SDU size of 32K for streams?

Oracle suggest that for Streams over WAN set the SDU size to 32K. Does it mean that even the switch,routers and MTU need to be 32K? I am not sure if switch or router support that size. If not then what should MTU be?

I am not aware of anywhere in the HA docs where Oracle correlates the two. You should look in the Metalink knowledgebase and discuss this with your network admin.

Similar Messages

  • Verify SDU in use for streams

    For Oracle Streams I changed to high SDU size. How do I verify if larger size is being used? I changed it in sqlnet.ora on the client side.

    It is working. If you have 64bit machine please type cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14 --> cscript
    ospp.vbs /act
    Thank you

  • "target" file size for streaming?

    Newbie question #2 (Many thanks in advance!)
    I understand that the answer is relative to the uncompressed file size, but I'm trying to figure out a target file size (how small) for a 250 Mb file (a 30-second movie) to stream on the web. Should I be aiming for 25 Mb? 100 Mb? 8 Mb? Just looking for a ballpark, if that's possible.
    If this question misses a critical point, feel free to let me know!
    Thanks, e

    If your going to use h.264 try 400 or 600 kbits/sec for the video (2passes, B-Frames). To tests, copy about 30 seconds of the video into a new Quicktime. If it look good to you then compress the original video. You can go as low as 300 kbit/sec. It all depends on the content of the video as to what bit rate you should use.
    As for the audio use AAC at no higher than 128 kbps. You can go lower and use mono. There again it depends on what the audio is.
    I just compressed a 320x240 at:

  • Apple TV - really not useful for streaming

    I bought an Apple TV last week - I have 400GB of Apple Lossless audio files stored on my PC, and a number of TV shows in MPEG2 format, extracted from my Humax digital recorder.
    The size of my media library means that syncing to the Apple TV's paltry 40GB HDD isn't an option, so I'm forced to use the ATV by streaming from iTunes.
    First problem - whenever I shut down iTunes and turn off my PC (at night, for example) and restart it, ATV completely fails to be able to reconnect to the same library. Every time, I have to remove Apple TV from iTunes, go into the Sources menu on ATV, connect to iTunes, go back to my PC, enter the new passcode, and then streaming comes back up. This is, frankly, ludicrous. My Roku SoundBridge manages to remember a connection when the server PC shuts down - why can't ATV?
    As I already have a SoundBridge, one of the main reasons for wanting an ATV was to get album art. But if you are streaming, ATV only seems to display album art that is embedded in each individual file - it can't make use of the iTunes album art feature, where artwork is stored separately to avoid bloat on the audio files.
    Finally, the restricted choice of video codecs is ludicrous. I have video stored as DVD-standard MPEG2 program streams, but iTunes won't accept that, and QuickTime won't even convert it.
    I wondered why, when I bought the ATV from the Apple Store in Bluewater, that the sales assistant told me, without my asking, that I had 14 days to bring it back in if I wasn't happy. I've never been told that in that past when buying anything - it does suggest a lack of confidence in the product. That said, I shall be taking advantage of it - the ATV is going back. I may buy another one in a few years when Apple have actually finished it...

    • MPEG-4 Part 10 (H.264) is in no way an inferior
    quality format. It is in fact far superior to MPEG-2,
    offering either smaller file size (better
    compression) for the same quality or greater quality
    for the same file size. It is the standard for HD-DVD
    & BluRay, for most HD satellite services, & for most
    terrestrial broadcasting (except in the US, where it
    is being considered as an upgrade to MPEG-2 for
    If you are truly concerned about file size or
    quality, this is the format you should be using, not
    A fair point - however, I do not believe that it is possible to convert MPEG-2 to MPEG-4/H.264 with no loss of quality. While MPEG-4 may well be a more efficient codec, not supporting native MPEG-2 results in lower quality DVD-sourced material, and I would contend that DVD is currently by far the largest source for content that people might want to display on their AppleTV.
    • Apple TV is not sold as a media server but as
    iTunes for your TV. You seem annoyed that the product
    isn't something it doesn't claim to be. This makes as
    much sense as complaining that a car you bought can't
    Errr - no. I don't expect it to be a media server; I expect it to be a media client, which is what it is sold as. The fact that it ships with a limited size hard drive and then fails to offer full functionality as a client in a streaming system is my major complaint. It does indeed claim to be "iTunes for your TV", but what it actually is is "iTunes for your TV, as long as your combined audio and video library is no bigger than 30GB". (And yes, I do mean 30GB - it would appear that 10GB of the drive isn't actually usable for media files.)
    • Providing MPEG-2 support is a necessity for any
    standard DVD player, & for that reason the cost of
    its license is built into every player on the planet,
    including those in computers. However, that license
    only grants one right: to decode DVD content coming
    from the player. To do anything else, you need a
    license with more rights. If you don't like this
    licensing arrangement, complain to the licensing
    authority (& good luck with that), not to Apple. The
    latter makes as much sense as complaining to Apple
    about Windows licensing arrangements.
    Other vendors of competing products have included MPEG-2 codecs and (presumably) the appropriate license. It is technically possible to run the MPEG-2 codec on AppleTV, as hackers have already managed to do so. To avoid including this capability because Apple weren't willing to negotiate a license is ludicrous. The MPEG-2 codec is available from Apple as a QT plugin for $20 - an MPEG-2 license would not have added significantly to the cost of an Apple TV.
    • If you feel the Pinnacle ShowCenter 200 better
    suits your needs, why not just buy it instead & skip
    the rant? This is a support forum intended for help
    with & discussion of the features of Apple TV. It is
    a good resource if you are interested in pre-purchase
    information or resolving post-purchase issues. It is
    not a support forum for emotional release issues
    (venting). There is nothing wrong with that -- in its
    proper place, it's probably healthy -- but this just
    isn't that kind of place.
    Fair point, but in that case, would someone like to correct either of my assumptions (if they are indeed incorrect):
    1. A streaming connection to AppleTV is broken to the point that it must be deleted and reinstated from scratch if the server PC is shut down and restarted.
    2. A streaming connection to AppleTV cannot display album art from the iTunes database unless that art is also embedded in every audio file streamed.
    Nowhere in any of the publicity for AppleTV does it suggest that you get reduced functionality when streaming compared to when syncing, and yet on these two points, it is (as far as I can tell) deficient. If all I wanted was a 30GB media library connected to my TV, I'd have plugged in my iPod - if AppleTV does not offer full functionality in a streaming environment, I can't see what it's for, which is why I'm a little peeved.

  • Maximum model size of 32k reached

    I've reached the maximum model size of 32k.
    The problem is that the dashboard I'm creating is still only a fifth of what the final solution will be.
    So now I'm trying to think of ways to split the model into five models. And hopefully still maintain communication between the models.
    Anyone have any ideas?
    My thoughts this far is to have a "main" model that implements four other models through the "HTML view".
    The best solution would be to implement the other models as external IViews but I don't know if it's possible.

    Hi Michael
    I think I'm not explaining my problem properly
    I have created my model in the way that you described it. But it's just One model. And it's growing too big. Compilation is taking too much time and I sometimes get the 32k error message.
    What I would like to do is to split the model into several models. Ex: 1 model with navigation and 1 model for each view. But I dont know how to do this.
    I know that I could have 2 models in separate IViews in a portal page that could communicate through events. But I don't know how to put 2 IViews on top of each other and toggle between them.
    What I hope will be implemented in VC is the ability to create an IView that links directly to another precompiled model.

  • Movie Art not showing for synced movies, only for streamed ones

    Movie art is shown correctly in iTunes and while streaming, but not on the movies synced (these show poster frame). The only 'movies' that show correctly their movie art in iTunes, streaming and synced are TV Shows, which has lead me to think that the size of the .m4v has something to do. I have to do tests to determine the posible size limit, but for now all the TV Shows have a file size less than 2GB. I'll try to do some testing as soon as work allows me to get back to a normal life, (T_T)

    Back again with some initial findings:
    1. Size of the file does not matters. It shows the poster frame for .m4v files of any size.
    2. Taking again into account your post, I checked every detail between the ripped TV shows and the ripped DVD movies and everything was the same except one small detail: audio settings. The ripped TV shows had an original Dolby Surround soundtrack, so I encoded them choosing the 'Dolby Surround' audio mix setting in the encoding program while with the ripped DVD movies that had an original Dolby Digital 5.1 I choose the '6 Channel Discrete' AAC 5.1 audio mix.
    Noticing this difference, I tried encoding one of the previous movies that had the movie art issue using the same settings, but changing the audio mix setting from '6 Channel Discrete' AAC 5.1 to 'Dolby Pro Logic II'. Imported it to iTunes, applied the Movie cover art, synced with the Apple TV and there was the movie art in the Appke TV.
    I'm gonna try again with different movies, but it seems, preliminarily, that the AAC 5.1 encoding setting does something to how the Apple TV sees the movie art in the file tags even though iTunes sees it alright.
    I'll let you know what results come out of my tests.
    Thanks again.

  • Suggestions on raw capture of AVI-DV transcode for streamer

    I am familiar with Pr Pro and AME and I make SD DVD's and HD Blu-Rays of self-produced
    video which I also stream. Of course I have to use an ancient version of Encore which still kind of works. I know this flies in the face of what Adobe thinks video editors do but most people I know do in fact still burn optical discs for customers or family members.  And then of course they can stream the ISO or a conversion of that disc if they are more technically savvy. Yes, I wish Adobe would fully support Encore!  But that is another matter....
    Anyway, there are still some older SD-DV clips that I capture that just stay in their AVI(wrapper) with a DV format and that I don't edit and make a disc out of.  They play fine on my PC but amazingly my streamer (a WDTV streaming device that plays absolutely everything else) does not support an AVI file wrapper with SD DV encoding. So it won't play it.
    So here finally is my question as it relates to AME.  What suggested formats would be best to just convert AVI-DV files if I don't want to make a DVD, just play the clip?  The streamer supports almost all other common codecs so that is not the issue.   It looks like I will have to keep 2 copies on my NAS.  One for archive purposes in AVI-DV format, and one transcoded smaller size copy that the streamer can play.  Up until now I have only used AME to transcode footage in preparation to make a DVD or Blu-Ray.  But in this case, I just need to change the AVI-DV format into a more common format so the streamer will play it.  I guess if it was disc friendly that would not work so for a future possible SD-DVD that would be good old MPEG-2, correct? But it could be anything and I think it is unlikely I would ever use this footage for a disc project. And if I did, I would have the original capture AVI-DV.  Ideas?  I am also looking at transcoding on the fly to my streamer but that is outside of the AME world.
    Thanks for any thoughts!

    No activity here but if anyone else has this question, I have received the following suggestion elsewhere.  For regular stereo audio, AVI-DV SD video, use MP4 with H.264 and AAC as codecs. So I will hunt around my AME presets to find or setup something appropriate.

  • Best quality for streaming

    I have some high-quality footage, shot at 1920x1080. I want to encode it to a WMV or FLV file and scale it to 550 px horizontal, 309 vertical. I arrive at these dimensions by dragging either of the two dimensions in AME with constrain checked. When I try to save that profile, I get an error message that it is an invalid frame size. It appears that the dimensions have to be integers, is that correct?
    Second, I have started with the Windows Media preset, then selected one of the sub-presets involving NTSC. In each case, the resulting video is posterized, as though working with a different color palette.
    I am trying to arrive at an image size and format that will give me high quality for streaming and which will not need to be re-scaled when I embed it into a web page.
    What is the best way for me to accomplish this?
    Joe Parsons

    Is it the horizontal dimension that causes that problem? And is there any significant difference between the two formats I mentioned? I have a different server where  can use only an MP4 file. Of those three formats, which is going to give me the best quality and performance for streamed video?
    Thanks for your help!
    Joe Parsons


    I have a 3'30" music video that I want to export as a Quicktime for streaming.
    It can't be more than 40 MB and preferably it should be lower, but with as good as poss screen quality.
    I also need to change the frame size, cos project is 16:9 anamorphic.
    Could somebody talk me through it..?
    Many thanks,

    Scheduling is not a problem as it can be done easily with iCal. Where you may run into trouble is having hinted and non-hinted files in the same folder as that will make it hard to select. A better idea would be to capture to a non-hinted folder, then run the Automator workflow to get those files, hint them, copy to a new hinted folder, and then delete the originals if necessary.
    A pretty easy workflow to accomplish this would be
    Get Specified Finder Items (on the non-hinted folder)
    Get Folder Contents
    Hint Movie
    Copy Finder Items (to hinted folder)
    Get Specified Finder Items (on the non-hinted folder)<select the Ignore Previous Results under Files/Folders on this action>
    Get Folder Contents
    Move to Trash
    You should definitely test it before adding the Move to Trash part to make sure it works well.
    To schedule, save as Plugin for iCal Alarm and make a repeating event.

  • Valid size not available for this creation when using Greeting Card feature

    Using PSE9 with a Mac.  When attempting to create a greeting card, after selecting the photo, the Greeting Card, I receive a pop up error message as follows:
    "Valid Size Not Available For This Creation".  (All other Create functions such as Photo Book, Photo Calendar, and Photo Collage appear to be working).  I have been in contact with Adobe Support and have been instructed to do a number of things from creating a new preferences file to uninstalling and re-installing the PSE software, with no result.  Has anyone else run into this problem, and if so have found a fix?  Thanks.

    I've been tearing my hair out over this one also. I've been on hold for over 10 hrs with Adobe Support waited over almost 2 weeks and still no resolution. I'm trying to create the Save the Date cards for my wedding and I can't wait for Adobe. Removing the preferences file and uninstalling/reinstalling does not fix the problem.
    That said I did figure out a workaround for this. It's easy but it does require Windows. For me this was no big deal as I do own a Windows box.
    Get the free trial version of PE9 for Windows and install it. If you don't have a Windows computer get to a friend that has one
    Upload some of your photos to the PE9 Windows Organizer (it's identical to the mac version)
    Select Create and then Greeting card. Photoshop will launch the guided edit feature for greeting cards.
    Select the Layout feature and once you find out that you like save it as Photoshop project. Repeat this step for as many layouts as necessary.
    Copy your Photoshop project files (and any folders) to your mac.
    Open the project files as you would with any other Photoshop file.
    You can now select the Create feature. You will be able add your pictures and resize them, you will be able to add/remove text, you'll be able to change the backgound/borders, add graphics...pretty much anything...EXCEPT automatically modify the layout. If you click on Layout, PE9 returns nothing. You can however go into full edit mode and if you have decent Photoshop skills you can make any changes to the layout manually.
    If I had to put money on this I'd say that there is a problem with the PE9 Mac installation package. For some reason it is not deploying the layout data/files or it is not putting them in the right place. For this reason the program can't find the layouts when the user selects the greeting card guided edit.
    Good luck.

  • I can no longer edit information for streaming files in Get Info.

    I can no longer edit information for streaming files in Get Info.

    Similar problem here. My Ical refuses to edit or delete events. Viewing is possible, though sometimes the whole screen turns grey. Adding new events from mail is still possible. The task-pane completely disappeared. My local apple technic-centre messed about with disk utility for a bit and than told me to reinstall leopard. I could of course do that, but it seems to me that reinstalling Leopard just to fix iCal events is a bit invasive.
    I tried also tried removing everything, installing a new copy of iCal from the leopard-cd, software updates, all to no avail.
    At the moment I'm open to all suggestions that do not include a complete leopard reinstall.

  • I can't download the apps with big size like need for spees, but in apps with normal size(less than 100KB)there is no problem,is there any body who can help me?

    I can't download the apps with big size like need for spees

    Have a little patience. 4 minutes is only a short time for someone to find your post and reply to it. Also clicking on "This Solved My Problem" marks your problem as solved so many folks that may otherwise help will pass the question by since it is "solved."
    I suggest you start a new question that gives a good title to a specific problem. Then in the body of the thread describe the problem in detail, tell us what steps you have tried so far to correct the problem, what happened, and what error messages you received.

  • How to get the file size (in bytes) for all files in a directory?

    How to get the file size (in bytes) for all files in a directory?
    The following code does not work. isFile() does NOT recognize files as files but only as directories. Why?
    Furthermore the size is not retrieved correctly.
    How do I have to code it otherwise? Is there a way of not converting f-to-string-to-File again but iterate over all file objects instead?
    Thank you
    Peter f = new"D:/todo/");
    files = f.list();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    System.out.println("fn=" + files);
    if (new File(files[i]).isFile())
         System.out.println("file[" + i + "]=" + files[i] + " size=" + (new File(files[i])).length() ); }

    pstein wrote:
    ...The following code does not work. Work?! It does not even compile! Please consider posting code in the form of an SSCCE in future.
    Here is an SSCCE.
    class ListFiles {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
   f = new"/media/disk");
            // provides only the file names, not the path/name!
            //String[] files = f.list();
            File[] files = f.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                System.out.println("fn=" + files);
    if (files[i].isFile()) {
    "file[" +
    i +
    "]=" +
    files[i] +
    " size=" +
    (files[i]).length() );
    }Edit 1:
    Also, in future, when posting code, code snippets, HTML/XML or input/output, please use the code tags to retain the indentation and formatting.   To do that, select the code and click the CODE button seen on the Plain Text tab of the message posting form.  It took me longer to clean up that code and turn it into an SSCCE, than it took to +solve the problem.+
    Edited by: AndrewThompson64 on Jul 21, 2009 8:47 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Pre-Size Your PPI for Best Print - Once Good Advice Still Good?

    In another thread someone mentinoed pre-sizing image data to prepare it for best printing.
    For a long time it's been "standard advice" to resize images so that the ppi is an even division of the printer's dpi, because some years ago occasionally one would run across printers that would produce poor results if you didn't - you might see jaggies in straight edges for example.
    Thing is, computers have (not so) quietly been getting more powerful over time, and printer makers have been competing with one another to try to make their printers produce better results than the other guys.  One way they've done this is by improving the quality of the algorithms in the printer drivers.  Use of mega storage and high accuracy math, which was once taxing on older computer systems, is now standard practice.
    So it's time to question the old rule of thumb.
    Making a few assumptions about the many variables (what printer, what OS, what version of drivers, what application being used to print) , there seem to be several questions here:
    1.  Can the image resolution be too high, causing the printer driver to make bad decisions about what ink dots to lay down where on the paper?
    2.  Does it help or matter if the image PPI is an even division of the printer's DPI?
    As I have done in the past, I set out to do some actual testing, to see if I can actually SEE anything to help answer these questions.
    I created a sharp image to be printed at 3 x 2 inches:
    Then I printed it at 6 different resolutions (1000, 720, 567, 300, 200, and 100 ppi) by resampling the image, labeling it, printing from Photoshop CS5, and feeding the same sheet of HP Premium Plus photo paper through my older HP 932c inkjet printer 6 times.  The printer was set to its highest quality settings, including 2400 x 1200 dpi mode.  This was the result:
    I then looked critically and as objectively as I could at the different images.  Here are my observations:
    Naked eye:
    The four highest resolution images (1000, 720, 567, and 300 ppi) all seemed to have an equivalent high level of crisp detail.
    I could not detect the inkjet dots.  Smooth objects look smooth.
    Jeweler's Loupe:
    I could see significant reduction in the finest details in the 300 ppi print vs. the three higher resolution prints, and a slight reduction in the 567 ppi vs. 720.
    At no resolution were any jaggies or evidence of aliasing visible.
    The inkjet dot pattern was plainly visible, and it does differ between the different prints.  But it was not possible to say whether one was "better".
    Things seem to have a little more texture in the 1000 ppi print vs. the 720 and 567 ppi prints.
    Macro Photo:
    Lacking a high resolution scanner, I took photographs of the 6 different prints.  Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to set up with my best lighting and lens combination, so I got some reflections off the glossy paper, and and at this resolution I can't really see the inkject dots in the photos.  I want to repeat this when I can find more time to do it better.  As I did these photos hand-held, I believe the variances between them could be slightly influencing the results.  But I'm going to post them anyway, for you to see.
    I could see ever so slightly more detail in the 720 ppi print vs. the 1000 ppi print, though from the size of the tiny dust/light reflections I think it may have just been the better focused.  Note that this observation is not supported by direct observation through the jeweler's loupe, above.
    The 1000 ppi and 567 ppi prints seems to have slightly more noise or texture than the 720 ppi print.  Again, this might be issues introduced by the photography process, though I did note a possible increase in texture in the 1000 ppi print with the jeweler's loupe as well.
    Beyond just the blurring, I could see some evidence that straight lines are not quite as straight in the lower resolutions (300 ppi and lower).  This seemed more apparent than with the jeweler's loupe examination, and I wonder whether the Photoshop downsampling process could have introduced it.
    Left to right, top to bottom:  1000, 720, 567, 300, 200, 100:
    Printing to my HP 932c inkject printer on Windows 7 x64
    300 ppi is not sufficient to coax the best possible detail out of an inkjet printer.  It appears a number in the vicinity of 720 or more is better, and this number could be much higher with modern very high resolution printers (mine's old). 
    Speed was no different in printing any of these - a modern computer can process a huge amount of data in the blink of an eye.
    When a sufficiently high resolution image is printed (in this case 567 ppi or higher) I saw virtually no evidence that a particular ppi value is superior, for example an even division of the printer's dpi, though in hindsight I realize I should have prepared a 600 ppi image (duh).  I will add a 600 ppi image before I re-photograph the results.
    It's possible ever so slightly more texture becomes visible at 1000 ppi than 720 ppi, but it might be just noise.
    Practically speaking, from looking critically at the results I could not see a reason to pre-size the image for a specific ppi value.
    I encourage you to experiment and report your results with your particular combination of gear.
    Your comments are welcome!

    Noel Carboni wrote:
    Jeff Schewe wrote:
    I would never suggest people actually downsample though...why waste the pixels?
    Exactly.  There was a statement in another recent thread that downsampling to be an even fraction of the print dpi was important to do.
    It might have been a misapplied extension of the advice to upsample.  It's not been all that long that we've had big enough high resolution data that even makes downsampling a possibility.
    I believe I was the one to make that statement, which was based on recommendations by an Epson Print expert at a seminar demoing printers. He showed to prints from the same file, one set at an even multiple of 720 and the other some random number. It was subtle but visible the difference. That was probably 5 years ago.
    In the meantime, I have made extensive tests of prints on my Epson 3800 trying many combinations of single pass, hi speed, Super fine print (2880x1440) and down to the basic level.
    Everything evened out at 720 dpi. At 360, which is where I output from ACR, I can make an 8x12 print with no resampling whatsoever. Upping that to 720 and pushing the printer hard (2880x1440, single pass on Canson Platine), I see a discernable difference in the smooth tonalities.
    As I understood you from past conversations, you employ the maximum output size from ACR which in my case, would double the file size by upsampling, and if necessary, downsample from that. I am not comfortable doing that as a default operation, but perhaps Jeff S might step in here and clarify.  After all, ACR does offer that option! But my file size now goes from ~70MP to 143 MP, cutting my storage capability by 1/2. It's not a trivial matter when two of us here can run 600 to 800 images in 1/2 day!

  • Recommended image size and dimensions for images displayed on iPad retina?

    What are the recommended dpi image size and dimensions for images designed in DPS app as displayed on an iPad retina?

    Take a look at the following link:

Maybe you are looking for