they have VERY little competition. In fact, where they DO have competition, they are (surprise again) competitive. Final Cut almost destroyed Premier. But Adobe got serious about improving Premiere, and today it's begining to win the hearts and minds of the Apple faithful.
    As I see it, there are two solutions here. I'm good with either one.
    Someone (like Apple) steps into to make quailty apps on the Mac that will make it a two horse race. Adobe will improve...or die.
    Apple buys Adobe and folds CS6 into their software line, like Final Cut Pro and Logic Studio.
    Don't care which happens. But I'm really very unhappy with the state of things as they are. So...Adobe...ARE you listening?

  • IPod 1st Gen (Scroll wheel) not recognized by iTunes

    iPod 1st Gen (with scroll wheel) will not connect to iTunes 12.1 on MacBookPro.  Charging when I plug it in, want to add music to it, but iTunes will not recognize it.  Anyone have any suggestions or does anyone know if this iPod is no longer supported by iTunes?

    Hello nveroff,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. 
    If your iPod is not being recognized in iTunes on your Mac, you can use the following article for troubleshooting. 
    If you don't see your connected device in iTunes for Mac - Apple Support
    Jeff D. 

  • Scroll Wheel no longer works in version 4.4 RC

    My scroll wheel no longer works after installing Lightroom 4.4. In all previous versions, I was able to use my Logitech scroll device to adjust the sliders in the development panel.  In the 4.4 version, the scroll wheel no longer works and instead of adjusting an individual slider, it scrolls the whole development panel up and down. I did uninstall the mouse driver and reinstalled but that did not work. The mouse works just fine in all other programs. I think it is a bug with the 4.4 version. I am operating in Windows 7. Any suggestions for a fix?


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