Scrubbing Issues with 6.01

Set-up:  Blackmagic Intensity Pro; Quadro FX 3800:  Dell Precision T3500: 12Gb Ram:  Contour Shuttle Pro:  3 x Dell U2410 monitors.  Latest drivers.
Assets:  XDCam EX MP4
In the timeline, when advancing forward (or reversing) by keeping the right (left) direction key pressed, the playhead and the image in the Program / External monitors jump in both directions eratically, gradually stuttering forwards. 
This behaviour is also present when dragging the mouse through the timeline and when using the Contour Shuttle Pro (as it uses the same keystroke as its template), either as a single frame advance or rapid shuttle. 
This does not happen with material in the Source Monitor - all behaves as it should .
This behaviour did not happen with 6.00.
I have disabled the BMIP player and Hardware Mercury Playback; no change.
Any suggestions would be appreicated.  Thanks.
*** I have also noticed that when I stop scrubbing - using any of the above methods - the audio levels in the meters remain frozen for about 2 seconds before dropping back.  Returning to their normal position is instant when stopping normal playback.
I have created a new project and imported XDCAM assets, in case my current project has become corrupted.  It happens in the new project too.

Okay, I'm wrong - I apologise for casting aspersions on the wondrous 6.01.
This behaviour is now present on 6.00 with and without Blackmagic drivers.
I cannot understand what's happening.  It's not a new camera; neither are the PC and laptop.  I've just finished a long edit session with assets from the same camera on 6.00 on the laptop and PC - and this behaviour wasn't present.
On the laptop, it's almost as if there is a flash frame at the point of judder!
Very strange indeed.

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    Working on iMac 2013, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA 780
    thank you.

    Hi IP,
    Intensity pro wrote:
    ...Adobe are you listening?
    Yes, but it's Saturday. And I'm on vacation. You know??
    Sorry that we do not have 24-7 support. The best time to catch us is 7AM-7PM PST, Monday to Friday.
    Intensity pro wrote:
    Currently using / testing a 30 day trial of CC 2014 (CS5 user for years with no issues) and all was fine yesterday when editing. Turned on today and had no way to scrub audio. Also had no Intensity Pro external monitor which worked fine the day before. Restarted PC and still nothing so starting poking around with the playback settings in preferences by choosing Adobe Desktop audio in the audio device section choosing OK then selecting back to Blackmagic audio then hit Ok. All of a sudden there was my external monitor and was able to scrub audio again. It's like it's sleeping knowing it should work until you poke it a few times to wake it up. How my Intensity Pro external monitor and scrubbing audio being related in any way is perplexing. Or am I being obtuse?
    I would contact Blackmagic Design to make sure your drivers are current. Can you try that?

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    I've seen them and will add them to the results page later today.
    You end up around rank #630, somewhat as expected. Your disk score is quite acceptable and reflects your raid setup. However, your MPEG score is disappointing, but that may be attributed to only 8 GB memory and the relatively meager GT 440 card. However, in comparison with other Phenom II X6 systems, nothing really stands out.
    Your dilemma to improve the scrubbing behaviour is twofold: You are hindered by the slowness of the Phenom II X6, and whatever you will upgrade, but keeping the AMD CPU will only marginally improve performance. If you really want to improve performance you need a completely new Intel based system, but that is costly, requiring a new CPU, mobo and memory.
    Upgrading memory does not look attractive, since it will not really help performance and is not portable to a new Intel system.
    The only things that can help IMO and that can be ported to a new system in the future are extra disks and a better video card. I would start with additional disks, see if that solves the scrubbing issues. If that still is not enough, you can consider upgrading the video card to a GTX 670 or even a GTX 560 Ti if your PSU can handle it.

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    That's great.
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    mac pro issues july 7 - YouTube
    Issue #1
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    Issue #2
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    So to me, it seems I'm still having issues with Open CL and adobe. I've found fixes that make it work temporarily, I don't need that kind of answer. However, I would like this to work. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Something I need to do to get this to work?
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    Mac Pro 6,1 (Late 2013)
    3 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon E5
    64 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 ECC
    AMD FirePro D700 6144 MB (x2)
    OSX 10.9.4
    Firmware: 2.20f18
    What you're seeing is latest version of Premiere (CC 2014, v8.0.0 [169] Build)
    Everything here is ProRes 422, running from a Promise Pegasus2 R4 RAID (drives: 4x Seagate Desktop HDD 4 TB SATA 6Gb/s NCQ 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Bare Drive ST4000DM000) (that's thunderbolt 2).
    I've done everything: I've restarted my computer hundreds of times, I've reset NVRAM and PRAM and done power cycles.
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    I've reported this issue to adobe.

    That crash appears to be casued by the Facebook plug-in.
    Create a new account (systempreferences -> accounts or Users & Groups on 10.7 and 10.8), make a new Library in that account, import some shots  and see if the problem is repeated there. If it is, then a re-install of the app might be indicated. If it's not, then it's likely the app is okay and the problem is something in the main account.

  • Issues with Audio

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    Have you really checked that the audio is not muted under Shift+Ram Preview Options? It has to look like the right image.
    I'm just asking again because when it's muted and you scrub the timeline with control key pressed down you get audio even when it's muted in the Preview window !
    and don't push the play button (plays without audio) push the RamPreview button |||> (the one on the right side)
    If you did everything right and still have no audio then take a look into Preferences/Audio Hardware and change the audio driver or the sample size buffer to see if that helps.
    The default 'Sample Size Buffer' value for the driver 'After Effects WDM Sound' is 2048.
    If that don't help - I'm out of answers
    Good luck

  • Issue with ProRes importing into Premiere CC in Windows

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    Here's my specs:
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
    Premiere Pro CC 7.0.1
    Quicktime (fully updated)
    Quicktime ProRes Decoder for Windows (fully updated)
    Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

    cc_merchant wrote:
    Have you seen the WARNING here: Balanced Systems.
    The warning about Quicktime makes sense.  I was aware that Quicktime 7 has never been updated to 64-bit, but the obvious 4GB RAM limitation had never occured to me.  Makes sense. I have a very decent machine, yet all of my Canon DSLR and GoPro projects are more cumbersome to edit than even AVCHD files.  I've spent a little time thinking it over and running some side-by-side tests.  MOV vs. AVI (same video) Editing, scrubbing, playback—all while running Task Manager on top.  But I didn't need task manager to tell me that the AVI plays back, layers and layers, smooth as butter.  The .MOV footage struggled to keep up with my random access cuts to different locations within the same video file.
    cc_merchant wrote:
    most sane PC users would NEVER install QuickTime...
    So now I'm fascinated.  So many questions:  Why do so many cameras create .MOV or .MP4 files that require QuickTime components?  64-bit QuickTime X has aparently been available on the Mac for quite a while, yet I presume they won't allow anyone else to develop a 64-bit codec for Windows, so why hasn't someone sued Apple for monopoly, anti-trust, conflict-of-interest, etc?  And most importantly, how would a sane PC user go about editing MOV and MP4 files without going insane transcoding hours of footage?

  • Issues with interlaced H.264 playback inside of Premiere

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    A camera that doesn't record?  Strange.
    You might try conversion.  I've used a couple of programs to convert my non-standard stuff to something PP could work with.  Both are safe to install on a production rig.
    XviD4PSP 5.10.346 / 7.0.122 Beta

  • Scanning Issue with Maverick and Office Jet Pro 8600

    Just wanted to add my voice to the numerous problem reports.  Specifically:
    1)  I could scan just fine until I upgraded to Maverick (Mac OS 10.9)
    2)  to address the problem, I downloaded the latest HP drivers for 10.9-didn't help
    3)  Tried to use the separate HP Scan application-no luck; couldn't fine the computer (even though I have been printing regularly)
    4)  Based on the HP problem solution posting (which seems a bit out of date), tried to uninstall the software and reinstall; the uninstall would not complete, although it did delete all of my printers.
    It appears that it is finally time to abandon HP for printers, if they can't keep up with Apple's releases.

    Hi amaltz,
    I understand you are having an issue with the scan software working with Mavericks. I can't help you with this. My suggestion is to completely remove all HP software from the computer and reinstall. Follow the instructions below to resolve the issue.
    Open the Applications folder > HP or Hewlett Packard folder > HP Uninstaller
    Click continue, click on one of the printers in the list.
    Hold down Control, Option and Command
    While holding the three buttons down, Click uninstall.
    Reset Printing System
    Click the Apple icon (     ), and then click  System Preferences.
    In the Hardware section, click Print & Fax/Scan. The Print & Fax/Scan  dialog box opens.
    Right-click (or Ctrl +click) in the left panel, and then click Reset printing system…
    Click OK to confirm the reset.
    Type the correct Name  and Password.
    Click OK to reset the printing system. The Print & Fax dialog box shows no printer selected
    Note: This will remove all printers in the print and Fax/Scan, any printer removed can be re-added later by clicking the plus (+) symbol.
    Repair Disk Permissions (I know many of you have done this but because we have now done a scrub it is good measure to ensure non of your permissions differ)
    On the Dock, click Applications, and then click Utilities.
    Double-click Disk Utility.
    Highlight your hard drive/partition on the left (by default this is "Macintosh HD").
    Click the Repair Disk Permissions button at the bottom of the window.
    Once the repair is complete, restart the computer.
    Restart the computer.
    Now you will have a fresh start and be able to reinstall the software. Please let me know if this resolves the issue you are experiencing. If it does not, I will gladly follow up.
    Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Sunshyn2005 - I work on behalf of HP

  • Video Scrubbing Issues

    I'm just wondering if anyone is experiencing issues with scrubbing through videos in iOS5. It doesn't work most of the time and it seems to want to pull down the notification center when I scrub back and forth. Seems to happen in both portrait and landscape though it's a lot more finicky in landscape. Maybe I just have fat fingers, but it's pretty much made it impossible to scrub through videos for me. Also, the bar disappears after I'm scrubbing for a few seconds. It lets me continue scrubbing, but I don't know exactly where I am since the bar disappears.

    I have the same problem. I'm not sure yet, but It seems to help if you use your fingernail or press quickly with your finger perpendicular to the screen (or nearly so). But I don't have the problem where the bar disappears after a few seconds. But I have iOS 5.0.1.
    So you and I and a friend of mine are the only ones who find the scrubbing control for video a lot harder to activate? And then there's the battery-drain issue. And you can't downgrade! And performance took a hit (not a biggie though, as video plays fine -- just rotating and switching and stuff sometimes sticks).
    Shopping for a smartphone now. I'll not be getting an iPhone.
    Can anyone out there help us?
    Bonus gripe: The search function for Apple discussion boards is bizarre. Why does it search everything when you've already focused on a particular board? You have to narrow down your search by re-running it and re-selecting the "community" you want. Illogical -- sort of.

  • Issues with Creative Cloud for teams deployment workflow

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    First, the media that is on the FTP is not for North American English. We are working to get that posted on the FTP site ASAP. In the meantime, you can find the CS6 MC media from:
    [Note: Getting media from that page requires the use of the Adobe Download Assistant which is very consumer focused. Sorry about that.]
    Second, in order to have the ability to login properly with a Creative Cloud for Teams account the system needs to have the latest copy of Adobe Application Manager installed. If you do not do this step the end user will be prompted for a serial number.
    Unfortunately the Adobe Application Manager can’t be packaged with AAMEE nor is it a native installer. I know, I know! Here are the links to the Adobe Application Manager installers:
    It can be installed from command line by:
    Win: <Path to Setup.exe>Set-up.exe –mode=silent –action=install
    Mac: <path to ASU> /ASU/ –mode=silent –action=install
    Jody Rodgers | Sr. Product Manager | Creative Cloud for Enterprise | Adobe Systems

    Hi Boncker,
    I see that you have an active Subscription under your account . Please launch any of the installed product and when you get the trial prompt , please click on License this software and then Enter the Adobe Id & Password for the account that you have accepted the invite .
    Please do let us know if that worked for you or not .
    Kartikay Sharma

  • Issue with magsafe/charging (blinks green, amber, off)

    Having a quirky issue with my mid-2009 Macbook Pro.
    A month or so ago, I began having an issue with my macbook charging. When the computer is up and running and I plug in the magsafe it will say "Calculating..." and then say "Not Charging" and then switch to battery use. It constantly does this as long as the magsafe is connected. The lights on the magsafe will constantly cycle from green to amber to no light.
    At first, it would do it a few times then it would start charging. Now it constantly does this without ever stopping. I was editing video the other day for a while and it never stopped the cycle.
    Thinking it was the battery, I took it into the Apple Store last week and got a new battery because it had been saying "Service battery" for a while and the battery would only last about 20 minutes on a charge. So I just thought the battery finally refused to charge.
    But the problem still exists.
    The magsafe is new (only 3 months old) and here's the quirky thing: the computer will charge if it's asleep (lid closed) or shut down completely. No blinking lights at all. It will charge as long as it's asleep or shut down. So I don't think it's the charger. But as soon as you hit the power button to starting booting up, it will blink.
    I have reset the SMC a couple times actually, but no change.
    Is there something software/firmware related that I haven't tried? Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated before I take it back to the Apple Store (which is about an hour away).

    Try resetting the system management controller
    If that did nothing for you,  try resetting the NVRAM

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    In the template I group the data based on CLASSIFICATION and then sort on the same column CLASSIFICATION. I have a page-break applied for every group.
    When I generate the PDF, I am not getting the page-breaks for every group. Instead some of them are displayed in the same page.
    But when I remove the sorting that I had in the template on the column CLASSIFICATION, I am getting the output in the desired way but not in a sorted order.

    Hi All,
    I am using MS-WORD 2007 and BI Publisher desktop
    When I use split-by-page-break, splitting is performed for every line .. but not for group of lines.
    Can anybody throw some light on this?
    I am using this code:
    ?if: position() mod 6= 0?
    ?end if?
    (Of course with in tags)
    in G_LINES loop.
    Can anybody help me out :-(

  • Issue with PTO (Paid Time Off) quota generation

    Hi All,
    We have an issue with quota generation of PTO for our employees.
    The issue goes like this:
    We have a Paid time off for employees 5weeks( 200 hrs) for employees who have worked less than 5 years.
    we have  paid time off for employees 6 weeks ( 240 hrs) for employees who have worked more than 5 years.
    we have the following logic that has to go in this config:
    -- Our fiscal year starts on Feb 1st and ends on Jan end or Feb starts which has a full week of working days. ( ex: if 01/31/2012 falls on a Thursday the following Monday which has full 5 day working week would be the end of the fiscal year).
    -- Depending on the working hours of  the employees and the date of joining for the first year ( for new hires)0041 info type the eligibility gets varied and reduced. Ex( employees who joins on start of fiscal year and works 40hrs per week schedules is eligible for 200hrs of PTO. Employees who join in the month of august and works for 35 hrs per week ( i.e mid of fiscal year) would get 91 hrs of PTO.
    I need to put this in the system. I am thinking this could be done with out tweaking PCR.I need help in configuring this in Absence quotas as to what are the things i need change in system config and how do i do it. Please help with some screen shots if possible.  I really need this to get it done ASAP. Looking forward for help.

    We use TM00 schema. Can i call TS15 and TS 12  rules into TM00 acheieve my issue of quota entilements?
    Iam doing this because my businees needs to see if an employee chages his work schedule from 40 to 30 or 20 etc.. the PTO has to vary accordingly.
    As the minimum eligibility is to work for 20 hrs to avail the PTO days. If at any point the employee drops it under 20 he will not be eligible till he work any this >= 20hrs per month so the evaluation has to check periodically to update the quota availability.... I need help plz suggest ...

  • Issues with iMessage when switching data carrier (wifi - cellular)

    So I have had this issue with my 5S and now my 6+ in iMessage. Not *always* but often enough I've run into issues sending messages via iMessage when I associate with wifi in that they don't send. I'll get an error message saying "not delivered" and it will stack as many outgoing messages I try to send. However, if I force the first message to send as text, subsequent messages will go through afterwards without issue. If I go from wifi to cellular I have no issues whatsoever and when I have these issues on wifi, my data works fine (incoming emails, Facebook notifications, etc.). I used to run cellular data only because I had unlimited but now I have a cap so I intend on using wifi when possible...but to have to send my first message as a text just so I can use iMessage is annoying...

    Hi there BigDogg795,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps for iMessage found in the article below. 
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages - Apple Support
    To resolve issues with sending and receiving iMessages, follow these steps
    Check iMessage system status for current service issues.
    Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and make sure that you registered iMessage with your phone number or Apple ID and that you selected iMessage for use. If the phone number or Apple ID isn't available for use, troubleshoot iMessage registration.
    Open Safari and navigate to to verify data connectivity. If a data connection isn't available, troubleshoot cellular data or a Wi-Fi connection.
    iMessage over cellular data might not be available while you're on a call. Only 3G and faster GSM networks support simultaneous data and voice calls. Learn which network your phone supports. If your network doesn't support simultaneous data and voice calls, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi on to use iMessage while you're on a call.
    Restart your device.
    Tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings on your iPhone.
    If you still can't send or receive an iMessage, follow these steps
    Make sure that the contact trying to message you isn't blocked in Settings > Messages > Blocked.
    Make sure that the contact you're trying to send a message to is registered with iMessage.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, back up or forward important messages and delete your current messaging threads with the contact. Create a new message to the contact and try again.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, delete and recreate the contact in the Contacts app. Create a new message to the newly created contact and try again.
    Back up and restore your device as new.
    -Griff W.

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